Who is a jew, a major problem in Israel

Just forget Israel, the land they're on is so tiny, and the land arabs have is humongous. Or don't you guys like peace?

Forget Israel , I wish I could, unfortunately we pay foreign aid to them and they stick their nose in our politics and media, their think tanks and AIPAC lobby strangle our government and run it with their influence and money.
You have a irrational hatred of Jews.

Now we go with the hate spewing. I love how Zionist love to do the hate card. So predicable.
Arabs have a TON of land. Israel is about the size of my backyard. You want Israel to give its land back when ALL the arab land was conquered by the sword as well. Ipso facto, you don't want peace over an irrational stance.

I am not talking arabs, I am talking about the Palestinians. when they can sell a rich person a 3 acre plot and he can put a house up like the white house, don't tell me about how small Israel is, of course he is a rich Zionist Russian, some day, the low income Zionist there will be in the same boat as the Palestinians.
So if a Pal sells a Jew some land, there is no problem. Please move along.
You are an antisemite so no one is a Jew. You are alone in your hate.

See now to call me that you need to describe "what is a jew". I mean you just can't go around calling names because I posted an article you do not like, and the Arabs in Palestine are Semites. So to call me anti semite has nothing to do with the OP.

What do you expect from me? To love antisemites who murdered big parts of my families? Normally I should send one of my not existing killer bee robots on the ass of every antisemite and needle them with the message "This ass is an idiot".

What do you expect from the Semitic Palestinians to love Zionist who murder and steal their land?

. Somehow funny, because lots of Germans still today have their jobs only, because my jewish grandfather did a great Job long decades ago.

Zionist are only educated due to the German colleges, and spare me your sob story. Over 65 million lost their life's in WWII.

Zionists have been literate for the past 2500 years -----long before they improved
the rhine Valley by migrations to that area How many jews do you know who attended what you call German colleges, Penelope------is it something your catechism whore told you?
See now to call me that you need to describe "what is a jew". I mean you just can't go around calling names because I posted an article you do not like, and the Arabs in Palestine are Semites. So to call me anti semite has nothing to do with the OP.

What do you expect from me? To love antisemites who murdered big parts of my families? Normally I should send one of my not existing killer bee robots on the ass of every antisemite and needle them with the message "This ass is an idiot".

What do you expect from the Semitic Palestinians to love Zionist who murder and steal their land?

. Somehow funny, because lots of Germans still today have their jobs only, because my jewish grandfather did a great Job long decades ago.

Zionist were invented in the 1800's.

Zionist are only educated due to the German colleges, and spare me your sob story. Over 65 million lost their life's in WWII.

Zionists have been literate for the past 2500 years -----long before they improved
the rhine Valley by migrations to that area How many jews do you know who attended what you call German colleges, Penelope------is it something your catechism whore told you?

Zionist were invented in the 1800's, all the jews who came to American got educated in Germany or here. While you may have some intelligent ones, all cultures do, see Zionist, Hebrews, jews , whatever you call yourself are no different than anybody else, except they have a stronger love for money and will get it anyway they can, via begging or stealing. Some actually work.
What do you expect from me? To love antisemites who murdered big parts of my families? Normally I should send one of my not existing killer bee robots on the ass of every antisemite and needle them with the message "This ass is an idiot".

What do you expect from the Semitic Palestinians to love Zionist who murder and steal their land?

. Somehow funny, because lots of Germans still today have their jobs only, because my jewish grandfather did a great Job long decades ago.

Zionist were invented in the 1800's.

Zionist are only educated due to the German colleges, and spare me your sob story. Over 65 million lost their life's in WWII.

Zionists have been literate for the past 2500 years -----long before they improved
the rhine Valley by migrations to that area How many jews do you know who attended what you call German colleges, Penelope------is it something your catechism whore told you?

Zionist were invented in the 1800's, all the jews who came to American got educated in Germany or here. While you may have some intelligent ones, all cultures do, see Zionist, Hebrews, jews , whatever you call yourself are no different than anybody else, except they have a stronger love for money and will get it anyway they can, via begging or stealing. Some actually work.

Zionism is one of the main themes of the bible. The bible was written long before
the 1800s. There are almost no intelligent Catholic Canadians but lots of
persons of candian catholic background amongst the diseased whores and white
trash of the south east and mid west. Catholic Canadians are a bit different
from most people of the earth in terms of the prevalence of whoredom and illiteracy '
amongst them and their propensity for abusing children. Catholic Canadians are
thieves. whores and pimps-----very few actually work and most carry venereal
What do you expect from the Semitic Palestinians to love Zionist who murder and steal their land?

. Somehow funny, because lots of Germans still today have their jobs only, because my jewish grandfather did a great Job long decades ago.

Zionist were invented in the 1800's.

Zionist are only educated due to the German colleges, and spare me your sob story. Over 65 million lost their life's in WWII.

Zionists have been literate for the past 2500 years -----long before they improved
the rhine Valley by migrations to that area How many jews do you know who attended what you call German colleges, Penelope------is it something your catechism whore told you?

Zionist were invented in the 1800's, all the jews who came to American got educated in Germany or here. While you may have some intelligent ones, all cultures do, see Zionist, Hebrews, jews , whatever you call yourself are no different than anybody else, except they have a stronger love for money and will get it anyway they can, via begging or stealing. Some actually work.

Zionism is one of the main themes of the bible. The bible was written long before
the 1800s. There are almost no intelligent Catholic Canadians but lots of
persons of candian catholic background amongst the disease whores and white
trash of the south east and mid west. Catholic Canadians are a bit different
from most people of the earth in terms of the prevalence of whoredom and illiteracy '
amongst them and their propensity for abusing children. Catholic Canadians are
thieves. whores and pimps-----very few actually work and most carry venereal

Yes that is why they wrote the torah in Babylon, to tell the Persians that God gave them the land need to go back to Canaan, and Judea, but few chose to return. Also Cyrus and Darius let those return who wanted to all the countries, (you were not special) and he also made them paid a tax to Persia, it was not their land, then the Greek and Romans came, and owned it. Herod built that temple, and the money changers took Roman money and exchanged it for Jewish coins to buy animals for sacrifices, you then at that time had to pay Rome a percentage of what the temple brought in. That Is the main reason they wanted rid of Jesus, he wanted to turn the temple into a place for praying and not a money making scheme, if and who the man Jesus was.

Today nothing is any different. The love of money and what comes with is, power, is your God.
. Somehow funny, because lots of Germans still today have their jobs only, because my jewish grandfather did a great Job long decades ago.

Zionist were invented in the 1800's.

Zionist are only educated due to the German colleges, and spare me your sob story. Over 65 million lost their life's in WWII.

Zionists have been literate for the past 2500 years -----long before they improved
the rhine Valley by migrations to that area How many jews do you know who attended what you call German colleges, Penelope------is it something your catechism whore told you?

Zionist were invented in the 1800's, all the jews who came to American got educated in Germany or here. While you may have some intelligent ones, all cultures do, see Zionist, Hebrews, jews , whatever you call yourself are no different than anybody else, except they have a stronger love for money and will get it anyway they can, via begging or stealing. Some actually work.

Zionism is one of the main themes of the bible. The bible was written long before
the 1800s. There are almost no intelligent Catholic Canadians but lots of
persons of candian catholic background amongst the disease whores and white
trash of the south east and mid west. Catholic Canadians are a bit different
from most people of the earth in terms of the prevalence of whoredom and illiteracy '
amongst them and their propensity for abusing children. Catholic Canadians are
thieves. whores and pimps-----very few actually work and most carry venereal

Yes that is why they wrote the torah in Babylon, to tell the Persians that God gave them the land need to go back to Canaan, and Judea, but few chose to return. Also Cyrus and Darius let those return who wanted to all the countries, (you were not special) and he also made them paid a tax to Persia, it was not their land, then the Greek and Romans came, and owned it. Herod built that temple, and the money changers took Roman money and exchanged it for Jewish coins to buy animals for sacrifices, you then at that time had to pay Rome a percentage of what the temple brought in. That Is the main reason they wanted rid of Jesus, he wanted to turn the temple into a place for praying and not a money making scheme, if and who the man Jesus was.

Today nothing is any different. The love of money and what comes with is, power, is your God.

your "god" is the stinking khunt of the catechism whore which you licked----in order
to obtain the pope's version of history noted above. Poor Jesus----innocent Pharisee jew----maligned by the stench of rome-----even today
The last time the islamo Nazi whores were so restless-----just preceded the time when pervert Iraninan Nus-Kharahallah sent his boyfriends into Israel from Lebanon to grab a few jews for the purpose of obscene mutilation for the entertainment of penelopian sluts and the holy "sisters" ------it was 2006. Some things never change
What do you expect from me? To love antisemites who murdered big parts of my families? Normally I should send one of my not existing killer bee robots on the ass of every antisemite and needle them with the message "This ass is an idiot".

What do you expect from the Semitic Palestinians to love Zionist who murder and steal their land?

. Somehow funny, because lots of Germans still today have their jobs only, because my jewish grandfather did a great Job long decades ago.

Zionist are only educated due to the German colleges, and spare me your sob story. Over 65 million lost their life's in WWII.

If you should think I am sad because an arab antisemite from Egypt fired me once, then you are completly wrong. Why should I do anything for any antisemite in the world? A long time in my life I thought by the way "Palestinians" were Jews. The first time I heard something about that Palestinians are Arabs was in 1972 when the Palestinians broke the peace of the olympic games in Munich by murdering sportsmen from Israel. Since this days "terror" became more and more a problem for more and more states on our planet.

You might want to go back in history and read about the stern gang.

All german terrorists from the left political spectrum (atheistic commies) were trained from Palestinians in those days and supported from the commie dictators of former East Germany. So the extreme left poltitical spectrum is as well atheistic and antisemitic as the extreme right politcal spectrum. As far as I can see never any influence from the Arabs of Palestine was only a little worthful for Germany, Europe or America. Palestinians are protected from the values of the western world - while Palestinians try to destroy the same time this values. This values came in the origins from god and his jewish messengers and should normally also be values of Muslims. So perhaps it's better for you to tell me something about your ideas how you like to live in peace with Jews, instead to try to wake this in me and my people what history called the "furor teutonicus". I'm indeed not amused about your silly god denying propagandism of hateful ways. What about to solve your problems in a peaceful way? Palestinians - and other Arabs too - could for example try to reduce their extremly high birth rate. Even if Israel would not exist - what god might prevent - Palestinians could not live in peace with others.

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First us, there will be no peace in IP, due to the fact that the Zionist want all of IP (Israel /Palestine), right from day one that was their plan. When you war against another country for years and take it over and humiliate ,steal and kill its people , there is no peace. If there is a peaceful time in IP, the PM or some Zealot Jews will do something to stir up trouble. This is such and its sickening. This is what encouraged me to look a lot more deeper into who jews are, really are. I just couldn't believe the nice sweet Jesus I loved and worshipped for so long came from them, and I was right.
First us, there will be no peace in IP, due to the fact that the Zionist want all of IP (Israel /Palestine), right from day one that was their plan. When you war against another country for years and take it over and humiliate ,steal and kill its people , there is no peace. If there is a peaceful time in IP, the PM or some Zealot Jews will do something to stir up trouble. This is such and its sickening. This is what encouraged me to look a lot more deeper into who jews are, really are. I just couldn't believe the nice sweet Jesus I loved and worshipped for so long came from them, and I was right.
Personally, I'd deport all arabs from the WB and Gaza, into Jordan or Syria, they can take their pick. Then seal the fucking border and warn them with nukes.
First us, there will be no peace in IP, due to the fact that the Zionist want all of IP (Israel /Palestine), right from day one that was their plan. When you war against another country for years and take it over and humiliate ,steal and kill its people , there is no peace. If there is a peaceful time in IP, the PM or some Zealot Jews will do something to stir up trouble. This is such and its sickening. This is what encouraged me to look a lot more deeper into who jews are, really are. I just couldn't believe the nice sweet Jesus I loved and worshipped for so long came from them, and I was right.
Personally, I'd deport all arabs from the WB and Gaza, into Jordan or Syria, they can take their pick. Then seal the fucking border and warn them with nukes.

Murdering Zionist, and you talk about Hitler.
First us, there will be no peace in IP, due to the fact that the Zionist want all of IP (Israel /Palestine), right from day one that was their plan. When you war against another country for years and take it over and humiliate ,steal and kill its people , there is no peace. If there is a peaceful time in IP, the PM or some Zealot Jews will do something to stir up trouble. This is such and its sickening. This is what encouraged me to look a lot more deeper into who jews are, really are. I just couldn't believe the nice sweet Jesus I loved and worshipped for so long came from them, and I was right.
Personally, I'd deport all arabs from the WB and Gaza, into Jordan or Syria, they can take their pick. Then seal the fucking border and warn them with nukes.

Murdering Zionist, and you talk about Hitler.
Let's face it, arabs aren't going to stop creating problems for Israel, ever. I'd deport every last fucking one of them, one by one, if need be.

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