Who is Ray Eps?

There were more then one.

of course there was.... :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

poor stupid Trumpians were duped into attacking the Capital building and chanting for the deaths of our elected officials...it is not their fault they are a bunch of gullible kool-aid drinking idiots
Hey Delores. We got the vids to prove all this. You were hoodwinked, hook, line, and sTinker

I knew this was a set up 5 min in the GD thing........................LOLOLOOLOL

You'd have to be a real stupid fuck not to see it

Creepy Chang is a CCP troll. He can't "see" anything. He doesn't reason, can't be convinced. He has a script which follows the interests of Communist China. If you humiliate him enough that his lies are impotent here, he'll just ooze to a different thread and tell other lies, or the same ones.
The best part is this one guy got all those people to act like a wild mob, storm the capital building and chant for the death of our elected officials....and you all think the problem is with the one guy and not the folks that blindly followed him.

Like cockroaches, there is never a single Gestapo agent. This is the one that got caught, and you are desperate to explain away.

Everyone here knows your filthy Reich got caught balls deep in the mutt.

Like cockroaches, there is never a single Gestapo agent. This is the one that got caught, and you are desperate to explain away.

Everyone here knows your filthy Reich got caught balls deep in the mutt.

Poor stupid Trumpians were duped into attacking the Capital building and chanting for the deaths of our elected officials...it is not their fault they are a bunch of gullible kool-aid drinking idiots
Poor stupid Trumpians were duped into attacking the Capital building and chanting for the deaths of our elected officials...it is not their fault they are a bunch of gullible kool-aid drinking idiots
You do know that repeating a lie over and over again doesn’t make it true? The left are experts at using their mouthpieces to promote their lies, but people are waking up to them.

Can you explain the police seemingly allowing people into areas where they weren’t supposed to be? Maybe the people in the crowd there were stupid and naive to follow others into the building or believe that since the capitol police were waving them in, that it was okay to go in. But once they got in, they rambled around and took selfies. There’s even video of them speaking with the police once in the building, I saw no effort by the police to force people out or tell them they need to leave. I’ve been in the capitol building, you don’t get in unless you’re let in, period. It was allowed that day to create the media frenzy that they wanted, and schmucks like you fell for it whole heartedly.
You do know that repeating a lie over and over again doesn’t make it true? The left are experts at using their mouthpieces to promote their lies, but people are waking up to them.

Can you explain the police seemingly allowing people into areas where they weren’t supposed to be? Maybe the people in the crowd there were stupid and naive to follow others into the building or believe that since the capitol police were waving them in, that it was okay to go in. But once they got in, they rambled around and took selfies. There’s even video of them speaking with the police once in the building, I saw no effort by the police to force people out or tell them they need to leave. I’ve been in the capitol building, you don’t get in unless you’re let in, period. It was allowed that day to create the media frenzy that they wanted, and schmucks like you fell for it whole heartedly.

Some rambled around and took selfies, others did more. I watched it live on TV, none of your spinning can change what I saw with my own eyes.
Can you explain the police seemingly allowing people into areas where they weren’t supposed to be?
There is one video of police opening a gate and letting people pass. Correct?

I suppose the police could have stood at that gate and gotten beaten like the other police that tried to maintain the perimeter, but that would be foolish given they had no chance of succeeding against the far larger violent crowd.

At that time, the police were falling back to the building. This isn't rocket science.
have pelosi release ALL tapes from the building and lets see.
Seems pretty unbelievable that he would have managed to somehow evade the extensive video and photos the rioters took of the event that have been freely available on the internet and used to identify so many of the rioters already.

Like, astonishingly unbelievable.
Good question. One we will never know the answer to.

THey did this for the BLM rally...who decided not to do this for the Trump one?

View attachment 556518

Eva Braun Pelosi decided.

She is in charge of the Capitol Police AND the last legitimate President URGED her to deploy the National Guard, she refused - she had other plans for 1/6
Poor stupid Nazi, caught red handed and now thinks he can get out of it with ad hom...

i disagree that it's ok for the feds to instigate a riot. i'd be arrested if i did it. why can they do it? i do agree with GG that a very valid question is - why the lack of security? trump offered it days ahead of time. pelosi said no. as GG points out, we did it for other major events the left sponsored.

but the whole "nazi" shit when people disagree with us has worn itself the fuck out.
Eva Braun Pelosi decided.

She is in charge of the Capitol Police AND the last legitimate President URGED her to deploy the National Guard, she refused - she had other plans for 1/6

Simply not true. Congress has administrative oversight of the capital police, not operational control. And it is also shared between the House and Senate, seems Mitch controlled the Senate.

The POTUS does not need her to deploy the National Guard, he can do it all on his own...yet he did not.

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