Who here is collecting retirement social security??

I am very lucky to still have my health. There is definitely something wrong with a system that you have to hire an attorney to get on disability. Silly how an attorney and judge has more say than a doctor about your ability to work but that is the way the system works.

If you installed a camera in every dwelling of a person on disability, you could kick half of them off the dole in a month. It's not easy to get on anymore but it used to be. I offered a woman collecting disability checks a job with my company who claimed "carpal tunnel" from 5 years of word processing. She laughed in my face. I heard her playing a piano one night and turned her in.
I am very lucky to still have my health. There is definitely something wrong with a system that you have to hire an attorney to get on disability. Silly how an attorney and judge has more say than a doctor about your ability to work but that is the way the system works.

If you installed a camera in every dwelling of a person on disability, you could kick half of them off the dole in a month. It's not easy to get on anymore but it used to be. I offered a woman collecting disability checks a job with my company who claimed "carpal tunnel" from 5 years of word processing. She laughed in my face. I heard her playing a piano one night and turned her in.
I agree it has been abused in most cases. My point is the abuse will not be corrected by an attorney and judge. There are honestly some people deserving of the benefit that are given the run around. What happened to the woman you turned in? My bet is nothing.
I waited until I was 66 before I started drawing my social security because I have a working farm and did not want to be punished for working and making money. If I had taken my social security, that I have paid in and still pay in, earlier I would be limited to the amount of money I could earn with my farm.
So what do you grow?
I have a poultry farm and raise cattle. I also grow and bale hay.
I agree it has been abused in most cases. My point is the abuse will not be corrected by an attorney and judge. There are honestly some people deserving of the benefit that are given the run around. What happened to the woman you turned in? My bet is nothing.

Nothing and she got her revenge....A community cat we all looked out for crawled up the stairs to my condo with a broken hip. I fed him and let him rest in a bedroom closet but he wasn't getting any better. So instead of spending hundreds of dollars at the Vet for a cat that wasn't mine, I turned him over to the Humane Society. She called them and said I'd kicked the cat. One of Sheriff Joe's deputies visited me that night and wasn't joking around. I convinced him I didn't kick the cat and I knew where the accusation came from. A couple nights later she was playing her piano again even louder.
I agree it has been abused in most cases. My point is the abuse will not be corrected by an attorney and judge. There are honestly some people deserving of the benefit that are given the run around. What happened to the woman you turned in? My bet is nothing.

Nothing and she got her revenge....A community cat we all looked out for crawled up the stairs to my condo with a broken hip. I fed him and let him rest in a bedroom closet but he wasn't getting any better. So instead of spending hundreds of dollars at the Vet for a cat that wasn't mine, I turned him over to the Humane Society. She called them and said I'd kicked the cat. One of Sheriff Joe's deputies visited me that night and wasn't joking around. I convinced him I didn't kick the cat and I knew where the accusation came from. A couple nights later she was playing her piano again even louder.
This is kinda off topic but I had a federal contract and hired several employees to work the job. I had an employee come to me and asked me to lay him off so he could draw unemployment. I laid him off and reported what he said. He still got the money. Is this a screwed up country or what?
This is kinda off topic but I had a federal contract and hired several employees to work the job. I had an employee come to me and asked me to lay him off so he could draw unemployment. I laid him off and reported what he said. He still got the money. Is this a screwed up country or what?

I know a guy who's been unemployed since the Wall Street boys raped the economy back in 2008. He was on stamps, medicare, the whole sheebang. Last fall he went back to work and informed the state he wouldn't need benefits anymore. You'd think they'd send him a "congratulations" letter. Nope....just a surly note that should he need benefits again he'd have to start the process all over again. He showed me the letter...it's like they were pissed that he was back on his own dime.
By the time I retire, I fully expect that SS will have utterly collapsed into insolvency.

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By the time I retire, I fully expect that SS will have utterly collapsed into insolvency.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

From a retirement "planning" perspective, that is a very good strategy. Always plan for the worst.

But more than likely the program will survive and you'll get your benefits. :thup:
I waited until I was 66 before I started drawing my social security because I have a working farm and did not want to be punished for working and making money. If I had taken my social security, that I have paid in and still pay in, earlier I would be limited to the amount of money I could earn with my farm.
So what do you grow?
I have a poultry farm and raise cattle. I also grow and bale hay.
Enviable life.
By the time I retire, I fully expect that SS will have utterly collapsed into insolvency.
Lots of people feel that way and have been feeling that way ever since the program was started about eighty years ago. That's because it seems too good to be true.

But it is true and it has been faithfully and flawlessly fulfilling its promise month after month, year after year, enabling millions of seniors to live out their delicate years with comfort and dignity.

Don't worry about it. You will be skeptical until the day that first check arrives in the mail or appears direct-deposited in your checking account. A pleasant surprise that will set your mind at ease.
Minimum wage first. Economic geniuses who think 15 dollar an hour wage,is a good thing know nothing about the real world. Such an incr are just causes price inflation. Now I have to charge more for my product to pay the wage. The guy who was getting $15 an hour wants his higher productivity rewarded more so his pay has to go up. Companies go to automation to get rid of high dollar employees. The largest problem though is that a $15 dollar wage destroys small,business and the middle class. Big corporations can absorb such increases and many don't even have min wage employees. What many fail to realize is that as pay goes up, small business has to,pay more in matching taxes, insurance, and fees that small businesses cannot afford as well as the pure wage. It would be a fact that if Florida mandated a minimum wage of $15, 30 employees of ours would be out of work and two restaurants would go under.

I will be 66 in sept and start to get social security. I pledged to myself at a young age that I would not be beholden to anyone else and I would make my own way. I admit I have been lucky and I have b en blessed but I have also,worked my ass off, and still do. I agree about taking the cap,off but not stopping payments. But I am concerned about the majority of people who rely on ss and Medicare for,their total support. My motherinlaw, God bless her, is a healthy 91 years old but she long long ago used up any contributions she made to social security. I don't begrudge her ss, but I get aggravated when she complains that she didn't get a raise in some years, she has no consideration for the people who are paying her way or u derstanding of what kind of economy it takes to keep that payment coming. Same deal with Medicare. It has become an entitlement she feels she unquestionably owns but feels no responsibility for. Such an attitude seems pervasive among way too many seniors.
Typical government dupe who doesn't like to do math

Tell me what would the money taken from you for the slush fund that is Social Security have been worth if you were able to keep it in your own private account?

Hint A hell of a lot more than the pittance you will be allowed to collect from the government
I've been collecting Social Security for the past fifteen years. I've already collected a lot more than I contributed before retiring and I will continue to collect until the day I die -- which, according to my doctor, won't be any time soon.

I will venture to guess you are under age 40, which means you are under the common impression that you never will grow old, which in turn means you don't believe you ever will collect from Social Security and therefore are hostile toward it and are vulnerable to right-wing propaganda. But take my word for it, unless you piss someone off enough to take you out, you will grow old. You will reach age 65. When you do you will start seeing these nice deposits in your checking account on the First of every month. Then you will look back and realize how full of shit Limbaugh and Hannity are.

The fact is that if you had that money in an account that you and not the government controlled you would have had much more to live on and would probably have money left to leave to your family.

I did the math for you but you don't seem to want to comment on that

And FYI I am older than 40 I just know that had I had control over my money I would have a hell of a lot more to live on in retirement

Social Security denies you the chance to be truly financially independent
Typical government dupe who doesn't like to do math

Tell me what would the money taken from you for the slush fund that is Social Security have been worth if you were able to keep it in your own private account?

Hint A hell of a lot more than the pittance you will be allowed to collect from the government
I've been collecting Social Security for the past fifteen years. I've already collected a lot more than I contributed before retiring and I will continue to collect until the day I die -- which, according to my doctor, won't be any time soon.

I will venture to guess you are under age 40, which means you are under the common impression that you never will grow old, which in turn means you don't believe you ever will collect from Social Security and therefore are hostile toward it and are vulnerable to right-wing propaganda. But take my word for it, unless you piss someone off enough to take you out, you will grow old. You will reach age 65. When you do you will start seeing these nice deposits in your checking account on the First of every month. Then you will look back and realize how full of shit Limbaugh and Hannity are.

The fact is that if you had that money in an account that you and not the government controlled you would have had much more to live on and would probably have money left to leave to your family.

I did the math for you but you don't seem to want to comment on that

And FYI I am older than 40 I just know that had I had control over my money I would have a hell of a lot more to live on in retirement

Social Security denies you the chance to be truly financially independent

I agree that the rate of return would be much higher if employees had the option to put the money into private accounts. . But the fact is most people do not have the discipline to save any money Especially low income workers. For them it's forced retirement insurance. Is it perfect? Hell no.

I see it as a back up to my own savings plan. I've been investing towards my own retirement since my 20's.
Typical government dupe who doesn't like to do math

Tell me what would the money taken from you for the slush fund that is Social Security have been worth if you were able to keep it in your own private account?

Hint A hell of a lot more than the pittance you will be allowed to collect from the government
I've been collecting Social Security for the past fifteen years. I've already collected a lot more than I contributed before retiring and I will continue to collect until the day I die -- which, according to my doctor, won't be any time soon.

I will venture to guess you are under age 40, which means you are under the common impression that you never will grow old, which in turn means you don't believe you ever will collect from Social Security and therefore are hostile toward it and are vulnerable to right-wing propaganda. But take my word for it, unless you piss someone off enough to take you out, you will grow old. You will reach age 65. When you do you will start seeing these nice deposits in your checking account on the First of every month. Then you will look back and realize how full of shit Limbaugh and Hannity are.

The fact is that if you had that money in an account that you and not the government controlled you would have had much more to live on and would probably have money left to leave to your family.

I did the math for you but you don't seem to want to comment on that

And FYI I am older than 40 I just know that had I had control over my money I would have a hell of a lot more to live on in retirement

Social Security denies you the chance to be truly financially independent

I agree that the rate of return would be much higher if employees had the option to put the money into private accounts. . But the fact is most people do not have the discipline to save any money Especially low income workers. For them it's forced retirement insurance. Is it perfect? Hell no.

I see it as a back up to my own savings plan. I've been investing towards my own retirement since my 20's.

Your concern is easily remedied

Make it mandatory just like it is now but instead of the money going into some government black hole it goes into an account owned by each individual
I don't begrudge her ss, but I get aggravated when she complains that she didn't get a raise in some years, she has no consideration for the people who are paying her way or u derstanding of what kind of economy it takes to keep that payment coming. Same deal with Medicare. It has become an entitlement she feels she unquestionably owns but feels no responsibility for. Such an attitude seems pervasive among way too many seniors.

Why should she feel "responsible for" a program she paid into with the promise she'd benefit from her investment. She isn't humble enough for you? When her SS doesn't buy what it used to without a COLA because of the cockeyed way they estimate inflation, she should just be grateful she still gets anything? And yet you say you're about to start taking checks from the same economy she does? Seems to me if you begrudge her payments you shouldn't take any yourself ya hypocrite.
I don't begrudge her ss, but I get aggravated when she complains that she didn't get a raise in some years, she has no consideration for the people who are paying her way or u derstanding of what kind of economy it takes to keep that payment coming. Same deal with Medicare. It has become an entitlement she feels she unquestionably owns but feels no responsibility for. Such an attitude seems pervasive among way too many seniors.

Why should she feel "responsible for" a program she paid into with the promise she'd benefit from her investment. She isn't humble enough for you? When her SS doesn't buy what it used to without a COLA because of the cockeyed way they estimate inflation, she should just be grateful she still gets anything? And yet you say you're about to start taking checks from the same economy she does? Seems to me if you begrudge her payments you shouldn't take any yourself ya hypocrite.

SS is not an investment it is a mandated confiscation of your money

You have a choice when you invest SS gives you no choice whatsoever
SS is not an investment it is a mandated confiscation of your money

You have a choice when you invest SS gives you no choice whatsoever

Fuck off....I paid in a lot longer than you have and don't need some bonehead to explain what SS is and what it isn't, fool.
The ONLY politician who will even TRY to help us is Bernie Sanders.

The government is blatantly lying when they say there has been no inflation.

So should the FEDS mandate that we get a living wage also?
If everyone is getting 15 bucks an hour, where does that leave us retirees?
Doesn't that move the economy past us? We didn't even get a cola this year.
Down the road this doesn't help the 65 and old crowd
Funny how you paid in so long and never knew it wasn't an investment

Yeah well, I'll take considerably more out of SS than I put into it, yo-yo; but you stick with your talking point like you understand the definition of the word "investment".
Funny how you paid in so long and never knew it wasn't an investment

Yeah well, I'll take considerably more out of SS than I put into it, yo-yo; but you stick with your talking point like you understand the definition of the word "investment".

And you are living on considerably less than you would have if you were able to actually invest the money taken from you over your working career and you most likely would have had something to leave your grand kids as well

I did the math for you in an earlier post go ahead and try to tell me you're getting better deal with SS

No one who knows anything about money thinks SS is an investment

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