Who is better looking?

Who is better looking?

  • Bobby Labonte

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • Jimmy Johnson

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • Dale Earnhardt, Jr.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • DKSuddeth

    Votes: 2 28.6%
  • Casey Kehne

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jeff (I might be gay) Gordon

    Votes: 1 14.3%

  • Total voters
NASCAR is a genuine athletic sport? I always thought it was a southern tradition of moonshine swillers who like to drive fast.
No. I stand by mt position that anyone of us with enough money to build one of those cars and enough time behind the wheel at those speeds could do it. I stand by my position that they are not athletes in an athletic sense.
it's funny how we start taking non sporting events and make them into sports.

so tell me, is the annual hotdog eating contest on the 4th of July a sport? I mean, eat 53 hotdogs and tell me how your body feels afterwards..... plus, they have to train to stretch their stomachs. Must be hard work eating all that cabbage and stuff.
Originally posted by freeandfun1
it's funny how we start taking non sporting events and make them into sports.

so tell me, is the annual hotdog eating contest on the 4th of July a sport? I mean, eat 53 hotdogs and tell me how your body feels afterwards..... plus, they have to train to stretch their stomachs. Must be hard work eating all that cabbage and stuff.


Hey nothing against any NASCAR fans here I just think its like watching grass grow. The only time its cool is when there is a potentially limb maiming accident.
Originally posted by OCA

Hey nothing against any NASCAR fans here I just think its like watching grass grow. The only time its cool is when there is a potentially limb maiming accident.

I agree. Watching racing is about as fun as watching pigs waller in shit.
After ignoring all the negative posts from people who don't watch Nascar but still felt the need to post on a Nascar thread :p: LOL!
Lil', I found the book and I think I can answer just about any question you might have, LOL! Okay, Dale Sr.'s name is Ralph Dale Earnhardt. His dad's name was Ralph too. His dad, Ralph, was a big racer, but you probably knew that.
Now, I've just been skimming, but in one part it talks about Junior. It says he started getting the "bug" when he was around 10 or 11. It says his parents, Dale Sr. and Teresa would take their son to the track. So, I don't know. It only shows pics of her too. I didn't think Teresa was his mom. What gives? And I haven't seen anything so far about Kerry. It's mostly about Earnhardt on the track, his wins, wrecks, etc.
So, if you have a question, I might be able to find the answer. No promises though, LOL!
Originally posted by Sandy73
Did you find a pic of Bobby's ass? :p:
Sorry, it wasn't in Earnhardts book, LOL. It is a conspiracy, isn't it?! LOL!
I think Lil was going to research one for ya, LOl. Unless you were talking to her, in which case, sorry, LOL!
Before I ever really watched Nascar I felt it wasnt a sport either, but once you actually watch & learn you see these drivers & pit crew are athlete's, think about the pit crew getting the car up & going in 14 seconds.( I couldnt do it..lol)

I may be wrong but I think it is the only sport where ya go out ever Sunday & may not be around come Monday.

If ya have ever been to a race & watched what goes on ya may have a diffrent opinion of it.When a race comes to town it is like the Super Bowl coming to town... I once read that the super speedways bring as many fans if not more than the other big sporting events... I can tell ya for sure that ya dont want to have to drive threw the town the race is going to be in from Wensday before the race till after the cup race..lol.. have tried that a time or 2.

ooo & by the way Dk gets my vote...lol...j/k

Originally posted by Jeff & Laura
Before I ever really watched Nascar I felt it wasnt a sport either, but once you actually watch & learn you see these drivers & pit crew are athlete's, think about the pit crew getting the car up & going in 14 seconds.( I couldnt do it..lol)

I may be wrong but I think it is the only sport where ya go out ever Sunday & may not be around come Monday.
You tell 'em Jeff!! :clap: :D
I have been to a race in Charlotte and oh my god there were so many people it was like a small city there..and It's the best to sit there and watch a race and try to yell over the cars..it's so loud there..And the guys there Oh my..when I went I had a row of guy in front of me, a row to my left and a row of them right behind me..Now I had fun..

And I agree with you Jeff..:clap: Nacar is a sport either you hate or you love there is now in between..For me I use to hate it and now I love Nascar..It's along story why I use to hate it..Might tell ya'll later sometime..:rolleyes:

Just two works....Jimmie Rules...:bow3: :bow3:
I just seen that you have put up there Kasey Kahne..Oh my!!!Now he's hot..I just want to have his children....You know he might be hotter then Jimmie..I said might be....I am a die hard Jimmie fan...but Kasey is just plain hot...(and single) OH my I'm torn..hummmmm kasey.....Jimmie....Kasey....Jimmie....Kasey.....Jimmie..

Have to get back to ya'll on that one..:cof:

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