Who is a jew, a major problem in Israel


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
since they want to say Israel is a jewish state.

Who is a Jew? It's an age-old question that in Israel been determined by government-selected rabbis in the decades since the country was established in 1948.

The parents of 7-year-old Lihi Goldstein weren't thinking about their daughter's future wedding when they adopted her as a toddler. Israelis Amit and Regina Goldstein picked the blue-eyed girl from a crowd of children at an orphanage in Ukraine.

They didn't know her family's religious background, but it didn't matter to them, says father Amit Goldstein. They are Jewish — so she would be, too.

"She lives in a Jewish house, in a Jewish family," Goldstein says, describing their life as largely secular but observing "the basics" of Jewish practice. That includes saying a prayer on Friday night, going to synagogue on Yom Kippur and not working on Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath.

Secular Israeli Jews joke that the synagogue they don't go to is Orthodox. The Goldsteins, although not religious, are recognized as Jewish because their mothers were.

Even religious Jews can run into trouble. Ya'akov Lasri, a devout Jew his entire life, sat in on official conversion classes for more than a year while his wife, Galia, attended. She is a Ukrainian immigrant, born Catholic. They married abroad.

In what should have been the couple's final interview before her conversion was approved, Lasri says a rabbi asked him, "How is it that you, a religious person, active in synagogue, are sleeping with a goya?"

Goya means a non-Jewish woman. In this context, it's derogatory. Lasri felt angry and humiliated. His wife felt rejected by her adopted homeland. Despite that, they continued with classes, and tried to finalize the conversion again months later. In the interview this time, Lasri says a rabbi implied the couple faced a high risk of divorce.

In Israel, A New Battle Over Who Qualifies As Jewish
Just putting a quick note in this thread so I can put a post in it later when I have more time. It is a good topic of discussion that anyone of faith should address within their own heart's.
yeah? so? A catholic colleague of mine------born of two catholic parents----catholic school---church
attending etc etc-----told me about his wedding. Well----you guessed it-----in the course of med school
and residency and onto a hot shot head of department hospital job-------HE LAPSED-----not only
technically------but spiritually----he could not bear to UNDERGO---the details of unlapsing. So he had to
jump thru loops and LIE LOTS in order to be placed BACK IN A STATE OF GRACE-----for his religious
catholic FIANCEE' ---------as it turned out ----with lots of effort and lots of lies they married ----
had six kids and then DIVORCED-------oh gee-----not they is both OUT OF THE LOOP-------it all ended
well------IN OLD AGE ----he must have been about 75 ---when they REMARRIED if they are
still alive----I hope it is working out well
Last edited:
Point of order: The word is shiksa, not:

yeah? so? A catholic colleague of mine------born of two catholic parents----catholic school---church
attending etc etc-----told me about his wedding. Well----you guessed it-----in the course of med school
and residency and onto a hot shot head of department hospital job-------HE LAPSED-----not only
technically------but spiritually----he could not bear to UNDERGO---the details of unlapsing. So he had to
jump thru loops and LIE LOTS in order to be placed BACK IN A STATE OF GRACE-----for his religious
catholic FIANCEE' ---------as it turned out ----with lots of effort and lots of lies they married ----
had six kids and then DIVORCED-------oh gee-----not they is both OUT OF THE LOOP-------it all ended
well------IN OLD AGE ----he must have been about 75 ---when they REMARRIED if they are
still alive----I hope it is working out well

You have to make an oath to raise your kids RC, things have changed a lot, use to be the Protestant had to become a RC before marriage, not sure today, I think they can get married as long as they promise to raise kids RC. Its not a genetic thing. Also getting married without a RC priest , a civil marriage by a judge is not considered a marriage in the church. You are still living in sin.
Point of order: The word is shiksa, not:


I like Goya products------now that I think about it-------I have to admit------my hubby never
complained---------he is "nominally" kosher...........ie------I am certainly not stocking
Pork 'n beans. Goya does good dried beans-------I do not do canned beans-----usually.
He HIMSELF buys GOYA TOMATO SAUCE-----the little cans
yeah? so? A catholic colleague of mine------born of two catholic parents----catholic school---church
attending etc etc-----told me about his wedding. Well----you guessed it-----in the course of med school
and residency and onto a hot shot head of department hospital job-------HE LAPSED-----not only
technically------but spiritually----he could not bear to UNDERGO---the details of unlapsing. So he had to
jump thru loops and LIE LOTS in order to be placed BACK IN A STATE OF GRACE-----for his religious
catholic FIANCEE' ---------as it turned out ----with lots of effort and lots of lies they married ----
had six kids and then DIVORCED-------oh gee-----not they is both OUT OF THE LOOP-------it all ended
well------IN OLD AGE ----he must have been about 75 ---when they REMARRIED if they are
still alive----I hope it is working out well

You have to make an oath to raise your kids RC, things have changed a lot, use to be the Protestant had to become a RC before marriage, not sure today, I think they can get married as long as they promise to raise kids RC. Its not a genetic thing. Also getting married without a RC priest , a civil marriage by a judge is not considered a marriage in the church. You are still living in sin.

yes-----I know the rules-------which is why your post seemed a bit idiotic to me. I am intrigued by
your comment-------"it is not a genetic thing"---------I do recall that you INSIST being jewish is "genetic"---
in fact it is not---------the people in your article were not sent for DNA exam----being children of non
jews they were asked to CONVERT -------same idea as the UNLAPSE issue-------Interestingly----DA
JOOOOS don't need a rabbi to get married-----ritually speaking
Point of order: The word is shiksa, not:


I like Goya products------now that I think about it-------I have to admit------my hubby never
complained---------he is "nominally" kosher...........ie------I am certainly not stocking
Pork 'n beans. Goya does good dried beans-------I do not do canned beans-----usually.
He HIMSELF buys GOYA TOMATO SAUCE-----the little cans

There is one hunk of pork in pork and beans. I use frozen veggies, and I love chick peas, garbanzo beans, whatever you prefer. I never have used Goya products.
yeah? so? A catholic colleague of mine------born of two catholic parents----catholic school---church
attending etc etc-----told me about his wedding. Well----you guessed it-----in the course of med school
and residency and onto a hot shot head of department hospital job-------HE LAPSED-----not only
technically------but spiritually----he could not bear to UNDERGO---the details of unlapsing. So he had to
jump thru loops and LIE LOTS in order to be placed BACK IN A STATE OF GRACE-----for his religious
catholic FIANCEE' ---------as it turned out ----with lots of effort and lots of lies they married ----
had six kids and then DIVORCED-------oh gee-----not they is both OUT OF THE LOOP-------it all ended
well------IN OLD AGE ----he must have been about 75 ---when they REMARRIED if they are
still alive----I hope it is working out well

You have to make an oath to raise your kids RC, things have changed a lot, use to be the Protestant had to become a RC before marriage, not sure today, I think they can get married as long as they promise to raise kids RC. Its not a genetic thing. Also getting married without a RC priest , a civil marriage by a judge is not considered a marriage in the church. You are still living in sin.

yes-----I know the rules-------which is why your post seemed a bit idiotic to me. I am intrigued by
your comment-------"it is not a genetic thing"---------I do recall that you INSIST being jewish is "genetic"---
in fact it is not---------the people in your article were not sent for DNA exam----being children of non
jews they were asked to CONVERT -------same idea as the UNLAPSE issue-------Interestingly----DA
JOOOOS don't need a rabbi to get married-----ritually speaking

I insist that being a jew is NOT a genetic thing, they try and say you mother needs to be Jew or you need to go through their process. I think it could become a genetic issue due to an area you live in, that is why they study Ashkenazi genes as they are only 300 years old. Anyone raise in the same environment and interbreed just may have the same DNA abnormalities on their DNA. Relgion does not spread by genes.

The pain they went through to say David was Jesus's father, and yet his Mother Mary was a Jew?? its beyond me. Being impregnated by a God was a Greek thing, but then you just can't take the Greek out of the NT.
Point of order: The word is shiksa, not:


I like Goya products------now that I think about it-------I have to admit------my hubby never
complained---------he is "nominally" kosher...........ie------I am certainly not stocking
Pork 'n beans. Goya does good dried beans-------I do not do canned beans-----usually.
He HIMSELF buys GOYA TOMATO SAUCE-----the little cans

There is one hunk of pork in pork and beans. I use frozen veggies, and I love chick peas, garbanzo beans, whatever you prefer. I never have used Goya products.

Goya does DRIED CHICKPEAS-------the ones in the little plastic bag-------I use them occasionally-----
like when I cannot get to the INDIAN MEGA MART ----for the ten pound bag. For my hubby just the
word PORK on the can is a PORK too much. I do not eat "brain"----in any form. The word
GOYA is the feminine form of NATION-------or by connotation when used to describe a person---
it means female from another nation. It has just about the same level of DEROGATION as-----
a priest's INQUIRY of a catholic woman-----" WHY DID YOU MARRY A <yuck> protestant----"
yeah? so? A catholic colleague of mine------born of two catholic parents----catholic school---church
attending etc etc-----told me about his wedding. Well----you guessed it-----in the course of med school
and residency and onto a hot shot head of department hospital job-------HE LAPSED-----not only
technically------but spiritually----he could not bear to UNDERGO---the details of unlapsing. So he had to
jump thru loops and LIE LOTS in order to be placed BACK IN A STATE OF GRACE-----for his religious
catholic FIANCEE' ---------as it turned out ----with lots of effort and lots of lies they married ----
had six kids and then DIVORCED-------oh gee-----not they is both OUT OF THE LOOP-------it all ended
well------IN OLD AGE ----he must have been about 75 ---when they REMARRIED if they are
still alive----I hope it is working out well

You have to make an oath to raise your kids RC, things have changed a lot, use to be the Protestant had to become a RC before marriage, not sure today, I think they can get married as long as they promise to raise kids RC. Its not a genetic thing. Also getting married without a RC priest , a civil marriage by a judge is not considered a marriage in the church. You are still living in sin.

yes-----I know the rules-------which is why your post seemed a bit idiotic to me. I am intrigued by
your comment-------"it is not a genetic thing"---------I do recall that you INSIST being jewish is "genetic"---
in fact it is not---------the people in your article were not sent for DNA exam----being children of non
jews they were asked to CONVERT -------same idea as the UNLAPSE issue-------Interestingly----DA
JOOOOS don't need a rabbi to get married-----ritually speaking

I insist that being a jew is NOT a genetic thing, they try and say you mother needs to be Jew or you need to go through their process. I think it could become a genetic issue due to an area you live in, that is why they study Ashkenazi genes as they are only 300 years old. Anyone raise in the same environment and interbreed just may have the same DNA abnormalities on their DNA. Relgion does not spread by genes.

The pain they went through to say David was Jesus's father, and yet his Mother Mary was a Jew?? its beyond me. Being impregnated by a God was a Greek thing, but then you just can't take the Greek out of the NT.

your concluding comment made no sense at all-------the rest of your comment is yet another
demonstration of the fact that you have absolutely no understanding of population genetics
but still claim to be a "health care worker". The father of Jesus in the NT is JOSEPH---not
David------you are very confused.. It is true that greek mythology includes lots of
characters who who are children of a "god" ------especially the eternal philanderer ZEUS----
but that is greek mythology----------SO???
Point of order: The word is shiksa, not:


I like Goya products------now that I think about it-------I have to admit------my hubby never
complained---------he is "nominally" kosher...........ie------I am certainly not stocking
Pork 'n beans. Goya does good dried beans-------I do not do canned beans-----usually.
He HIMSELF buys GOYA TOMATO SAUCE-----the little cans

There is one hunk of pork in pork and beans. I use frozen veggies, and I love chick peas, garbanzo beans, whatever you prefer. I never have used Goya products.

Goya does DRIED CHICKPEAS-------the ones in the little plastic bag-------I use them occasionally-----
like when I cannot get to the INDIAN MEGA MART ----for the ten pound bag. For my hubby just the
word PORK on the can is a PORK too much. I do not eat "brain"----in any form. The word
GOYA is the feminine form of NATION-------or by connotation when used to describe a person---
it means female from another nation. It has just about the same level of DEROGATION as-----
a priest's INQUIRY of a catholic woman-----" WHY DID YOU MARRY A <yuck> protestant----"
I've never met a Catholic th
Are they worried some honesty and goodness might infect their gene pool?

mostly worried that shit like you might infect the community

Goya products cater to the Latino community, but you don't have to be Hispanic to enjoy them.

My point is that "goya" is not the word for a Jewish woman. If you're going to play the anti-Semitic card, you need to get your terminology straight.
Are they worried some honesty and goodness might infect their gene pool?

I guess so.
Are they worried some honesty and goodness might infect their gene pool?

mostly worried that shit like you might infect the community

Horrible thing to say, but normal talk for a jew? (are you a jew or not, and by what definition are you a jew?, who says you are?)

I was responding to one of your fellow islamo Nazi sluts----------therefore---under the principle
TORAH MIDABER B'LASHON HA'AM-------I used lingo she understands.
I am a jew by virtue of the fact that I was born of a jewish mother-------my father also happens
to be a jew. You are an islamo Nazi slut by virtue of NURTURE. How old were you when you
first KNEW that DA JOOOOOS have all da moneeeeee ??
Point of order: The word is shiksa, not:


I like Goya products------now that I think about it-------I have to admit------my hubby never
complained---------he is "nominally" kosher...........ie------I am certainly not stocking
Pork 'n beans. Goya does good dried beans-------I do not do canned beans-----usually.
He HIMSELF buys GOYA TOMATO SAUCE-----the little cans

There is one hunk of pork in pork and beans. I use frozen veggies, and I love chick peas, garbanzo beans, whatever you prefer. I never have used Goya products.

Goya does DRIED CHICKPEAS-------the ones in the little plastic bag-------I use them occasionally-----
like when I cannot get to the INDIAN MEGA MART ----for the ten pound bag. For my hubby just the
word PORK on the can is a PORK too much. I do not eat "brain"----in any form. The word
GOYA is the feminine form of NATION-------or by connotation when used to describe a person---
it means female from another nation. It has just about the same level of DEROGATION as-----
a priest's INQUIRY of a catholic woman-----" WHY DID YOU MARRY A <yuck> protestant----"[/QUOTE]
I've never met a Catholic th
Are they worried some honesty and goodness might infect their gene pool?

I guess so.
Are they worried some honesty and goodness might infect their gene pool?

mostly worried that shit like you might infect the community

Horrible thing to say, but normal talk for a jew? (are you a jew or not, and by what definition are you a jew?, who says you are?)

I have to listen to critism of white gentiles all the time. I neve call anyone a shit. Jews are all bogans (white trash). They are great at pretending to have manners and brilliant at getting on with people they loathe, but they are all straight out of the bogan caste. Brutes all.

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