Who is Responsible for the Government Shutdown?

Lack of clear definition of what "The Wall" means, and political posturing on both sides has led to the PARTIAL government shutdown. What it really means is mostly upgrading existing fencing. Once you get a few miles from ports of entry, the border wall is a glorified cow fence.

Normally shutdowns are non-events, much bally-whoo about nothing. But as it drags on there will be many people financially hurt by a long delay in pay. After all this is budgetary chump change but Pelosi refuses to give Trump any semblance of a "victory".

That's her opening, Pelosi is a much better negotiator than Trump ever has been. As stated above, the wall was never really defined, and $5 Billion Dollars to build a wall is a waste of money.

The D's support border security, but the D's are pragmatic and understand Technology, air power and boots on the ground will be needed to defend Trump's ego-wall and the full 2,000 mile, + or - border from the Gulf of Mexico to San Diego County.

Trump is stupid & stubborn and that prevents him from making a deal to defend our border and get our public sector workers paid and those furloughed back to work.
Then why haven’t they fucking done it?
Lack of clear definition of what "The Wall" means, and political posturing on both sides has led to the PARTIAL government shutdown. What it really means is mostly upgrading existing fencing. Once you get a few miles from ports of entry, the border wall is a glorified cow fence.

Normally shutdowns are non-events, much bally-whoo about nothing. But as it drags on there will be many people financially hurt by a long delay in pay. After all this is budgetary chump change but Pelosi refuses to give Trump any semblance of a "victory".

That's her opening, Pelosi is a much better negotiator than Trump ever has been. As stated above, the wall was never really defined, and $5 Billion Dollars to build a wall is a waste of money.

The D's support border security, but the D's are pragmatic and understand Technology, air power and boots on the ground will be needed to defend Trump's ego-wall and the full 2,000 mile, + or - border from the Gulf of Mexico to San Diego County.

Trump is stupid & stubborn and that prevents him from making a deal to defend our border and get our public sector workers paid and those furloughed back to work.
Then why haven’t they fucking done it?
The repubs controlled congress and the dems couldnt out vote them.
You havent heard?

“And I am proud to shut down the government for border security, Chuck, because the people of this country don't want criminals and people that have lots of problems and drugs pouring into our country. So I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I'm not going to blame you for it.

Wait, so now you believe him?

The reality is Trump is asking for $5 billion out of a $4 trillion budget, or 0.125 %. To put that in perspective- if your household budget was $100,000, 0.125% would be $125.

So Dems refusing the 0.125% increase has nothing to do with fiscal responsibility. There are 2 reasons I see. One, that don’t want Trump to win, and two, a considerable number of Libs want all the illegals welcomed with open arms.
Trump said Mexico was paying for the wall. That's the point. The Republican party is full of shit. That's the point. Trump and his goons are not credible. They talk shit. That is the point. Nothing they say can be believed or taken seriously. That is the point. Get it?
And further he said, and proudly so because American National Security was that important, furthur he added that without a border you have no country! Now what part of that might ewe disagree with?
We've had a country for almost five hundred years. Can someone explain to me what happened to the border? Oh, I get it now. Seeing that the Trump enablers are hiring illegals, it looks as if we no longer have borders. Got it. And since the beginning of our geo-political invasion of central and South America, that too makes it appear we don't have borders. Now I understand.
Trump told the dumbasses he would never sign another CR without money for the wall. The democrats are saying shit on America and American lives, let’s send 54 Billion taxpayer dollars to foreign countries!
We have 20 million illegals here! Tell me again about our borders numbnutz!
How do you know how many illegals are here? Did someone poll them?
Wouldn’t that be nice? Another thing the numbnutz Democrats blocked!
You avoided my question. Can you answer it?
Ewe know as well as I do it’s an estimate. It may be as high as 30 million! We can count the kids because the taxpayer is forced to educate them and provide them with food.
Just so you guys know, they haven't missed a single paycheck yet. They are 2 weeks behind in their pay. That's why nobody cares right now. Gov't employees are not paid up to the day they are 2 weeks behind.
14 days and no agreement has been made, leaving millions of people out of work - including Federal Employees and those who provide services to them.
Any time the Democrats want to see the shutdown end, they can end it by including funding for the border fence. They really have no reason not to other then wanting to piss the President off.
We've had a country for almost five hundred years. Can someone explain to me what happened to the border? Oh, I get it now. Seeing that the Trump enablers are hiring illegals, it looks as if we no longer have borders. Got it. And since the beginning of our geo-political invasion of central and South America, that too makes it appear we don't have borders. Now I understand.
We have 20 million illegals here! Tell me again about our borders numbnutz!
How do you know how many illegals are here? Did someone poll them?
Wouldn’t that be nice? Another thing the numbnutz Democrats blocked!
You avoided my question. Can you answer it?
Ewe know as well as I do it’s an estimate. It may be as high as 30 million! We can count the kids because the taxpayer is forced to educate them and provide them with food.
Wait. So you want 5B over an estimate, on a ego-wall that Mexico was supposed to pay for, wont work any way, and the american people are against? You must be fucking high. Hell no! :rolleyes:
Lack of clear definition of what "The Wall" means, and political posturing on both sides has led to the PARTIAL government shutdown. What it really means is mostly upgrading existing fencing. Once you get a few miles from ports of entry, the border wall is a glorified cow fence.

Normally shutdowns are non-events, much bally-whoo about nothing. But as it drags on there will be many people financially hurt by a long delay in pay. After all this is budgetary chump change but Pelosi refuses to give Trump any semblance of a "victory".

That's her opening, Pelosi is a much better negotiator than Trump ever has been. As stated above, the wall was never really defined, and $5 Billion Dollars to build a wall is a waste of money.

The D's support border security, but the D's are pragmatic and understand Technology, air power and boots on the ground will be needed to defend Trump's ego-wall and the full 2,000 mile, + or - border from the Gulf of Mexico to San Diego County.

Trump is stupid & stubborn and that prevents him from making a deal to defend our border and get our public sector workers paid and those furloughed back to work.
Then why haven’t they fucking done it?
They know it won't work. It's totally political at this point because they lost the House.
Wait. So you want 5B over an estimate, on a ego-wall that Mexico was supposed to pay for, wont work any way, and the american people are against? You must be fucking high. Hell no! :rolleyes:

Nobody said Mexico would pay for it UP FRONT. They've already partially paid for it in the revamped NAFTA agreement. They could pay for it later. Just like when you move into a new house. doesn't mean you won't eventually pay for it.

Yes Trump is responsible for demanding money for a wall that democrats supported until it was Trump that wanted it. This is all politics. They act like 5 billion is a lot. That's a rounding error in our annual GDP.

If Hillary would want this wall she would have had it yesterday.
14 days and no agreement has been made, leaving millions of people out of work - including Federal Employees and those who provide services to them.
Any time the Democrats want to see the shutdown end, they can end it by including funding for the border fence. They really have no reason not to other then wanting to piss the President off.
We dont give into demands from terrorists. Sorry. Besides what happened to Mexico paying for it?
Wait. So you want 5B over an estimate, on a ego-wall that Mexico was supposed to pay for, wont work any way, and the american people are against? You must be fucking high. Hell no! :rolleyes:

Nobody said Mexico would pay for it UP FRONT. They've already partially paid for it in the revamped NAFTA agreement. They could pay for it later. Just like when you move into a new house. doesn't mean you won't eventually pay for it.

Yes Trump is responsible for demanding money for a wall that democrats supported until it was Trump that wanted it.

If Hillary would want this wall she would have had it yesterday.
He should have demanded it from Mexico since he claimed they were going to pay for it.
You havent heard?

“And I am proud to shut down the government for border security, Chuck, because the people of this country don't want criminals and people that have lots of problems and drugs pouring into our country. So I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I'm not going to blame you for it.
I say that clearly and definitively answers that question. Can't wait to see how the nutters twist this one around.
Doesn't matter. Border security is the responsibility of the Executive branch. His request is reasonable. Dems have vowed to stand in the way of border security. Dems are responsible for their choices.
14 days and no agreement has been made, leaving millions of people out of work - including Federal Employees and those who provide services to them.
Any time the Democrats want to see the shutdown end, they can end it by including funding for the border fence. They really have no reason not to other then wanting to piss the President off.
We dont give into demands from terrorists. Sorry. Besides what happened to Mexico paying for it?
Truth be told, the Democrats don't give a shit about anything but pissing the President off.
If the wall is so terrible, why aren't the democrats leading a charge to tear down the wall that's there?
14 days and no agreement has been made, leaving millions of people out of work - including Federal Employees and those who provide services to them.
As was explained to me by managers, the boss has the responsibility and the employee has the blame. In this case, Trump has the responsibility and Nancy and Chuck have the blame. An afterthought, we the American voter put all of them in office.
Nope. Nancy and Chuck are not Drumpfs employees. Sorry. :rolleyes:

Besides managers are put there to manage you. That doesn't mean they actually know anything about leadership.
They are not his employees, they are our employees. Being employees, they are subject to blame. As far as managers go, some don't know and some do, one in particular put it this way talking to me-if you don't do something you should have, I will blame you. The big boss will call me in because the result is my responsibility as are you. Expletives were deleted.
We have 20 million illegals here! Tell me again about our borders numbnutz!
How do you know how many illegals are here? Did someone poll them?
Wouldn’t that be nice? Another thing the numbnutz Democrats blocked!
You avoided my question. Can you answer it?
Ewe know as well as I do it’s an estimate. It may be as high as 30 million! We can count the kids because the taxpayer is forced to educate them and provide them with food.
Wait. So you want 5B over an estimate, on a ego-wall that Mexico was supposed to pay for, wont work any way, and the american people are against? You must be fucking high. Hell no! :rolleyes:
They are with heads exploding insanity over a bunch of stupid nonsense. I said it a long time ago. The Republican party is showing their true colors now. They are mean, hateful, and evil.
How do you know how many illegals are here? Did someone poll them?
Wouldn’t that be nice? Another thing the numbnutz Democrats blocked!
You avoided my question. Can you answer it?
Ewe know as well as I do it’s an estimate. It may be as high as 30 million! We can count the kids because the taxpayer is forced to educate them and provide them with food.
Wait. So you want 5B over an estimate, on a ego-wall that Mexico was supposed to pay for, wont work any way, and the american people are against? You must be fucking high. Hell no! :rolleyes:
They are with heads exploding insanity over a bunch of stupid nonsense. I said it a long time ago. The Republican party is showing their true colors now. They are mean, hateful, and evil.

Were democrats mean hateful and evil when THEY wanted a wall?
14 days and no agreement has been made, leaving millions of people out of work - including Federal Employees and those who provide services to them.
Any time the Democrats want to see the shutdown end, they can end it by including funding for the border fence. They really have no reason not to other then wanting to piss the President off.
We dont give into demands from terrorists. Sorry. Besides what happened to Mexico paying for it?
Truth be told, the Democrats don't give a shit about anything but pissing the President off.
Could be but that doesnt absolve Drumpf from the fact that he lied, acted an ass, and now is begging the people he insulted for money he claimed was going to come from Mexico. :rolleyes:

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