who honestly doesn't believe in evolution?

Do you believe evolution is real?

  • Yes

    Votes: 42 84.0%
  • No

    Votes: 8 16.0%

  • Total voters
So who doesn't believe in evolution? Not abiogenesis, but evolution.

I find it really hard to grasp that some people don't believe in evolution, which is proven, and I think many of those who question "evolution" are actually questioning abiogenesis:

Abiogenesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Where has it been "proven" and what "proof" were you told existed and exactly when did the theory of evolution move from "theory" to scientific fact? ONLY that which has been PROVEN is considered scientific fact -and any theory that isn't proven can NEVER be "fact". There are reasons it is still a theory -and always will be!

Science is not a religion and there is NO obligation on me whatsoever to "believe" in ANY theory. Science carries the SOLE obligation of producing INDISPUTABLE and UNCONTESTED proof first. That is because my BELIEF will never prove a theory to be true or false and that isn't how its done. What is it people like you don't get? Scientific truth is NOT determined by CONSENSUS! It is the obligation of scientists to provide indisputable, uncorrupted proof and their failure or inability to do so means it is not fact. There are major reasons Darwin theory is still a theory and NOT scientific fact -and what they don't teach you in public schools is that it never will be fact. Until I went to college and entered advanced science classes, I FIRMLY believed what I had been taught in public school about evolution. I used to scoff at doubters and absolutely believed they had a major screw loose.

I don't believe in evolution anymore and think Darwin gave it the best shot he could given the level of scientific information that was on hand at that time. But he got all the major stuff wrong and only got a couple of minor things correct after all. If Darwin were alive today he would be the very first to admit he got nearly ALL of it dead wrong and would wish he had known then some of the stuff we know for a fact today. Because THAT stuff is what proved evolution was little more than an a cheap attempt to try and explain EVERYTHING with one exceedingly simple theory -that ended up actually explaining nothing at all. The ONLY theories that ever pan out are those that identify a very SPECIFIC phenomenon and tries to explain its existence. No one theory is ever going to explain EVERYTHING like the theory of evolution attempted to do.

That does NOT mean there is no such thing as natural selection -of course there is. But natural selection is NOT evolution whereby one species turns into another one. It only changes how the typical individual of that species LOOKS. That means the outward appearance of species can change over time -a horse eons ago looked very different from what it looks like today. But its species was still horse then and it is today. Only what a typical horse LOOKS like has changed -not its species. What Darwin did not know is about is DNA and WHERE on the strand mutations do and do not occur. The DNA that identifies the species is extremely hardy and resistant to mutations -mutations there are lethal to the individual which is nature's way of keeping the species the SAME! If it is "natural" for one species to turn into a totally different one over time -then why would nature build in such a lethal means of eliminating those individuals with mutations on the part of their DNA that identifies their species?? It is why it is a scientific FACT that two parents of one species can ONLY produce offspring of that same species. No matter how many mutations that affect its APPEARANCE or how its parts function -it will still ALWAYS be of that same species. Unlike Darwin's THEORY, that is a scientific FACT. That means it is also a scientific FACT that no matter how you want to cut it, with Darwin's theory, it requires you to accept that at SOME POINT, two parents of one species have produced offspring that are no longer that same species. There is no such thing as being a "little bit" different species. Your DNA and the President's DNA that identifies your species is IDENTICAL. Not just somewhat the same but IDENTICAL. It is why DNA testing involves only testing that part of the strand regarding how the individual will look -not its species. And with Darwin's theory, no matter how you want to cut it, at some point you MUST accept that parents of one species must produce offspring of a different species because there is no such thing as a "little bit different species". The difference between humans and chimps involves just 2% of the DNA strand that identifies SPECIES -yet it IS a different species. Not just a little bit different. Yet we KNOW it is scientifically IMPOSSIBLE for two parents of one species to produce offspring that is anything but its own species. Which means that part of the DNA looks the same no matter how far back you want to go and no matter how far into the future you want to go. THAT is INDISPUTABLE SCIENTIFIC FACT. Whoops.

What also does NOT happen -not EVER as anything remotely "natural" -is for nonliving, non-conscious materials to produce a living organism. Anyone who thinks that would be a "natural event" is gravely mistaken. The fact man has spent CENTURIES trying to accomplish that as even an unnatural act should be a big clue here and it has never once ever been seen to occur in nature -which means it is not part of nature at all. It is scientific FACT that such a thing would be totally UNNATURAL if it ever occurred! So a theory that posits such a thing as being part of nature should be recognized as the silliness it really is -unless you have a deep seated need to believe that this planet once had a magical property to create life from nonliving stuff but then lost its magic and it was never to be seen to occur ever again!! Man's efforts to try and create life from non-living materials has only proven how UNNATURAL it would be. So if YOU think a living organism arising from the non-living muck is a "natural event" when we know for a fact no life has EVER resulted from non-living materials -it is YOUR critical thinking skills that should be called into question.

Another part Darwin got wrong was the utterly RIDICULOUS notion that over time one species will turn into a completely different one! Wow -think about that one. It would mean it is possible for YOUR descendants to not be human at all! But we also know that two parents of one species can NEVER produce anything but an offspring of that species. No exceptions EVER found. Now the outward physical appearance of a species can change over time -but no matter how dramatic those changes may be, it will NEVER change their species. THAT is the part of the DNA strand that is nearly 100% resistant to any mutation. And when it does mutate, it is also exceedingly lethal to the individual even before its birth. It is nature's way of keeping the species the SAME! Which tells you that one species turning into another one is something nature RESISTS and not natural at all!

If there is no way to prove a theory correct, it is useless. If the person who came up with the theory tells you exactly where the evidence that would back up his theory exists and what he believes that evidence will be -then we should take that seriously whether it does indeed back up his theory -or contradicts it instead. Darwin said the ONLY evidence backing up his theory would be found in the fossil record -got that one? The ONLY evidence to support his theory at all would be in the fossil record and nowhere else. He said the MAJORITY of fossils would be "in-between" showing one species in the process of turning into a totally different one and the minority of fossils of a clearly identifiable species. He was wrong. Not just a little wrong but 100% wrong. Not only are the majority of fossils not "in-betweens", there isn't even ONE found for ANY species EVER. No "in-between" fossil for even a single species. And the fossil record has been massively added to since Darwin and still -not a single "in-between" for even ONE species much less the majority of them being "in-betweens". Whoops -in the world of science THAT is a biggie! In fact, in the science world that is some serious evidence indicating a major problem with the theory!

Another major part of his theory was that life has become MORE diversified over time. Meaning that with every geological age that moves closer to our current time, the greater the number of different species. Except he got THAT dead wrong too. In fact the greatest diversity of life took place in the Cambrian -and it has become LESS diverse with each passing geological age since -the EXACT OPPOSITE of what he theorized! Another major WHOOPS. There are actually more than 20 MAJOR "whoops" with Darwin's theory and ANY theory that is that wrong -is NOT RIGHT. That is how science works -not by whether I fall to my knees and "believe"!

We have far more scientific knowledge today than Darwin had -and I have no doubt he wished he had known a lot of it before offering his theory because there was no way for him to know at the time that a lot of the stuff he believed to be true, just wasn't. If he were alive today he'd be the first to admit he got it wrong because above all, he was a scientist -not a political ideologue demanding religious worship of a failed theory.
"Where has it been "proven" and what "proof" were you told existed and exactly when did the theory of evolution move from "theory" to scientific fact? ONLY that which has been PROVEN is considered scientific fact -and any theory that isn't proven can NEVER be "fact". There are reasons it is still a theory -and always will be!"

God is a theory. There is no evidence whatsoever that a god exists. It is pure speculation. The fact than many believe it does not add anything to argument.

Evolution is a theory only in that there are a few gaps in the billions of bits of factual information and studies supporting it.

Idiots use word games to support arguments. If you are keen to challenge a "theory" Why not make it easy on yourself and pick a theory with zero factual support ..like the existance of god.
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Where has it been "proven" and what "proof" were you told existed and exactly when did the theory of evolution move from "theory" to scientific fact? ONLY that which has been PROVEN is considered scientific fact -and any theory that isn't proven can NEVER be "fact". There are reasons it is still a theory -and always will be!
Why don't you challenge the Theory of Gravity by jumping off a cliff?
I could probably care less about whatever insane stretch you want to pretend is the "real" interpretation of what he said, but it would likely require elective surgery. If that's what he meant, then that should have been what he said. It ISN'T what he said, and I only read English. I don't read minds.
You had trouble seeing the connection that a penny and a dollar were both money. This isn't the case of "insane stretch" as blatant stupidity. But hey, keep telling yourself it was really hard if it makes you feel better.

Pretty much every point of Darwinistic evolution - and don't even try to start with that whole "Darwin's original theory" hairsplitting with me. It's not working for him, and it won't work for you - is too weak on evidence to warrant my belief.

Oh, and tossing around jargon in an attempt to intimidate me doesn't work either. You should know that by now.
Darwin passed away a long time ago. Quite a bit of knowledge has surfaced since Darwin, including that little thing called genetics. See I thought you were interested in talking about evolution. When I bring up actual points about evolution, including words you could easily google, you once again claim it's too hard for you and actually say I'm attempting to intimidate you? HAHAHAHA.

So I see the trend here. You claim no one really wants to talk about the topic, and when the topic is actually discussed, you claim it's too difficult or someone is somehow splitting hairs or being mean. Awwww.

In all actuality it appears you don't actually know anything about this topic, and any attempt to discuss the major points with you yields..... you flipping out.

So it seems to either be theories from centuries ago, or too difficult for you to talk about. Once again I will ask: what part of current understanding of evolution doesn't work for you? No, Darwin is not current evolution.
We have far more scientific knowledge today than Darwin had -and I have no doubt he wished he had known a lot of it before offering his theory because there was no way for him to know at the time that a lot of the stuff he believed to be true, just wasn't. If he were alive today he'd be the first to admit he got it wrong because above all, he was a scientist -not a political ideologue demanding religious worship of a failed theory.

Despite getting some details wrong, Darwin's theory stands up on the major points. You're making too much of the mistakes and seem to think their very existence proves your point. Many theories have changed over time. That doesn't make them untrue, just amended. Would you call those who think the world is round "wrong", because it really isn't totally spherical?
We have far more scientific knowledge today than Darwin had -and I have no doubt he wished he had known a lot of it before offering his theory because there was no way for him to know at the time that a lot of the stuff he believed to be true, just wasn't. If he were alive today he'd be the first to admit he got it wrong because above all, he was a scientist -not a political ideologue demanding religious worship of a failed theory.

Despite getting some details wrong, Darwin's theory stands up on the major points. You're making too much of the mistakes and seem to think their very existence proves your point. Many theories have changed over time. That doesn't make them untrue, just amended. Would you call those who think the world is round "wrong", because it really isn't totally spherical?

I agree on your presentation.

Darwin was very religious prior to his voyage on the Beagle. His discoveries cast doubt on what the Bible taught. He was intellectually honest enough to present his findings publicly in the Origin of Species.

"Charles Darwin's views on religion have been the subject of much interest. His work which was pivotal in the development of modern biology and evolution theory played a prominent part in debates about religion and science at the time, then in the early twentieth century became a focus of the creation-evolution controversy in the United States.

Charles Darwin had a non-conformist background, but attended a Church of England school.[1] With the aim of becoming a clergyman he went to the University of Cambridge for the required BA degree, which included studies of Anglican theology. He took great interest in natural history and become filled with zeal for science as defined by John Herschel, based on the natural theology of William Paley which presented the argument from divine design in nature to explain adaptation as God acting through laws of nature.[2][3] On the voyage of the Beagle he remained orthodox and looked for "centres of creation" to explain distribution, but towards the end of the voyage began to doubt that species were fixed.[4][5] By this time he was critical of the Bible as history, and wondered why all religions should not be equally valid. Following his return in October 1836, he developed his novel ideas of geology while speculating about transmutation of species and thinking about religion.[6]"
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Sorry bout that,

1. Wow frazzeledgear just mopped the floor with all you guys.
2. Thats gotta hurt!
3. Nice!!!!:clap2:


"That does NOT mean there is no such thing as natural selection -of course there is. But natural selection is NOT evolution whereby one species turns into another one. It only changes how the typical individual of that species LOOKS. That means the outward appearance of species can change over time -a horse eons ago looked very different from what it looks like today. But its species was still horse then and it is today. Only what a typical horse LOOKS like has changed -not its species. What Darwin did not know is about is DNA and WHERE on the strand mutations do and do not occur. The DNA that identifies the species is extremely hardy and resistant to mutations -mutations there are lethal to the individual which is nature's way of keeping the species the SAME!"

4. Man you just can't beat this kind of logic, try as you may, you will just be pushing up on a rope!:lol:

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Sorry bout that,

1. Wow frazzeledgear just mopped the floor with all you guys.
2. Thats gotta hurt!
3. Nice!!!!:clap2:


"That does NOT mean there is no such thing as natural selection -of course there is. But natural selection is NOT evolution whereby one species turns into another one. It only changes how the typical individual of that species LOOKS. That means the outward appearance of species can change over time -a horse eons ago looked very different from what it looks like today. But its species was still horse then and it is today. Only what a typical horse LOOKS like has changed -not its species. What Darwin did not know is about is DNA and WHERE on the strand mutations do and do not occur. The DNA that identifies the species is extremely hardy and resistant to mutations -mutations there are lethal to the individual which is nature's way of keeping the species the SAME!"

4. Man you just can't beat this kind of logic, try as you may, you will just be pushing up on a rope!:lol:


I usually skip over frazzledgear's walls of posts but thanks for highlighting what has to be THE stupidest argument against evolution I've ever heard.
At first I decided to completely skip over reading this, but based on the fact that someone else actually read this, I think I'll rip it apart now.

Where has it been "proven" and what "proof" were you told existed and exactly when did the theory of evolution move from "theory" to scientific fact? ONLY that which has been PROVEN is considered scientific fact -and any theory that isn't proven can NEVER be "fact". There are reasons it is still a theory -and always will be!

Theory is the best it can achieve. Gravity is also a theory. People who don't know what they're talking about say things like "scientific fact".

Science is not a religion and there is NO obligation on me whatsoever to "believe" in ANY theory. Science carries the SOLE obligation of producing INDISPUTABLE and UNCONTESTED proof first. That is because my BELIEF will never prove a theory to be true or false and that isn't how its done. What is it people like you don't get? Scientific truth is NOT determined by CONSENSUS! It is the obligation of scientists to provide indisputable, uncorrupted proof and their failure or inability to do so means it is not fact. There are major reasons Darwin theory is still a theory and NOT scientific fact -and what they don't teach you in public schools is that it never will be fact. Until I went to college and entered advanced science classes, I FIRMLY believed what I had been taught in public school about evolution. I used to scoff at doubters and absolutely believed they had a major screw loose.
This appears to be a useless paragraph that doesn't actually say anything. Darwin's theories do not define our understanding of evolution. He was a starting point, not a finalized version. Scientific proof is determined by evidence, which is present. Making vague claims in long redundant paragraphs about consensus and truth in no way refutes this evidence.

I don't believe in evolution anymore and think Darwin gave it the best shot he could given the level of scientific information that was on hand at that time. But he got all the major stuff wrong and only got a couple of minor things correct after all. If Darwin were alive today he would be the very first to admit he got nearly ALL of it dead wrong and would wish he had known then some of the stuff we know for a fact today. Because THAT stuff is what proved evolution was little more than an a cheap attempt to try and explain EVERYTHING with one exceedingly simple theory -that ended up actually explaining nothing at all. The ONLY theories that ever pan out are those that identify a very SPECIFIC phenomenon and tries to explain its existence. No one theory is ever going to explain EVERYTHING like the theory of evolution attempted to do.
This long paragraph only states that you believe no one theory can explain complex things. This is ignorant reasoning. Just because it's larger than your minuscule understanding doesn't mean it's impossible or outside the realm of understanding.

That does NOT mean there is no such thing as natural selection -of course there is. But natural selection is NOT evolution whereby one species turns into another one. It only changes how the typical individual of that species LOOKS.
Well actually natural selection IS evolution. Evolution is comprised of instances of natural selection. The idea that selection only changes appearances just shows your lack of knowledge regarding genetics. Changing genes can alter both form AND function. Again you seem to resort to the idea of "if I can't see it then it doesn't really exist". This is infantile. There are a myriad of proteins which, when changed, can alter an organisms appearance. But there are a myriad of proteins which have no physical appearance changes when altered. For example, bacteria gaining antibiotic resistance has nothing to do with its appearance. The fact that there are so many human genetic diseases that you can't see, such as Huntington's Disease, sickle cell anemia, and color blindness, should prove this point to you.

The DNA that identifies the species is extremely hardy and resistant to mutations -mutations there are lethal to the individual which is nature's way of keeping the species the SAME! THAT is INDISPUTABLE SCIENTIFIC FACT.
Except, this is not indisputable scientific fact. Here's an easy test: cite any source that supports what you just said. The fact remains that there is no such DNA sequence that defines a species. We know the entirety of the human genome, and yet you can't find a single source which defines the "human species identifier". It doesn't exist.

Once again you show your lack of knowledge of genetics. There are no secret genetic codes that define a species, just as all genetic changes do not equate to physical visible differences.

What also does NOT happen -not EVER as anything remotely "natural" -is for nonliving, non-conscious materials to produce a living organism. Anyone who thinks that would be a "natural event" is gravely mistaken. The fact man has spent CENTURIES trying to accomplish that as even an unnatural act should be a big clue here and it has never once ever been seen to occur in nature -which means it is not part of nature at all. It is scientific FACT that such a thing would be totally UNNATURAL if it ever occurred! So a theory that posits such a thing as being part of nature should be recognized as the silliness it really is -unless you have a deep seated need to believe that this planet once had a magical property to create life from nonliving stuff but then lost its magic and it was never to be seen to occur ever again!! Man's efforts to try and create life from non-living materials has only proven how UNNATURAL it would be. So if YOU think a living organism arising from the non-living muck is a "natural event" when we know for a fact no life has EVER resulted from non-living materials -it is YOUR critical thinking skills that should be called into question.
This has nothing to do with evolution.

Another part Darwin got wrong was the utterly RIDICULOUS notion that over time one species will turn into a completely different one! Wow -think about that one. It would mean it is possible for YOUR descendants to not be human at all! But we also know that two parents of one species can NEVER produce anything but an offspring of that species. No exceptions EVER found. Now the outward physical appearance of a species can change over time -but no matter how dramatic those changes may be, it will NEVER change their species. THAT is the part of the DNA strand that is nearly 100% resistant to any mutation. And when it does mutate, it is also exceedingly lethal to the individual even before its birth. It is nature's way of keeping the species the SAME! Which tells you that one species turning into another one is something nature RESISTS and not natural at all!
This is repeating all of your previous paragraphs, once again incorrectly focusing on Darwin instead of modern evolution understanding, and returning to your misconception that species are defined by some magical species genetic identifier. So...... you added absolutely nothing new in this gigantic paragragh.

If there is no way to prove a theory correct, it is useless. If the person who came up with the theory tells you exactly where the evidence that would back up his theory exists and what he believes that evidence will be -then we should take that seriously whether it does indeed back up his theory -or contradicts it instead. Darwin said the ONLY evidence backing up his theory would be found in the fossil record -got that one? The ONLY evidence to support his theory at all would be in the fossil record and nowhere else. He said the MAJORITY of fossils would be "in-between" showing one species in the process of turning into a totally different one and the minority of fossils of a clearly identifiable species. He was wrong. Not just a little wrong but 100% wrong. Not only are the majority of fossils not "in-betweens", there isn't even ONE found for ANY species EVER. No "in-between" fossil for even a single species. And the fossil record has been massively added to since Darwin and still -not a single "in-between" for even ONE species much less the majority of them being "in-betweens". Whoops -in the world of science THAT is a biggie! In fact, in the science world that is some serious evidence indicating a major problem with the theory!
The theory of evolution is not defined by Darwin's understanding. Scientific theory is verifiable, reproducible, and reliable understanding. This explains why gravity remains pretty constant, even though it's just a theory.

Another major part of his theory was that life has become MORE diversified over time. Meaning that with every geological age that moves closer to our current time, the greater the number of different species. Except he got THAT dead wrong too. In fact the greatest diversity of life took place in the Cambrian -and it has become LESS diverse with each passing geological age since -the EXACT OPPOSITE of what he theorized! Another major WHOOPS. There are actually more than 20 MAJOR "whoops" with Darwin's theory and ANY theory that is that wrong -is NOT RIGHT. That is how science works -not by whether I fall to my knees and "believe"!
This paragraph is a complete misunderstanding of a point. Specifically, natural selection allows for diversity. KILLING THINGS is NOT natural selection, nor is it diversification. So pointing out a time when large amounts of organisms died says absolutely nothing about natural selection or evolution. If a continent sinks into the ocean and things die, it has nothing to do with evolution.
Sorry bout that,

1. Wow frazzeledgear just mopped the floor with all you guys.
2. Thats gotta hurt!
3. Nice!!!!:clap2:


"That does NOT mean there is no such thing as natural selection -of course there is. But natural selection is NOT evolution whereby one species turns into another one. It only changes how the typical individual of that species LOOKS. That means the outward appearance of species can change over time -a horse eons ago looked very different from what it looks like today. But its species was still horse then and it is today. Only what a typical horse LOOKS like has changed -not its species. What Darwin did not know is about is DNA and WHERE on the strand mutations do and do not occur. The DNA that identifies the species is extremely hardy and resistant to mutations -mutations there are lethal to the individual which is nature's way of keeping the species the SAME!"

4. Man you just can't beat this kind of logic, try as you may, you will just be pushing up on a rope!:lol:


I usually skip over frazzledgear's walls of posts but thanks for highlighting what has to be THE stupidest argument against evolution I've ever heard.

I figure that anyone who is too stupid to know that 99.9% of posters won't read past 100 words or so is going to also post something too stupid for me to waste time on.
Sorry bout that,

1. But I think you evolutionists have to have more faith in evolution than I do in God, and the Bible.
2. You girls do indeed have a lot of faith! :clap2:
3. You go girls! :clap2:

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Wow frazzeledgear just mopped the floor with all you guys.
2. Thats gotta hurt!
3. Nice!!!!:clap2:


"That does NOT mean there is no such thing as natural selection -of course there is. But natural selection is NOT evolution whereby one species turns into another one. It only changes how the typical individual of that species LOOKS. That means the outward appearance of species can change over time -a horse eons ago looked very different from what it looks like today. But its species was still horse then and it is today. Only what a typical horse LOOKS like has changed -not its species. What Darwin did not know is about is DNA and WHERE on the strand mutations do and do not occur. The DNA that identifies the species is extremely hardy and resistant to mutations -mutations there are lethal to the individual which is nature's way of keeping the species the SAME!"

4. Man you just can't beat this kind of logic, try as you may, you will just be pushing up on a rope!:lol:


I usually skip over frazzledgear's walls of posts but thanks for highlighting what has to be THE stupidest argument against evolution I've ever heard.

1. And your counter is??? :clap2:
2. Speechless,........:lol:
3. How's that pushing up on a rope going for you son??? :lol:
4, STH said, ..... blah, blah blah,.....her rope pushing is coming along quite well too I see. :lol:

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Sorry bout that,

1. But I think you evolutionists have to have more faith in evolution than I do in God, and the Bible.

And your basis for this is...

There's evidence for evolution, there's not really any evidence for the God of the Bible.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Wow frazzeledgear just mopped the floor with all you guys.
2. Thats gotta hurt!
3. Nice!!!!:clap2:


"That does NOT mean there is no such thing as natural selection -of course there is. But natural selection is NOT evolution whereby one species turns into another one. It only changes how the typical individual of that species LOOKS. That means the outward appearance of species can change over time -a horse eons ago looked very different from what it looks like today. But its species was still horse then and it is today. Only what a typical horse LOOKS like has changed -not its species. What Darwin did not know is about is DNA and WHERE on the strand mutations do and do not occur. The DNA that identifies the species is extremely hardy and resistant to mutations -mutations there are lethal to the individual which is nature's way of keeping the species the SAME!"

4. Man you just can't beat this kind of logic, try as you may, you will just be pushing up on a rope!:lol:


I usually skip over frazzledgear's walls of posts but thanks for highlighting what has to be THE stupidest argument against evolution I've ever heard.

1. And your counter is??? :clap2:

You serious? If an organism changes it's appearance and function of its parts it'll still be the same species? Ok then I guess if an organism does something like this


it's still the same species.

Oh and we don't use DNA to define a species


species-(biology) taxonomic group whose members can interbreed
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Sorry bout that,

1. But I think you evolutionists have to have more faith in evolution than I do in God, and the Bible.

Understanding reproducible evidence in no way takes faith. It takes logic and reasoning.

1. And your counter is??? :clap2:
2. Speechless,........:lol:
3. How's that pushing up on a rope going for you son??? :lol:
4, STH said, ..... blah, blah blah,.....her rope pushing is coming along quite well too I see. :lol:

So YOUR counter to my well stated refutation of his misconstrued ideas is.... NOTHING.

Your counter to the evidence behind evolution is.... NOTHING.

Your understand of evolution is.... NOTHING.

And yet you still believe your opinion on this topic has any value whatsoever. Funny that.

1. State your evidence.

If you want evidence, read my posts in this thread. Here's a good starting point if you want a specific bit of evidence:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zi8FfMBYCkk]YouTube - Ken Miller on Human Evolution[/ame]

Let me know if you have questions.
Sorry bout that,

1. But I think you evolutionists have to have more faith in evolution than I do in God, and the Bible.
2. You girls do indeed have a lot of faith! :clap2:
3. You go girls! :clap2:


It is clear why Christian fundimentalists don't believe in evolution. You do not read the scientific evidense. When you survey your peers there is no evidense that the human brain has evolved for several hundred years.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. But I think you evolutionists have to have more faith in evolution than I do in God, and the Bible.

Understanding reproducible evidence in no way takes faith. It takes logic and reasoning.

1. And your counter is??? :clap2:
2. Speechless,........:lol:
3. How's that pushing up on a rope going for you son??? :lol:
4, STH said, ..... blah, blah blah,.....her rope pushing is coming along quite well too I see. :lol:

So YOUR counter to my well stated refutation of his misconstrued ideas is.... NOTHING.

Your counter to the evidence behind evolution is.... NOTHING.

Your understand of evolution is.... NOTHING.

And yet you still believe your opinion on this topic has any value whatsoever. Funny that.

1. State your evidence.

If you want evidence, read my posts in this thread. Here's a good starting point if you want a specific bit of evidence:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zi8FfMBYCkk]YouTube - Ken Miller on Human Evolution[/ame]

Let me know if you have questions.

1. I watched it, nothing but conjecture bullshit.
2. Then claims he's a Roman Catholic.
3. Come on,......:cool:
4. Humans will not be a monkey made.
5. Humans are the very image of God.
6. Some humans want to mock God by making outlandish claims, how we actually came from apes, gorillas, monkeys, but prove it, I still have not seen any proof, and I am sure its not out there.

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. But I think you evolutionists have to have more faith in evolution than I do in God, and the Bible.

Understanding reproducible evidence in no way takes faith. It takes logic and reasoning.

So YOUR counter to my well stated refutation of his misconstrued ideas is.... NOTHING.

Your counter to the evidence behind evolution is.... NOTHING.

Your understand of evolution is.... NOTHING.

And yet you still believe your opinion on this topic has any value whatsoever. Funny that.

1. State your evidence.

If you want evidence, read my posts in this thread. Here's a good starting point if you want a specific bit of evidence:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zi8FfMBYCkk]YouTube - Ken Miller on Human Evolution[/ame]

Let me know if you have questions.

1. I watched it, nothing but conjecture bullshit.
2. Then claims he's a Roman Catholic.
3. Come on,......:cool:
4. Humans will not be a monkey made.
5. Humans are the very image of God.
6. Some humans want to mock God by making outlandish claims, how we actually came from apes, gorillas, monkeys, but prove it, I still have not seen any proof, and I am sure its not out there.


Why do you bother to enter into a "discussion"? You do not discuss. You preach dogma. No one will be swayed by dogmatic nonsense. If you hope to convince you need to support your claims with facts. Just robotically claiming that man has not evolved from lesser developed beings because he is in the image of your fantasy god is the weakest possible argument. Evolution has been proven. Your god has not.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Understanding reproducible evidence in no way takes faith. It takes logic and reasoning.

So YOUR counter to my well stated refutation of his misconstrued ideas is.... NOTHING.

Your counter to the evidence behind evolution is.... NOTHING.

Your understand of evolution is.... NOTHING.

And yet you still believe your opinion on this topic has any value whatsoever. Funny that.

If you want evidence, read my posts in this thread. Here's a good starting point if you want a specific bit of evidence:
YouTube - Ken Miller on Human Evolution

Let me know if you have questions.

1. I watched it, nothing but conjecture bullshit.
2. Then claims he's a Roman Catholic.
3. Come on,......:cool:
4. Humans will not be a monkey made.
5. Humans are the very image of God.
6. Some humans want to mock God by making outlandish claims, how we actually came from apes, gorillas, monkeys, but prove it, I still have not seen any proof, and I am sure its not out there.


Why do you bother to enter into a "discussion"? You do not discuss. You preach dogma. No one will be swayed by dogmatic nonsense. If you hope to convince you need to support your claims with facts. Just robotically claiming that man has not evolved from lesser developed beings because he is in the image of your fantasy god is the weakest possible argument. Evolution has been proven. Your god has not.

1. My side of the arguement is dogma.
2. The way I see it, your side of the arguement is monkeyman.
3. I have read your evidence, and still see no proof.
4. On the other hand, I listen to God all the time, and he hears me.
5. When you tune in and tune out to monkeyman, then you might could understand.
6. But unless you get called and or chosen by God, you are pretty much a hamster on a endless loop.


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