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Who is a bigger fraud, New world government spokesman or world leaders?

Who is a bigger fraud new world government spokesman or the world leaders?

  • new world government spokesman

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VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
[ame=http://youtu.be/CqTMZLZX_1E]Liberating Humanity - Introduction/One Of Us Is Fraud - YouTube[/ame]


Most Americans KNOW, the country is corrupt, most Americans WANT a government that represents justice, and most people UNDERSTAND, that the problem, is our DIVISION.
LOTS of people want to be the leader, the hero that will liberate America. And as HUMBLE as they sound in their speeches, they are all the same FRAUD.
I will not waste your time, I state that I, am the leader. So let me begin by exposing all the other fraud, the so called opposition.
A lot of them claim to have open forums, where you can directly talk to them - I TRIED talking to them, so many of them, and I NEVER got a response, because they do not like my QUESTIONS - I am VERY EASY to contact and to ask any questions, on my forum new world government.net you don't have to sign up or anything, just type in your question or comment. They can all be identified by their donation button that is usually on the upper right side of their web site. sometimes to be original they place it in another location and call it something else or in some other form, such as buy their book or DVD. I have none of those things, after I make this speech, I will go back to work casting concrete, like a REAL MAN, not some politician, who just like to take a picture with a shovel in their hands. These are a couple of instantly noticeable distinctions and differences between me and all the fraud.

So if you care about any kind of justice, or if you claim to be a religious person, you better find time to listen to all my speeches, because you're not fooling ANYONE with your hypocrisy.

WHO is our enemy? international bankers that have unlimited supply of money. ONLY A LOW LIFE will blame the people on welfare who have NO power, it's like blaming FLEAS. People of POWER create welfare class to HIDE behind, because they THEMSELVES are the real welfare class who get around in helicopters, jet planes and live on private islands. They stay in power by keeping us DIVIDED, they CREATE, they BACK, they ENCOURAGE, they PUBLICIZE a lot of these anti establishment movements and organizations.

You may think we have diversity with all the different countries, different political parties, different religions. But when you realize that they are all controlled by the same money masters, then you UNDERSTAND WHY, if they decide to make it cool for people to walk around with your pants half way DOWN, then people from AMERICA to Philippines, will be WALKING with their pants half way down, and if THEY decide that lady kaka is cool, then people from America to Philippines, will think that lady kaka is cool. (That is not diversity.)
Before I begin exposing fraud one by one, I want to again remind you that you can prove me wrong on my forum, or maybe perhaps you can prove that I am a fraud myself, because so far I have only gotten banned for asking questions.
Ron Paul - Establishment's distractor because he talked about going back to gold standard - A FRAUD
Louis Farrakhan - Establishment's distractor because he helps to create division, by blaming the white people - A FRAUD
David Duke - Establishment's distractor because he helps to create division, and blame the Jews - A FRAUD
Fresco's Venus project and Zeitgeist - establishment's distractor because they do not believe in money, but donation button is on their web - A FRAUD

ALL this fraud, that I just mentioned, and thousands more, have a few things in common: they were all publicized on the main stream media, they all need your donations, they were all impossible for me to contact. MAYBE IF YOU, will try to ask them a silly question that is easy for them to answer, THEN you can talk to them.
Masses of people are living in a world of ILLUSION, they are DELUSIONAL. If you ask them in Russia, who do they think their leader is, they will probably say Vladimir Putin - that KGB ding bat can not even get his own government to print money for his nation, he needs to borrow from international bankers who are dragging him around like a rag doll. If you ask in America who do they think is their leader, they will likely tell you it's that negro from Kenya, with a peace prize who bombed Libya and invited Saudi kings to the white house who sent death row inmates to fight Syrian people; If you ask Muslims in America, they will probably tell you that Minister Louis Farrakhan is their leader, And if you ask Christians, they will probably say pope is their leader. NOT FOR ME.

I DO NOT BELIEVE IN ANY OF THEIR LEADERS. By the power invested in me by the Alah, the benificent, the merciful, and the Elijah Muhammad, and the Holy Kor An, I am placing Minister Louis Farrakhan on a 90 day leave until he answers some questions for me. He stnds accused of neglecting the situation in Syria where his international banker backed Islamic fighters from other nations are destroying a civilized nation. If he talks in any gathering before answering to me, he is doing so AGAINST the will of Allah.
By the power invested in my through the lord Jesus Christ, I denounce the pope indefinetely. I am the leader of all Christians.
I am also the leader of America, Russia, Israel, Palestine, Ukraine, and a bunch of other nations.

UNLIKE THE FRAUD LEADERS, I CAN in fact be reached by you to answer any questions - THEY......always have their own people asking them questions that are prepared in advance, and they make it look like they answer them spontaineously. THAT IS THEIR DECEPTION.

And if you speak out against the international bankers, you are instantly labeled as an anti semite, because they have their own people on their own media who speak out against the international bankers, people such as David Duke, and Louis Farrakhan - DO NOT confuse me with those people - I love ALL people, EQUALLY.

JUST LIKE JAMES MADISON PREDICTED - "History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and it's issuance"
TODAY, there are thousands upon thousands of paid political parasites on the establishment media, who are being paid GOOD MONEY, and live luxurious life styles for arguing with each other and for supporting this same scheme of international bankers, to play political experts and to convince us that without the services of the geniuses such as Strauss Khan, and Bernie Maddof and some other Russian Oligarchs, we would be screwed.

But look at the government we have NOW. Let me randomly pick... Chris Christie - (this fat piece of slob, looks a lot like the cockroach that shot my two dogs last december) CALLS HIMSELF A CONSERVATIVE. In a normal system, any politician who takes kickbacks would be HANGED in public square, and be left to rot there for a week. And they will accuse me of being brutal, but look at the sort of video games they sell to children - Do kids and grown ups in places such as Iran or North Korea play such brutal video games? or KNOCK OUT games?? NO.

All these years they have been trying to make me feel as an anti American, and they kept calling me a socialist, and telling me to leave if I don't like it here. I am the leader of America. If you want to follow your fraud leaders and ignore me, go ahead. I accept the challenge, we will see who will be where in 5 years. GOD is behind me, every step of the way.
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So no one knows who is a bigger fraud?
Fine, who is your leader?

My conscience.
Good. but what if your nation is under a foreign invasion, and your neighborhood is under attack, who your leader then - do you all run around randomly each for one self?

I would not band behind a guy like you, that's for certain.

You're in another thread calling some psycho murderer of delinquent children a hero.

Have you made mistakes as a kid, or no?

Your brain doesn't fire correctly, your videos are profound evidence of that. You need to focus on building friendships and having a solid family foundation and then perhaps you won't have all of this pet time to follow through on your conspiracy theories.

Governments are corrupt. They always will be, but with 24/7 media and the internet it's harder and harder to get away with bullshit - see all the police brutality videos for example.

The sky is not falling.

If you yourself got into power, you'd also be faced with corruption within your own damned administration like it or not. It's thousands of people, and a country with over 300million.
So no one knows who is a bigger fraud?

I suspect people are reluctant to invest so much time reading when the thread title is so confused and your posts first sentences make it clear that you are either joking or nuts.
1. Have you made mistakes as a kid, or no?
2. with 24/7 media and the internet it's harder and harder to get away with bullshit - see all the police brutality videos for example.
The sky is not falling.
3. If you yourself got into power, you'd also be faced with corruption within your own damned administration like it or not. It's thousands of people, and a country with over 300million.
1. I never broke windows or robbed anyone, and in your "culture" you may even refer to men in their 30s or 40's as kids, in a normal society these are not kids any more.
2. Totally false - when you control money supply, you control everything else, the media will dance around you like a puppy, barking at you but know full well who is the master.
3. I would exterminate those who tried to be corrupt, and I would set up a system where corruption would not exist, so you are wrong.
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1. Have you made mistakes as a kid, or no?
2. with 24/7 media and the internet it's harder and harder to get away with bullshit - see all the police brutality videos for example.
3. The sky is not falling.

3. If you yourself got into power, you'd also be faced with corruption within your own damned administration like it or not. It's thousands of people, and a country with over 300million.
1. I never broke windows or robbed anyone, and in your "culture" you may even refer to men in their 30s or 40's as kids, in a normal society these are not kids any more.
2. Totally false - when you control money supply, you control everything else, the media will dance around you like a puppy, barking at you but know full well who is the master.
3. It's been raining though for the last 3 days.

#2 is where your hyperbole becomes hypocrisy.

If you're not getting wind of your little conspiracy theories via reporting, and you are literally everywhere at once and uncovering all of this information all by your lonesome, than then and only then are you not a hypocrite about #2.

Hence the catch 22 that is a conspiracy theorist. They,. too, need to get their information from SOMEwhere.

:cuckoo: corny.
Also death is not the appropriate response to robbery if you're not in danger, and it's not the appropriate response to someone who is trying to abuse their position to achieve wealth.

Your ability to distinguish and levy appropriate punishment to their respective crimes makes you certifiable. You're an inhumane leader, not a pragmatic problem solver.
So no one knows who is a bigger fraud?

I suspect people are reluctant to invest so much time reading when the thread title is so confused and your posts first sentences make it clear that you are either joking or nuts.
I think the question here is how serious our leaders are... I am just a working man who has no respect for any of them.
1. Have you made mistakes as a kid, or no?
2. with 24/7 media and the internet it's harder and harder to get away with bullshit - see all the police brutality videos for example.
3. The sky is not falling.

3. If you yourself got into power, you'd also be faced with corruption within your own damned administration like it or not. It's thousands of people, and a country with over 300million.
1. I never broke windows or robbed anyone, and in your "culture" you may even refer to men in their 30s or 40's as kids, in a normal society these are not kids any more.
2. Totally false - when you control money supply, you control everything else, the media will dance around you like a puppy, barking at you but know full well who is the master.
3. It's been raining though for the last 3 days.

#2 is where your hyperbole becomes hypocrisy.

If you're not getting wind of your little conspiracy theories via reporting, and you are literally everywhere at once and uncovering all of this information all by your lonesome, than then and only then are you not a hypocrite about #2.

Hence the catch 22 that is a conspiracy theorist. They,. too, need to get their information from SOMEwhere.

:cuckoo: corny.
If you say I'm a hypocrite or that my #2 statement is false, then maybe you can explain how the country elects a man named after our "enemies" in Iraq and Afghanistan (Hussein/Osama/Borat) to bring us Obama care, which is just another tax scam?
1. I never broke windows or robbed anyone, and in your "culture" you may even refer to men in their 30s or 40's as kids, in a normal society these are not kids any more.
2. Totally false - when you control money supply, you control everything else, the media will dance around you like a puppy, barking at you but know full well who is the master.
3. It's been raining though for the last 3 days.

#2 is where your hyperbole becomes hypocrisy.

If you're not getting wind of your little conspiracy theories via reporting, and you are literally everywhere at once and uncovering all of this information all by your lonesome, than then and only then are you not a hypocrite about #2.

Hence the catch 22 that is a conspiracy theorist. They,. too, need to get their information from SOMEwhere.

:cuckoo: corny.
If you say I'm a hypocrite or that my #2 statement is false, then maybe you can explain how the country elects a man named after our "enemies" in Iraq and Afghanistan (Hussein/Osama/Borat) to bring us Obama care, which is just another tax scam?

Because people are smarter than you, and mostly realize that many people - good, bad, indifferent, retards, heroes, lawyers, dog walkers, street sweepers and brick layers all share common names sometimes.

Also death is not the appropriate response to robbery if you're not in danger, and it's not the appropriate response to someone who is trying to abuse their position to achieve wealth.

Your ability to distinguish and levy appropriate punishment to their respective crimes makes you certifiable. 1. You're an inhumane leader, not a pragmatic problem solver.
I once fed mice in my house, I was very humane and nice to them, but eventually the mice over ran my room, and they would scream fighting each other. then I had to abandon my humanity for them. you are living in your Disney land still, but one day you all will have no choice but to wake up. I am certainly not trying to fit into your society.
Also death is not the appropriate response to robbery if you're not in danger, and it's not the appropriate response to someone who is trying to abuse their position to achieve wealth.

Your ability to distinguish and levy appropriate punishment to their respective crimes makes you certifiable. 1. You're an inhumane leader, not a pragmatic problem solver.
I once fed mice in my house, I was very humane and nice to them, but eventually the mice over ran my room, and they would scream fighting each other. then I had to abandon my humanity for them. you are living in your Disney land still, but one day you all will have no choice but to wake up. I am certainly not trying to fit into your society.

I don't care what you're trying to do - your tyrannical and unjust ways of enforcing your fantasy laws are barbaric and luckily the founders of this country were much wiser than psycho conspiracy theorists such as yourself.

When you rule with an iron fist you, by proxy, tell those stronger than you that it is perfectly ok to go ahead and infringe upon YOUR RIGHT to justice under the Law.

No thanks, it's psycho. You probably need to be institutionalized before your fantasy youtube world gets a little too real for you and you go ahead and start hurting innocent people like your predecessors before you.

Also death is not the appropriate response to robbery if you're not in danger, and it's not the appropriate response to someone who is trying to abuse their position to achieve wealth.

Your ability to distinguish and levy appropriate punishment to their respective crimes makes you certifiable. 1. You're an inhumane leader, not a pragmatic problem solver.
I once fed mice in my house, I was very humane and nice to them, but eventually the mice over ran my room, and they would scream fighting each other. then I had to abandon my humanity for them. you are living in your Disney land still, but one day you all will have no choice but to wake up. I am certainly not trying to fit into your society.

I don't care what you're trying to do - your tyrannical and unjust ways of enforcing your fantasy laws are barbaric and luckily the founders of this country were much wiser than psycho conspiracy theorists such as yourself.

When you rule with an iron fist you, by proxy, tell those stronger than you that it is perfectly ok to go ahead and infringe upon YOUR RIGHT to justice under the Law.

No thanks, it's psycho. You probably need to be institutionalized before your fantasy youtube world gets a little too real for you and you go ahead and start hurting innocent people like your predecessors before you.

UGH! you're about to bring out the Hitler and the anti Semite card.

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