Who is responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters over the centuries?


Mar 31, 2018
We always say that "power leads to corruption" and always blame "feudal emperor dictatorship and autocracy". Then, after the emperor to overthrow the "richest businessman, politician, strategist and writer of the interests of the solid union" inevitable political culture to the world economy is the most important social resources form the monopoly power.
If they are not responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters that have occurred over the centuries, who else is responsible?


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We always say that "power leads to corruption" and always blame "feudal emperor dictatorship and autocracy". Then, after the emperor to overthrow the "richest businessman, politician, strategist and writer of the interests of the solid union" inevitable political culture to the world economy is the most important social resources form the monopoly power.
If they are not responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters that have occurred over the centuries, who else is responsible?

Well here are 200 million deaths attributed to these 13 people.
1. Mao Zedong China Death toll: 45 million to 75 million
2. Joseph Stalin USSR Death toll: 40 million to 62 million
3. Adolf Hitler Germany Death toll: 17 million to 20 million
4. Chiang Kai-Shek China Death toll: 10 million
5. Hirohito Japan Death toll: 6 million
6. Vladimir Lenin USSR Death toll: 4 million
7. Tojo Hideki Japan Death toll: 4 million
8. Yahya Khan Pakistan Death toll: 2 million to 12 million
9. Saddam Hussein Iraq Death toll: 2 million
10. Pol Pot Cambodia Death toll: 1.7 million to 2.4 million
11. Ho Chi Minh North Vietnam Death toll: 1.7 million
12. Kim Il Sung North Korea Death toll: 1.6 million
13. Enver Pasha Turkey Death toll: 1.1 million to 2.5 million
Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, & More: 13 Deadliest Dictators (Photos)
We always say that "power leads to corruption" and always blame "feudal emperor dictatorship and autocracy". Then, after the emperor to overthrow the "richest businessman, politician, strategist and writer of the interests of the solid union" inevitable political culture to the world economy is the most important social resources form the monopoly power.
If they are not responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters that have occurred over the centuries, who else is responsible?

Well here are 200 million deaths attributed to these 13 people.
1. Mao Zedong China Death toll: 45 million to 75 million
2. Joseph Stalin USSR Death toll: 40 million to 62 million
3. Adolf Hitler Germany Death toll: 17 million to 20 million
4. Chiang Kai-Shek China Death toll: 10 million
5. Hirohito Japan Death toll: 6 million
6. Vladimir Lenin USSR Death toll: 4 million
7. Tojo Hideki Japan Death toll: 4 million
8. Yahya Khan Pakistan Death toll: 2 million to 12 million
9. Saddam Hussein Iraq Death toll: 2 million
10. Pol Pot Cambodia Death toll: 1.7 million to 2.4 million
11. Ho Chi Minh North Vietnam Death toll: 1.7 million
12. Kim Il Sung North Korea Death toll: 1.6 million
13. Enver Pasha Turkey Death toll: 1.1 million to 2.5 million
Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, & More: 13 Deadliest Dictators (Photos)
We always say, "history is written by the victors." most of them are dead today. You can put any blame on them.
But how many people died from the SINS of traders such as "sheep eat human flesh", "hired labor", "white contractual slaves" and "indians killed"? Early European industrialization; The contract workers were all children of several years old, and few of them lived beyond the age of 11.
Of the 36, 000 textile workers in silesia, Germany alone, thousands have died of hunger.
The famine of 1842 in Germany left 6,000 people dead in silesia alone.
In the United States of 1896, the three giants were worth $1 trillion today, living like emperors. But 90 percent of americans live on less than a dollar a month. Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries.
These are real history.
We always say that "power leads to corruption" and always blame "feudal emperor dictatorship and autocracy". Then, after the emperor to overthrow the "richest businessman, politician, strategist and writer of the interests of the solid union" inevitable political culture to the world economy is the most important social resources form the monopoly power.
If they are not responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters that have occurred over the centuries, who else is responsible?

Well here are 200 million deaths attributed to these 13 people.
1. Mao Zedong China Death toll: 45 million to 75 million
2. Joseph Stalin USSR Death toll: 40 million to 62 million
3. Adolf Hitler Germany Death toll: 17 million to 20 million
4. Chiang Kai-Shek China Death toll: 10 million
5. Hirohito Japan Death toll: 6 million
6. Vladimir Lenin USSR Death toll: 4 million
7. Tojo Hideki Japan Death toll: 4 million
8. Yahya Khan Pakistan Death toll: 2 million to 12 million
9. Saddam Hussein Iraq Death toll: 2 million
10. Pol Pot Cambodia Death toll: 1.7 million to 2.4 million
11. Ho Chi Minh North Vietnam Death toll: 1.7 million
12. Kim Il Sung North Korea Death toll: 1.6 million
13. Enver Pasha Turkey Death toll: 1.1 million to 2.5 million
Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, & More: 13 Deadliest Dictators (Photos)
Bullshit! If so many people died in China in the 1950s and 1960s, would one person die in every household? China was still a large population in the late 1970s.


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We always say that "power leads to corruption" and always blame "feudal emperor dictatorship and autocracy". Then, after the emperor to overthrow the "richest businessman, politician, strategist and writer of the interests of the solid union" inevitable political culture to the world economy is the most important social resources form the monopoly power.
If they are not responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters that have occurred over the centuries, who else is responsible?
Templar Knights got zapped by the big guys who owded alot of money to them.
We always say that "power leads to corruption" and always blame "feudal emperor dictatorship and autocracy". Then, after the emperor to overthrow the "richest businessman, politician, strategist and writer of the interests of the solid union" inevitable political culture to the world economy is the most important social resources form the monopoly power.
If they are not responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters that have occurred over the centuries, who else is responsible?

Well here are 200 million deaths attributed to these 13 people.
1. Mao Zedong China Death toll: 45 million to 75 million
2. Joseph Stalin USSR Death toll: 40 million to 62 million
3. Adolf Hitler Germany Death toll: 17 million to 20 million
4. Chiang Kai-Shek China Death toll: 10 million
5. Hirohito Japan Death toll: 6 million
6. Vladimir Lenin USSR Death toll: 4 million
7. Tojo Hideki Japan Death toll: 4 million
8. Yahya Khan Pakistan Death toll: 2 million to 12 million
9. Saddam Hussein Iraq Death toll: 2 million
10. Pol Pot Cambodia Death toll: 1.7 million to 2.4 million
11. Ho Chi Minh North Vietnam Death toll: 1.7 million
12. Kim Il Sung North Korea Death toll: 1.6 million
13. Enver Pasha Turkey Death toll: 1.1 million to 2.5 million
Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, & More: 13 Deadliest Dictators (Photos)
These people are successful by the ballot. It's a democratic policy.
Chiang kai-shek, in particular, was not listened to by military leaders everywhere.
Economically, it was managed by the song family private right.
Politically, there are always people who split power, such as wang ching-wei.
Chiang kai-shek's motive to assassinate the communist party was given to him by the "rich man", because the communist party would undermine the highest profits of the "rich man" group. Not long ago, "golden glory" told Chiang's envoy that "if the communist party were involved in politics, the opium trade would not be possible".
Who is responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters over the centuries?

I just know you are trying to put the blame on Trump ------
Who is responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters over the centuries?

I just know you are trying to put the blame on Trump ------
Sorry to make trump fans nervous. How many hundred years did trump live? My eyes are not so narrow. I'm talking about the whole bourgeoisie.
We always say that "power leads to corruption" and always blame "feudal emperor dictatorship and autocracy". Then, after the emperor to overthrow the "richest businessman, politician, strategist and writer of the interests of the solid union" inevitable political culture to the world economy is the most important social resources form the monopoly power.
If they are not responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters that have occurred over the centuries, who else is responsible?

Well here are 200 million deaths attributed to these 13 people.
1. Mao Zedong China Death toll: 45 million to 75 million
2. Joseph Stalin USSR Death toll: 40 million to 62 million
3. Adolf Hitler Germany Death toll: 17 million to 20 million
4. Chiang Kai-Shek China Death toll: 10 million
5. Hirohito Japan Death toll: 6 million
6. Vladimir Lenin USSR Death toll: 4 million
7. Tojo Hideki Japan Death toll: 4 million
8. Yahya Khan Pakistan Death toll: 2 million to 12 million
9. Saddam Hussein Iraq Death toll: 2 million
10. Pol Pot Cambodia Death toll: 1.7 million to 2.4 million
11. Ho Chi Minh North Vietnam Death toll: 1.7 million
12. Kim Il Sung North Korea Death toll: 1.6 million
13. Enver Pasha Turkey Death toll: 1.1 million to 2.5 million
Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, & More: 13 Deadliest Dictators (Photos)
These people are successful by the ballot. It's a democratic policy.
Chiang kai-shek, in particular, was not listened to by military leaders everywhere.
Economically, it was managed by the song family private right.
Politically, there are always people who split power, such as wang ching-wei.
Chiang kai-shek's motive to assassinate the communist party was given to him by the "rich man", because the communist party would undermine the highest profits of the "rich man" group. Not long ago, "golden glory" told Chiang's envoy that "if the communist party were involved in politics, the opium trade would not be possible".
In the early days of America's development, only in jamestown, more than a hundred people starved to death within six months, and only 38 survived, but were still in famine. Then came 500 more colonists, who starved to death and sickened 440 people within six months.
We always say that "power leads to corruption" and always blame "feudal emperor dictatorship and autocracy". Then, after the emperor to overthrow the "richest businessman, politician, strategist and writer of the interests of the solid union" inevitable political culture to the world economy is the most important social resources form the monopoly power.
If they are not responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters that have occurred over the centuries, who else is responsible?

Well here are 200 million deaths attributed to these 13 people.
1. Mao Zedong China Death toll: 45 million to 75 million
2. Joseph Stalin USSR Death toll: 40 million to 62 million
3. Adolf Hitler Germany Death toll: 17 million to 20 million
4. Chiang Kai-Shek China Death toll: 10 million
5. Hirohito Japan Death toll: 6 million
6. Vladimir Lenin USSR Death toll: 4 million
7. Tojo Hideki Japan Death toll: 4 million
8. Yahya Khan Pakistan Death toll: 2 million to 12 million
9. Saddam Hussein Iraq Death toll: 2 million
10. Pol Pot Cambodia Death toll: 1.7 million to 2.4 million
11. Ho Chi Minh North Vietnam Death toll: 1.7 million
12. Kim Il Sung North Korea Death toll: 1.6 million
13. Enver Pasha Turkey Death toll: 1.1 million to 2.5 million
Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, & More: 13 Deadliest Dictators (Photos)
We always say, "history is written by the victors." most of them are dead today. You can put any blame on them.
But how many people died from the SINS of traders such as "sheep eat human flesh", "hired labor", "white contractual slaves" and "indians killed"? Early European industrialization; The contract workers were all children of several years old, and few of them lived beyond the age of 11.
Of the 36, 000 textile workers in silesia, Germany alone, thousands have died of hunger.
The famine of 1842 in Germany left 6,000 people dead in silesia alone.
In the United States of 1896, the three giants were worth $1 trillion today, living like emperors. But 90 percent of americans live on less than a dollar a month. Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries.
These are real history.
That's pure horseshit. How is capitalism responsible for starvation the famine of 1842 in Germany? Capitalism eliminated famines. The only place you find famines since the industrial revolution is in socialist countries. Who are "the three giants?" Your claim that "Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries." That means that in 11 years every single worker would be dead. Where did you get this "information," from a comic book?
We always say that "power leads to corruption" and always blame "feudal emperor dictatorship and autocracy". Then, after the emperor to overthrow the "richest businessman, politician, strategist and writer of the interests of the solid union" inevitable political culture to the world economy is the most important social resources form the monopoly power.
If they are not responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters that have occurred over the centuries, who else is responsible?

Well here are 200 million deaths attributed to these 13 people.
1. Mao Zedong China Death toll: 45 million to 75 million
2. Joseph Stalin USSR Death toll: 40 million to 62 million
3. Adolf Hitler Germany Death toll: 17 million to 20 million
4. Chiang Kai-Shek China Death toll: 10 million
5. Hirohito Japan Death toll: 6 million
6. Vladimir Lenin USSR Death toll: 4 million
7. Tojo Hideki Japan Death toll: 4 million
8. Yahya Khan Pakistan Death toll: 2 million to 12 million
9. Saddam Hussein Iraq Death toll: 2 million
10. Pol Pot Cambodia Death toll: 1.7 million to 2.4 million
11. Ho Chi Minh North Vietnam Death toll: 1.7 million
12. Kim Il Sung North Korea Death toll: 1.6 million
13. Enver Pasha Turkey Death toll: 1.1 million to 2.5 million
Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, & More: 13 Deadliest Dictators (Photos)
These people are successful by the ballot. It's a democratic policy.
Chiang kai-shek, in particular, was not listened to by military leaders everywhere.
Economically, it was managed by the song family private right.
Politically, there are always people who split power, such as wang ching-wei.
Chiang kai-shek's motive to assassinate the communist party was given to him by the "rich man", because the communist party would undermine the highest profits of the "rich man" group. Not long ago, "golden glory" told Chiang's envoy that "if the communist party were involved in politics, the opium trade would not be possible".
In the early days of America's development, only in jamestown, more than a hundred people starved to death within six months, and only 38 survived, but were still in famine. Then came 500 more colonists, who starved to death and sickened 440 people within six months.
Yeah, they starved when they practiced socialism. Then they switched to a private property model and thrived.

What's your point, commie?
We always say that "power leads to corruption" and always blame "feudal emperor dictatorship and autocracy". Then, after the emperor to overthrow the "richest businessman, politician, strategist and writer of the interests of the solid union" inevitable political culture to the world economy is the most important social resources form the monopoly power.
If they are not responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters that have occurred over the centuries, who else is responsible?

Well here are 200 million deaths attributed to these 13 people.
1. Mao Zedong China Death toll: 45 million to 75 million
2. Joseph Stalin USSR Death toll: 40 million to 62 million
3. Adolf Hitler Germany Death toll: 17 million to 20 million
4. Chiang Kai-Shek China Death toll: 10 million
5. Hirohito Japan Death toll: 6 million
6. Vladimir Lenin USSR Death toll: 4 million
7. Tojo Hideki Japan Death toll: 4 million
8. Yahya Khan Pakistan Death toll: 2 million to 12 million
9. Saddam Hussein Iraq Death toll: 2 million
10. Pol Pot Cambodia Death toll: 1.7 million to 2.4 million
11. Ho Chi Minh North Vietnam Death toll: 1.7 million
12. Kim Il Sung North Korea Death toll: 1.6 million
13. Enver Pasha Turkey Death toll: 1.1 million to 2.5 million
Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, & More: 13 Deadliest Dictators (Photos)
We always say, "history is written by the victors." most of them are dead today. You can put any blame on them.
But how many people died from the SINS of traders such as "sheep eat human flesh", "hired labor", "white contractual slaves" and "indians killed"? Early European industrialization; The contract workers were all children of several years old, and few of them lived beyond the age of 11.
Of the 36, 000 textile workers in silesia, Germany alone, thousands have died of hunger.
The famine of 1842 in Germany left 6,000 people dead in silesia alone.
In the United States of 1896, the three giants were worth $1 trillion today, living like emperors. But 90 percent of americans live on less than a dollar a month. Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries.
These are real history.
That's pure horseshit. How is capitalism responsible for starvation the famine of 1842 in Germany? Capitalism eliminated famines. The only place you find famines since the industrial revolution is in socialist countries. Who are "the three giants?" Your claim that "Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries." That means that in 11 years every single worker would be dead. Where did you get this "information," from a comic book?

If history is written by winners, who the hell gave this loser a microphone?

America was the best country in the world to live in the late 1800s. People risked their lives to get in on it. The best of the best.

But for this loser it's not enough, because you couldn't sit on your ass and have welfare checks taken from other people. For him it would be a nightmare indeed. He would have been dead long before any injury, just the thought of working would have got him in the book of the dead.
We always say that "power leads to corruption" and always blame "feudal emperor dictatorship and autocracy". Then, after the emperor to overthrow the "richest businessman, politician, strategist and writer of the interests of the solid union" inevitable political culture to the world economy is the most important social resources form the monopoly power.
If they are not responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters that have occurred over the centuries, who else is responsible?

Well here are 200 million deaths attributed to these 13 people.
1. Mao Zedong China Death toll: 45 million to 75 million
2. Joseph Stalin USSR Death toll: 40 million to 62 million
3. Adolf Hitler Germany Death toll: 17 million to 20 million
4. Chiang Kai-Shek China Death toll: 10 million
5. Hirohito Japan Death toll: 6 million
6. Vladimir Lenin USSR Death toll: 4 million
7. Tojo Hideki Japan Death toll: 4 million
8. Yahya Khan Pakistan Death toll: 2 million to 12 million
9. Saddam Hussein Iraq Death toll: 2 million
10. Pol Pot Cambodia Death toll: 1.7 million to 2.4 million
11. Ho Chi Minh North Vietnam Death toll: 1.7 million
12. Kim Il Sung North Korea Death toll: 1.6 million
13. Enver Pasha Turkey Death toll: 1.1 million to 2.5 million
Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, & More: 13 Deadliest Dictators (Photos)
We always say, "history is written by the victors." most of them are dead today. You can put any blame on them.
But how many people died from the SINS of traders such as "sheep eat human flesh", "hired labor", "white contractual slaves" and "indians killed"? Early European industrialization; The contract workers were all children of several years old, and few of them lived beyond the age of 11.
Of the 36, 000 textile workers in silesia, Germany alone, thousands have died of hunger.
The famine of 1842 in Germany left 6,000 people dead in silesia alone.
In the United States of 1896, the three giants were worth $1 trillion today, living like emperors. But 90 percent of americans live on less than a dollar a month. Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries.
These are real history.
That's pure horseshit. How is capitalism responsible for starvation the famine of 1842 in Germany? Capitalism eliminated famines. The only place you find famines since the industrial revolution is in socialist countries. Who are "the three giants?" Your claim that "Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries." That means that in 11 years every single worker would be dead. Where did you get this "information," from a comic book?
American television documentaries; The legend of the American tycoon
We always say that "power leads to corruption" and always blame "feudal emperor dictatorship and autocracy". Then, after the emperor to overthrow the "richest businessman, politician, strategist and writer of the interests of the solid union" inevitable political culture to the world economy is the most important social resources form the monopoly power.
If they are not responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters that have occurred over the centuries, who else is responsible?

Well here are 200 million deaths attributed to these 13 people.
1. Mao Zedong China Death toll: 45 million to 75 million
2. Joseph Stalin USSR Death toll: 40 million to 62 million
3. Adolf Hitler Germany Death toll: 17 million to 20 million
4. Chiang Kai-Shek China Death toll: 10 million
5. Hirohito Japan Death toll: 6 million
6. Vladimir Lenin USSR Death toll: 4 million
7. Tojo Hideki Japan Death toll: 4 million
8. Yahya Khan Pakistan Death toll: 2 million to 12 million
9. Saddam Hussein Iraq Death toll: 2 million
10. Pol Pot Cambodia Death toll: 1.7 million to 2.4 million
11. Ho Chi Minh North Vietnam Death toll: 1.7 million
12. Kim Il Sung North Korea Death toll: 1.6 million
13. Enver Pasha Turkey Death toll: 1.1 million to 2.5 million
Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, & More: 13 Deadliest Dictators (Photos)
We always say, "history is written by the victors." most of them are dead today. You can put any blame on them.
But how many people died from the SINS of traders such as "sheep eat human flesh", "hired labor", "white contractual slaves" and "indians killed"? Early European industrialization; The contract workers were all children of several years old, and few of them lived beyond the age of 11.
Of the 36, 000 textile workers in silesia, Germany alone, thousands have died of hunger.
The famine of 1842 in Germany left 6,000 people dead in silesia alone.
In the United States of 1896, the three giants were worth $1 trillion today, living like emperors. But 90 percent of americans live on less than a dollar a month. Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries.
These are real history.
That's pure horseshit. How is capitalism responsible for starvation the famine of 1842 in Germany? Capitalism eliminated famines. The only place you find famines since the industrial revolution is in socialist countries. Who are "the three giants?" Your claim that "Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries." That means that in 11 years every single worker would be dead. Where did you get this "information," from a comic book?
American television documentaries; The legend of the American tycoon

I have a good idea where he got his history lessons from - all I can say is that they for certain weren't written by winners.
We always say that "power leads to corruption" and always blame "feudal emperor dictatorship and autocracy". Then, after the emperor to overthrow the "richest businessman, politician, strategist and writer of the interests of the solid union" inevitable political culture to the world economy is the most important social resources form the monopoly power.
If they are not responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters that have occurred over the centuries, who else is responsible?

Well here are 200 million deaths attributed to these 13 people.
1. Mao Zedong China Death toll: 45 million to 75 million
2. Joseph Stalin USSR Death toll: 40 million to 62 million
3. Adolf Hitler Germany Death toll: 17 million to 20 million
4. Chiang Kai-Shek China Death toll: 10 million
5. Hirohito Japan Death toll: 6 million
6. Vladimir Lenin USSR Death toll: 4 million
7. Tojo Hideki Japan Death toll: 4 million
8. Yahya Khan Pakistan Death toll: 2 million to 12 million
9. Saddam Hussein Iraq Death toll: 2 million
10. Pol Pot Cambodia Death toll: 1.7 million to 2.4 million
11. Ho Chi Minh North Vietnam Death toll: 1.7 million
12. Kim Il Sung North Korea Death toll: 1.6 million
13. Enver Pasha Turkey Death toll: 1.1 million to 2.5 million
Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, & More: 13 Deadliest Dictators (Photos)
We always say, "history is written by the victors." most of them are dead today. You can put any blame on them.
But how many people died from the SINS of traders such as "sheep eat human flesh", "hired labor", "white contractual slaves" and "indians killed"? Early European industrialization; The contract workers were all children of several years old, and few of them lived beyond the age of 11.
Of the 36, 000 textile workers in silesia, Germany alone, thousands have died of hunger.
The famine of 1842 in Germany left 6,000 people dead in silesia alone.
In the United States of 1896, the three giants were worth $1 trillion today, living like emperors. But 90 percent of americans live on less than a dollar a month. Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries.
These are real history.
That's pure horseshit. How is capitalism responsible for starvation the famine of 1842 in Germany? Capitalism eliminated famines. The only place you find famines since the industrial revolution is in socialist countries. Who are "the three giants?" Your claim that "Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries." That means that in 11 years every single worker would be dead. Where did you get this "information," from a comic book?
When did capitalism emerge? The German famine of 1842, the American famine of 1938, and then Japan became a "village without girls"... was it not a famine under capitalism?
The famine in the United States, in particular, was a man-made famine after a bountiful harvest in which traders destroyed food to boost profits.
Isn't this about capitalism
We always say that "power leads to corruption" and always blame "feudal emperor dictatorship and autocracy". Then, after the emperor to overthrow the "richest businessman, politician, strategist and writer of the interests of the solid union" inevitable political culture to the world economy is the most important social resources form the monopoly power.
If they are not responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters that have occurred over the centuries, who else is responsible?
Power corrupts. That has been proven many times.

That list of people is a prime example.
She calls out to the man on the street
'Sir, can you help me?
It's cold and I've nowhere to sleep,
Is there somewhere you can tell me?'
He walks on, doesn't look back
He pretends he can't hear her
Starts to whistle as he crosses the street
Seems embarrassed to be there
Oh think twice, it's another day for you and me in paradise
Oh think twice, 'cause it's just another day for you,
You and me in paradise, think about it
She calls out to the man on the street
He can see she's been crying
She's got blisters on the soles of her feet
She can't walk but she's trying
Oh think twice, 'cause it's another day for you and me in paradise
Oh think twice, it's just another day for you,
You and me in paradise, think about it
Oh Lord, is there nothing more anybody can do
Oh Lord, there must be something you can say
You can tell from the lines on her face
You can see that she's been there
Probably been moved on from every place
Cause she didn't fit in there
Oh think twice, 'cause another day for you and me in paradise
Oh think twice, it's just another day for you,
You and me in paradise, just think about it, think about it
It's just another day for you and me in paradise
It's just another day for you and me in paradise, paradise
It's just another day for you and me in paradise
It's just another day for you and me in paradise, paradise
It's just another day for you and me
It's just another day for you and me
It's just another day for you and me in paradise
In paradise
Songwriters: Phillip David Charles Collins / Willie Norwood
We always say that "power leads to corruption" and always blame "feudal emperor dictatorship and autocracy". Then, after the emperor to overthrow the "richest businessman, politician, strategist and writer of the interests of the solid union" inevitable political culture to the world economy is the most important social resources form the monopoly power.
If they are not responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters that have occurred over the centuries, who else is responsible?

Well here are 200 million deaths attributed to these 13 people.
1. Mao Zedong China Death toll: 45 million to 75 million
2. Joseph Stalin USSR Death toll: 40 million to 62 million
3. Adolf Hitler Germany Death toll: 17 million to 20 million
4. Chiang Kai-Shek China Death toll: 10 million
5. Hirohito Japan Death toll: 6 million
6. Vladimir Lenin USSR Death toll: 4 million
7. Tojo Hideki Japan Death toll: 4 million
8. Yahya Khan Pakistan Death toll: 2 million to 12 million
9. Saddam Hussein Iraq Death toll: 2 million
10. Pol Pot Cambodia Death toll: 1.7 million to 2.4 million
11. Ho Chi Minh North Vietnam Death toll: 1.7 million
12. Kim Il Sung North Korea Death toll: 1.6 million
13. Enver Pasha Turkey Death toll: 1.1 million to 2.5 million
Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, & More: 13 Deadliest Dictators (Photos)
We always say, "history is written by the victors." most of them are dead today. You can put any blame on them.
But how many people died from the SINS of traders such as "sheep eat human flesh", "hired labor", "white contractual slaves" and "indians killed"? Early European industrialization; The contract workers were all children of several years old, and few of them lived beyond the age of 11.
Of the 36, 000 textile workers in silesia, Germany alone, thousands have died of hunger.
The famine of 1842 in Germany left 6,000 people dead in silesia alone.
In the United States of 1896, the three giants were worth $1 trillion today, living like emperors. But 90 percent of americans live on less than a dollar a month. Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries.
These are real history.

And guess what you really ignorant person!
RIGHT now you are expressing your inane thoughts using a system that was what developed by the military and totally exploited by Capitalism!
You are doing something those 3 giants couldn't even imagine! You are using the Internet. Texting using a cell phone. And in less than 5 minutes able to feed yourself and live
to 80 years old. In the meantime ...NOW 1 out of 30 people are considered millionaires when 30 years ago it was 1 out of 50,000.

The study by Fidelity Investments found that 86 percent of today's millionaires are self made and did not consider themselves wealthy growing up. Overall, the research revealed current millionaires are, on average, 61 years old with $3.05 million in assets.
How Most Millionaires Got Rich

1980... 4,414 taxpayers reported $1 million in gross income;
2016... 10,800,000... What kind of ratio is that?
Total Population USA in 1980 was 226.5 million. The ratio of millionaires to population: 1 millionaire for every 51,314 Americans
1980 Fast Facts - History - U.S. Census Bureau

Total Population USA in 2016 was 326.9 million. The ratio of millionaires to population 1 Millionaire for every 30 Americans!
U.S. Population (2018) - Worldometers

1 out of 30 in 2016 vs 1 out of 51,314 in 1980....
and you are bitching and moaning????
Who is responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters over the centuries?

I just know you are trying to put the blame on Trump ------
Sorry to make trump fans nervous. How many hundred years did trump live? My eyes are not so narrow. I'm talking about the whole bourgeoisie.

Oh, a Communist! Okay, no point in bothering with a thread about communism.

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