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Who is More Offensive? Kelly or Trump?

Who is More Offensive? Kelly or Trump?

  • Meghan Kelly

    Votes: 10 62.5%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 6 37.5%

  • Total voters
Megyn Kelly may have suggested that she was turned off by Donald Trump’s sexist remarks, but that didn’t stop her from rollicking with Howard Stern, discussing her breasts and her husband's penis size and engaging in some graphic sex talk.

Stern has been accused of being tough on women, such as in 2013 when he called "Girls" actress Lena Dunham "a little fat girl who kinda looks like Jonah Hill, and she keeps taking her clothes off, and it kind of feels like rape." He also is known for having women remove all their clothing during his radio broadcasts while he ogles and describes them.
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In a 2010 interview, the Fox News star laughed with glee as Stern talked about her breasts.

"We used to call them 'Killer B's' then when I got pregnant they became 'Swimmin' C's' and Doug was frolicking in the ocean," Kelly said of her husband, author Douglas Brunt.

Stern asked whether she would have considered not marrying Brunt if his penis had been small.

"I reject the hypotheticals. There's no issues there," Kelly said, laughing. "I've never had to choose. Let's put it that way."

She also talked about having sex with Brunt even while she was pregnant – into the third trimester.

Kelly was one of the moderators in Thursday's Fox News debate and asked Trump about tweets he has made insulting women's appearance. Trump and his critics have called the question inappropriate.

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Trump then got into trouble the next day when he told CNN's Don Lemon that Kelly was gunning for him and was so angry at him that blood was coming from her eyes and "from her wherever."
Critics slammed that as a reference to a woman's menstrual cycle, but Trump said Sunday he was referring to her nose or ears.

Trump, for his part, said he has called Rosie O’Donnell a "fat slob" and "dog" but never said it applied to all women. He referred to a lawyer who wanted to breast-feed her child in the middle of a deposition as "disgusting" – not as a "disgusting animal."

His reference to women on their knees comes from a comment in "The Apprentice" where Trump was talking about a person on the show kneeling to beg, not to commit a sex act.

Walid and Theodore Shoebat on their website Shoebat.com, called Kelly a hypocrite for criticizing Trump after her lewd conversation on Stern's show.

"She laughs and is okay with Stern discussing penises, breasts, in a very trashy nonchalant way," the Shoebats write.

Stern, they say, is a "sleaze bucket who utterly despises women." So for Kelly to claim she favors women's rights when questioning Trump's own treatment of women is hypocritical, they say.

Kelly is the one who owes women an apology, not Trump for making comments about Kelly, the Shoebats argue.

"Apologize and let's all move on," they write. "What man would allow his daughter or wife to get on some public adult radio and have a sleaze bucket talk sex with them? This is not a private matter. Kelly made this public.
How is it you do not understand the difference between a woman talking about herself and Trump referring to women as pigs, dogs, disgusting; talking about how they look on their knees and complaining that Kelly was tough on him because of her menstrual cycle? How fucking stupid are you?
I think she's a twit but she wasn't childishly calling someone names or insinuating that they were overly emotional because she couldn't answer a question.

Women are now allowed to discuss their sex lives, newsflash, Jeri.
yeah Jeri :eusa_eh: Thought you were a xstian? Guess you are just another rw SOCON hack huh?

Dot, if she chooses to go after Donald Trump accusing him of offending women? She needs to examine her own perverse language and filthy behavior on the master of women exploitation - Howard Stern Show! She didn't do the women of America any favors by her own actions.

Bottom line is - her behavior is actually more offensive than Donald Trumps! In my belief. I do not recall him ever airing the intimate details of his personal life, his body parts or wife's body parts by television or radio. Do you?

Meghan Kelly owes Donald Trump an apology.
ROFL. Whatever you have to tell yourself

BTW- "deflection" is not a debating topic :eusa_shhh: Theres a reason he didn't address what she brought up :eusa_whistle:
In order to take the high moral ground, the one aiming the finger at someone else has to have clean hands. Kelly does not have clean hands. Nor do the ones USING Kelly as an excuse to bash Trump to "take him down". We have all been privy to that lately, haven't we? Gives true meaning to "point yer finger at someone, 5 more will be pointing back attcha", doesn't it?
Men talking with Howard Stern is no surprise. A woman who portrays herself to be taking high moral ground on Fox News day after day? Is!
Jesus on a cracker.

Ravi, you will never convince me that Donald Trump discussed his personal intimate details of his marriage with his wife on the Howard Stern show. Don't know what the conversation was on but Trump by all appearances has shown himself to have far too much class to ever discuss his sex life, his body parts or his wife's body parts - ex wives included - whereas one simply cannot say the same about Meghan Kelly.

I rest my case.

And no......I am not watching the Howard Stern video's you people posted - although I do not believe either Trump or Walter's ever discussed inappropriate things about their spouses. They have far too much class to do such a thing. imo.
His sex life went well beyond his wives.
What I heard him say to her was he wouldn't return the unkindness she had shown

I think he was hoping to remind her that her behavior was out of order

aww she showed him unkindness by asking legitimate questions?

what was out-of-order were HIS ANSWER(S)...

and now his side-show attempt to blame the questioner is also OUT-OF-ORDER...

and pssst also un-presidential ;)

Kelly: Your Twitter account has several disparaging comments about women's looks. You once told a contestant on "Celebrity Apprentice" it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees. Does that sound to you like the temperament of a man we should elect as president, and how will you answer the charge from Hillary Clinton, who is likely to be the Democratic nominee, that you are part of the war on women?

Trump: I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct. … I've been challenged by so many people, and I don't frankly have time for total political correctness. And to be honest with you, this country doesn't have time either. This country is in big trouble. We don't win anymore. We lose to China. We lose to Mexico, both in trade and at the border. We lose to everybody.

Death blow from Fox News apos Megyn Kelly already taking effect on Trump - Chicago Tribune
Men talking with Howard Stern is no surprise. A woman who portrays herself to be taking high moral ground on Fox News day after day? Is!
Jesus on a cracker.

Ravi, you will never convince me that Donald Trump discussed his personal intimate details of his marriage with his wife on the Howard Stern show. Don't know what the conversation was on but Trump by all appearances has shown himself to have far too much class to ever discuss his sex life, his body parts or his wife's body parts - ex wives included - whereas one simply cannot say the same about Meghan Kelly.

I rest my case.

And no......I am not watching the Howard Stern video's you people posted - although I do not believe either Trump or Walter's ever discussed inappropriate things about their spouses. They have far too much class to do such a thing. imo.
So, when you say he does not talk about sex with his wives, does that include the time he forced Ivana to have sex with him, pulling her hair out by the handfuls?
The debates all changed when they did away with the neutral league of women voters sponsoring it
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Howard Stern is twice the man....and thrice the gentleman that Trump is. He knows that Kelly is an entertainer. She's not there to speak truth nor report accurately. She's there to move people. Namely.....nutbags who can't discern fact from fiction.

Just in case anyone missed that you have an IQ<40.....

I don't take laugher seriously, he says some really stupid shit. Half the time he makes no sense. I think he is on some heavy meds.

You do? Which meds?

You are almost coherent on that post.
Sometimes Trump makes sense.
"Whether you like Clinton or don't like Clinton, we had no deficit for the first time in many years, and were doing well economically. And then Bush came in, and wrecked it. After 11 September, America had the chance to be the most popular country in the world, instead, in a matter of weeks, that man destroyed it. We are no longer respected like we used to be, no longer the place where people want to invest to the extent they did before. We have been seriously hurt by Bush and his cronies. I think he will go down as the worst president in history."

"Right. The main problem I have is that Iraq did not blow up the World Trade Center. The terrorists who did it came out of Saudi Arabia, and other places, but not Iraq."

"The interesting thing about Saddam is he hated terrorists, he killed terrorists. He knew they represented a liability to his country and to him. But now Iraq is a breeding ground for terrorists, it's where they are trained. It's inconceivable what Bush has done. He invaded a country that had nothing to do with 9/11, absolutely zero. He purposely lied, and his lies got us into a war. But he wasn't impeached. Clinton was impeached for something that wasn't one millionth as important."
See Gracie's #105 post, paddymurphy. And furthermore, you were very dishonest with us about the video you viewed with Stern and Meghan Kelly! She said a lot more than you said she said! You left out quite a bit young man! That is called omission and it is a sin! You need to repent!

And to LoneLaugher - I do not need to listen to Howard Stern radio programs to know what he talks about - his reputation precedes him! And I am fully aware that some of his shows are diverse and about politics and most likely that is what the one with Trump and the other journalist was about which is clearly not the case with Meghan Kelly!

And to @Dot - you know better, Dot. A moderator should be fair and balanced and free of personal opinion and agenda during the debate. What she did was very unprofessional and as for her accusations against Trump? See Gracie's post #105! She hit the nail on the head!

Now I have had said what is on my heart and that is all. I'm done. Do not forget to thank the LORD that you all woke up this morning, thank Him for your health and that you have a roof over your heads! If you have a cat or a dog or some other kind of pet, thank God for that blessing too. God is good!
Howard Stern is twice the man....and thrice the gentleman that Trump is. He knows that Kelly is an entertainer. She's not there to speak truth nor report accurately. She's there to move people. Namely.....nutbags who can't discern fact from fiction.

Just in case anyone missed that you have an IQ<40.....

I don't take laugher seriously, he says some really stupid shit. Half the time he makes no sense. I think he is on some heavy meds.

You do? Which meds?

You are almost coherent on that post.

Look at you! Going for the vague generalities. Let's have a discussion genius. What would you like to talk about? Wow me.
See Gracie's #105 post, paddymurphy. And furthermore, you were very dishonest with us about the video you viewed with Stern and Meghan Kelly! She said a lot more than you said she said! You left out quite a bit young man! That is called omission and it is a sin! You need to repent!

And to LoneLaugher - I do not need to listen to Howard Stern radio programs to know what he talks about - his reputation precedes him! And I am fully aware that some of his shows are diverse and about politics and most likely that is what the one with Trump and the other journalist was about which is clearly not the case with Meghan Kelly!

And to @Dot - you know better, Dot. A moderator should be fair and balanced and free of personal opinion and agenda during the debate. What she did was very unprofessional and as for her accusations against Trump? See Gracie's post #105! She hit the nail on the head!

Now I have had said what is on my heart and that is all. I'm done. Do not forget to thank the LORD that you all woke up this morning, thank Him for your health and that you have a roof over your heads! If you have a cat or a dog or some other kind of pet, thank God for that blessing too. God is good!
I left out nothing. What you posted and what I posted did not differ. Oh, and fuck you and your thoughts on sin. If there is a hell, lying pricks like you will go there.

Hypocrites like you think that empty, dishonest references to God somehow excuse your hateful lies and words. It does not. God shakes her head when she hears what assholes like you do in her name.

As for Gracie, what kind of freak has one finger pointing and five pointing back? God you people are fucking stupid.
See Gracie's #105 post, paddymurphy. And furthermore, you were very dishonest with us about the video you viewed with Stern and Meghan Kelly! She said a lot more than you said she said! You left out quite a bit young man! That is called omission and it is a sin! You need to repent!

And to LoneLaugher - I do not need to listen to Howard Stern radio programs to know what he talks about - his reputation precedes him! And I am fully aware that some of his shows are diverse and about politics and most likely that is what the one with Trump and the other journalist was about which is clearly not the case with Meghan Kelly!

And to @Dot - you know better, Dot. A moderator should be fair and balanced and free of personal opinion and agenda during the debate. What she did was very unprofessional and as for her accusations against Trump? See Gracie's post #105! She hit the nail on the head!

Now I have had said what is on my heart and that is all. I'm done. Do not forget to thank the LORD that you all woke up this morning, thank Him for your health and that you have a roof over your heads! If you have a cat or a dog or some other kind of pet, thank God for that blessing too. God is good!

Stern rarely talks politics. He doesn't talk politics with Trump. Listen to the clips. Learn what Trump speaks about with Stern. Don't assume. Know.
Howard Stern is twice the man....and thrice the gentleman that Trump is. He knows that Kelly is an entertainer. She's not there to speak truth nor report accurately. She's there to move people. Namely.....nutbags who can't discern fact from fiction.

Just in case anyone missed that you have an IQ<40.....

I don't take laugher seriously, he says some really stupid shit. Half the time he makes no sense. I think he is on some heavy meds.

You do? Which meds?

You are almost coherent on that post.

Look at you! Going for the vague generalities. Let's have a discussion genius. What would you like to talk about? Wow me.

You are the one that can move off of you and your addiction issues.
Thank you for admitting that Meghan Kelly is not there to speak truth nor report accurately. She's there to "move people" or more honestly to... stir them up with lies and false allegations against a presidential candidate.

I was wondering why so many liberals were defending her today!

Excuse me, but it is clear these lack of morals she displays have greatly increased her popularity with some of you!

So in your eyes, she should be defended because she is a liar and you can count on her not to report accurately?

That is quite a different way of approving people, Lonelaugher. I'm appalled.

can you quote the LIE you are claiming that she made, or are YOU the liar here? :eusa_whistle:

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