Who in 2016?

Hillary will not be the dem candidate, too old, too much baggage, too divisive, too shrill. The dem power brokers know that she could not win so they will find someone else. Who heard of obama 3 years before he won?

on the GOP side there are several who would like a shot---could be any of the ones currently in the media lights or someone totally unexpected.

or we could have a real viable third party that would be devoted to honesty, truth, the constitution, term limits, small government, fiscal responsibility, and sensible international policy----or pigs could fly.

And too sick. I have a gut feeling she won't make it until 2016. If she is still breathing, she'll be in no shape to run. Just a feeling, but I believe there was more to her recent illness than what we know.

On the GOP side? You wouldn't like my first choice and I doubt he could win after the disaster of our first black President.
Our first black president has done amazingly well compared with our last white president.

A broken clock is right twice a day and completely irrelevant, but Ernie S. may well be right that HRC will not run, for any of several reasons.

Christie may have a cake walk to the presidency.
I respect that and all.
It's just that what I was asking was something a little different.
I am interested in who YOU would select if the choice was yours and yours alone. Not really looking for predictions about what WILL happen - more of opinions on what you WOULD LIKE to happen.
If it was up to me to select a candidate that I'd want to see as our next President, it would be Cindy Sheehan.

That's one person who would not sell out to corporate influence.
Bush might campaign but I think he has the heart of a Fred T, not much of one for the fight.

Man did he (Fred T) sleepwalk through that one or what? Someone finally woke him up for his convention speech and I thought, "Crap, if he had been that into it from the start, he might have won."

I heard one wag say that he wasn't running for president as much as strolling for it.
No one has emerged as a potential presidential candidate for 2016 that really has me enthusiastic.

No tricks - I'm not just inviting people to mention someone so I can rip on them. I am honestly interested. If you could select our next president, who would it be?

It will be Hillary. Everyone knows it, some just don't want to admit it. To believe she is not running is laughable. My guess is that she will easily win the Democratic nomination, she will pick Julian Castro as her running mate, and she will win very easily in the general election.

The economy is likely to be doing better by then, the deficit will be down considerably as tax revenues increase, so winning won't be too difficult. By putting Castro on the ticket, it will force the Republican nominee to spend a lot of time in Texas campaigning just to hold on to the state, and a Clinton/Castro ticket actually might win in Texas. There has been some talk of Castro running for Governor in 2014 but to date he has insisted that he is just running for re-election for mayor in 2013. My guess is that people have already been talking to him about the possibility of him being on the ticket with Hillary.

Of course, I could be completely wrong on all of this, but that's what makes predicting things fun.

I respect that and all.
It's just that what I was asking was something a little different.
I am interested in who YOU would select if the choice was yours and yours alone. Not really looking for predictions about what WILL happen - more of opinions on what you WOULD LIKE to happen.

Framed that way, I would be interested in seeing what someone from outside politics could do. I dont mean to limit it to Hollywood but I think someone who is independently set for life without any paybacks to a Party or person could have a unique set of programs to bring to the table. Aaron Sorkin comes to mind....He's obviously interested in politics. Lou Dobbs is another guy who I think would deserve to be heard.
I respect that and all.
It's just that what I was asking was something a little different.
I am interested in who YOU would select if the choice was yours and yours alone. Not really looking for predictions about what WILL happen - more of opinions on what you WOULD LIKE to happen.
If it was up to me to select a candidate that I'd want to see as our next President, it would be Cindy Sheehan.

That's one person who would not sell out to corporate influence.
Thank God it's not up to you.

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