Who is actually winning in Ukraine?

I actually think that Ukraine will end up being a disastrous blunder for the US-EU. Russia doesn't really have to accomplish anything further. Military defeat is unlikely. Putin's narrative has ALWAYS been to secure the Donbass and Crimea regions into autonomous or wholly Russian Oblasts. It looks like Russia's moving to secure those interests now. Anything else for them would be gravy.

But I think there's a "Great Game" here that they anticipated, because they've been preparing for it for 7 years.

Russia wants to deal a death blow to EU-US "Eurodollar" reserve currency and SWIFT. And they have. The entire world watches as the EU begs and blatantly refuses to pay Russia for gas in Rubles (a deadline which ends with the April Futures contract and payments must begin April 1st for all later Futures contracts: Nuances).

What this does for China, India, African nations we prey upon, South America, everyone else not in the elite OECD club is show that they are slaves to the Eurodollar. An expensive, controlled and abused currency. Whenever the US takes too much debt, the US prints more dollars, European Union does the same.

But when crushing trade and unfair financial practices forces Nigeria into debt, in comes the IMF, the US Aircraft Carriers, and the tools of Empire, to force Nigeria, or whoever, to bow to the Eurodollar.

How is that fair? How is that free? How is that DEMOCRATIC?

It's not.

And with the simple refusal to pay a sovereign nation in their sovereign currency for their national resources......Russia has exposed the US-EU as an impotent imperialist power that has been bloodsucking the world for decades.

The world has watched and listened.

And the world will turn to China for a neutral 3rd party, as Putin has foretold.

A world with a basket of currencies, where each nation pays for a nation's goods/services in their currency, not in some global Empire currency.

This is the death blow to the US-EU.

The question is, is it working? I think we see the cracks, but it's too early for any columns to crumble. The US-EU empire can limp on, or even recover, if it plays its cards right.

No one thinks the idiots in charge now are competent enough, however.
If all Putin had wanted was the Donbas Oblast, he could have driven in unopposed, and the rebel government would have provided a fig leaf for his illegal occupation. Likely. the west would have done nothing but mutter complaints just as it did when he stole Ossetia from Georgia and Crimea from Ukraine earlier. Instead, he tried to steal a whole country, most of which wants nothing to do with a Russian occupation having learned its lesson in the hundred plus years of the last Russian occupation.
A zachistka 'cleansing' is now happening in the Donbas. Since the nazi-dem POSPOTUS and his POS son want the gas that's under the battlefield, Russia is responding. This is a map of the Yuzivka (Yuzivska) gas field. The rocket strike occurred at Kramatorsk train station just inside the gas-field perimeter:

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If all Putin had wanted was the Donbas Oblast, he could have driven in unopposed, and the rebel government would have provided a fig leaf for his illegal occupation. Likely. the west would have done nothing but mutter complaints just as it did when he stole Ossetia from Georgia and Crimea from Ukraine earlier. Instead, he tried to steal a whole country, most of which wants nothing to do with a Russian occupation having learned its lesson in the hundred plus years of the last Russian occupation.

Putin made a grave error in trying to take all of Ukraine.
Yesterday on Skye's Nuland thread we mentioned Zelenskiy's advisor, Arestovych. This report for Kramatorsk spells Arestovych's name with a 'i,' and one must be cautious due to deliberate name mispellings, an issue brought up in Ukraine's Security Council meeting and the resulting sanctions, report extant in the media. Arestovich has also named those involved in Bucha as Russian 76th Airborne Assault Division.

2022 aprelia 8 Komsomolskaya Pravda
' "Rossii nanesla udar po vokzalu dvumia raketami opeerativeno-takticheskogo komplexa "Iskander," pogibli okolo 30 mirnykh zhitelei, bolee 11 ranenykh," po goriachim sledam zaiavil mestnyi glava voenno-grazhdanskoi administratsii.
Russia hit the train station with two missiles from the Iskander operational-tactical complex killing about 30 civilians, 100 more injured, said the local head of the military-civilian administration.

A za nim - i sovetnik Zelenskogo Arestovich.
And behind him - Zelenskiy's advisor, Arestovich.'
3 Ap report from Radio Liberty Radio Europe on Arestovych:

2022 Ap 3
'....On 3 April, Oleskiy Arestovych, Zellenskiy's advisor published a list of Russian units, 104th and 234th Airborne Assault Regiments of the 76th Airborne Assault Division based in Pskov. Paratroopers of the 76th were accused of killing Chechen civilians indiscriminately during the Second Chechen War.

The social media post about the death of Bayur, the commander of the artillery unit was one piece of evidence pointing to the presence of the paratroopers in Bucha....artillery box was found.'
Hell, there aint no telling how it is going over there.
You cant believe anything.
The report (post #132) states: 'Ukraine's military hit the station from Dobropilya settlement, located 45 km away, said the Russian Minister of Defense.' Map in post # 126 shows Dobropilya southwest of Kramatorsk, and gives an indication of scale.

Some random on twitter could say that putins plane got shot down by a handgun by some 4 year old ukranian dead child and you would post it.
Honestly, you stupid people trip me out lol

Ukraine gains at Kreminna, Malynivka and Osokorivka. Russia has increased presence between Crimea and the Dnipro River, setting up checkpoints around Nyzhni Sirohozy. Russia controls more of the forest west of Izyum and is able to launch attacks on the Balakliya-Hrushuvkha Road. Russia controls the Novotoshskivske/Zholobok area on the outskirts of the Donbas.

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