Who Is Excited About The Employment Report?

The BLS releases employment data for March in a few minutes. Anyone hoping for a strong showing? How close to 300,000 new jobs did we get?

Who's ready to celebrate?
are you ready to defend the hoax?

I own a business. I added total of 247 employees so far just this year alone. If this is hoax I could have skinned LoneL and JakeS........... alive.
So tell me why I'm having a hard time finding electrical and mechanical Engineer? I am even paying extra money just to relocate a med tech. from Portland to California.
how many hours a week do those new employees work?

They are in salary. Per hour employees work 40 hours the OT after that. Yes I provide healthcare benefits under United Health Care insurance.
well thank you!
The BLS releases employment data for March in a few minutes. Anyone hoping for a strong showing? How close to 300,000 new jobs did we get?

Who's ready to celebrate?
are you ready to defend the hoax?

I own a business. I added total of 247 employees so far just this year alone. If this is hoax I could have skinned LoneL and JakeS........... alive.
So tell me why I'm having a hard time finding electrical and mechanical Engineer? I am even paying extra money just to relocate a med tech. from Portland to California.

I notice Republicans always tell people to go start their own business but I think when we count who's "under" employed, we are counting people who have to pay their own healthcare insurance and who aren't getting benefits from a company. So in one hand Republicans tell people to stop working for someone else and go work for yourself, but then they are counting these people who are out there not getting benefits from an employer.

I provide health care benefits if that what you seek. Under United Health Care.
That's not the point I'm trying to make. Republicans say stop working for someone else and start your own business. But if a housekeeper at the Hilton starts her own housekeeping company she's going to be one of those people paying their own healthcare, right? I think when we count the under employed we count these people. Maybe they shouldn't have quit their job I'm thinking. Unless of course you can build up enough business where you can stop cleaning and just make money running the business. But that's even more work am I right?

How much would you say a small business owner should make to say its worth it or where you feel like you've made it better than when you just worked for someone else?

If I make $50k plus benefits and you make $60k as a small business owner who's better off taking benefits into account?
The BLS releases employment data for March in a few minutes. Anyone hoping for a strong showing? How close to 300,000 new jobs did we get?

Who's ready to celebrate?
are you ready to defend the hoax?

I own a business. I added total of 247 employees so far just this year alone. If this is hoax I could have skinned LoneL and JakeS........... alive.
So tell me why I'm having a hard time finding electrical and mechanical Engineer? I am even paying extra money just to relocate a med tech. from Portland to California.

I notice Republicans always tell people to go start their own business but I think when we count who's "under" employed, we are counting people who have to pay their own healthcare insurance and who aren't getting benefits from a company. So in one hand Republicans tell people to stop working for someone else and go work for yourself, but then they are counting these people who are out there not getting benefits from an employer.

I provide health care benefits if that what you seek. Under United Health Care.
That's not the point I'm trying to make. Republicans say stop working for someone else and start your own business. But if a housekeeper at the Hilton starts her own housekeeping company she's going to be one of those people paying their own healthcare, right? I think when we count the under employed we count these people. Maybe they shouldn't have quit their job I'm thinking. Unless of course you can build up enough business where you can stop cleaning and just make money running the business. But that's even more work am I right?

How much would you say a small business owner should make to say its worth it or where you feel like you've made it better than when you just worked for someone else?

If I make $50k plus benefits and you make $60k as a small business owner who's better off taking benefits into account?

Well here's the deal........

A business can NOT pay an employee, more in wages and benefits, than it collects in revenue from the labor the employee provides.

I can't pay you $50,000 in wages, plus benefits, if the labor you are providing me, isn't worth a greater amount of money, than the cost of the wages plus benefits.


The employers must.... (basic economics here), be earning from your labor, at least $66,000, plus more, in order to pay you $50,000 a year with benefits. The "more" being the profit off the labor.

If the employer can only make revenue of $66,000, or less... while paying you $50,000 in wages... then they are either just breaking even, or losing money on your employment.

The employer would be better off, to lay you off, and simply not have an employee in your position, if they are not making that much money.

To the point.....

If you are earning $50,000 at a job with benefits..... and you quit your job, and start your own business, doing exactly the same thing.... the exact same work, you should at least be able to charge a fee for your labor, of at least $66,000 or more.

If you are not earning at a bare minimum 20% more than you were at a salary job... then there are only a couple of possibilities.....

One: You are greatly under-charging for service.

Two: You are not working as much as you were before (you should have a ton of free time).

Three: You are simply now willing to run your own company. When you run your own company, you do it all, and that's why business owners make the big bucks. If you are not willing to be the sales guy, the maintenance guy, the cleaning guy, the everything guy.... then you are not going to earn millions and end up like the Waltons.

I've met numerous guys that they open their own business, and they earn just as much as they did working for an employer, but then they stop..... they don't want to work more than 40 hours.... and they remain in the $50,000 a year mark.

The people who end up wealthy, and better off... they are putting in 50 to 60 hours a week.
To the OP:

Real world example. Oilfield companies have recently laid off 10,000 people in my area alone. These jobs are great paying jobs with great benefits. The average is 50k/year for these lost jobs. The news touts that Super 1 foods is opening up multiple new stores in the area, as is Wal Mart. So they brag about hundreds of new jobs created.

What they fail to tell you is a 50k/yr job is lost and replaced by a 15k/yr job. This is not GOOD news. These people purchased cars and homes based on their old income. From no fault of their own, they were given the boot. Its going to get very ugly very soon. Once people have depleted their reserves houses will begin to be foreclosed. I live in the area of the nation hit hardest by the oil bust. To see employers almost break into tears with me during an interview when they tell me they have to sort through hundreds of resumes of unqualified oilfield workers who have been laid off recently to get to people like me who are qualified for the position hurts. I tell them its not their fault. It's happened in 2 different interviews when I ask how many resumes they went through to get to mine. They always say "hundreds, and they're mostly laid off oil field workers."

These people have no marketable skills. They went to work offshore 25 years ago right out of high school as a roughneck. Its all they know. They have no education beyond high school, if they graduated from high school. Back in the Reagan days, you COULD drop out of high school and make 40K a year offshore. Now, there is no more offshore. There used to be hundreds of helis flying guys offshore that used to fly over my old house. Now, there are none. Those helis gave people jobs on the rigs, and also jobs flying and working on the helis.

That's all gone now. Now it's not Obamas fault that oil prices have dropped to bare bones levels, it's just an awful thing that NOBODY should be bragging about. Liberals better not DARE to brag about unemployment rates when we can clearly see what is really happening. And its not pretty.

Hell, GE just laid off 77 people right here in my town. Those were VERY good paying jobs. Replaced by what? A neighborhood Wal Mart?

GE Drilling in Broussard to lay off 77 by June 30
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are you ready to defend the hoax?

I own a business. I added total of 247 employees so far just this year alone. If this is hoax I could have skinned LoneL and JakeS........... alive.
So tell me why I'm having a hard time finding electrical and mechanical Engineer? I am even paying extra money just to relocate a med tech. from Portland to California.

I notice Republicans always tell people to go start their own business but I think when we count who's "under" employed, we are counting people who have to pay their own healthcare insurance and who aren't getting benefits from a company. So in one hand Republicans tell people to stop working for someone else and go work for yourself, but then they are counting these people who are out there not getting benefits from an employer.

I provide health care benefits if that what you seek. Under United Health Care.
That's not the point I'm trying to make. Republicans say stop working for someone else and start your own business. But if a housekeeper at the Hilton starts her own housekeeping company she's going to be one of those people paying their own healthcare, right? I think when we count the under employed we count these people. Maybe they shouldn't have quit their job I'm thinking. Unless of course you can build up enough business where you can stop cleaning and just make money running the business. But that's even more work am I right?

How much would you say a small business owner should make to say its worth it or where you feel like you've made it better than when you just worked for someone else?

If I make $50k plus benefits and you make $60k as a small business owner who's better off taking benefits into account?

Well here's the deal........

A business can NOT pay an employee, more in wages and benefits, than it collects in revenue from the labor the employee provides.

I can't pay you $50,000 in wages, plus benefits, if the labor you are providing me, isn't worth a greater amount of money, than the cost of the wages plus benefits.


The employers must.... (basic economics here), be earning from your labor, at least $66,000, plus more, in order to pay you $50,000 a year with benefits. The "more" being the profit off the labor.

If the employer can only make revenue of $66,000, or less... while paying you $50,000 in wages... then they are either just breaking even, or losing money on your employment.

The employer would be better off, to lay you off, and simply not have an employee in your position, if they are not making that much money.

To the point.....

If you are earning $50,000 at a job with benefits..... and you quit your job, and start your own business, doing exactly the same thing.... the exact same work, you should at least be able to charge a fee for your labor, of at least $66,000 or more.

If you are not earning at a bare minimum 20% more than you were at a salary job... then there are only a couple of possibilities.....

One: You are greatly under-charging for service.

Two: You are not working as much as you were before (you should have a ton of free time).

Three: You are simply now willing to run your own company. When you run your own company, you do it all, and that's why business owners make the big bucks. If you are not willing to be the sales guy, the maintenance guy, the cleaning guy, the everything guy.... then you are not going to earn millions and end up like the Waltons.

I've met numerous guys that they open their own business, and they earn just as much as they did working for an employer, but then they stop..... they don't want to work more than 40 hours.... and they remain in the $50,000 a year mark.

The people who end up wealthy, and better off... they are putting in 50 to 60 hours a week.
Great reply. The only thing I might argue with is if you own a successful business, eventually you aren't doing the labor work because your time is more valuable than that. Better to pay someone to do that stuff so you can focus on growing the business.

I worked for a guy like you are talking about. He said to me "I started my own business so I wouldn't have to..." And I explained until the business grows he needs to be a worker bee too. Every time I told him that we needed to send him out to a customer to fix something he said send Cliff. But how are we going to grow if all we do is send Cliff? Lol
The BLS releases employment data for March in a few minutes. Anyone hoping for a strong showing? How close to 300,000 new jobs did we get?

Who's ready to celebrate?
are you ready to defend the hoax?

I own a business. I added total of 247 employees so far just this year alone. If this is hoax I could have skinned LoneL and JakeS........... alive.
So tell me why I'm having a hard time finding electrical and mechanical Engineer? I am even paying extra money just to relocate a med tech. from Portland to California.

I notice Republicans always tell people to go start their own business but I think when we count who's "under" employed, we are counting people who have to pay their own healthcare insurance and who aren't getting benefits from a company. So in one hand Republicans tell people to stop working for someone else and go work for yourself, but then they are counting these people who are out there not getting benefits from an employer.

I provide health care benefits if that what you seek. Under United Health Care.
That's not the point I'm trying to make. Republicans say stop working for someone else and start your own business. But if a housekeeper at the Hilton starts her own housekeeping company she's going to be one of those people paying their own healthcare, right? I think when we count the under employed we count these people. Maybe they shouldn't have quit their job I'm thinking. Unless of course you can build up enough business where you can stop cleaning and just make money running the business. But that's even more work am I right?

How much would you say a small business owner should make to say its worth it or where you feel like you've made it better than when you just worked for someone else?

If I make $50k plus benefits and you make $60k as a small business owner who's better off taking benefits into account?
I'm flying besides its too long to read.
The OP is a bozo. Anybody who thinks the economy and jobs are good is also somebody who is hopelessly duped by the matrix.

Interest rates are ZERO asshole.........do you understand what that means?:coffee:
To the OP:

Real world example. Oilfield companies have recently laid off 10,000 people in my area alone. These jobs are great paying jobs with great benefits. The average is 50k/year for these lost jobs. The news touts that Super 1 foods is opening up multiple new stores in the area, as is Wal Mart. So they brag about hundreds of new jobs created.

What they fail to tell you is a 50k/yr job is lost and replaced by a 15k/yr job. This is not GOOD news. These people purchased cars and homes based on their old income. From no fault of their own, they were given the boot. Its going to get very ugly very soon. Once people have depleted their reserves houses will begin to be foreclosed. I live in the area of the nation hit hardest by the oil bust. To see employers almost break into tears with me during an interview when they tell me they have to sort through hundreds of resumes of unqualified oilfield workers who have been laid off recently to get to people like me who are qualified for the position hurts. I tell them its not their fault. It's happened in 2 different interviews when I ask how many resumes they went through to get to mine. They always say "hundreds, and they're mostly laid off oil field workers."

These people have no marketable skills. They went to work offshore 25 years ago right out of high school as a roughneck. Its all they know. They have no education beyond high school, if they graduated from high school. Back in the Reagan days, you COULD drop out of high school and make 40K a year offshore. Now, there is no more offshore. There used to be hundreds of helis flying guys offshore that used to fly over my old house. Now, there are none. Those helis gave people jobs on the rigs, and also jobs flying and working on the helis.

That's all gone now. Now it's not Obamas fault that oil prices have dropped to bare bones levels, it's just an awful thing that NOBODY should be bragging about. Liberals better not DARE to brag about unemployment rates when we can clearly see what is really happening. And its not pretty.

Hell, GE just laid off 77 people right here in my town. Those were VERY good paying jobs. Replaced by what? A neighborhood Wal Mart?

GE Drilling in Broussard to lay off 77 by June 30

Yet. last months BLS statistics do not support your anecdotal evidence

Not only were 200,000 jobs added to the economy but salaries went UP
Negates your oil workers being replaced by WalMart workers defense
I own a business. I added total of 247 employees so far just this year alone. If this is hoax I could have skinned LoneL and JakeS........... alive.
So tell me why I'm having a hard time finding electrical and mechanical Engineer? I am even paying extra money just to relocate a med tech. from Portland to California.

I notice Republicans always tell people to go start their own business but I think when we count who's "under" employed, we are counting people who have to pay their own healthcare insurance and who aren't getting benefits from a company. So in one hand Republicans tell people to stop working for someone else and go work for yourself, but then they are counting these people who are out there not getting benefits from an employer.

I provide health care benefits if that what you seek. Under United Health Care.
That's not the point I'm trying to make. Republicans say stop working for someone else and start your own business. But if a housekeeper at the Hilton starts her own housekeeping company she's going to be one of those people paying their own healthcare, right? I think when we count the under employed we count these people. Maybe they shouldn't have quit their job I'm thinking. Unless of course you can build up enough business where you can stop cleaning and just make money running the business. But that's even more work am I right?

How much would you say a small business owner should make to say its worth it or where you feel like you've made it better than when you just worked for someone else?

If I make $50k plus benefits and you make $60k as a small business owner who's better off taking benefits into account?

Well here's the deal........

A business can NOT pay an employee, more in wages and benefits, than it collects in revenue from the labor the employee provides.

I can't pay you $50,000 in wages, plus benefits, if the labor you are providing me, isn't worth a greater amount of money, than the cost of the wages plus benefits.


The employers must.... (basic economics here), be earning from your labor, at least $66,000, plus more, in order to pay you $50,000 a year with benefits. The "more" being the profit off the labor.

If the employer can only make revenue of $66,000, or less... while paying you $50,000 in wages... then they are either just breaking even, or losing money on your employment.

The employer would be better off, to lay you off, and simply not have an employee in your position, if they are not making that much money.

To the point.....

If you are earning $50,000 at a job with benefits..... and you quit your job, and start your own business, doing exactly the same thing.... the exact same work, you should at least be able to charge a fee for your labor, of at least $66,000 or more.

If you are not earning at a bare minimum 20% more than you were at a salary job... then there are only a couple of possibilities.....

One: You are greatly under-charging for service.

Two: You are not working as much as you were before (you should have a ton of free time).

Three: You are simply now willing to run your own company. When you run your own company, you do it all, and that's why business owners make the big bucks. If you are not willing to be the sales guy, the maintenance guy, the cleaning guy, the everything guy.... then you are not going to earn millions and end up like the Waltons.

I've met numerous guys that they open their own business, and they earn just as much as they did working for an employer, but then they stop..... they don't want to work more than 40 hours.... and they remain in the $50,000 a year mark.

The people who end up wealthy, and better off... they are putting in 50 to 60 hours a week.

Great reply. The only thing I might argue with is if you own a successful business, eventually you aren't doing the labor work because your time is more valuable than that. Better to pay someone to do that stuff so you can focus on growing the business.

I worked for a guy like you are talking about. He said to me "I started my own business so I wouldn't have to..." And I explained until the business grows he needs to be a worker bee too. Every time I told him that we needed to send him out to a customer to fix something he said send Cliff. But how are we going to grow if all we do is send Cliff? Lol

Ah, you know it just depends on the person, the business, and exactly how big the owners wants to make the company.

In your specific case, he may not grow. His business may remain small and successful. There are MANY small businesses where the whole point is, they don't want to grow. They want to remain a small business.

I too, know a guy who started up a carpet cleaning business. Bought the big ol-diesel van with the monster carpet machine in the back. He drove around and cleaned carpets with one other guy, and the two of them made a decent (sub-6-figure) income from it... but they never saved up money to buy another truck, or hire more people. "Why don't you do xxxx?" Well why would they? The whole reason they are self employed, is specifically to not have a time schedule. He only wants to do 1 appointment a day, and spend the rest of it drinking beer, and watching football...(and that's literally what he did. You call him at 3 PM, and he's plastered). Thankfully his wife stayed at home, and kept him from killing himself or burning the house down.

But back to your point.... Um... yeah it depends on the person.

I was working at a company called ADL. They served multi-national contracts for electronics. One day, at around 7 PM, I looked over and there was this dude on the ground, under a wave soldering machine. A co-worker comes over and says "that's him!".... I'm like, who the maintenance guy? "No man! That's the owner of this whole place."

The owner of the company was in jeans, and a torn up T-shirt, rolling around in the dirt with fixing a wave solder machine. Multi-millionaire.... in the dirt. Literally, he looked like he just left a rodeo in Nevada, when he was done.

I was at another company called MicroMan. (I did not choose this name obviously). But one day we're out on the floor, about 15 minutes till quitting time, and the owner in his dress shirt comes out "Hey I have some stuff I want to do after closing. If anyone wants to join, by all means. Either way I'm staying until it's done". And there was about 6 of us, sitting around with the owner of the whole company, working on some project of his. Cant' remember what it was now. But I'll never forget Mr. Dress shirt, getting grease on his hands working.

Another company, my last one, we had rolled out and expensive deployment in Florida, for an un-named little-known, theme park. Well the product was contracted, and our contractor, delivered crap. As in total crap. The failures were so bad, that these 'designed for outdoors' units were not water proof... because it never rains... in Florida.... The unit would literally fill with water. And that was ONE of the flaws.

Well the owner and CEO, the President of Engineering, the President of Software, and the Service department head, all hopped on a plane, flew to Florida, was outside mid-summer, at 11 PM after the park closed, and working until 8 AM when the park opened, to fix all the units. Every day... .for a week. Land Sunday night, work till Saturday/Sunday morning, and fly back.

Now when you have a company the size of GM, run by guys in their 50s to 70s.... yeah... you simply call out your crack service teams and have them do whatever you need done. I gottcha....

But my experience in small business, suggests that most CEOs and business owners are working their butts off. Most are putting in 50 to 60 hours a week.

And while I get your idea that "their time could be more valuable doing other things"... and that could be true... it's not always the case. For example ADL, with the guy in the dirt, fixing a wave solder machine.... he was the owner, but he was not the CEO. He was good at doing what he did to start the company. Fixing and running the machines. He hired someone else, to be CEO of the company, and while he has millions, still worked as.... a guy who fixed and ran the machines.

So yeah, sometimes you hire someone else, to take over your tasks, and you do other more valuable things like signing big contracts and such..... but sometimes you hire someone else, to do the more valuable tasks, and you remain running the business.

A perfect example is a mechanic that opens his own shop. He hires someone else, to go dig up work, and bring in the business, while he himself, remains under the car, fixing the problems.
The OP is a bozo. Anybody who thinks the economy and jobs are good is also somebody who is hopelessly duped by the matrix.

Interest rates are ZERO asshole.........do you understand what that means?:coffee:

Yeah, I guess not. Please explain what the interest rate being zero, has to do with anything.

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