Who Here Stands With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?

social democracy includes solving simple poverty; the left has solutions.
Simple poverty....:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
lol. I have an Argument and You don't.

Unemployment compensation for being unemployed in our at-will employment States solves for simple poverty.

Let's say fourteen dollars an hour for simply being unemployed.

No homeless person would be worse off.
Who Here Stands With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?

Who here actually lives in the district and thus has a relevant opinion?

Let's see --- west coast 3000 miles away; Texas, 1500 miles away, Kansas City 1000 miles away. And oh yes a "Canadian" wink wink.

Good job there.

Nice dodge. I fully support Ted Cruz. I'm not in his state.

Now, can ANY of you do that? You know you support her ideas. Come down it and say so.

She's not running in my district, so there's nothing to "dodge"; hence I haven't even looked at her ideas.

Never has so much butthurt been floated by so many from so far away.

Well, we already knew you're a shortsighted moron, so that's not news.

Just because I can't vote for or against the silly twat doesn't mean her election doesn't affect me. She's running for the House of Representatives. Perhaps you've heard of them? Lower house of the US Congress, which is the legislative branch of the federal government? Helps to pass laws that affect the entire country? Am I ringing any bells in your belfry, or just stirring up bats?

Basically you're tossing an emotional hissyfit. You know me better than that, and I know you better.

Who Here Stands With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?

Who here actually lives in the district and thus has a relevant opinion?

Let's see --- west coast 3000 miles away; Texas, 1500 miles away, Kansas City 1000 miles away. And oh yes a "Canadian" wink wink.

Good job there.

Who here is subject to the laws passed by Congress, for which she is running, and therefore has a relevant opinion?

Who here does not have their own Congresscritter to counteract her if needed?
Seems to me that's what equal representation means.

I don't troll around on this board pissing on some Congress candy in Nebraska. It's not my district; it's their business, not mine, and I'm not qualified to dictate who should represent them.

Just as I don't really care who's running for mayor of Madrid.

I just find it fascinating that so many panties are bunched into so many wads from so many miles away. Says something about control freakism.
lol. I know I Must be Right and You Must be Wrong, simply Because, you have No Argument, only Fallacy.

Hey, can you say the word 'Fallacy' again? It totally makes you sound like you're smart. :rofl:
Having Only Excuses; makes You, look dumb.

So far, the only thing you've proven, is that you can use the word 'Fallacy' way too much. You've used it like 25 times on this thread alone. It's not making you sound smart. It's actually achieving the opposite effect. :)
i have solutions, not excuses. only the right wing does that while alleging equality not the truth in advertising of inferiority.
Your solution destroys the country. So that’s your solution.
nobody takes right wing soothsay and more credibly than right wing hearsay.

You need an actual argument, not your made up fantasy.

How would having recourse to unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed, be worse for the People.

You have no economic arguments; you don't have a social argument either, do you, right wingers.

time=money, right wingers; don't be, worth less.
In the real world, one hundred percent is "full employment".

Where in the "real world" has your "idea" been successfully implemented?
did you know, simply asking that question is a fallacy?

I am in the Eureka State and have the federal doctrine at our disposal.

Did you know, not answering that question is a clue?
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage is a cost of living adjustment.

Unemployment compensation for being unemployed in our at-will employment States solves for simple poverty.

and giga-recycling "factories" help with social costs by creating a market for repurposable goods.

Grow our economy, we Must.

any actual, economic rebuttals? your one trick pony of inflation is bogus.

A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage is a cost of living adjustment.

A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage will cause many unskilled/low-skilled workers to be unemployable.

Unemployment compensation for being unemployed in our at-will employment States solves for simple poverty.

Huge spending programs that also reduce the incentive to work will harm our economy.

and giga-recycling "factories" help with social costs by creating a market for repurposable goods.

Feel free to invest your weed earnings in that.
A cost of living adjustment, a solution for simple poverty, and a sustainable solution for our environment.

For the People! Not the capital Profit!
Hey, can you say the word 'Fallacy' again? It totally makes you sound like you're smart. :rofl:
Having Only Excuses; makes You, look dumb.

So far, the only thing you've proven, is that you can use the word 'Fallacy' way too much. You've used it like 25 times on this thread alone. It's not making you sound smart. It's actually achieving the opposite effect. :)
i have solutions, not excuses. only the right wing does that while alleging equality not the truth in advertising of inferiority.
Your solution destroys the country. So that’s your solution.
nobody takes right wing soothsay and more credibly than right wing hearsay.

You need an actual argument, not your made up fantasy.

How would having recourse to unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed, be worse for the People.

You have no economic arguments; you don't have a social argument either, do you, right wingers.

time=money, right wingers; don't be, worth less.

Lowest Unemployment in 17yrs, isn't good enough for ya? You really think Communists could do better? You need to study up some more on Communism/Socialism. It isn't the answer.
Having Only Excuses; makes You, look dumb.

So far, the only thing you've proven, is that you can use the word 'Fallacy' way too much. You've used it like 25 times on this thread alone. It's not making you sound smart. It's actually achieving the opposite effect. :)
i have solutions, not excuses. only the right wing does that while alleging equality not the truth in advertising of inferiority.
Your solution destroys the country. So that’s your solution.
nobody takes right wing soothsay and more credibly than right wing hearsay.

You need an actual argument, not your made up fantasy.

How would having recourse to unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed, be worse for the People.

You have no economic arguments; you don't have a social argument either, do you, right wingers.

time=money, right wingers; don't be, worth less.

Lowest Unemployment in 17yrs, isn't good enough for ya? You really think Communists could do better? You need to study up some more on Communism/Socialism. It isn't the answer.
Yes, the left can do better than right wing rhetoric regarding the right wing concept of a natural rate of unemployment.

Full employment is one hundred percent, for the left, for social purposes.

Unemployment compensation for being unemployed in our at-will employment States solves for simple poverty.
social democracy includes solving simple poverty; the left has solutions.
Simple poverty....:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
lol. I have an Argument and You don't.

Unemployment compensation for being unemployed in our at-will employment States solves for simple poverty.

Let's say fourteen dollars an hour for simply being unemployed.

No homeless person would be worse off.
Your solution ensures no one works. As I already told you. Give always never work. You don’t know history do you?
social democracy includes solving simple poverty; the left has solutions.
Simple poverty....:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
lol. I have an Argument and You don't.

Unemployment compensation for being unemployed in our at-will employment States solves for simple poverty.

Let's say fourteen dollars an hour for simply being unemployed.

No homeless person would be worse off.
Your solution ensures no one works. As I already told you. Give always never work. You don’t know history do you?
Talk is cheap. Even little girls can do that equally. Men have arguments.
Fox news has conservatives trained like dogs. You guys just hate whoever they tell you to hate.

Nancy Pelosi
Hillary Clinton
David Hogg
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Oh yeah, THAT'S why we dislike those people: because Fox News told us to. It can't POSSIBLY be because they're all nasty, objectionable people in their own right, with terrible ideas. Good God, no! They're leftists, so they're automatically perfect, charming, and brilliant, and we're all just brainwashed to hate.

In other news, I'm very sorry to hear that your lobotomy scars are itching.

There are plenty of leftists. Those ones are targeted by Fox, and just like the good little sheep that you guys are, THOSE are the ones that you guys target.

I suppose you think that's a coincidence lol.

She has those Charlie Manson eyes
Charlie's a trump hero I hear.
Raped more women
social democracy includes solving simple poverty; the left has solutions.
Simple poverty....:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
lol. I have an Argument and You don't.

Unemployment compensation for being unemployed in our at-will employment States solves for simple poverty.

Let's say fourteen dollars an hour for simply being unemployed.

No homeless person would be worse off.

Let's say fourteen dollars an hour for simply being unemployed.

Let's say no.
social democracy includes solving simple poverty; the left has solutions.
Simple poverty....:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
lol. I have an Argument and You don't.

Unemployment compensation for being unemployed in our at-will employment States solves for simple poverty.

Let's say fourteen dollars an hour for simply being unemployed.

No homeless person would be worse off.

Let's say fourteen dollars an hour for simply being unemployed.

Let's say no.
no arguments?
Where in the "real world" has your "idea" been successfully implemented?
did you know, simply asking that question is a fallacy?

I am in the Eureka State and have the federal doctrine at our disposal.

Did you know, not answering that question is a clue?
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage is a cost of living adjustment.

Unemployment compensation for being unemployed in our at-will employment States solves for simple poverty.

and giga-recycling "factories" help with social costs by creating a market for repurposable goods.

Grow our economy, we Must.

any actual, economic rebuttals? your one trick pony of inflation is bogus.

A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage is a cost of living adjustment.

A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage will cause many unskilled/low-skilled workers to be unemployable.

Unemployment compensation for being unemployed in our at-will employment States solves for simple poverty.

Huge spending programs that also reduce the incentive to work will harm our economy.

and giga-recycling "factories" help with social costs by creating a market for repurposable goods.

Feel free to invest your weed earnings in that.
A cost of living adjustment, a solution for simple poverty, and a sustainable solution for our environment.

For the People! Not the capital Profit!

A cost of living adjustment, a solution for simple poverty,

An expensive handout that incentivizes sloth. Nope.

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