Who here would defend Ramos's right to buy AR's

To be clear, The AR15 was originally designed as a military weapon, capable of full auto select fire and issued to air force personnel. Only after the weapon began to be sold for civilian use did the m16 variant with select fire get its name. Anyone who has ever trained in the military on an m16 knows it was-adapted from the amour lite AR15. You are trained to use it on semi auto the vast majority of your time in combat. Semi auto ar15 platform rifles are military style rifles in every sense of the word.

No, it wasn’t. It was originally patented as a civilian weapon
I'm pro 2A. But I don't support whacko's having the right to buy a gun. In the other thread I started, meant to just have a conversation, so many retards saying "shall not be infringed," didn't seem to have a clue as to what having a conversation even meant.

Those are the right wing radicals that would support someone like Ramos and his "right to keep and bear arms." Which is a total slap in the face for Americans who lost loved ones due to gun violence. Yall should be ashamed.
You want to punish people before they break the law?
Of course he passed the background check. He just turned 18. All the legal crap he got into was sealed when he turned 18.

That'll happen at any age, though.

Or are you suggesting that he no longer be afforded juvenile protection after age 18, but he still can't buy a gun?

Because that wouldn't make a lot of sense...
Huh ? Really, in a class room at a school at one time.

How many mass killings are there each year by auto are there. Operating an auto is so heavily controlled and teens value driving freedom so much, there is no evidence that teens do mass killings with cars like they do with firearms.
No he couldnt

Are guns your preferred means of mass murder?

Is it only the gun you fear or the crazy mixed up kid behind the gun?

As if killers wake up one morning and if they have a suitable firearm they go to a school and kill people

But if not they go to the local democrat party office and volunteer for the Biden reelection campaign
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To be clear, The AR15 was originally designed as a military weapon, capable of full auto select fire and issued to air force personnel. Only after the weapon began to be sold for civilian use did the m16 variant with select fire get its name. Anyone who has ever trained in the military on an m16 knows it was-adapted from the amour lite AR15. You are trained to use it on semi auto the vast majority of your time in combat. Semi auto ar15 platform rifles are military style rifles in every sense of the word.
Every rifle ever built was based on a military design going back to the matchlocks

Meaning its only a matter of time before libs show up at our door demanding all our guns
To be clear, The AR15 was originally designed as a military weapon, capable of full auto select fire and issued to air force personnel. Only after the weapon began to be sold for civilian use did the m16 variant with select fire get its name. Anyone who has ever trained in the military on an m16 knows it was-adapted from the amour lite AR15. You are trained to use it on semi auto the vast majority of your time in combat. Semi auto ar15 platform rifles are military style rifles in every sense of the word.

Wrong, you dumb ass....

The FOIA request itself was prompted from a Nov. 2017 article in The Atlantic in which the magazine, unsurprisingly to anyone familiar with its anti-gun bent, attempted to bolster a claim that “these rifles were meant for the military, not civilians.”
“Colt sent a pilot model rifle (serial no. GX4968) to the BATF for civilian sale approval on Oct. 23, 1963. It was approved on Dec. 10, 1963, and sales of the ‘Model R6000 Colt AR-15 SP1 Sporter Rifle’ began on Jan 2, 1964,” one critic of the article contended. “The M16 wasn’t issued to infantry units until 1965 (as the XM16E1), wasn’t standardized as the M16A1 until 1967, and didn’t officially replace the M14 until 1969.”

Original ATF AR-15 Classification Refutes Claim that Rifle ‘Not Meant’ for Civilians
I'm pro 2A. But I don't support whacko's having the right to buy a gun.
Was Ramos involuntarily committed? No.
Was he adjudicated mentally infirm? No.
Then he was legally able to buy a gun.
The Due Process clause of the 5th Amendment precludes some non-judicial, subjective determination of "whacko" as sufficient grounds to remove someone's rights.
Was Ramos involuntarily committed? No.
Was he adjudicated mentally infirm? No.
Then he was legally able to buy a gun.
The Due Process clause of the 5th Amendment precludes some non-judicial, subjective determination of "whacko" as sufficient grounds to remove someone's rights.
He should never have been able to purchase those guns and ammo like he did. Those kids deaths are on the Republican Taliban in Texas. There are crazy people in every country. Texas is the only one who enjoys selling them guns, no questions asked.

It's the Republicans and their stupid killing machines that is the problem.
As an 18-YO w/ no legal disabilities,. It was perfectly legal for him to do so.

Thank you for demonstrating your ignorance, bigotry, and irrational fear.
LOL Right. Your ad hom attacks are hilarious. Your guilt over what you've done to our babies must be all-consuming.

I hope it hurts. It's the least those babies who dies while you hugged your AR deserve it.

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