Who is Responsible for the Government Shutdown?

TRUTH: Pelosi, Schumer and the Dirty Democrats shut down the government to satisfy their epic greed for power and money.
They are showing the world that they don't give a flying flip about the American Citizens.
You havent heard?

“And I am proud to shut down the government for border security, Chuck, because the people of this country don't want criminals and people that have lots of problems and drugs pouring into our country. So I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I'm not going to blame you for it.

Thank you. I was trolling to see if I could catch a few Trump supporters, who would blame, in no particular order:
  • Democrats
  • Congress
  • Cohen
  • Liberals
  • The FED
  • Progressives
  • Obama, Clinton & Carter
  • Cuba
  • The Left Wing
  • Sessions
  • Comey
  • Mueller
  • Mattis
  • Kelly
  • Mexico
  • California
  • Santa Claus
  • The Tooth Fairy
  • The Easter Bunny
Theyre probably not going to touch this thread because they already know the deal. :laugh:
They won't. They have nothing to debate.
Lack of clear definition of what "The Wall" means, and political posturing on both sides has led to the PARTIAL government shutdown. What it really means is mostly upgrading existing fencing. Once you get a few miles from ports of entry, the border wall is a glorified cow fence.

Normally shutdowns are non-events, much bally-whoo about nothing. But as it drags on there will be many people financially hurt by a long delay in pay. After all this is budgetary chump change but Pelosi refuses to give Trump any semblance of a "victory".
We can only go by the wall Drumpf defined in his campaign speeches about 20 times while at the same time claiming Mexico was going to pay for it.
TRUTH: Pelosi, Schumer and the Dirty Democrats shut down the government to satisfy their epic greed for power and money.
They are showing the world that they don't give a flying flip about the American Citizens.
That isn't the truth, and we have Trump on video confirming it. Get your lying ass to the back of the bus apologist.
TRUTH: Pelosi, Schumer and the Dirty Democrats shut down the government to satisfy their epic greed for power and money.
They are showing the world that they don't give a flying flip about the American Citizens.
Thats not what your dear leader said. Here is what he said.

“And I am proud to shut down the government for border security, Chuck, because the people of this country don't want criminals and people that have lots of problems and drugs pouring into our country. So I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I'm not going to blame you for it.”
14 days and no agreement has been made, leaving millions of people out of work - including Federal Employees and those who provide services to them.
The rump master himself. The basic premise of republicans is, I got mine screw you.
Trump shut it down. Nancy and her bitch Schumer are responsible! Fifty Four Billion in foreign aid and not one dime to secure American’s safety! Think about that! They are fine with American’s being murdered by illegal aliens! Now if the situation was reversed and illegal Americans were down in Mexico murdering Mexicans the dumbasses would tighten down the border. It should be very evident to Americans that democrats don’t give two shits about your lives!
Lack of clear definition of what "The Wall" means, and political posturing on both sides has led to the PARTIAL government shutdown. What it really means is mostly upgrading existing fencing. Once you get a few miles from ports of entry, the border wall is a glorified cow fence.

Normally shutdowns are non-events, much bally-whoo about nothing. But as it drags on there will be many people financially hurt by a long delay in pay. After all this is budgetary chump change but Pelosi refuses to give Trump any semblance of a "victory".
With about ten different explanations by Trump about what a wall looks like and a campaign promise, he's boxed himself in. He owns his own bs. He lied to the people that Mexico would pay for it. That's not happening. He should have thought about how he was going to pay for it, before he volunteered Mexico. Trump is an idiot.
Trump shut it down. Nancy and her bitch Schumer are responsible! Fifty Four Billion in foreign aid and not one dime to secure American’s safety! Think about that! They are fine with American’s being murdered by illegal aliens! Now if the situation was reversed and illegal Americans were down in Mexico murdering Mexicans the dumbasses would tighten down the border. It should be very evident to Americans that democrats don’t give two shits about your lives!
That's not what Trump said. Trump told the world he wouldn't hold Chuck responsible. Get with the program and stop lying.
You havent heard?

“And I am proud to shut down the government for border security, Chuck, because the people of this country don't want criminals and people that have lots of problems and drugs pouring into our country. So I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I'm not going to blame you for it.

Thank you. I was trolling to see if I could catch a few Trump supporters, who would blame, in no particular order:
  • Democrats
  • Congress
  • Cohen
  • Liberals
  • The FED
  • Progressives
  • Obama, Clinton & Carter
  • Cuba
  • The Left Wing
  • Sessions
  • Comey
  • Mueller
  • Mattis
  • Kelly
  • Mexico
  • California
  • Santa Claus
  • The Tooth Fairy
  • The Easter Bunny

The Founding Fathers and God.

The Founding Fathers for creating this Country and God for creating humanity...
14 days and no agreement has been made, leaving millions of people out of work - including Federal Employees and those who provide services to them.

Trump said he would own it.
Trump shut it down. Nancy and her bitch Schumer are responsible! Fifty Four Billion in foreign aid and not one dime to secure American’s safety! Think about that! They are fine with American’s being murdered by illegal aliens! Now if the situation was reversed and illegal Americans were down in Mexico murdering Mexicans the dumbasses would tighten down the border. It should be very evident to Americans that democrats don’t give two shits about your lives!
That's not what Trump said. Trump told the world he wouldn't hold Chuck responsible. Get with the program and stop lying.
I, an American citizen hold Chuck responsible. Because he is.
14 days and no agreement has been made, leaving millions of people out of work - including Federal Employees and those who provide services to them.

Trump said he would own it.
And further he said, and proudly so because American National Security was that important, furthur he added that without a border you have no country! Now what part of that might ewe disagree with?
14 days and no agreement has been made, leaving millions of people out of work - including Federal Employees and those who provide services to them.

Trump said he would own it.
And further he said, and proudly so because American National Security was that important, furthur he added that without a border you have no country! Now what part of that might ewe disagree with?
The part where you claimed someone else was responsible even though Drumpf proudly claimed responsibility. :rolleyes:
14 days and no agreement has been made, leaving millions of people out of work - including Federal Employees and those who provide services to them.

Trump said he would own it.
And further he said, and proudly so because American National Security was that important, furthur he added that without a border you have no country! Now what part of that might ewe disagree with?

We don't need to waste money on a wall to have a border or national security.
“Who is Responsible for the Government Shutdown?”

Actually it’s McConnell as much as Trump.

House Democrats have passed a resolution to reopen the government – it’s the Republican Senate and Trump maintaining the shutdown, who are solely responsible for the shutdown.

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