Who is responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters over the centuries?

We always say that "power leads to corruption" and always blame "feudal emperor dictatorship and autocracy". Then, after the emperor to overthrow the "richest businessman, politician, strategist and writer of the interests of the solid union" inevitable political culture to the world economy is the most important social resources form the monopoly power.
If they are not responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters that have occurred over the centuries, who else is responsible?

Well here are 200 million deaths attributed to these 13 people.
1. Mao Zedong China Death toll: 45 million to 75 million
2. Joseph Stalin USSR Death toll: 40 million to 62 million
3. Adolf Hitler Germany Death toll: 17 million to 20 million
4. Chiang Kai-Shek China Death toll: 10 million
5. Hirohito Japan Death toll: 6 million
6. Vladimir Lenin USSR Death toll: 4 million
7. Tojo Hideki Japan Death toll: 4 million
8. Yahya Khan Pakistan Death toll: 2 million to 12 million
9. Saddam Hussein Iraq Death toll: 2 million
10. Pol Pot Cambodia Death toll: 1.7 million to 2.4 million
11. Ho Chi Minh North Vietnam Death toll: 1.7 million
12. Kim Il Sung North Korea Death toll: 1.6 million
13. Enver Pasha Turkey Death toll: 1.1 million to 2.5 million
Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, & More: 13 Deadliest Dictators (Photos)
We always say, "history is written by the victors." most of them are dead today. You can put any blame on them.
But how many people died from the SINS of traders such as "sheep eat human flesh", "hired labor", "white contractual slaves" and "indians killed"? Early European industrialization; The contract workers were all children of several years old, and few of them lived beyond the age of 11.
Of the 36, 000 textile workers in silesia, Germany alone, thousands have died of hunger.
The famine of 1842 in Germany left 6,000 people dead in silesia alone.
In the United States of 1896, the three giants were worth $1 trillion today, living like emperors. But 90 percent of americans live on less than a dollar a month. Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries.
These are real history.
That's pure horseshit. How is capitalism responsible for starvation the famine of 1842 in Germany? Capitalism eliminated famines. The only place you find famines since the industrial revolution is in socialist countries. Who are "the three giants?" Your claim that "Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries." That means that in 11 years every single worker would be dead. Where did you get this "information," from a comic book?
American television documentaries; The legend of the American tycoon

ROFL! Either you don't recall correctly or they were pushing bullshit. Your claims are obviously false. We've never had a famine in this country. No industrialized country has ever had a famine.
We always say that "power leads to corruption" and always blame "feudal emperor dictatorship and autocracy". Then, after the emperor to overthrow the "richest businessman, politician, strategist and writer of the interests of the solid union" inevitable political culture to the world economy is the most important social resources form the monopoly power.
If they are not responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters that have occurred over the centuries, who else is responsible?

Well here are 200 million deaths attributed to these 13 people.
1. Mao Zedong China Death toll: 45 million to 75 million
2. Joseph Stalin USSR Death toll: 40 million to 62 million
3. Adolf Hitler Germany Death toll: 17 million to 20 million
4. Chiang Kai-Shek China Death toll: 10 million
5. Hirohito Japan Death toll: 6 million
6. Vladimir Lenin USSR Death toll: 4 million
7. Tojo Hideki Japan Death toll: 4 million
8. Yahya Khan Pakistan Death toll: 2 million to 12 million
9. Saddam Hussein Iraq Death toll: 2 million
10. Pol Pot Cambodia Death toll: 1.7 million to 2.4 million
11. Ho Chi Minh North Vietnam Death toll: 1.7 million
12. Kim Il Sung North Korea Death toll: 1.6 million
13. Enver Pasha Turkey Death toll: 1.1 million to 2.5 million
Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, & More: 13 Deadliest Dictators (Photos)
We always say, "history is written by the victors." most of them are dead today. You can put any blame on them.
But how many people died from the SINS of traders such as "sheep eat human flesh", "hired labor", "white contractual slaves" and "indians killed"? Early European industrialization; The contract workers were all children of several years old, and few of them lived beyond the age of 11.
Of the 36, 000 textile workers in silesia, Germany alone, thousands have died of hunger.
The famine of 1842 in Germany left 6,000 people dead in silesia alone.
In the United States of 1896, the three giants were worth $1 trillion today, living like emperors. But 90 percent of americans live on less than a dollar a month. Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries.
These are real history.
That's pure horseshit. How is capitalism responsible for starvation the famine of 1842 in Germany? Capitalism eliminated famines. The only place you find famines since the industrial revolution is in socialist countries. Who are "the three giants?" Your claim that "Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries." That means that in 11 years every single worker would be dead. Where did you get this "information," from a comic book?
When did capitalism emerge? The German famine of 1842, the American famine of 1938, and then Japan became a "village without girls"... was it not a famine under capitalism?
The famine in the United States, in particular, was a man-made famine after a bountiful harvest in which traders destroyed food to boost profits.
Isn't this about capitalism

The 1842 famine was caused by the potatoe fungus, idiot. It wasn't caused by capitalism. I doubt German could rightfully be called capitalist in 1842, anyway. Capitalism was just getting started in England and America at that time. There also was no famine in 1938 in America. There was a drought in 1933, but not a single person died of starvation.

"Traders" never destroyed food in this country until the FDR regime forced them to.

I have no idea what your "village without girls" remark refers to, so I can't comment.
You have to define "humanitarian disasters" before you go off on a tirade about who is responsible. You could say the Marshall Plan was a "humanitarian disaster" because it led to what Churchill described as the "Iron Curtain".
We always say that "power leads to corruption" and always blame "feudal emperor dictatorship and autocracy". Then, after the emperor to overthrow the "richest businessman, politician, strategist and writer of the interests of the solid union" inevitable political culture to the world economy is the most important social resources form the monopoly power.
If they are not responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters that have occurred over the centuries, who else is responsible?

Well here are 200 million deaths attributed to these 13 people.
1. Mao Zedong China Death toll: 45 million to 75 million
2. Joseph Stalin USSR Death toll: 40 million to 62 million
3. Adolf Hitler Germany Death toll: 17 million to 20 million
4. Chiang Kai-Shek China Death toll: 10 million
5. Hirohito Japan Death toll: 6 million
6. Vladimir Lenin USSR Death toll: 4 million
7. Tojo Hideki Japan Death toll: 4 million
8. Yahya Khan Pakistan Death toll: 2 million to 12 million
9. Saddam Hussein Iraq Death toll: 2 million
10. Pol Pot Cambodia Death toll: 1.7 million to 2.4 million
11. Ho Chi Minh North Vietnam Death toll: 1.7 million
12. Kim Il Sung North Korea Death toll: 1.6 million
13. Enver Pasha Turkey Death toll: 1.1 million to 2.5 million
Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, & More: 13 Deadliest Dictators (Photos)
We always say, "history is written by the victors." most of them are dead today. You can put any blame on them.
But how many people died from the SINS of traders such as "sheep eat human flesh", "hired labor", "white contractual slaves" and "indians killed"? Early European industrialization; The contract workers were all children of several years old, and few of them lived beyond the age of 11.
Of the 36, 000 textile workers in silesia, Germany alone, thousands have died of hunger.
The famine of 1842 in Germany left 6,000 people dead in silesia alone.
In the United States of 1896, the three giants were worth $1 trillion today, living like emperors. But 90 percent of americans live on less than a dollar a month. Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries.
These are real history.
That's pure horseshit. How is capitalism responsible for starvation the famine of 1842 in Germany? Capitalism eliminated famines. The only place you find famines since the industrial revolution is in socialist countries. Who are "the three giants?" Your claim that "Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries." That means that in 11 years every single worker would be dead. Where did you get this "information," from a comic book?
When did capitalism emerge? The German famine of 1842, the American famine of 1938, and then Japan became a "village without girls"... was it not a famine under capitalism?
The famine in the United States, in particular, was a man-made famine after a bountiful harvest in which traders destroyed food to boost profits.
Isn't this about capitalism

The 1842 famine was caused by the potatoe fungus, idiot. It wasn't caused by capitalism. I doubt German could rightfully be called capitalist in 1842, anyway. Capitalism was just getting started in England and America at that time. There also was no famine in 1938 in America. There was a drought in 1933, but not a single person died of starvation.

"Traders" never destroyed food in this country until the FDR regime forced them to.

I have no idea what your "village without girls" remark refers to, so I can't comment.
"Village without girls" is the state of existence of citizens after the Meiji restoration in Japan. At that time, Japan was being beautified by the international community as "an Oriental model under the influence of western civilization".
We always say that "power leads to corruption" and always blame "feudal emperor dictatorship and autocracy". Then, after the emperor to overthrow the "richest businessman, politician, strategist and writer of the interests of the solid union" inevitable political culture to the world economy is the most important social resources form the monopoly power.
If they are not responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters that have occurred over the centuries, who else is responsible?

Well here are 200 million deaths attributed to these 13 people.
1. Mao Zedong China Death toll: 45 million to 75 million
2. Joseph Stalin USSR Death toll: 40 million to 62 million
3. Adolf Hitler Germany Death toll: 17 million to 20 million
4. Chiang Kai-Shek China Death toll: 10 million
5. Hirohito Japan Death toll: 6 million
6. Vladimir Lenin USSR Death toll: 4 million
7. Tojo Hideki Japan Death toll: 4 million
8. Yahya Khan Pakistan Death toll: 2 million to 12 million
9. Saddam Hussein Iraq Death toll: 2 million
10. Pol Pot Cambodia Death toll: 1.7 million to 2.4 million
11. Ho Chi Minh North Vietnam Death toll: 1.7 million
12. Kim Il Sung North Korea Death toll: 1.6 million
13. Enver Pasha Turkey Death toll: 1.1 million to 2.5 million
Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, & More: 13 Deadliest Dictators (Photos)
We always say, "history is written by the victors." most of them are dead today. You can put any blame on them.
But how many people died from the SINS of traders such as "sheep eat human flesh", "hired labor", "white contractual slaves" and "indians killed"? Early European industrialization; The contract workers were all children of several years old, and few of them lived beyond the age of 11.
Of the 36, 000 textile workers in silesia, Germany alone, thousands have died of hunger.
The famine of 1842 in Germany left 6,000 people dead in silesia alone.
In the United States of 1896, the three giants were worth $1 trillion today, living like emperors. But 90 percent of americans live on less than a dollar a month. Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries.
These are real history.
That's pure horseshit. How is capitalism responsible for starvation the famine of 1842 in Germany? Capitalism eliminated famines. The only place you find famines since the industrial revolution is in socialist countries. Who are "the three giants?" Your claim that "Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries." That means that in 11 years every single worker would be dead. Where did you get this "information," from a comic book?
When did capitalism emerge? The German famine of 1842, the American famine of 1938, and then Japan became a "village without girls"... was it not a famine under capitalism?
The famine in the United States, in particular, was a man-made famine after a bountiful harvest in which traders destroyed food to boost profits.
Isn't this about capitalism

The 1842 famine was caused by the potatoe fungus, idiot. It wasn't caused by capitalism. I doubt German could rightfully be called capitalist in 1842, anyway. Capitalism was just getting started in England and America at that time. There also was no famine in 1938 in America. There was a drought in 1933, but not a single person died of starvation.

"Traders" never destroyed food in this country until the FDR regime forced them to.

I have no idea what your "village without girls" remark refers to, so I can't comment.
Of course you don't have that in your textbook. You will only tell the world how capitalism has produced world civilization.
At least 10,000 people starved to death during the American famine of the 1920s and 1930s, according to calculations of "tens of millions starved to death in China". There's a classic ballad about famine in America; The child asked; Why is it cold? The father replied; Because there's no money for coal. "Asked the child; Why no money? The father replied; Because father produced too much coal and could not sell it, the factory closed down at a loss.
All the famines of capitalism have been caused not by natural disasters, but by merchants who, in pursuit of high profits, would rather destroy their products to raise prices than sell them to the poor.
Well here are 200 million deaths attributed to these 13 people.
1. Mao Zedong China Death toll: 45 million to 75 million
2. Joseph Stalin USSR Death toll: 40 million to 62 million
3. Adolf Hitler Germany Death toll: 17 million to 20 million
4. Chiang Kai-Shek China Death toll: 10 million
5. Hirohito Japan Death toll: 6 million
6. Vladimir Lenin USSR Death toll: 4 million
7. Tojo Hideki Japan Death toll: 4 million
8. Yahya Khan Pakistan Death toll: 2 million to 12 million
9. Saddam Hussein Iraq Death toll: 2 million
10. Pol Pot Cambodia Death toll: 1.7 million to 2.4 million
11. Ho Chi Minh North Vietnam Death toll: 1.7 million
12. Kim Il Sung North Korea Death toll: 1.6 million
13. Enver Pasha Turkey Death toll: 1.1 million to 2.5 million
Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, & More: 13 Deadliest Dictators (Photos)
We always say, "history is written by the victors." most of them are dead today. You can put any blame on them.
But how many people died from the SINS of traders such as "sheep eat human flesh", "hired labor", "white contractual slaves" and "indians killed"? Early European industrialization; The contract workers were all children of several years old, and few of them lived beyond the age of 11.
Of the 36, 000 textile workers in silesia, Germany alone, thousands have died of hunger.
The famine of 1842 in Germany left 6,000 people dead in silesia alone.
In the United States of 1896, the three giants were worth $1 trillion today, living like emperors. But 90 percent of americans live on less than a dollar a month. Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries.
These are real history.
That's pure horseshit. How is capitalism responsible for starvation the famine of 1842 in Germany? Capitalism eliminated famines. The only place you find famines since the industrial revolution is in socialist countries. Who are "the three giants?" Your claim that "Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries." That means that in 11 years every single worker would be dead. Where did you get this "information," from a comic book?
When did capitalism emerge? The German famine of 1842, the American famine of 1938, and then Japan became a "village without girls"... was it not a famine under capitalism?
The famine in the United States, in particular, was a man-made famine after a bountiful harvest in which traders destroyed food to boost profits.
Isn't this about capitalism

The 1842 famine was caused by the potatoe fungus, idiot. It wasn't caused by capitalism. I doubt German could rightfully be called capitalist in 1842, anyway. Capitalism was just getting started in England and America at that time. There also was no famine in 1938 in America. There was a drought in 1933, but not a single person died of starvation.

"Traders" never destroyed food in this country until the FDR regime forced them to.

I have no idea what your "village without girls" remark refers to, so I can't comment.
"Village without girls" is the state of existence of citizens after the Meiji restoration in Japan. At that time, Japan was being beautified by the international community as "an Oriental model under the influence of western civilization".
I think you mean "beatified," which is the process of turning someone into a Saint.
We always say that "power leads to corruption" and always blame "feudal emperor dictatorship and autocracy". Then, after the emperor to overthrow the "richest businessman, politician, strategist and writer of the interests of the solid union" inevitable political culture to the world economy is the most important social resources form the monopoly power.
If they are not responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters that have occurred over the centuries, who else is responsible?

Well here are 200 million deaths attributed to these 13 people.
1. Mao Zedong China Death toll: 45 million to 75 million
2. Joseph Stalin USSR Death toll: 40 million to 62 million
3. Adolf Hitler Germany Death toll: 17 million to 20 million
4. Chiang Kai-Shek China Death toll: 10 million
5. Hirohito Japan Death toll: 6 million
6. Vladimir Lenin USSR Death toll: 4 million
7. Tojo Hideki Japan Death toll: 4 million
8. Yahya Khan Pakistan Death toll: 2 million to 12 million
9. Saddam Hussein Iraq Death toll: 2 million
10. Pol Pot Cambodia Death toll: 1.7 million to 2.4 million
11. Ho Chi Minh North Vietnam Death toll: 1.7 million
12. Kim Il Sung North Korea Death toll: 1.6 million
13. Enver Pasha Turkey Death toll: 1.1 million to 2.5 million
Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, & More: 13 Deadliest Dictators (Photos)
We always say, "history is written by the victors." most of them are dead today. You can put any blame on them.
But how many people died from the SINS of traders such as "sheep eat human flesh", "hired labor", "white contractual slaves" and "indians killed"? Early European industrialization; The contract workers were all children of several years old, and few of them lived beyond the age of 11.
Of the 36, 000 textile workers in silesia, Germany alone, thousands have died of hunger.
The famine of 1842 in Germany left 6,000 people dead in silesia alone.
In the United States of 1896, the three giants were worth $1 trillion today, living like emperors. But 90 percent of americans live on less than a dollar a month. Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries.
These are real history.
That's pure horseshit. How is capitalism responsible for starvation the famine of 1842 in Germany? Capitalism eliminated famines. The only place you find famines since the industrial revolution is in socialist countries. Who are "the three giants?" Your claim that "Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries." That means that in 11 years every single worker would be dead. Where did you get this "information," from a comic book?
When did capitalism emerge? The German famine of 1842, the American famine of 1938, and then Japan became a "village without girls"... was it not a famine under capitalism?
The famine in the United States, in particular, was a man-made famine after a bountiful harvest in which traders destroyed food to boost profits.
Isn't this about capitalism

The 1842 famine was caused by the potatoe fungus, idiot. It wasn't caused by capitalism. I doubt German could rightfully be called capitalist in 1842, anyway. Capitalism was just getting started in England and America at that time. There also was no famine in 1938 in America. There was a drought in 1933, but not a single person died of starvation.

"Traders" never destroyed food in this country until the FDR regime forced them to.

I have no idea what your "village without girls" remark refers to, so I can't comment.
In fact, it was marxism that ended the famine. When was Roosevelt's reform? At the beginning of the development of European and American communist movement;
And 40 s of the 19th century, Britain, France, Germany and other countries of the proletariat to carry out the independent political movement, main show is the famous three workers' movement, namely, Lyon, France silk workers twice uprising; The British charter movement; German silesia textile workers uprising.
On September 14, 1867, das kapital was published.
The communist manifesto was published in London on February 21, 1848, and was first published in London on February 24, 1848.
In 1824, Robert Owen bought 30,000 acres (more than 100 square kilometers) of land in indiana, North America, equivalent to one tenth of chongming island. He again gathered more than a thousand people and managed the new harmonious commune, creating a brief boom.
Most of those socialist activities failed, but this must have made capitalism understand; If workers continue to be treated too cruelly, they are likely to use marxism to overthrow capitalism.
Well here are 200 million deaths attributed to these 13 people.
1. Mao Zedong China Death toll: 45 million to 75 million
2. Joseph Stalin USSR Death toll: 40 million to 62 million
3. Adolf Hitler Germany Death toll: 17 million to 20 million
4. Chiang Kai-Shek China Death toll: 10 million
5. Hirohito Japan Death toll: 6 million
6. Vladimir Lenin USSR Death toll: 4 million
7. Tojo Hideki Japan Death toll: 4 million
8. Yahya Khan Pakistan Death toll: 2 million to 12 million
9. Saddam Hussein Iraq Death toll: 2 million
10. Pol Pot Cambodia Death toll: 1.7 million to 2.4 million
11. Ho Chi Minh North Vietnam Death toll: 1.7 million
12. Kim Il Sung North Korea Death toll: 1.6 million
13. Enver Pasha Turkey Death toll: 1.1 million to 2.5 million
Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, & More: 13 Deadliest Dictators (Photos)
We always say, "history is written by the victors." most of them are dead today. You can put any blame on them.
But how many people died from the SINS of traders such as "sheep eat human flesh", "hired labor", "white contractual slaves" and "indians killed"? Early European industrialization; The contract workers were all children of several years old, and few of them lived beyond the age of 11.
Of the 36, 000 textile workers in silesia, Germany alone, thousands have died of hunger.
The famine of 1842 in Germany left 6,000 people dead in silesia alone.
In the United States of 1896, the three giants were worth $1 trillion today, living like emperors. But 90 percent of americans live on less than a dollar a month. Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries.
These are real history.
That's pure horseshit. How is capitalism responsible for starvation the famine of 1842 in Germany? Capitalism eliminated famines. The only place you find famines since the industrial revolution is in socialist countries. Who are "the three giants?" Your claim that "Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries." That means that in 11 years every single worker would be dead. Where did you get this "information," from a comic book?
When did capitalism emerge? The German famine of 1842, the American famine of 1938, and then Japan became a "village without girls"... was it not a famine under capitalism?
The famine in the United States, in particular, was a man-made famine after a bountiful harvest in which traders destroyed food to boost profits.
Isn't this about capitalism

The 1842 famine was caused by the potatoe fungus, idiot. It wasn't caused by capitalism. I doubt German could rightfully be called capitalist in 1842, anyway. Capitalism was just getting started in England and America at that time. There also was no famine in 1938 in America. There was a drought in 1933, but not a single person died of starvation.

"Traders" never destroyed food in this country until the FDR regime forced them to.

I have no idea what your "village without girls" remark refers to, so I can't comment.
Of course you don't have that in your textbook. You will only tell the world how capitalism has produced world civilization.
At least 10,000 people starved to death during the American famine of the 1920s and 1930s, according to calculations of "tens of millions starved to death in China".

Sorry, turd, but there isn't a single documented case of anyone starving because they couldn't afford to eat. People starved because they were trapped in the mountains, but not because America didn't have enough food to feed its citizens.

There's a classic ballad about famine in America; The child asked; Why is it cold? The father replied; Because there's no money for coal. "Asked the child; Why no money? The father replied; Because father produced too much coal and could not sell it, the factory closed down at a loss.
All the famines of capitalism have been caused not by natural disasters, but by merchants who, in pursuit of high profits, would rather destroy their products to raise prices than sell them to the poor.

"Classic ballad" my ass. That's communist propaganda. There have been no famines in America, dumbass. You can't produce a single verifable example of anyone dying of starvation who wasn't trapped in some snowbound mountain pass.
Well here are 200 million deaths attributed to these 13 people.
1. Mao Zedong China Death toll: 45 million to 75 million
2. Joseph Stalin USSR Death toll: 40 million to 62 million
3. Adolf Hitler Germany Death toll: 17 million to 20 million
4. Chiang Kai-Shek China Death toll: 10 million
5. Hirohito Japan Death toll: 6 million
6. Vladimir Lenin USSR Death toll: 4 million
7. Tojo Hideki Japan Death toll: 4 million
8. Yahya Khan Pakistan Death toll: 2 million to 12 million
9. Saddam Hussein Iraq Death toll: 2 million
10. Pol Pot Cambodia Death toll: 1.7 million to 2.4 million
11. Ho Chi Minh North Vietnam Death toll: 1.7 million
12. Kim Il Sung North Korea Death toll: 1.6 million
13. Enver Pasha Turkey Death toll: 1.1 million to 2.5 million
Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, & More: 13 Deadliest Dictators (Photos)
We always say, "history is written by the victors." most of them are dead today. You can put any blame on them.
But how many people died from the SINS of traders such as "sheep eat human flesh", "hired labor", "white contractual slaves" and "indians killed"? Early European industrialization; The contract workers were all children of several years old, and few of them lived beyond the age of 11.
Of the 36, 000 textile workers in silesia, Germany alone, thousands have died of hunger.
The famine of 1842 in Germany left 6,000 people dead in silesia alone.
In the United States of 1896, the three giants were worth $1 trillion today, living like emperors. But 90 percent of americans live on less than a dollar a month. Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries.
These are real history.
That's pure horseshit. How is capitalism responsible for starvation the famine of 1842 in Germany? Capitalism eliminated famines. The only place you find famines since the industrial revolution is in socialist countries. Who are "the three giants?" Your claim that "Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries." That means that in 11 years every single worker would be dead. Where did you get this "information," from a comic book?
When did capitalism emerge? The German famine of 1842, the American famine of 1938, and then Japan became a "village without girls"... was it not a famine under capitalism?
The famine in the United States, in particular, was a man-made famine after a bountiful harvest in which traders destroyed food to boost profits.
Isn't this about capitalism

The 1842 famine was caused by the potatoe fungus, idiot. It wasn't caused by capitalism. I doubt German could rightfully be called capitalist in 1842, anyway. Capitalism was just getting started in England and America at that time. There also was no famine in 1938 in America. There was a drought in 1933, but not a single person died of starvation.

"Traders" never destroyed food in this country until the FDR regime forced them to.

I have no idea what your "village without girls" remark refers to, so I can't comment.
In fact, it was marxism that ended the famine. When was Roosevelt's reform? At the beginning of the development of European and American communist movement;
And 40 s of the 19th century, Britain, France, Germany and other countries of the proletariat to carry out the independent political movement, main show is the famous three workers' movement, namely, Lyon, France silk workers twice uprising; The British charter movement; German silesia textile workers uprising.
On September 14, 1867, das kapital was published.
The communist manifesto was published in London on February 21, 1848, and was first published in London on February 24, 1848.
In 1824, Robert Owen bought 30,000 acres (more than 100 square kilometers) of land in indiana, North America, equivalent to one tenth of chongming island. He again gathered more than a thousand people and managed the new harmonious commune, creating a brief boom.
Most of those socialist activities failed, but this must have made capitalism understand; If workers continue to be treated too cruelly, they are likely to use marxism to overthrow capitalism.
You have to be suffering brain damage to believe that Marxism ever saved anyone from starvation.
We always say that "power leads to corruption" and always blame "feudal emperor dictatorship and autocracy". Then, after the emperor to overthrow the "richest businessman, politician, strategist and writer of the interests of the solid union" inevitable political culture to the world economy is the most important social resources form the monopoly power.
If they are not responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters that have occurred over the centuries, who else is responsible?

Well here are 200 million deaths attributed to these 13 people.
1. Mao Zedong China Death toll: 45 million to 75 million
2. Joseph Stalin USSR Death toll: 40 million to 62 million
3. Adolf Hitler Germany Death toll: 17 million to 20 million
4. Chiang Kai-Shek China Death toll: 10 million
5. Hirohito Japan Death toll: 6 million
6. Vladimir Lenin USSR Death toll: 4 million
7. Tojo Hideki Japan Death toll: 4 million
8. Yahya Khan Pakistan Death toll: 2 million to 12 million
9. Saddam Hussein Iraq Death toll: 2 million
10. Pol Pot Cambodia Death toll: 1.7 million to 2.4 million
11. Ho Chi Minh North Vietnam Death toll: 1.7 million
12. Kim Il Sung North Korea Death toll: 1.6 million
13. Enver Pasha Turkey Death toll: 1.1 million to 2.5 million
Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, & More: 13 Deadliest Dictators (Photos)
We always say, "history is written by the victors." most of them are dead today. You can put any blame on them.
But how many people died from the SINS of traders such as "sheep eat human flesh", "hired labor", "white contractual slaves" and "indians killed"? Early European industrialization; The contract workers were all children of several years old, and few of them lived beyond the age of 11.
Of the 36, 000 textile workers in silesia, Germany alone, thousands have died of hunger.
The famine of 1842 in Germany left 6,000 people dead in silesia alone.
In the United States of 1896, the three giants were worth $1 trillion today, living like emperors. But 90 percent of americans live on less than a dollar a month. Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries.
These are real history.
That's pure horseshit. How is capitalism responsible for starvation the famine of 1842 in Germany? Capitalism eliminated famines. The only place you find famines since the industrial revolution is in socialist countries. Who are "the three giants?" Your claim that "Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries." That means that in 11 years every single worker would be dead. Where did you get this "information," from a comic book?
When did capitalism emerge? The German famine of 1842, the American famine of 1938, and then Japan became a "village without girls"... was it not a famine under capitalism?
The famine in the United States, in particular, was a man-made famine after a bountiful harvest in which traders destroyed food to boost profits.
Isn't this about capitalism

The 1842 famine was caused by the potatoe fungus, idiot. It wasn't caused by capitalism. I doubt German could rightfully be called capitalist in 1842, anyway. Capitalism was just getting started in England and America at that time. There also was no famine in 1938 in America. There was a drought in 1933, but not a single person died of starvation.

"Traders" never destroyed food in this country until the FDR regime forced them to.

I have no idea what your "village without girls" remark refers to, so I can't comment.
How can the high yield, low cost and rich nutrition of potatoes, a good source of food for the poor, lead to famine? It's absurd of you to say that potatoes create famine.
We always say, "history is written by the victors." most of them are dead today. You can put any blame on them.
But how many people died from the SINS of traders such as "sheep eat human flesh", "hired labor", "white contractual slaves" and "indians killed"? Early European industrialization; The contract workers were all children of several years old, and few of them lived beyond the age of 11.
Of the 36, 000 textile workers in silesia, Germany alone, thousands have died of hunger.
The famine of 1842 in Germany left 6,000 people dead in silesia alone.
In the United States of 1896, the three giants were worth $1 trillion today, living like emperors. But 90 percent of americans live on less than a dollar a month. Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries.
These are real history.
That's pure horseshit. How is capitalism responsible for starvation the famine of 1842 in Germany? Capitalism eliminated famines. The only place you find famines since the industrial revolution is in socialist countries. Who are "the three giants?" Your claim that "Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries." That means that in 11 years every single worker would be dead. Where did you get this "information," from a comic book?
When did capitalism emerge? The German famine of 1842, the American famine of 1938, and then Japan became a "village without girls"... was it not a famine under capitalism?
The famine in the United States, in particular, was a man-made famine after a bountiful harvest in which traders destroyed food to boost profits.
Isn't this about capitalism

The 1842 famine was caused by the potatoe fungus, idiot. It wasn't caused by capitalism. I doubt German could rightfully be called capitalist in 1842, anyway. Capitalism was just getting started in England and America at that time. There also was no famine in 1938 in America. There was a drought in 1933, but not a single person died of starvation.

"Traders" never destroyed food in this country until the FDR regime forced them to.

I have no idea what your "village without girls" remark refers to, so I can't comment.
In fact, it was marxism that ended the famine. When was Roosevelt's reform? At the beginning of the development of European and American communist movement;
And 40 s of the 19th century, Britain, France, Germany and other countries of the proletariat to carry out the independent political movement, main show is the famous three workers' movement, namely, Lyon, France silk workers twice uprising; The British charter movement; German silesia textile workers uprising.
On September 14, 1867, das kapital was published.
The communist manifesto was published in London on February 21, 1848, and was first published in London on February 24, 1848.
In 1824, Robert Owen bought 30,000 acres (more than 100 square kilometers) of land in indiana, North America, equivalent to one tenth of chongming island. He again gathered more than a thousand people and managed the new harmonious commune, creating a brief boom.
Most of those socialist activities failed, but this must have made capitalism understand; If workers continue to be treated too cruelly, they are likely to use marxism to overthrow capitalism.
You have to be suffering brain damage to believe that Marxism ever saved anyone from starvation.
You make personal attacks when you don't have the ability to argue effectively.
Are you human?
Well here are 200 million deaths attributed to these 13 people.
1. Mao Zedong China Death toll: 45 million to 75 million
2. Joseph Stalin USSR Death toll: 40 million to 62 million
3. Adolf Hitler Germany Death toll: 17 million to 20 million
4. Chiang Kai-Shek China Death toll: 10 million
5. Hirohito Japan Death toll: 6 million
6. Vladimir Lenin USSR Death toll: 4 million
7. Tojo Hideki Japan Death toll: 4 million
8. Yahya Khan Pakistan Death toll: 2 million to 12 million
9. Saddam Hussein Iraq Death toll: 2 million
10. Pol Pot Cambodia Death toll: 1.7 million to 2.4 million
11. Ho Chi Minh North Vietnam Death toll: 1.7 million
12. Kim Il Sung North Korea Death toll: 1.6 million
13. Enver Pasha Turkey Death toll: 1.1 million to 2.5 million
Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, & More: 13 Deadliest Dictators (Photos)
We always say, "history is written by the victors." most of them are dead today. You can put any blame on them.
But how many people died from the SINS of traders such as "sheep eat human flesh", "hired labor", "white contractual slaves" and "indians killed"? Early European industrialization; The contract workers were all children of several years old, and few of them lived beyond the age of 11.
Of the 36, 000 textile workers in silesia, Germany alone, thousands have died of hunger.
The famine of 1842 in Germany left 6,000 people dead in silesia alone.
In the United States of 1896, the three giants were worth $1 trillion today, living like emperors. But 90 percent of americans live on less than a dollar a month. Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries.
These are real history.
That's pure horseshit. How is capitalism responsible for starvation the famine of 1842 in Germany? Capitalism eliminated famines. The only place you find famines since the industrial revolution is in socialist countries. Who are "the three giants?" Your claim that "Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries." That means that in 11 years every single worker would be dead. Where did you get this "information," from a comic book?
When did capitalism emerge? The German famine of 1842, the American famine of 1938, and then Japan became a "village without girls"... was it not a famine under capitalism?
The famine in the United States, in particular, was a man-made famine after a bountiful harvest in which traders destroyed food to boost profits.
Isn't this about capitalism

The 1842 famine was caused by the potatoe fungus, idiot. It wasn't caused by capitalism. I doubt German could rightfully be called capitalist in 1842, anyway. Capitalism was just getting started in England and America at that time. There also was no famine in 1938 in America. There was a drought in 1933, but not a single person died of starvation.

"Traders" never destroyed food in this country until the FDR regime forced them to.

I have no idea what your "village without girls" remark refers to, so I can't comment.
How can the high yield, low cost and rich nutrition of potatoes, a good source of food for the poor, lead to famine? It's absurd of you to say that potatoes create famine.
When the potato blight kills off the entire crop that a country has become dependent on, then it's easily possible. There's also the fact the the UK prevented Ireland from importing wheat to makeup the difference.
We always say, "history is written by the victors." most of them are dead today. You can put any blame on them.
But how many people died from the SINS of traders such as "sheep eat human flesh", "hired labor", "white contractual slaves" and "indians killed"? Early European industrialization; The contract workers were all children of several years old, and few of them lived beyond the age of 11.
Of the 36, 000 textile workers in silesia, Germany alone, thousands have died of hunger.
The famine of 1842 in Germany left 6,000 people dead in silesia alone.
In the United States of 1896, the three giants were worth $1 trillion today, living like emperors. But 90 percent of americans live on less than a dollar a month. Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries.
These are real history.
That's pure horseshit. How is capitalism responsible for starvation the famine of 1842 in Germany? Capitalism eliminated famines. The only place you find famines since the industrial revolution is in socialist countries. Who are "the three giants?" Your claim that "Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries." That means that in 11 years every single worker would be dead. Where did you get this "information," from a comic book?
When did capitalism emerge? The German famine of 1842, the American famine of 1938, and then Japan became a "village without girls"... was it not a famine under capitalism?
The famine in the United States, in particular, was a man-made famine after a bountiful harvest in which traders destroyed food to boost profits.
Isn't this about capitalism

The 1842 famine was caused by the potatoe fungus, idiot. It wasn't caused by capitalism. I doubt German could rightfully be called capitalist in 1842, anyway. Capitalism was just getting started in England and America at that time. There also was no famine in 1938 in America. There was a drought in 1933, but not a single person died of starvation.

"Traders" never destroyed food in this country until the FDR regime forced them to.

I have no idea what your "village without girls" remark refers to, so I can't comment.
Of course you don't have that in your textbook. You will only tell the world how capitalism has produced world civilization.
At least 10,000 people starved to death during the American famine of the 1920s and 1930s, according to calculations of "tens of millions starved to death in China".

Sorry, turd, but there isn't a single documented case of anyone starving because they couldn't afford to eat. People starved because they were trapped in the mountains, but not because America didn't have enough food to feed its citizens.

There's a classic ballad about famine in America; The child asked; Why is it cold? The father replied; Because there's no money for coal. "Asked the child; Why no money? The father replied; Because father produced too much coal and could not sell it, the factory closed down at a loss.
All the famines of capitalism have been caused not by natural disasters, but by merchants who, in pursuit of high profits, would rather destroy their products to raise prices than sell them to the poor.

"Classic ballad" my ass. That's communist propaganda. There have been no famines in America, dumbass. You can't produce a single verifable example of anyone dying of starvation who wasn't trapped in some snowbound mountain pass.
You always say; "Despots can only beautify themselves, not see their mistakes, and only political enemies can point them out."
Then the communist propaganda will not be wrong, but it will prove that you are covering up the crimes of the bourgeoisie.
We always say that "power leads to corruption" and always blame "feudal emperor dictatorship and autocracy". Then, after the emperor to overthrow the "richest businessman, politician, strategist and writer of the interests of the solid union" inevitable political culture to the world economy is the most important social resources form the monopoly power.
If they are not responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters that have occurred over the centuries, who else is responsible?

Well here are 200 million deaths attributed to these 13 people.
1. Mao Zedong China Death toll: 45 million to 75 million
2. Joseph Stalin USSR Death toll: 40 million to 62 million
3. Adolf Hitler Germany Death toll: 17 million to 20 million
4. Chiang Kai-Shek China Death toll: 10 million
5. Hirohito Japan Death toll: 6 million
6. Vladimir Lenin USSR Death toll: 4 million
7. Tojo Hideki Japan Death toll: 4 million
8. Yahya Khan Pakistan Death toll: 2 million to 12 million
9. Saddam Hussein Iraq Death toll: 2 million
10. Pol Pot Cambodia Death toll: 1.7 million to 2.4 million
11. Ho Chi Minh North Vietnam Death toll: 1.7 million
12. Kim Il Sung North Korea Death toll: 1.6 million
13. Enver Pasha Turkey Death toll: 1.1 million to 2.5 million
Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, & More: 13 Deadliest Dictators (Photos)
We always say, "history is written by the victors." most of them are dead today. You can put any blame on them.
But how many people died from the SINS of traders such as "sheep eat human flesh", "hired labor", "white contractual slaves" and "indians killed"? Early European industrialization; The contract workers were all children of several years old, and few of them lived beyond the age of 11.
Of the 36, 000 textile workers in silesia, Germany alone, thousands have died of hunger.
The famine of 1842 in Germany left 6,000 people dead in silesia alone.
In the United States of 1896, the three giants were worth $1 trillion today, living like emperors. But 90 percent of americans live on less than a dollar a month. Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries.
These are real history.

Ok, but your numbers are puny compared to those of the murderous dictators listed by Healthmyths. It’s your thread, step up or step out.
That's pure horseshit. How is capitalism responsible for starvation the famine of 1842 in Germany? Capitalism eliminated famines. The only place you find famines since the industrial revolution is in socialist countries. Who are "the three giants?" Your claim that "Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries." That means that in 11 years every single worker would be dead. Where did you get this "information," from a comic book?
When did capitalism emerge? The German famine of 1842, the American famine of 1938, and then Japan became a "village without girls"... was it not a famine under capitalism?
The famine in the United States, in particular, was a man-made famine after a bountiful harvest in which traders destroyed food to boost profits.
Isn't this about capitalism

The 1842 famine was caused by the potatoe fungus, idiot. It wasn't caused by capitalism. I doubt German could rightfully be called capitalist in 1842, anyway. Capitalism was just getting started in England and America at that time. There also was no famine in 1938 in America. There was a drought in 1933, but not a single person died of starvation.

"Traders" never destroyed food in this country until the FDR regime forced them to.

I have no idea what your "village without girls" remark refers to, so I can't comment.
Of course you don't have that in your textbook. You will only tell the world how capitalism has produced world civilization.
At least 10,000 people starved to death during the American famine of the 1920s and 1930s, according to calculations of "tens of millions starved to death in China".

Sorry, turd, but there isn't a single documented case of anyone starving because they couldn't afford to eat. People starved because they were trapped in the mountains, but not because America didn't have enough food to feed its citizens.

There's a classic ballad about famine in America; The child asked; Why is it cold? The father replied; Because there's no money for coal. "Asked the child; Why no money? The father replied; Because father produced too much coal and could not sell it, the factory closed down at a loss.
All the famines of capitalism have been caused not by natural disasters, but by merchants who, in pursuit of high profits, would rather destroy their products to raise prices than sell them to the poor.

"Classic ballad" my ass. That's communist propaganda. There have been no famines in America, dumbass. You can't produce a single verifable example of anyone dying of starvation who wasn't trapped in some snowbound mountain pass.
You always say; "Despots can only beautify themselves, not see their mistakes, and only political enemies can point them out."
Then the communist propaganda will not be wrong, but it will prove that you are covering up the crimes of the bourgeoisie.
I have no idea what that is supposed to mean.
We always say, "history is written by the victors." most of them are dead today. You can put any blame on them.
But how many people died from the SINS of traders such as "sheep eat human flesh", "hired labor", "white contractual slaves" and "indians killed"? Early European industrialization; The contract workers were all children of several years old, and few of them lived beyond the age of 11.
Of the 36, 000 textile workers in silesia, Germany alone, thousands have died of hunger.
The famine of 1842 in Germany left 6,000 people dead in silesia alone.
In the United States of 1896, the three giants were worth $1 trillion today, living like emperors. But 90 percent of americans live on less than a dollar a month. Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries.
These are real history.
That's pure horseshit. How is capitalism responsible for starvation the famine of 1842 in Germany? Capitalism eliminated famines. The only place you find famines since the industrial revolution is in socialist countries. Who are "the three giants?" Your claim that "Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries." That means that in 11 years every single worker would be dead. Where did you get this "information," from a comic book?
When did capitalism emerge? The German famine of 1842, the American famine of 1938, and then Japan became a "village without girls"... was it not a famine under capitalism?
The famine in the United States, in particular, was a man-made famine after a bountiful harvest in which traders destroyed food to boost profits.
Isn't this about capitalism

The 1842 famine was caused by the potatoe fungus, idiot. It wasn't caused by capitalism. I doubt German could rightfully be called capitalist in 1842, anyway. Capitalism was just getting started in England and America at that time. There also was no famine in 1938 in America. There was a drought in 1933, but not a single person died of starvation.

"Traders" never destroyed food in this country until the FDR regime forced them to.

I have no idea what your "village without girls" remark refers to, so I can't comment.
How can the high yield, low cost and rich nutrition of potatoes, a good source of food for the poor, lead to famine? It's absurd of you to say that potatoes create famine.
When the potato blight kills off the entire crop that a country has become dependent on, then it's easily possible. There's also the fact the the UK prevented Ireland from importing wheat to makeup the difference.
How big an impact can potato wilt have?
Did not capitalism sell its people's right to life for its own sake when it prevented Ireland from importing wheat to make up the difference and led to famine?
Sixties and seventies of the last century in China natural disasters comprehensively, actually lasted five years, but only the first three years of famine, after a few years by "mutual support under public ownership", later, will meet the requirements of the people.
Few people would survive a natural disaster of that magnitude in a capitalist country.
It's useless to say that; How dare you let north Korea develop in the same environment as South Korea? Dare you lift the blockade on north Korea? How dare you blockade the South Korea?
The quality of life in north Korea, which you have sealed off, is much higher than in India, which you have financed.


  • 81d049df-6442-4b3f-bb51-ef138a06e6ce.jpg
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if the poor would stop having kids, there'd BE no poor. Thousands of years and none of them can figure that out.
We always say, "history is written by the victors." most of them are dead today. You can put any blame on them.
But how many people died from the SINS of traders such as "sheep eat human flesh", "hired labor", "white contractual slaves" and "indians killed"? Early European industrialization; The contract workers were all children of several years old, and few of them lived beyond the age of 11.
Of the 36, 000 textile workers in silesia, Germany alone, thousands have died of hunger.
The famine of 1842 in Germany left 6,000 people dead in silesia alone.
In the United States of 1896, the three giants were worth $1 trillion today, living like emperors. But 90 percent of americans live on less than a dollar a month. Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries.
These are real history.
That's pure horseshit. How is capitalism responsible for starvation the famine of 1842 in Germany? Capitalism eliminated famines. The only place you find famines since the industrial revolution is in socialist countries. Who are "the three giants?" Your claim that "Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries." That means that in 11 years every single worker would be dead. Where did you get this "information," from a comic book?
When did capitalism emerge? The German famine of 1842, the American famine of 1938, and then Japan became a "village without girls"... was it not a famine under capitalism?
The famine in the United States, in particular, was a man-made famine after a bountiful harvest in which traders destroyed food to boost profits.
Isn't this about capitalism

The 1842 famine was caused by the potatoe fungus, idiot. It wasn't caused by capitalism. I doubt German could rightfully be called capitalist in 1842, anyway. Capitalism was just getting started in England and America at that time. There also was no famine in 1938 in America. There was a drought in 1933, but not a single person died of starvation.

"Traders" never destroyed food in this country until the FDR regime forced them to.

I have no idea what your "village without girls" remark refers to, so I can't comment.
"Village without girls" is the state of existence of citizens after the Meiji restoration in Japan. At that time, Japan was being beautified by the international community as "an Oriental model under the influence of western civilization".
I think you mean "beatified," which is the process of turning someone into a Saint.
And of course in your textbook, you won't do that.
You're not making gods by packaging movie stars and sports stars?
We always say that "power leads to corruption" and always blame "feudal emperor dictatorship and autocracy". Then, after the emperor to overthrow the "richest businessman, politician, strategist and writer of the interests of the solid union" inevitable political culture to the world economy is the most important social resources form the monopoly power.
If they are not responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters that have occurred over the centuries, who else is responsible?

Well here are 200 million deaths attributed to these 13 people.
1. Mao Zedong China Death toll: 45 million to 75 million
2. Joseph Stalin USSR Death toll: 40 million to 62 million
3. Adolf Hitler Germany Death toll: 17 million to 20 million
4. Chiang Kai-Shek China Death toll: 10 million
5. Hirohito Japan Death toll: 6 million
6. Vladimir Lenin USSR Death toll: 4 million
7. Tojo Hideki Japan Death toll: 4 million
8. Yahya Khan Pakistan Death toll: 2 million to 12 million
9. Saddam Hussein Iraq Death toll: 2 million
10. Pol Pot Cambodia Death toll: 1.7 million to 2.4 million
11. Ho Chi Minh North Vietnam Death toll: 1.7 million
12. Kim Il Sung North Korea Death toll: 1.6 million
13. Enver Pasha Turkey Death toll: 1.1 million to 2.5 million
Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, & More: 13 Deadliest Dictators (Photos)
We always say, "history is written by the victors." most of them are dead today. You can put any blame on them.
But how many people died from the SINS of traders such as "sheep eat human flesh", "hired labor", "white contractual slaves" and "indians killed"? Early European industrialization; The contract workers were all children of several years old, and few of them lived beyond the age of 11.
Of the 36, 000 textile workers in silesia, Germany alone, thousands have died of hunger.
The famine of 1842 in Germany left 6,000 people dead in silesia alone.
In the United States of 1896, the three giants were worth $1 trillion today, living like emperors. But 90 percent of americans live on less than a dollar a month. Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries.
These are real history.
That's pure horseshit. How is capitalism responsible for starvation the famine of 1842 in Germany? Capitalism eliminated famines. The only place you find famines since the industrial revolution is in socialist countries. Who are "the three giants?" Your claim that "Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries." That means that in 11 years every single worker would be dead. Where did you get this "information," from a comic book?
American television documentaries; The legend of the American tycoon

ROFL! Either you don't recall correctly or they were pushing bullshit. Your claims are obviously false. We've never had a famine in this country. No industrialized country has ever had a famine.
Chinese philosopher lao-tzu said;
"When a noble man hears the truth, he USES it as a guide.
Ordinary people hear the truth and doubt it.
When a stupid, shameless, selfish person hears the truth, he will laugh at it.
What is not laughed at by stupid, selfish, shameless people is not truth.

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