Who in 2016?

I usually don't base my vote on vulgar personal insults
but you make such a compelling argument ......

Nah, didn't work this time either.

So we've heard your predictions about who will run and some slams on some of the potentials.
So how about telling me - who you would you like to see win?
Sorry I told the truth about Christie, but his many bombastic comments speak for themselves. And as I said, I want someone who doesn't represent the status quo, so unless someone else comes along between now and 2016, my pick would be Rand Paul. Didn't like his dad, but so far I like Rand.

S. J.'s comments are the only bullying bombastic comments here.

Christie has told the far right to "flip off or grow up." Good, they need to be told that.

He has told them to play nice, or they don't get any influence. Good.

Christie is the only Republican who can compete against HRC: Rand certainly can't. No sand, just like his dad.
They should be on the same ticket.
I have serious doubts 99.9% of Americans are familiar with the federal domestic and foreign policy positions of any potential 2016 candidate. I just don't imagine very many people poring over Senate voting records or State Department policy papers or New Jersey legislation.

There will be copious guzzlings of piss in the course of the next three years. Our next President will be carried into the White House on the wings of phantasms.

No one asks for evidence any more. They decide the truth by whether or not they want to believe what they hear.

"Chris Christie was seen throwing live puppies into rush hour traffic!"
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Anyone who backs Hillary Clinton should do the world a favor, put a pistol in their mouth, and pull the trigger before the election. If this country really is stupid enough to make Hillary Clinton president of the United States then we really are finished as a nation and it's time to start looking elsewhere to live. You can't fix that many people who are that stupid.

Agreed. However I think you underestimate the stupidity of the people in America right now. Women in this country vote (for the most part) on emotion and a huge smile. Hillary (unfortunately) would win easily.

The media will win this election for Clinton. We all know that. Just like OBarry, when the MSM is doing the candidates bidding, the election is all but over, and the MSM is nothing more than the propaganda arm for the democrats.

This is the country we now have. It is NOT the country I grew up in, but it is not going to change. We have inherited the "whirlwind" of mediocrity.
In my opinion the best 3 GOP candidates are Christie, Huntsman and Rubio. Any combination of those 3 would have sufficient appeal to the independents to make the race interesting enough to gain my support. On the Dem side HRC is the front runner and given her appeal to the 51% female vote she is the most likely choice. If that is the case then my choice for running mate would be Richardson. Alternatively if she bows out then I would go with a Richardson/Booker ticket if they are up against Christie or Richardson/Warren against Huntsman/Rubio.
I have to be completely honest here. Being an Independent, I can't (honestly) say who the republicans have who can win in this political climate. It pains me to say this, but this country has lost it's mind politically.

The "attitude" in America has changed so dramatically over the last 5 or 6 years that I barely recognize her anymore.

Christie? Hell No! Rubio? I had high hopes for the young man until this "immigration" farce came along. Cruz? He'd be crucified by the left with their lies. Paul? Hardly. His "Aqua Buddah" years would come back to haunt him. Remember - Liberals can screw up all they want. Most are dumbasses anyway. Conservatives are not allowed to be "human".

No, Hilary "The Wide" will run and she will win. And the country will continue the fall to the bottom and will be the laughing stock of the world.
Anyone who backs Hillary Clinton should do the world a favor, put a pistol in their mouth, and pull the trigger before the election. If this country really is stupid enough to make Hillary Clinton president of the United States then we really are finished as a nation and it's time to start looking elsewhere to live. You can't fix that many people who are that stupid.

Women in this country vote (for the most part) on emotion and a huge smile.

Romney had a great smile and a wonderful wife: guess what?
I appreciate your input - but who is it you want to win?
I have serious doubts as to whether or not there will be an election at all, but if there is, it's too early to predict a winner. A lot can happen between now and 2016, but at this point in time, Hillary is the obvious front runner (I don't know why) on the Dem side. On the Republican side it would be Rand Paul, Scott Walker, maybe Rick Perry, Rubio (hopefully not), perhaps John Kasich.

I share your concerns on that, the way obama is doing everything possible to put the country in a state of anarchy and then declare martial law makes one wonder if there will be an election in 16 or it will be the beginning of our second civil war.

this country is teetering on the edge right now. and obama and the left wing idiots are pushing hard to push it over the edge so they can take complete control.

Very true.....I am looking for Obama to declare himself President for Life

That is what Executive Orders are for
I have serious doubts as to whether or not there will be an election at all, but if there is, it's too early to predict a winner. A lot can happen between now and 2016, but at this point in time, Hillary is the obvious front runner (I don't know why) on the Dem side. On the Republican side it would be Rand Paul, Scott Walker, maybe Rick Perry, Rubio (hopefully not), perhaps John Kasich.

I share your concerns on that, the way obama is doing everything possible to put the country in a state of anarchy and then declare martial law makes one wonder if there will be an election in 16 or it will be the beginning of our second civil war.

this country is teetering on the edge right now. and obama and the left wing idiots are pushing hard to push it over the edge so they can take complete control.

Very true.....I am looking for Obama to declare himself President for Life

That is what Executive Orders are for

well....you waited for bush to do the same...and how did that work out for you?
In my eyes, old eyes that is, I have watched this country turn into the land of greed. Those at the very top want more and more and those who work hard to barely scrape by are loathed by those at the top. Its a greed trend and it has no end in sight. Social security is called a "ponzi scheme" by those who loathe the working class. Medicare is for the "lazy" and so on and so on. America has turned into the land of the worship of money, yet we call ourselves a nation founded on Christian principles. Talk about hypocritical of major proportions. Nowhere in the bible do I read about helping the rich get richer. The bible I read is about helping those who are struggling. The whole thing makes zero, ZERO sense. But thats where we are and I dont see a candidate who is willing to step up and speak the truth as I see it. So no matter who runs, it really wont matter.
Redfish, don't talk about what the Dems are going to do, please.

You don't even understand that your side of the GOP is being thrown over the side.

dear liberal: .

You are a reactionary and have nothing of import to offer. You have already been throw overboard.

is that why you got skeered and cut out the rest of my post dear liberal?

btw....still have not seen one single post/cite from you that shows i'm a far right reactionary.

just another dishonest day for jake trolling
Christie vs Clinton in 2016

that would be very interesting.

when it was mccain....i was seriously ready to vote for hillary because i can't stand mccain. the obama won...and plugged my nose and voted for mccain.

i woke up and in '12 i voted for NO ONE
Personally would love to see Judge Andrew Napolitano run. Jesse Ventura would be fun to watch in the debates. Gary Johnson would be a good president.Hell my favorite would be in Dr Paul came out of retirement and ran again....

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