Who here is collecting retirement social security??

That makes welfare the single biggest chunk of federal spending — topping Social Security and basic defense spending.

Medicaid provides health care at a noticeably cheaper price than Medicare does, and both are cheaper than the cost of private-sector health insurance,” he said. “The problem is not that the programs are badly designed — it is that the entire health care system in the U.S. is much more expensive than in any other advanced country.”

Combined with several programs also directed at health care, the category made up 46 percent of total welfare spending in 2011.

Did you read that part about how health care is 46% of those costs?

The EITC, expensive.
SNAP, expensive.

So which of these do you want to take away? Food? Health care? Or the EITC?

Why haven't the republicans, now that they control Congress, take away some or all of these benefits?

I didn't suggest taking anything away from anybody. I am merely pointing out that Welfare is hands off, we are not to question its COLAs, every year. But SS, now that is a big ripe target. The SS trust fund is still, on paper, in the black, thus it is a target.
So should the FEDS mandate that we get a living wage also?
If everyone is getting 15 bucks an hour, where does that leave us retirees?
Doesn't that move the economy past us? We didn't even get a cola this year.
Down the road this doesn't help the 65 and old crowd

Go back to work if you want. I recommend Walmart greeter.
People earning 15 bucks an hour, as opposed to say 8 or 10,

pay more into SS and Medicare.

receive less government assistance in many cases where assistance is tied to earnings.

pay more in income tax.

spend more and thus pay more in sales taxes.
Then what happens when people get paid 60 dollars an hour?
Or 100 dollars an hour? Or 2 thousand dollars a day?

The left has no grasp of economics. Fiat currency has no defacto value. It is a marker of barter. IF you inflate the marker, it has no effect on items with actual value. Two eggs will feed a man breakfast. The arbitrary marker used, where $1 or $5,000 will not alter the value of the eggs, which is to provide a meal. Fiat currency will peg to value, it must. Adam Smith demonstrated this several centuries back. When more dollars chase a static pool of goods and services, the ratio of dollars changes, prices go up.

Man that 15 dollars an hour employe is one powerful worker. Able to effect entire economies on their 15 bucks an hour. WOW.

Doubling the dollars in the hands of unskilled labor adds no value to the system. Value will find equilibrium. Because the value of a loaf of bread is static, the mass inflation of wages must cause a related inflation of the dollars required for that loaf.

Fiat currency has no intrinsic value.
guy on outside toilet.jpg

Sent by Likkmee using Tapatalk.
Remove the current cap on income (currently at $118,000) and the program is sustainable for another 75 years. There is no reason to "means test" unless your goal is to punish people for being successful. If it is, that makes you far worse than a "miserly sonofabitch", it makes you a damn fool.
My goal is to "punish" no one. My goal would be to prevent the kind of abject misery that would result from termination of the Social Security program.

I've been receiving Social Security allotments for over fifteen years. In addition to that I have a generous civil service pension. I also have a nice stack of U.S. Savings bonds and a modestly comforting bank account. Briefly stated, I am financially comfortable. So if it became necessary to reduce my monthly Social Security allotment by ten or twenty dollars I wouldn't even notice it -- and that minor reduction would, collectively, afford some less fortunate individuals continued access to the bare essentials of life.

So, again, for me to oppose such a minor reduction in my allotment, which would not affect me negatively in the least, I would need to be a greedy, miserly sonofabitch.

Your notion that the imposition of such a relatively benign but critically necessary modification in monthly Social Security allotments is "punishing people for being successful" is rather obnoxious. Sorry but I can't think of a more appropriate word for it. If I wouldn't even notice such a nominal reduction in my allotment, how in the world do you perceive it as "punishment?"

Although I attended Catholic school I've been an atheist for as long as I can remember. But I do believe some of my countrymen can use a little dose of religion in its most basic form.

You are missing the point. There is no need to means test the program or reduce benefits. Simply remove the cap on earnings and the program is solvent for another 75 years.
Then let me opt the hell out and stop mooching off me. Oh wait, you have to mooch off me then screw me out of my benefits to keep this mismanaged government slush fund afloat.

Imagine ME "mooching" off YOU! :lol: I earned my bennies asshole....and you'll pay and LIKE IT. Who cares if you get yours when the time comes...not me, I'm a Boomer...we're satanic!

Keep telling us who you really are I love that! :laugh:
So should the FEDS mandate that we get a living wage also?
If everyone is getting 15 bucks an hour, where does that leave us retirees?
Doesn't that move the economy past us? We didn't even get a cola this year.
Down the road this doesn't help the 65 and old crowd[/QUOTE
Go back to work if you want. I recommend Walmart greeter.

Your ass must be jealous of your mouth

Your ass must be jealous of your mouth
So should the FEDS mandate that we get a living wage also?
If everyone is getting 15 bucks an hour, where does that leave us retirees?
Doesn't that move the economy past us? We didn't even get a cola this year.
Down the road this doesn't help the 65 and old crowd
You aren't meant to live off Social Security. It's a supplement. One I'm taking next year.
So should the FEDS mandate that we get a living wage also?
If everyone is getting 15 bucks an hour, where does that leave us retirees?
Doesn't that move the economy past us? We didn't even get a cola this year.
Down the road this doesn't help the 65 and old crowd
You aren't meant to live off Social Security. It's a supplement. One I'm taking next year.
So is the next step, SS should be a living wage?
Social security is designed to keep you poor
That rather stunning bit of high-caliber right-wing propaganda must qualify you for the Rush Limbaugh citation for Outstanding Service to your Country's One Percent.

Would you please explain how Social Security manages to keep us poor? I'm having a hell of a time trying to figure it out because I keep coming up with an opposing conclusion.
Social security is designed to keep you poor
That rather stunning bit of high-caliber right-wing propaganda must qualify you for the Rush Limbaugh citation for Outstanding Service to your Country's One Percent.

Would you please explain how Social Security manages to keep us poor? I'm having a hell of a time trying to figure it out because I keep coming up with an opposing conclusion.

Typical government dupe who doesn't like to do math

Tell me what would the money taken from you for the slush fund that is Social Security have been worth if you were able to keep it in your own private account?

Hint A hell of a lot more than the pittance you will be allowed to collect from the government
For simplicity's sake let's assume you start making 40K when you are 22 and never get a raise until you retire at age 67
If you earn 40K a year you have approx 95 dollars taken from a pay period you if you get paid biweekly.

Your employer matches that

So (95x2)26/12 = 412 a month

If you saved that $412 a month and got a 6.5% average annual return (A very conservative portfolio BTW) you would have $1,333,655

Now what kind of payout is that in retirement you ask?

If you got a 4% average annual return from the day you retired (A good investment grade bond portfolio) you would be able to withdraw 5000 a month for 30 years and still have over $350,000 to leave to your grand-kids

Now think how much you would have if you just saved another 5% of your income how about another 10%?

Compare that to the max payout of about $2500 a month for SS and then factor in that the person in our example probable won't get the max payout and then tell me SS isn't designed to keep you poor
Typical government dupe who doesn't like to do math

Tell me what would the money taken from you for the slush fund that is Social Security have been worth if you were able to keep it in your own private account?

Hint A hell of a lot more than the pittance you will be allowed to collect from the government
I've been collecting Social Security for the past fifteen years. I've already collected a lot more than I contributed before retiring and I will continue to collect until the day I die -- which, according to my doctor, won't be any time soon.

I will venture to guess you are under age 40, which means you are under the common impression that you never will grow old, which in turn means you don't believe you ever will collect from Social Security and therefore are hostile toward it and are vulnerable to right-wing propaganda. But take my word for it, unless you piss someone off enough to take you out, you will grow old. You will reach age 65. When you do you will start seeing these nice deposits in your checking account on the First of every month. Then you will look back and realize how full of shit Limbaugh and Hannity are.

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