Who is a jew, a major problem in Israel

Point of order: The word is shiksa, not:


I like Goya products------now that I think about it-------I have to admit------my hubby never
complained---------he is "nominally" kosher...........ie------I am certainly not stocking
Pork 'n beans. Goya does good dried beans-------I do not do canned beans-----usually.
He HIMSELF buys GOYA TOMATO SAUCE-----the little cans

There is one hunk of pork in pork and beans. I use frozen veggies, and I love chick peas, garbanzo beans, whatever you prefer. I never have used Goya products.

Goya does DRIED CHICKPEAS-------the ones in the little plastic bag-------I use them occasionally-----
like when I cannot get to the INDIAN MEGA MART ----for the ten pound bag. For my hubby just the
word PORK on the can is a PORK too much. I do not eat "brain"----in any form. The word
GOYA is the feminine form of NATION-------or by connotation when used to describe a person---
it means female from another nation. It has just about the same level of DEROGATION as-----
a priest's INQUIRY of a catholic woman-----" WHY DID YOU MARRY A <yuck> protestant----"
I've never met a Catholic th
Are they worried some honesty and goodness might infect their gene pool?

I guess so.
Are they worried some honesty and goodness might infect their gene pool?

mostly worried that shit like you might infect the community

Horrible thing to say, but normal talk for a jew? (are you a jew or not, and by what definition are you a jew?, who says you are?)

I have to listen to critism of white gentiles all the time. I neve call anyone a shit. Jews are all bogans (white trash). They are great at pretending to have manners and brilliant at getting on with people they loathe, but they are all straight out of the bogan caste. Brutes all.[/QUOTE]

Oh-------white gentiles------you mean WASPS --------ok why do you HAVE to LISTEN to criticism of
white gentiles? ------- is it at your place of work ? do you work in a NATION OF ISLAM ----Farrakhan
I never married a protestant, my ex and present are both RC's.
Goya products cater to the Latino community, but you don't have to be Hispanic to enjoy them.

My point is that "goya" is not the word for a Jewish woman. If you're going to play the anti-Semitic card, you need to get your terminology straight.

Who is playing anti semitic, that article, the OP came from a jewish site. You might want to inform them. Also I insist that semitic include arabs like it was meant to. They are more semitic than most of you.
One way of being Jewish is genetic via the mother.
Another way is a conversion whereby the non-Jew is discourged to the greatest degree possible.
Non-Jews will bask in God's Glory.
Sexual compatability is not considered to be the primary focus of conversion.
It has been a Rabbinical stricture that a non-Jew who converts CANNOT marry a Jew with whom they have engaged in sexual intercourse.

Unlike Islam, Judaism is not a religion of Eternal Sexual Intercourse.
One way of being Jewish is genetic via the mother.
Another way is a conversion whereby the non-Jew is discourged to the greatest degree possible.
Non-Jews will bask in God's Glory.
Sexual compatability is not considered to be the primary focus of conversion.
It has been a Rabbinical stricture that a non-Jew who converts CANNOT marry a Jew with whom they have engaged in sexual intercourse.

Unlike Islam, Judaism is not a religion of Eternal Sexual Intercourse.

shariah law allows a man to enslave any women he rapes and to own her children---
Goya products cater to the Latino community, but you don't have to be Hispanic to enjoy them.

My point is that "goya" is not the word for a Jewish woman. If you're going to play the anti-Semitic card, you need to get your terminology straight.

Who is playing anti semitic, that article, the OP came from a jewish site. You might want to inform them. Also I insist that semitic include arabs like it was meant to. They are more semitic than most of you.

there was nothing wrong with the article you copied and pasted----penny dear------it was simply
the interpretations thereof by your fellow Nazi sluts. When you mention JEWISH SITE----
"a jewish site" is silly---------jews publish just about anything any jew wants to write-------no
FORBIDDEN BOOKS or articles list gets issued the "the synagogue"----it is a good idea to
mention publication and author
Point of order: The word is shiksa, not:


I like Goya products------now that I think about it-------I have to admit------my hubby never
complained---------he is "nominally" kosher...........ie------I am certainly not stocking
Pork 'n beans. Goya does good dried beans-------I do not do canned beans-----usually.
He HIMSELF buys GOYA TOMATO SAUCE-----the little cans

There is one hunk of pork in pork and beans. I use frozen veggies, and I love chick peas, garbanzo beans, whatever you prefer. I never have used Goya products.

Goya does DRIED CHICKPEAS-------the ones in the little plastic bag-------I use them occasionally-----
like when I cannot get to the INDIAN MEGA MART ----for the ten pound bag. For my hubby just the
word PORK on the can is a PORK too much. I do not eat "brain"----in any form. The word
GOYA is the feminine form of NATION-------or by connotation when used to describe a person---
it means female from another nation. It has just about the same level of DEROGATION as-----
a priest's INQUIRY of a catholic woman-----" WHY DID YOU MARRY A <yuck> protestant----"
I've never met a Catholic th
Are they worried some honesty and goodness might infect their gene pool?

I guess so.
Are they worried some honesty and goodness might infect their gene pool?

mostly worried that shit like you might infect the community

Horrible thing to say, but normal talk for a jew? (are you a jew or not, and by what definition are you a jew?, who says you are?)

I have to listen to critism of white gentiles all the time. I neve call anyone a shit. Jews are all bogans (white trash). They are great at pretending to have manners and brilliant at getting on with people they loathe, but they are all straight out of the bogan caste. Brutes all.[/QUOTE]

reread your own post, goosey Nazi bitch----I responded to your SHIT
Point of order: The word is shiksa, not:


I like Goya products------now that I think about it-------I have to admit------my hubby never
complained---------he is "nominally" kosher...........ie------I am certainly not stocking
Pork 'n beans. Goya does good dried beans-------I do not do canned beans-----usually.
He HIMSELF buys GOYA TOMATO SAUCE-----the little cans

There is one hunk of pork in pork and beans. I use frozen veggies, and I love chick peas, garbanzo beans, whatever you prefer. I never have used Goya products.

Goya does DRIED CHICKPEAS-------the ones in the little plastic bag-------I use them occasionally-----
like when I cannot get to the INDIAN MEGA MART ----for the ten pound bag. For my hubby just the
word PORK on the can is a PORK too much. I do not eat "brain"----in any form. The word
GOYA is the feminine form of NATION-------or by connotation when used to describe a person---
it means female from another nation. It has just about the same level of DEROGATION as-----
a priest's INQUIRY of a catholic woman-----" WHY DID YOU MARRY A <yuck> protestant----"
I've never met a Catholic th
Are they worried some honesty and goodness might infect their gene pool?

I guess so.
Are they worried some honesty and goodness might infect their gene pool?

mostly worried that shit like you might infect the community

Horrible thing to say, but normal talk for a jew? (are you a jew or not, and by what definition are you a jew?, who says you are?)

I have to listen to critism of white gentiles all the time. I neve call anyone a shit. Jews are all bogans (white trash). They are great at pretending to have manners and brilliant at getting on with people they loathe, but they are all straight out of the bogan caste. Brutes all.

reread your own post, goosey Nazi bitch----I responded to your SHIT[/QUOTE]

So who or what makes you a jew?
Lots of rails in the postings on the subject but not a whole lot answered. I do know that in my own heart I am certainly grateful I do not have to have a Rabbi, Pastor or Priest of this world to tell me what I am or am not when it comes to the soul God put into this hunk of flesh and bones called a human. I know what was put into my heart and mind concerning what is of the Lord's spirit. I am very gratefully now that by that wonderful Holy Spirit I was able to understand a little bit what those worldly spirits consist of, how many of them come to be and operate.

A Jew to my understanding according to the word written in the Bible is a person (human) born with a spirit of faith. A lot of people regardless of their religion, denomination or whatever decide these matters on genetics. Jesus teaches us to walk in the spirit, look to and at the spirit. In that if we can open our hearts and minds to look for truth; whatever these various religions get together and decide really makes no difference. Each and everyone's perfect outcome is in God's hands and we should all be grateful for that as none are perfect living in these frail human bodies.

IMO, it does not a matter which religion people were brought up in as much as what they do each day with what they have. What is in their hearts, are they seeking truth or do they choose corruption. It is not genetics that determine that. Choices do play a big role in it all but even then the soul remains God's. These human bodies are His garden we were instilled in and charged to maintain. Some think that is a matter of just maintaining the flesh and they never seek to understand the spiritual nature that rules over that flesh being.
the issue of defining "who is a jew"-------is not a MAJOR PROBLEM------nor is it an ALL ENCOMPASSING
problem in the sense that it DEFINES SPIRITUALITY---an idea that the OP is desperate to convey as
an aspect of her extreme bias and hatred. It is a minor legal problem which arises in reference to the
laws of MARRIAGE. Marriage in the jewish style requires that both parties be jews. ---------of course
a non jew can convert If people do not want to take that alternative they can take a short trip to
Cyprus and get married there ------that marriage is valid in Israel. Marriage in Israel is controlled
by religious authority-------depending upon which religion the parties "are". That principle cannot
be altered since if it were-------DA MUSLIMS would go BALLISTIC. Your concept that "which religion"
does not matter to the UNIVERSE or anyone-------is your own------Christian sects also have "rules"
regarding who is who and why and how.. The concept that ones actions are more important than "belief"
or assigned creed is not a Christian or roman notion--------it is far more jewish than Christian.
Jesus, centainly, did not introduce it. His followers absolutely DENIED it. The issue introduced
by the OP-----is something like----EXCITING-- as is "define that which is "too close"------to the fire hydrant---
when parking a car"----even in the USA -----who and when you may marry and where you may park
your car------is SOMEONE ELSE's decision--------a matter of law. Sometimes even you ----despite your
familiarity with "the holy spirit" must ask a cop (about the parking issue)----or the JUDGE will decide
the issue of defining "who is a jew"-------is not a MAJOR PROBLEM------nor is it an ALL ENCOMPASSING
problem in the sense that it DEFINES SPIRITUALITY---an idea that the OP is desperate to convey as
an aspect of her extreme bias and hatred. It is a minor legal problem which arises in reference to the
laws of MARRIAGE. Marriage in the jewish style requires that both parties be jews. ---------of course
a non jew can convert If people do not want to take that alternative they can take a short trip to
Cyprus and get married there ------that marriage is valid in Israel. Marriage in Israel is controlled
by religious authority-------depending upon which religion the parties "are". That principle cannot
be altered since if it were-------DA MUSLIMS would go BALLISTIC. Your concept that "which religion"
does not matter to the UNIVERSE or anyone-------is your own------Christian sects also have "rules"
regarding who is who and why and how.. The concept that ones actions are more important than "belief"
or assigned creed is not a Christian or roman notion--------it is far more jewish than Christian.
Jesus, centainly, did not introduce it. His followers absolutely DENIED it. The issue introduced
by the OP-----is something like----EXCITING-- as is "define that which is "too close"------to the fire hydrant---
when parking a car"----even in the USA -----who and when you may marry and where you may park
your car------is SOMEONE ELSE's decision--------a matter of law. Sometimes even you ----despite your
familiarity with "the holy spirit" must ask a cop (about the parking issue)----or the JUDGE will decide
I did not mean to imply that there are not rules as there are rules both in the spirit and the flesh. The whole thing when you get to organized about it all and start taking in making up who can do this and that according to actual genetics a lot of people would be displaced don't ya think? I don't think there are any pure bred humans for any religious sect.
the issue of defining "who is a jew"-------is not a MAJOR PROBLEM------nor is it an ALL ENCOMPASSING
problem in the sense that it DEFINES SPIRITUALITY---an idea that the OP is desperate to convey as
an aspect of her extreme bias and hatred. It is a minor legal problem which arises in reference to the
laws of MARRIAGE. Marriage in the jewish style requires that both parties be jews. ---------of course
a non jew can convert If people do not want to take that alternative they can take a short trip to
Cyprus and get married there ------that marriage is valid in Israel. Marriage in Israel is controlled
by religious authority-------depending upon which religion the parties "are". That principle cannot
be altered since if it were-------DA MUSLIMS would go BALLISTIC. Your concept that "which religion"
does not matter to the UNIVERSE or anyone-------is your own------Christian sects also have "rules"
regarding who is who and why and how.. The concept that ones actions are more important than "belief"
or assigned creed is not a Christian or roman notion--------it is far more jewish than Christian.
Jesus, centainly, did not introduce it. His followers absolutely DENIED it. The issue introduced
by the OP-----is something like----EXCITING-- as is "define that which is "too close"------to the fire hydrant---
when parking a car"----even in the USA -----who and when you may marry and where you may park
your car------is SOMEONE ELSE's decision--------a matter of law. Sometimes even you ----despite your
familiarity with "the holy spirit" must ask a cop (about the parking issue)----or the JUDGE will decide
I did not mean to imply that there are not rules as there are rules both in the spirit and the flesh. The whole thing when you get to organized about it all and start taking in making up who can do this and that according to actual genetics a lot of people would be displaced don't ya think? I don't think there are any pure bred humans for any religious sect.

there his no issue of PURE BRED----in the question "who is a jew"--------you have been reading
the same islamo Nazi propaganda that Penelope reads. In fact there is no issue of "pure bred"--
in Christian sects either--------there was lots in Roman and British society both pre and post Christianity.
and there is lots in MUSLIM SOCIETY ---------even more amongst ZOROASTRIANS. Feel free
to ask questions for clarification. Islamo Nazis are HIGHLY motivated to attribute Nazi characteristics
to Judaism. The motivation is apparent in their propaganda of the 1930s but became even more
pronounced post world war II------when the stuff was being authored in arab lands like Egypt and
Syria, A little factoid of interest------Zoroastrians do not accept conversion-----<<< that is
an attempt at PURE BREEDING------not that it worked. As to race bias-----the most race biased people I have encountered excluding hard core Nazis -------are-----you will never guess ------ IRANIANS!!!
the issue of defining "who is a jew"-------is not a MAJOR PROBLEM------nor is it an ALL ENCOMPASSING
problem in the sense that it DEFINES SPIRITUALITY---an idea that the OP is desperate to convey as
an aspect of her extreme bias and hatred. It is a minor legal problem which arises in reference to the
laws of MARRIAGE. Marriage in the jewish style requires that both parties be jews. ---------of course
a non jew can convert If people do not want to take that alternative they can take a short trip to
Cyprus and get married there ------that marriage is valid in Israel. Marriage in Israel is controlled
by religious authority-------depending upon which religion the parties "are". That principle cannot
be altered since if it were-------DA MUSLIMS would go BALLISTIC. Your concept that "which religion"
does not matter to the UNIVERSE or anyone-------is your own------Christian sects also have "rules"
regarding who is who and why and how.. The concept that ones actions are more important than "belief"
or assigned creed is not a Christian or roman notion--------it is far more jewish than Christian.
Jesus, centainly, did not introduce it. His followers absolutely DENIED it. The issue introduced
by the OP-----is something like----EXCITING-- as is "define that which is "too close"------to the fire hydrant---
when parking a car"----even in the USA -----who and when you may marry and where you may park
your car------is SOMEONE ELSE's decision--------a matter of law. Sometimes even you ----despite your
familiarity with "the holy spirit" must ask a cop (about the parking issue)----or the JUDGE will decide
I did not mean to imply that there are not rules as there are rules both in the spirit and the flesh. The whole thing when you get to organized about it all and start taking in making up who can do this and that according to actual genetics a lot of people would be displaced don't ya think? I don't think there are any pure bred humans for any religious sect.

there his no issue of PURE BRED----in the question "who is a jew"--------you have been reading
the same islamo Nazi propaganda that Penelope reads. In fact there is no issue of "pure bred"--
in Christian sects either--------there was lots in Roman and British society both pre and post Christianity.
and there is lots in MUSLIM SOCIETY ---------even more amongst ZOROASTRIANS. Feel free
to ask questions for clarification. Islamo Nazis are HIGHLY motivated to attribute Nazi characteristics
to Judaism. The motivation is apparent in their propaganda of the 1930s but became even more
pronounced post world war II------when the stuff was being authored in arab lands like Egypt and
Syria, A little factoid of interest------Zoroastrians do not accept conversion-----<<< that is
an attempt at PURE BREEDING------not that it worked. As to race bias-----the most race biased people I have encountered excluding hard core Nazis -------are-----you will never guess ------ IRANIANS!!!
I have not been reading anything other than the scriptures and scrolls along with what I have been shown by and in the spirit to determine my own conclusions on the matter. You are being presumptive or merely jumping to a conclusion with very little information to go on.

That OP article goes on laws that decided by a rabbi. My personal thoughts on the matter are written about in the ancient scrolls and in the Bible. A Jew to my understanding is One who lives by faith in the ultimate Spirit of God (OMNI) also called Jehovah. In various languages and cultures that same ultimate Spirit is called by other names. Still though it is One Ultimate Spirit that rules over All. Even in ancient Chinese writings there was mention of the lamp, the lion and the lamb. It is people who live by the carnal flesh that screw things up and some call for what they think is purity even so many do such in a carnal manner. A pure heart, mind, body and soul cannot be measured by the carnal flesh no matter who is trying to do such.

Got a 2010 picture here you may like.
yeah? so? A catholic colleague of mine------born of two catholic parents----catholic school---church
attending etc etc-----told me about his wedding. Well----you guessed it-----in the course of med school
and residency and onto a hot shot head of department hospital job-------HE LAPSED-----not only
technically------but spiritually----he could not bear to UNDERGO---the details of unlapsing. So he had to
jump thru loops and LIE LOTS in order to be placed BACK IN A STATE OF GRACE-----for his religious
catholic FIANCEE' ---------as it turned out ----with lots of effort and lots of lies they married ----
had six kids and then DIVORCED-------oh gee-----not they is both OUT OF THE LOOP-------it all ended
well------IN OLD AGE ----he must have been about 75 ---when they REMARRIED if they are
still alive----I hope it is working out well

Six kids and then divorced? It all ended well? ... What exactly ended well? ...

since they want to say Israel is a jewish state.

Who is a Jew? It's an age-old question that in Israel been determined by government-selected rabbis in the decades since the country was established in 1948.

The parents of 7-year-old Lihi Goldstein weren't thinking about their daughter's future wedding when they adopted her as a toddler. Israelis Amit and Regina Goldstein picked the blue-eyed girl from a crowd of children at an orphanage in Ukraine.

They didn't know her family's religious background, but it didn't matter to them, says father Amit Goldstein. They are Jewish — so she would be, too.

"She lives in a Jewish house, in a Jewish family," Goldstein says, describing their life as largely secular but observing "the basics" of Jewish practice. That includes saying a prayer on Friday night, going to synagogue on Yom Kippur and not working on Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath.

Secular Israeli Jews joke that the synagogue they don't go to is Orthodox. The Goldsteins, although not religious, are recognized as Jewish because their mothers were.

Even religious Jews can run into trouble. Ya'akov Lasri, a devout Jew his entire life, sat in on official conversion classes for more than a year while his wife, Galia, attended. She is a Ukrainian immigrant, born Catholic. They married abroad.

In what should have been the couple's final interview before her conversion was approved, Lasri says a rabbi asked him, "How is it that you, a religious person, active in synagogue, are sleeping with a goya?"

Goya means a non-Jewish woman. In this context, it's derogatory. Lasri felt angry and humiliated. His wife felt rejected by her adopted homeland. Despite that, they continued with classes, and tried to finalize the conversion again months later. In the interview this time, Lasri says a rabbi implied the couple faced a high risk of divorce.

In Israel, A New Battle Over Who Qualifies As Jewish

I've always maintained a Jew is anyone who practices the religion of Judaism. If we use genes, then there's gonna be tons of people who're supposedly Jewish yet have no earthly idea they are, and likely practice other faiths.
since they want to say Israel is a jewish state.

Who is a Jew? It's an age-old question that in Israel been determined by government-selected rabbis in the decades since the country was established in 1948.

The parents of 7-year-old Lihi Goldstein weren't thinking about their daughter's future wedding when they adopted her as a toddler. Israelis Amit and Regina Goldstein picked the blue-eyed girl from a crowd of children at an orphanage in Ukraine.

They didn't know her family's religious background, but it didn't matter to them, says father Amit Goldstein. They are Jewish — so she would be, too.

"She lives in a Jewish house, in a Jewish family," Goldstein says, describing their life as largely secular but observing "the basics" of Jewish practice. That includes saying a prayer on Friday night, going to synagogue on Yom Kippur and not working on Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath.

Secular Israeli Jews joke that the synagogue they don't go to is Orthodox. The Goldsteins, although not religious, are recognized as Jewish because their mothers were.

Even religious Jews can run into trouble. Ya'akov Lasri, a devout Jew his entire life, sat in on official conversion classes for more than a year while his wife, Galia, attended. She is a Ukrainian immigrant, born Catholic. They married abroad.

In what should have been the couple's final interview before her conversion was approved, Lasri says a rabbi asked him, "How is it that you, a religious person, active in synagogue, are sleeping with a goya?"

Goya means a non-Jewish woman. In this context, it's derogatory. Lasri felt angry and humiliated. His wife felt rejected by her adopted homeland. Despite that, they continued with classes, and tried to finalize the conversion again months later. In the interview this time, Lasri says a rabbi implied the couple faced a high risk of divorce.

In Israel, A New Battle Over Who Qualifies As Jewish

I've always maintained a Jew is anyone who practices the religion of Judaism. If we use genes, then there's gonna be tons of people who're supposedly Jewish yet have no earthly idea they are, and likely practice other faiths.

I agree, and there are going to be tons of people who think they are a jew and are not. Israel was to be set up as a secular state , and now they want to be a race and it does not work.
since they want to say Israel is a jewish state.

Who is a Jew? ...

You are an antisemite so no one is a Jew. You are alone in your hate.

See now to call me that you need to describe "what is a jew". I mean you just can't go around calling names because I posted an article you do not like, and the Arabs in Palestine are Semites. So to call me anti semite has nothing to do with the OP.
since they want to say Israel is a jewish state.

Who is a Jew? It's an age-old question that in Israel been determined by government-selected rabbis in the decades since the country was established in 1948.

The parents of 7-year-old Lihi Goldstein weren't thinking about their daughter's future wedding when they adopted her as a toddler. Israelis Amit and Regina Goldstein picked the blue-eyed girl from a crowd of children at an orphanage in Ukraine.

They didn't know her family's religious background, but it didn't matter to them, says father Amit Goldstein. They are Jewish — so she would be, too.

"She lives in a Jewish house, in a Jewish family," Goldstein says, describing their life as largely secular but observing "the basics" of Jewish practice. That includes saying a prayer on Friday night, going to synagogue on Yom Kippur and not working on Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath.

Secular Israeli Jews joke that the synagogue they don't go to is Orthodox. The Goldsteins, although not religious, are recognized as Jewish because their mothers were.

Even religious Jews can run into trouble. Ya'akov Lasri, a devout Jew his entire life, sat in on official conversion classes for more than a year while his wife, Galia, attended. She is a Ukrainian immigrant, born Catholic. They married abroad.

In what should have been the couple's final interview before her conversion was approved, Lasri says a rabbi asked him, "How is it that you, a religious person, active in synagogue, are sleeping with a goya?"

Goya means a non-Jewish woman. In this context, it's derogatory. Lasri felt angry and humiliated. His wife felt rejected by her adopted homeland. Despite that, they continued with classes, and tried to finalize the conversion again months later. In the interview this time, Lasri says a rabbi implied the couple faced a high risk of divorce.

In Israel, A New Battle Over Who Qualifies As Jewish

I've always maintained a Jew is anyone who practices the religion of Judaism. If we use genes, then there's gonna be tons of people who're supposedly Jewish yet have no earthly idea they are, and likely practice other faiths.

I agree, and there are going to be tons of people who think they are a jew and are not. Israel was to be set up as a secular state , and now they want to be a race and it does not work.

"they want to be a race"??? in what mosque did you hear that one----you already
admitted you never spoke to a jew

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