Who is MI's Secretary of State, a friend to the Devos family


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Ruth Johnson. Now who is Dick DeVos's wife, no other than Trump new Head of Education. Now even thought I'm a progressive RC, I do not want to be run by fundamentalists Christians anymore than I want to live under Sharia law. I am for the resurrection of good Public Schools, that is what my taxes (property) go to, I do not want my tax dollars spent on private schools or vouchers. Does anyone see the connection here, Mi has been taken over by the Pubs. Ruth Johnson is up for done in 2018, and I sure hope she does not run for anything else.
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Most serious people recognize that vouchers can end the tyranny of failing schools.
Most serious people recognize that vouchers can end the tyranny of failing schools.

So my property tax dollars are for nothing. No we need to first have quality Public Schools, and end the vouchers. What do you think everyone gets a voucher. Are you crazy!!

I started this post because the election in MI is up for a recount and the above people and Trump people are against it.

I know you want your kids and grandkids to be dumbed down and taught creation and that Noah's Ark was real. Oh and a virgin gave birth to a God. You will have to explain to your grandkids how the virgin Mary got pg, good luck with that one.
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Most serious people recognize that vouchers can end the tyranny of failing schools.

So my property tax dollars are for nothing. No we need to first have quality Public Schools, and end the vouchers. What do you think everyone gets a voucher. Are you crazy!!

I started this post because the election in MI is up for a recount and the above people and Trump people are against it.

The Michigan recount will not be completed in time. Assuming the board deadlocks on Trump's challenge, the earliest the recount will start is December 6th. That gives them a week to hand count the ballots. On December 13th federal law kicks in and the original count stands. Now remember it took three weeks post election for computer counted ballots.

Granholm almost destroyed Michigan. So much so, Obama didn't get her an appointment. We are against people costing us money to prove what we said the first time was valid.
Most serious people recognize that vouchers can end the tyranny of failing schools.

So my property tax dollars are for nothing. No we need to first have quality Public Schools, and end the vouchers. What do you think everyone gets a voucher. Are you crazy!!

I started this post because the election in MI is up for a recount and the above people and Trump people are against it.

The Michigan recount will not be completed in time. Assuming the board deadlocks on Trump's challenge, the earliest the recount will start is December 6th. That gives them a week to hand count the ballots. On December 13th federal law kicks in and the original count stands. Now remember it took three weeks post election for computer counted ballots.

Granholm almost destroyed Michigan. So much so, Obama didn't get her an appointment. We are against people costing us money to prove what we said the first time was valid.

Most serious people recognize that vouchers can end the tyranny of failing schools.

So my property tax dollars are for nothing. No we need to first have quality Public Schools, and end the vouchers. What do you think everyone gets a voucher. Are you crazy!!

I started this post because the election in MI is up for a recount and the above people and Trump people are against it.

The Michigan recount will not be completed in time. Assuming the board deadlocks on Trump's challenge, the earliest the recount will start is December 6th. That gives them a week to hand count the ballots. On December 13th federal law kicks in and the original count stands. Now remember it took three weeks post election for computer counted ballots.

Granholm almost destroyed Michigan. So much so, Obama didn't get her an appointment. We are against people costing us money to prove what we said the first time was valid.

I disagree, but the DeVos did not like her a direct hit to them, and thank God she won over Dick DeVos. :) Isn't that the way it is, the people who wear their religion on their cuff, forget all about it when it comes to the Almighty buck.
the following is a quote from Granholm.

"Often those who cloak themselves in a cape of religiosity happen to be some who are the biggest cutters. Now, some of that can balance out. But when you get to cutting the services for the least of these – in the 25th chapter of Matthew in the 37th verse the Lord says, 'Whatsoever you do to the least of these, so also you do unto me' – that's when I question whether somebody is really living out the faith that they profess". The interviewer noted that Granholm would be criticized, but she hoped that everyone would "keep those values in mind...through the budget process". Betsy DeVos, the chairman of the Michigan Republican Party (1996–2000, 2003-05), was upset that Granholm had decided "to cloak her views on balancing the budget in religious terms in order to demonize her political opponents". Granholm responded that she did not think her response was controversial and said that many people of faith were serving in state government”

Since the passage of the standard, Mariah Power, Global Wind Systems, Cascade Swift Turbine, Great Lakes Turbine, and 38 other companies have announced new projects in Michigan.[58] The solar and wind power industries now provide over 10,000 jobs in Michigan. As a result of Granholm's efforts, Michigan is now fourth in the nation in the number of jobs in the solar industry and first in the nation for clean energy patents.[59]

Jennifer Granholm - Wikipedia
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Most serious people recognize that vouchers can end the tyranny of failing schools.

Unless there are unlimted vouchers and unlimited schools I dont see how taking from Public schools to prop up a few "good schools" benefits the public as a whole.

There arent enough charter schools for everyone to go to. Thats a fact.
I disagree, but the DeVos did not like her a direct hit to them, and thank God she won over Dick DeVos. :) Isn't that the way it is, the people who wear their religion on their cuff, forget all about it when it comes to the Almighty buck.
the following is a quote from Granholm.

"Often those who cloak themselves in a cape of religiosity happen to be some who are the biggest cutters. Now, some of that can balance out. But when you get to cutting the services for the least of these – in the 25th chapter of Matthew in the 37th verse the Lord says, 'Whatsoever you do to the least of these, so also you do unto me' – that's when I question whether somebody is really living out the faith that they profess". The interviewer noted that Granholm would be criticized, but she hoped that everyone would "keep those values in mind...through the budget process". Betsy DeVos, the chairman of the Michigan Republican Party (1996–2000, 2003-05), was upset that Granholm had decided "to cloak her views on balancing the budget in religious terms in order to demonize her political opponents". Granholm responded that she did not think her response was controversial and said that many people of faith were serving in state government”

Since the passage of the standard, Mariah Power, Global Wind Systems, Cascade Swift Turbine, Great Lakes Turbine, and 38 other companies have announced new projects in Michigan.[58] The solar and wind power industries now provide over 10,000 jobs in Michigan. As a result of Granholm's efforts, Michigan is now fourth in the nation in the number of jobs in the solar industry and first in the nation for clean energy patents.[59]

Jennifer Granholm - Wikipedia



Ah, no try again.
Parents can use vouchers and charters to rescue their kids from schools where teaching is all but impossible due mostly to students who show up without the slightest interest in becoming educated because its value has not been inculcated in them by their irresponsible parents.

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