Who is a hater of gays in America? Why?

Marriage is the Joining of One man and One Woman...

Marriage is the Joining of One man and One Woman...of the Same Race.

Same bullshit, different decade.

Why marriage equality...


...why not?


Now of the two competing entities, The Ideological Left and the Philosophical Right, which do you suppose has spent 4 generations undermining the respect for marriage?

Which advised your parents that a Father is optional?

Which came up with the idea that marriage is only something people do before they change their mind and run for the divorce?

And which is it now that is advising us now that marriage is so meaningless that homosexuals should be married to others of the same gender?

See the trend? See how degeneracy works ?
Homosexuality isn't a sexual deviancy.

You could not be more incorrect if you dedicated the rest of your life to perfecting being wrong.

In fact, homosexuality not only deviates from the human physiological sexual standard, it deviates as far from the standard as is humanly possible, where the subjects remain human.

deviant: one who deviates from the accepted, established standard, especially in social or sexual behavior.

deviate: departure from established standards.

So while you may not like the word, the word is what homosexuals are. That they are people is irrelevant, except where they are recognized truthfully for what they are: Deviants, suffering an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder; OKA: Delusion.

Now, you should know... the refusal to accept reality... is a symptom of delusion.

In other words you butchered a dictionary.

Deviancy is presented in many ways... in the above example, 'citing the dictionary', when expressed by the perverse, disordered mind of the deviant, comes out: 'butchered a dictionary'.

And when one advocates for the recognition of, respect for and adherence to the laws of nature that assure a sound culture, the perverse reasoning asks:

What do you call someone who fixates on homosexuality like you do?
Homosexuality isn't a sexual deviancy.

You could not be more incorrect if you dedicated the rest of your life to perfecting being wrong.

In fact, homosexuality not only deviates from the human physiological sexual standard, it deviates as far from the standard as is humanly possible, where the subjects remain human.

deviant: one who deviates from the accepted, established standard, especially in social or sexual behavior.

deviate: departure from established standards.

So while you may not like the word, the word is what homosexuals are. That they are people is irrelevant, except where they are recognized truthfully for what they are: Deviants, suffering an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder; OKA: Delusion.

Now, you should know... the refusal to accept reality... is a symptom of delusion.

In other words you butchered a dictionary.

Deviancy is presented in many ways... in the above example, 'citing the dictionary', when expressed by the perverse, disordered mind of the deviant, comes out: 'butchered a dictionary'.

I'm more curious about your perversion and why you care what homosexuals do. You obviously think about this a lot.

And when one advocates for the recognition of, respect for and adherence to the laws of nature that assure a sound culture, the perverse reasoning asks:

What do you call someone who fixates on homosexuality like you do?

What laws of nature? Are there any sexual acts that heterosexual couples should not be allowed to perform?
I'm more curious about your perversion and why you care what homosexuals do.

Oh... is it a privacy issue now?

Because the last time I checked, in every discussion in which I've ever participated regarding this issue, the issue was about public policy.

Now public policy, is not private.

I do think about that... a lot because it affects me, my family and my community.

What laws of nature?

The laws of nature which determine human viability.

Are there any sexual acts that heterosexual couples should not be allowed to perform?

Which heterosexual 'acts' involve sex with a person of the same gender? Pick all of those and rest assured that they should all be outlawed.
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I am not trying to offend homosexuals. However I am not a gay too. Please, avoid rude comments. I can't realize why someone would oppose gay marriage and such kind of issues, so I figured this was the best way to go about it. Why are gays hated in America? What is the reason of this hatred? I know that there is a tendency to support them and respect their rights. But I would like to ask the opposite.

Mostly religion. The vast majority of the haters of gays are hard core religious types. Generally the more they believe they speak for God, the worse it is.

We have one poster on this board that insists that he has the 'right to eradicate homosexuals' under 'natural law', as they are more dangerous to civilization than 'thermonuclear war'.

And no, I'm not joking. Some of these folks are quite literally insane. Though few go that far.
Mostly religion. The vast majority of the haters of gays are hard core religious types.

54 years, lived all over the world, lived and worked in 37 of the 50 states... I've lived in every environment from the dingiest shit hole to the Ritz Carlton, worked as an wage earning employee to the President of several companies employing dozens of people with the lowest wage being high five figures.

And in all that time and across all of those places, I've never met anyone who 'hates' homosexuals.

Yet... every single self professed homosexual on this and all of the other boards I contribute to, demands that ANY contest of the normalization of sexual abnormality constitutes "HATE".

Which is a lie... and certain evidence that the Homo-cult is intent upon forcing their deviancy upon a people who could not give a red rats ass about their kinks... but which has no intention of accepting degeneracy as anything remotely akin to Normal in the United States of America.

Because we will not be associated with such nonsense.

If you demand such as part and parcel of your right to privacy, you keep it private, as that is the responsibility which sustains the right to privacy.
Gays are not so hated in America first of all. But actually what do they actually bring positive to the culture of this country?
As with pretty much every controversial topic, there is a multitude of factors that come into play.
The most popular explanation is religious teachings, especially those of the Christian Church.
Mostly religion. The vast majority of the haters of gays are hard core religious types.

54 years, lived all over the world, lived and worked in 37 of the 50 states... I've lived in every environment from the dingiest shit hole to the Ritz Carlton, worked as an wage earning employee to the President of several companies employing dozens of people with the lowest wage being high five figures.

And in all that time and across all of those places, I've never met anyone who 'hates' homosexuals.

Nobody, huh? Not one person?

What about this poor hapless soul who described gays as 'despised' and 'abhorred' [bolded for emphasis]?

"To overtly declare that behavior which is demonstrably abnormal, is otherwise normal, despite having been presented with incontrovertible evidence which establishes the facts to be otherwise, is profoundly malevolent thus immoral, therefore such is evil.

Such declarations will inevitably induce within the culture, chaos, calamity and catastrophe and as a result such people will readily be abhorred and as such, despised."

Post 345

Homosexual Agenda Is Greatest Threat To Liberty Page 35 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

So gays are aborred and despised. But not hated?

Um, I don't think you understand what abhorred and despised means. And it only gets worse: here's where that same hapless soul espoused the 'responsibility to eradicate' gays [bold added for emphasis];

"As there is absolutely NO POTENTIAL for a Right to demand that others accept your behavior.

But... the right to live in a viable culture, is sustained by the responsibility to eradicate those who demand such and refuse to accept 'shut the fuck' as an answer.

Guess which one wins that... .

Here's a clue. You represent at the MOST 2% of the population.

Post 483
A Warning from Canada Same-Sex Marriage Erodes Fundamental Rights Page 49 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Sigh.....but hey, you keep trying to backpedal. I'll keep quoting the batshit hate you spew.

Mostly religion. The vast majority of the haters of gays are hard core religious types.

54 years, lived all over the world, lived and worked in 37 of the 50 states... I've lived in every environment from the dingiest shit hole to the Ritz Carlton, worked as an wage earning employee to the President of several companies employing dozens of people with the lowest wage being high five figures.

And in all that time and across all of those places, I've never met anyone who 'hates' homosexuals.

Yet... every single self professed homosexual on this and all of the other boards I contribute to, demands that ANY contest of the normalization of sexual abnormality constitutes "HATE".

Which is a lie... and certain evidence that the Homo-cult is intent upon forcing their deviancy upon a people who could not give a red rats ass about their kinks... but which has no intention of accepting degeneracy as anything remotely akin to Normal in the United States of America.

Because we will not be associated with such nonsense.

If you demand such as part and parcel of your right to privacy, you keep it private, as that is the responsibility which sustains the right to privacy.
The one thing straight people don't do is keep it private...
Mostly religion. The vast majority of the haters of gays are hard core religious types.

54 years, lived all over the world, lived and worked in 37 of the 50 states... I've lived in every environment from the dingiest shit hole to the Ritz Carlton, worked as an wage earning employee to the President of several companies employing dozens of people with the lowest wage being high five figures.

And in all that time and across all of those places, I've never met anyone who 'hates' homosexuals.

Nobody, huh? Not one person?

Well there was this one little white boy I met, who hated homosexuals, but no more so than he hated blacks, jews, 'eye-talians', most women and other whites... LOL~ The irony kicks in when ya learn that his name was Jimmy Hendrix. I count him as the exception that makes the rule.

What about this poor hapless soul who described gays as 'despised' and 'abhorred' [bolded for emphasis]?

Yeah that will happen when ya piss people off. Militant homosexuals are despised... and abhorred. Mostly by other homosexuals who wish you idiots would just shut the fuck up. Because you're fuckin' evil.

But its' the evil that's despised and abhorred.

Not a big fan of murder, but I don't hate a murderer... I hate that they unjustly took the life of an innocent human being... the evil is hated. Not the individual who commits it.

One does not forgive evil, scamp... they forgive the sinner who commits it.

"To overtly declare that behavior which is demonstrably abnormal, is otherwise normal, despite having been presented with incontrovertible evidence which establishes the facts to be otherwise, is profoundly malevolent thus immoral, therefore such is evil.

It's evil... We've already covered that.

What else ya got?
I am against gay marriage. I stand against them. In the same way I stand against pedophiles or head hunting cannibals. Got a problem with that?

Well homosexuals are pedophiles... the notion that a sexual deviant draws a hard line that it will never cross beyond sexual intercourse with a member of their own gender, is as foolish as it is ludicrous.

If they'll cross that line, there are no lines that limit their obtaining whatever tickles their subjective need.
I am against gay marriage. I stand against them. In the same way I stand against pedophiles or head hunting cannibals. Got a problem with that?

Well homosexuals are pedophiles... the notion that a sexual deviant draws a hard line that it will never cross is as foolish as it is ludicrous.
Most pedophiles are straight men...
What about this poor hapless soul who described gays as 'despised' and 'abhorred' [bolded for emphasis]?

Yeah that will happen when ya piss people off. Militant homosexuals are despised... and abhorred. Mostly by other homosexuals who wish you idiots would just shut the fuck up. Because you're fuckin' evil.

So no one hates gays.....but gays are going to be hated. Gotcha.

But its' the evil that's despised and abhorred.

Why bother lying? You already said it was the people that were despised and abhorred:

"Such declarations will inevitably induce within the culture, chaos, calamity and catastrophe and as a result such people will readily be abhorred and as such, despised."


Again, Keyes.....why bother backpedaling? There's no point in awkwardly trying to hiding the sick, hateful shit you advocate against gays from someone who doesn't know you. I'm just gonna quote you and teach them exactly what you are.

And on the issue of hating gays, its largely a religious issues. You a 'follower of Jesus' have called for the eradication of homosexuals. And insisted that they'll all be wiped out in a 'new civil war'. That's not a coincidence. That's causation. Your subjective religious beliefs spawned the hatred of gays you described.

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