Who is Responsible for the Government Shutdown?

My dad was a union man and when they went on strike they were provided food stamps. We need to get food to these shutdown workers. Most probably help with utilities and mortgage also. But how?
You havent heard?

“And I am proud to shut down the government for border security, Chuck, because the people of this country don't want criminals and people that have lots of problems and drugs pouring into our country. So I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I'm not going to blame you for it.

Wait, so now you believe him?

The reality is Trump is asking for $5 billion out of a $4 trillion budget, or 0.125 %. To put that in perspective- if your household budget was $100,000, 0.125% would be $125.

So Dems refusing the 0.125% increase has nothing to do with fiscal responsibility. There are 2 reasons I see. One, that don’t want Trump to win, and two, a considerable number of Libs want all the illegals welcomed with open arms.

Trump's art of the deal is to win at any cost, this time the cost is paid for by Federal Employees, small business in a close proximity to Federal Buildings, Tourists to our National Parks and The District, citizens who need Passports and thousands of troops away from their families by spenting the holidays away from their home.

Trump's Personality Disorders allow him to justify his callous disregard for others to himself. Not only is he inept, he's totally unfit to be POTUS.
You havent heard?

“And I am proud to shut down the government for border security, Chuck, because the people of this country don't want criminals and people that have lots of problems and drugs pouring into our country. So I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I'm not going to blame you for it.

Wait, so now you believe him?

The reality is Trump is asking for $5 billion out of a $4 trillion budget, or 0.125 %. To put that in perspective- if your household budget was $100,000, 0.125% would be $125.

So Dems refusing the 0.125% increase has nothing to do with fiscal responsibility. There are 2 reasons I see. One, that don’t want Trump to win, and two, a considerable number of Libs want all the illegals welcomed with open arms.
I never believe him. I just use his lies against him. :rolleyes:

I dont care how much he is asking for in regards to the fence. It could be $20. If he wants the money then get it from Mexico.

You forgot the third and correct reason. They are going to force Drumpf to admit he lied or get the money from Mexico if he wants a wall that the american people are against.

Aside from your blatantly Democratic partisanship, if Donnie said, sorry folks, we have to pay for the wall because Mexico refused, then you’d be ok with it? Or, do you just not want a wall (secure southern border). If you don’t want a secure southern border, why not?
Nope. I still wouldnt be ok with it. Its a waste of money and the american people are against it.

But what do you want, Open border? Can you express what is personal to you, or just what the democrats tell you to think.
You havent heard?

“And I am proud to shut down the government for border security, Chuck, because the people of this country don't want criminals and people that have lots of problems and drugs pouring into our country. So I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I'm not going to blame you for it.

Wait, so now you believe him?

The reality is Trump is asking for $5 billion out of a $4 trillion budget, or 0.125 %. To put that in perspective- if your household budget was $100,000, 0.125% would be $125.

So Dems refusing the 0.125% increase has nothing to do with fiscal responsibility. There are 2 reasons I see. One, that don’t want Trump to win, and two, a considerable number of Libs want all the illegals welcomed with open arms.
I never believe him. I just use his lies against him. :rolleyes:

I dont care how much he is asking for in regards to the fence. It could be $20. If he wants the money then get it from Mexico.

You forgot the third and correct reason. They are going to force Drumpf to admit he lied or get the money from Mexico if he wants a wall that the american people are against.

Aside from your blatantly Democratic partisanship, if Donnie said, sorry folks, we have to pay for the wall because Mexico refused, then you’d be ok with it? Or, do you just not want a wall (secure southern border). If you don’t want a secure southern border, why not?
Nope. I still wouldnt be ok with it. Its a waste of money and the american people are against it.

But what do you want, Open border? Can you express what is personal to you, or just what the democrats tell you to think.
What makes you think I want an open border because I dont support a stupid ass wall Drumpf claimed Mexico was going to pay for?
Wait, so now you believe him?

The reality is Trump is asking for $5 billion out of a $4 trillion budget, or 0.125 %. To put that in perspective- if your household budget was $100,000, 0.125% would be $125.

So Dems refusing the 0.125% increase has nothing to do with fiscal responsibility. There are 2 reasons I see. One, that don’t want Trump to win, and two, a considerable number of Libs want all the illegals welcomed with open arms.
I never believe him. I just use his lies against him. :rolleyes:

I dont care how much he is asking for in regards to the fence. It could be $20. If he wants the money then get it from Mexico.

You forgot the third and correct reason. They are going to force Drumpf to admit he lied or get the money from Mexico if he wants a wall that the american people are against.

Aside from your blatantly Democratic partisanship, if Donnie said, sorry folks, we have to pay for the wall because Mexico refused, then you’d be ok with it? Or, do you just not want a wall (secure southern border). If you don’t want a secure southern border, why not?
Nope. I still wouldnt be ok with it. Its a waste of money and the american people are against it.

But what do you want, Open border? Can you express what is personal to you, or just what the democrats tell you to think.
What makes you think I want an open border because I dont support a stupid ass wall Drumpf claimed Mexico was going to pay for?

I asked what you want, but you’re such a mindless democrat all you can do is parrot what Rachel Maddow told you to think and say. I have come to the conclusion that partisan republicans and democrats (folks like you) have forgotten how to think for themselves.
I never believe him. I just use his lies against him. :rolleyes:

I dont care how much he is asking for in regards to the fence. It could be $20. If he wants the money then get it from Mexico.

You forgot the third and correct reason. They are going to force Drumpf to admit he lied or get the money from Mexico if he wants a wall that the american people are against.

Aside from your blatantly Democratic partisanship, if Donnie said, sorry folks, we have to pay for the wall because Mexico refused, then you’d be ok with it? Or, do you just not want a wall (secure southern border). If you don’t want a secure southern border, why not?
Nope. I still wouldnt be ok with it. Its a waste of money and the american people are against it.

But what do you want, Open border? Can you express what is personal to you, or just what the democrats tell you to think.
What makes you think I want an open border because I dont support a stupid ass wall Drumpf claimed Mexico was going to pay for?

I asked what you want, but you’re such a mindless democrat all you can do is parrot what Rachel Maddow told you to think and say. I have come to the conclusion that partisan republicans and democrats (folks like you) have forgotten how to think for themselves.
Thats your first mistake. I'm not a Dem. I know for damn sure I want Drumpf and you drumpfsexuals to stop whining about a wall. Its the stupidest fucking idea you cons have come up with in a while and thats saying a lot.
Aside from your blatantly Democratic partisanship, if Donnie said, sorry folks, we have to pay for the wall because Mexico refused, then you’d be ok with it? Or, do you just not want a wall (secure southern border). If you don’t want a secure southern border, why not?
Nope. I still wouldnt be ok with it. Its a waste of money and the american people are against it.

But what do you want, Open border? Can you express what is personal to you, or just what the democrats tell you to think.
What makes you think I want an open border because I dont support a stupid ass wall Drumpf claimed Mexico was going to pay for?

I asked what you want, but you’re such a mindless democrat all you can do is parrot what Rachel Maddow told you to think and say. I have come to the conclusion that partisan republicans and democrats (folks like you) have forgotten how to think for themselves.
Thats your first mistake. I'm not a Dem. I know for damn sure I want Drumpf and you drumpfsexuals to stop whining about a wall. Its the stupidest fucking idea you cons have come up with in a while and thats saying a lot.

Really? How stupid was it in 2006 when most of the Dems wanted it and voted for it then? Listen up, dumbfuck, a wall or fence isn't the be-all or end-all and it sure isn't going to stop every illegal from getting in, but it sure as hell is going to reduce the numbers quite a bit. Hey, it works well in /Yuma, and San Diego, it cut down the inflow of illegals pretty good there. So how about you assholes stop with the bullshit obstructionist crap and spend the fucking $ to build the fucking wall. If it was a good idea back in 2006 then why the fuck is it ineffective and immoral now?
Nope. I still wouldnt be ok with it. Its a waste of money and the american people are against it.

But what do you want, Open border? Can you express what is personal to you, or just what the democrats tell you to think.
What makes you think I want an open border because I dont support a stupid ass wall Drumpf claimed Mexico was going to pay for?

I asked what you want, but you’re such a mindless democrat all you can do is parrot what Rachel Maddow told you to think and say. I have come to the conclusion that partisan republicans and democrats (folks like you) have forgotten how to think for themselves.
Thats your first mistake. I'm not a Dem. I know for damn sure I want Drumpf and you drumpfsexuals to stop whining about a wall. Its the stupidest fucking idea you cons have come up with in a while and thats saying a lot.

Really? How stupid was it in 2006 when most of the Dems wanted it and voted for it then? Listen up, dumbfuck, a wall or fence isn't the be-all or end-all and it sure isn't going to stop every illegal from getting in, but it sure as hell is going to reduce the numbers quite a bit. Hey, it works well in /Yuma, and San Diego, it cut down the inflow of illegals pretty good there. So how about you assholes stop with the bullshit obstructionist crap and spend the fucking $ to build the fucking wall. If it was a good idea back in 2006 then why the fuck is it ineffective and immoral now?
"How stupid was it in 2006 when most of the Dems wanted it and voted for it then?"

Can you show me in quotes in 2006 when Dems voted for a 30 ft. wall? :rolleyes:
I never believe him. I just use his lies against him. :rolleyes:

I dont care how much he is asking for in regards to the fence. It could be $20. If he wants the money then get it from Mexico.

You forgot the third and correct reason. They are going to force Drumpf to admit he lied or get the money from Mexico if he wants a wall that the american people are against.

Aside from your blatantly Democratic partisanship, if Donnie said, sorry folks, we have to pay for the wall because Mexico refused, then you’d be ok with it? Or, do you just not want a wall (secure southern border). If you don’t want a secure southern border, why not?
Nope. I still wouldnt be ok with it. Its a waste of money and the american people are against it.

But what do you want, Open border? Can you express what is personal to you, or just what the democrats tell you to think.
What makes you think I want an open border because I dont support a stupid ass wall Drumpf claimed Mexico was going to pay for?

I asked what you want, but you’re such a mindless democrat all you can do is parrot what Rachel Maddow told you to think and say. I have come to the conclusion that partisan republicans and democrats (folks like you) have forgotten how to think for themselves.

Dude, stop parroting that old conservative canard.
Democrats! Willing to send 54 Billion in foreign aid and not one dime to secure American’s safety! American Lives Matter.

Foreign aid money is security.

A fucking wall isn’t

$5 billion + that Trump wants for the Wall is absurd. A wall from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean, defending it once it is built is absurd.

For much much less Trump&Co. can build Tents for the migrants who seek asylum in a pen on US Territory, keep families together, Vet them, and put the onus on The Congress to pass comprehensive Immigration laws.

Congress can set standards, and each person housed in such housing will cost their Country of Origin a daily rate, reducing foreign aid to nil. At that point no person from that country will be eligible to immigrate to the US and future foreign aid will cease.

Of course Diplomacy and policies ought to be part of the discussion with the Organization of American States.

Sadly, Trump&Co are too stupid, too arrogant and too callous to do so.
14 days and no agreement has been made, leaving millions of people out of work - including Federal Employees and those who provide services to them.
The blame game is going to get us NOWHERE. Try focusing on how to end it, instead. There is nothing wrong with some portions of the border sealed off with a fence. Give the man his 5B.

Yup especially since the Dems wanted that same wall a couple of years ago.

Now because Trump wants it they don't want to fund it.

Stupid is as stupid does.
Democrats! Willing to send 54 Billion in foreign aid and not one dime to secure American’s safety! American Lives Matter.
Nice deflection considering that your tiny trump clearly stated that Mexico was going to pay for the Wall....and now you want to blame the Democrats for taking your orange messiah at his word.
14 days and no agreement has been made, leaving millions of people out of work - including Federal Employees and those who provide services to them.
The blame game is going to get us NOWHERE. Try focusing on how to end it, instead. There is nothing wrong with some portions of the border sealed off with a fence. Give the man his 5B.

Yup especially since the Dems wanted that same wall a couple of years ago.

Now because Trump wants it they don't want to fund it.

Stupid is as stupid does.
Oh really? Link please.

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