Who is Oppressed: Muslim women with Hijab or Western Society Women?

I would allow her to post if she wanted to.

But it really doesn't interest her. :cool:

You would "allow" her to post? What makes you believe she needs your permission? She's not a child. Or is she? ;)

BTW, you've ignored questions that are apparently too tough for you to answer, so I won't hold my breath you'll respond to this.
I am still looking for those recipes.... so make her post :lol:

LOL. He's probably the chief cook and bottle washer. That's usually how it is wiwhen the alpha males are at home.

I can barely boil water. So cooking ain't my thing.

But there is nothing un-manly about helping your wife around the house.

And I will pitch in when she needs the help. :cool:

There is also nothing unmanly about treating women as equals. In fact, I think it's pretty unmanly to feel you have to own a woman or have to exert authority over her. Sunni men, if they're all like you, must have the most fragile egos in the world.
As long as they are questions and not retarded Islamophobic accusations.

And not some huge list either.

Maybe just one question at a time would be best.
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Western women can pretty much choose what they want to do, women in certain Muslim countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia etc, not so much. So my vote is for the Western ladies on freedom.
As long as they are questions and not retarded Islamophobic accusations.

And not some huge list either.

Maybe just one question at a time would be best.

Ok then, I ask in all sincerity, why does your wife need your permission to post here (or anywhere)?
As long as they are questions and not retarded Islamophobic accusations.

And not some huge list either.

Maybe just one question at a time would be best.

Ok then, I ask in all sincerity, why does your wife need your permission to post here (or anywhere)?

Out of respect for me as her husband and head of the house.

She will ask me for permission to go visit her friend, go to the store, etc. :cool:
It seems that Western women are the ones all up in arms about Saudi women not having the privilege to drive. Whereas it is a non-issue with 99% of the Saudi women. I am sure that your friend was tired and not from too much sex. Having two wives and complete household would be a tremendous emotional and economic strain on most any man.

Recently a friend of mine went and talked to the Imam about taking on a second wife.

The Imam told him, " Why would you want another headache". :lol:

Thats not true Sunni, women in Saudi Arabia are defying this law and going out into the streets to drive, its been going on for the last few weeks.
There are less than one dozen rebelious women who are doing this.

As with any society there are always trouble makers and miscreants. :doubt:
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People in the west and in America specifically always want to meddle in other countries business.

But we would go ballistic if say China or Russia tried to dictate to Americans what laws we should or shouldn't follow.

If China or Russia were giving us billions of dollars every year, they would have a right to say something to us.
There are less than one dozen rebelious women who are doing this.

As with any society their are always trouble makers and miscreants. :doubt:

I really don't see the big deal, let them drive, most other Muslim countries let them.
There are less than one dozen rebelious women who are doing this.

As with any society their are always trouble makers and miscreants. :doubt:

I really don't see the big deal, let them drive, most other Muslim countries let them.

Their country: Their laws

If that's what their society and culture wants then more power to them. :cool:

Yes but things change over time, at 1 point in the US blacks and whites were forbidden to marry and Blacks had to ride in the back of the bus, things don't always stay the same forever.
As long as they are questions and not retarded Islamophobic accusations.

And not some huge list either.

Maybe just one question at a time would be best.

Ok then, I ask in all sincerity, why does your wife need your permission to post here (or anywhere)?

Out of respect for me as her husband and head of the house.

She will ask me for permission to go visit her friend, go to the store, etc. :cool:

What would be your response if she ever didn't get your permission to (gasp) visit a friend?
Moot point.

It would never happened. :cool:

You surely must have some idea in mind regarding what you would do but I won't press it because your unwillingness to say is an answer of itself.

Is there any man you would expect the same "respect" from or is it only women?
Moot point.

It would never happened. :cool:

Then the "asking" is also a moot point and should have been dispensed with long ago.

Do you ask permission to go to the bathroom like you did when you needed a parent's or a teacher's permission?
Muslims like Sunni are afraid to give their women equal status because the women are smarter. The men couldn't even invent toilet paper, which I'm sure Sunni doesn't use himself nor does he let his wife use any (although she probably sneaks some in under her burqa).
So Sunni, hypothetically, if she goes somewhere without asking you first, are you ready to beat her? What threat hangs over her not to do it? And don't give me that "she wouldn't" crap, I'm talking if she did tomorrow, what happens to her? You rat her out to the imam?

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