Who is responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters over the centuries?

That's pure horseshit. How is capitalism responsible for starvation the famine of 1842 in Germany? Capitalism eliminated famines. The only place you find famines since the industrial revolution is in socialist countries. Who are "the three giants?" Your claim that "Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries." That means that in 11 years every single worker would be dead. Where did you get this "information," from a comic book?
When did capitalism emerge? The German famine of 1842, the American famine of 1938, and then Japan became a "village without girls"... was it not a famine under capitalism?
The famine in the United States, in particular, was a man-made famine after a bountiful harvest in which traders destroyed food to boost profits.
Isn't this about capitalism

The 1842 famine was caused by the potatoe fungus, idiot. It wasn't caused by capitalism. I doubt German could rightfully be called capitalist in 1842, anyway. Capitalism was just getting started in England and America at that time. There also was no famine in 1938 in America. There was a drought in 1933, but not a single person died of starvation.

"Traders" never destroyed food in this country until the FDR regime forced them to.

I have no idea what your "village without girls" remark refers to, so I can't comment.
"Village without girls" is the state of existence of citizens after the Meiji restoration in Japan. At that time, Japan was being beautified by the international community as "an Oriental model under the influence of western civilization".
I think you mean "beatified," which is the process of turning someone into a Saint.
Those people give workers dignity, and people deserve to look up to them, more than you do.
Your god - maker has made stars out of people who have been tainted with the yellow gambling poison.
I have no idea what the hell you're talking about. Who are "these people?"
That's pure horseshit. How is capitalism responsible for starvation the famine of 1842 in Germany? Capitalism eliminated famines. The only place you find famines since the industrial revolution is in socialist countries. Who are "the three giants?" Your claim that "Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries." That means that in 11 years every single worker would be dead. Where did you get this "information," from a comic book?
When did capitalism emerge? The German famine of 1842, the American famine of 1938, and then Japan became a "village without girls"... was it not a famine under capitalism?
The famine in the United States, in particular, was a man-made famine after a bountiful harvest in which traders destroyed food to boost profits.
Isn't this about capitalism

The 1842 famine was caused by the potatoe fungus, idiot. It wasn't caused by capitalism. I doubt German could rightfully be called capitalist in 1842, anyway. Capitalism was just getting started in England and America at that time. There also was no famine in 1938 in America. There was a drought in 1933, but not a single person died of starvation.

"Traders" never destroyed food in this country until the FDR regime forced them to.

I have no idea what your "village without girls" remark refers to, so I can't comment.
Of course you don't have that in your textbook. You will only tell the world how capitalism has produced world civilization.
At least 10,000 people starved to death during the American famine of the 1920s and 1930s, according to calculations of "tens of millions starved to death in China".

Sorry, turd, but there isn't a single documented case of anyone starving because they couldn't afford to eat. People starved because they were trapped in the mountains, but not because America didn't have enough food to feed its citizens.

There's a classic ballad about famine in America; The child asked; Why is it cold? The father replied; Because there's no money for coal. "Asked the child; Why no money? The father replied; Because father produced too much coal and could not sell it, the factory closed down at a loss.
All the famines of capitalism have been caused not by natural disasters, but by merchants who, in pursuit of high profits, would rather destroy their products to raise prices than sell them to the poor.

"Classic ballad" my ass. That's communist propaganda. There have been no famines in America, dumbass. You can't produce a single verifable example of anyone dying of starvation who wasn't trapped in some snowbound mountain pass.
If your brain is human, understand the world in many ways, especially from a worker's perspective.

The laws of supply and demand are the same whether you are a worker or a factory manager.
We always say that "power leads to corruption" and always blame "feudal emperor dictatorship and autocracy". Then, after the emperor to overthrow the "richest businessman, politician, strategist and writer of the interests of the solid union" inevitable political culture to the world economy is the most important social resources form the monopoly power.
If they are not responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters that have occurred over the centuries, who else is responsible?

Well here are 200 million deaths attributed to these 13 people.
1. Mao Zedong China Death toll: 45 million to 75 million
2. Joseph Stalin USSR Death toll: 40 million to 62 million
3. Adolf Hitler Germany Death toll: 17 million to 20 million
4. Chiang Kai-Shek China Death toll: 10 million
5. Hirohito Japan Death toll: 6 million
6. Vladimir Lenin USSR Death toll: 4 million
7. Tojo Hideki Japan Death toll: 4 million
8. Yahya Khan Pakistan Death toll: 2 million to 12 million
9. Saddam Hussein Iraq Death toll: 2 million
10. Pol Pot Cambodia Death toll: 1.7 million to 2.4 million
11. Ho Chi Minh North Vietnam Death toll: 1.7 million
12. Kim Il Sung North Korea Death toll: 1.6 million
13. Enver Pasha Turkey Death toll: 1.1 million to 2.5 million
Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, & More: 13 Deadliest Dictators (Photos)
We always say, "history is written by the victors." most of them are dead today. You can put any blame on them.
But how many people died from the SINS of traders such as "sheep eat human flesh", "hired labor", "white contractual slaves" and "indians killed"? Early European industrialization; The contract workers were all children of several years old, and few of them lived beyond the age of 11.
Of the 36, 000 textile workers in silesia, Germany alone, thousands have died of hunger.
The famine of 1842 in Germany left 6,000 people dead in silesia alone.
In the United States of 1896, the three giants were worth $1 trillion today, living like emperors. But 90 percent of americans live on less than a dollar a month. Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries.
These are real history.

Ok, but your numbers are puny compared to those of the murderous dictators listed by Healthmyths. It’s your thread, step up or step out.
If you believe capitalism's unilateral propaganda, I have nothing to say. But you have to know; Stalin defeated the nazis. Otherwise the world would be destroyed by the axis powers.
Stalin would have been wiped out if it wasn't for Lend Lease supplying him with a vast river of weapons and material.
We always say that "power leads to corruption" and always blame "feudal emperor dictatorship and autocracy". Then, after the emperor to overthrow the "richest businessman, politician, strategist and writer of the interests of the solid union" inevitable political culture to the world economy is the most important social resources form the monopoly power.
If they are not responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters that have occurred over the centuries, who else is responsible?

Well here are 200 million deaths attributed to these 13 people.
1. Mao Zedong China Death toll: 45 million to 75 million
2. Joseph Stalin USSR Death toll: 40 million to 62 million
3. Adolf Hitler Germany Death toll: 17 million to 20 million
4. Chiang Kai-Shek China Death toll: 10 million
5. Hirohito Japan Death toll: 6 million
6. Vladimir Lenin USSR Death toll: 4 million
7. Tojo Hideki Japan Death toll: 4 million
8. Yahya Khan Pakistan Death toll: 2 million to 12 million
9. Saddam Hussein Iraq Death toll: 2 million
10. Pol Pot Cambodia Death toll: 1.7 million to 2.4 million
11. Ho Chi Minh North Vietnam Death toll: 1.7 million
12. Kim Il Sung North Korea Death toll: 1.6 million
13. Enver Pasha Turkey Death toll: 1.1 million to 2.5 million
Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, & More: 13 Deadliest Dictators (Photos)
We always say, "history is written by the victors." most of them are dead today. You can put any blame on them.
But how many people died from the SINS of traders such as "sheep eat human flesh", "hired labor", "white contractual slaves" and "indians killed"? Early European industrialization; The contract workers were all children of several years old, and few of them lived beyond the age of 11.
Of the 36, 000 textile workers in silesia, Germany alone, thousands have died of hunger.
The famine of 1842 in Germany left 6,000 people dead in silesia alone.
In the United States of 1896, the three giants were worth $1 trillion today, living like emperors. But 90 percent of americans live on less than a dollar a month. Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries.
These are real history.

Ok, but your numbers are puny compared to those of the murderous dictators listed by Healthmyths. It’s your thread, step up or step out.
If you believe capitalism's unilateral propaganda, I have nothing to say. But you have to know; Stalin defeated the nazis. Otherwise the world would be destroyed by the axis powers.
Stalin would have been wiped out if it wasn't for Lend Lease supplying him with a vast river of weapons and material.
If the us does not sell arms, the us economy will collapse.
When did capitalism emerge? The German famine of 1842, the American famine of 1938, and then Japan became a "village without girls"... was it not a famine under capitalism?
The famine in the United States, in particular, was a man-made famine after a bountiful harvest in which traders destroyed food to boost profits.
Isn't this about capitalism

The 1842 famine was caused by the potatoe fungus, idiot. It wasn't caused by capitalism. I doubt German could rightfully be called capitalist in 1842, anyway. Capitalism was just getting started in England and America at that time. There also was no famine in 1938 in America. There was a drought in 1933, but not a single person died of starvation.

"Traders" never destroyed food in this country until the FDR regime forced them to.

I have no idea what your "village without girls" remark refers to, so I can't comment.
Of course you don't have that in your textbook. You will only tell the world how capitalism has produced world civilization.
At least 10,000 people starved to death during the American famine of the 1920s and 1930s, according to calculations of "tens of millions starved to death in China".

Sorry, turd, but there isn't a single documented case of anyone starving because they couldn't afford to eat. People starved because they were trapped in the mountains, but not because America didn't have enough food to feed its citizens.

There's a classic ballad about famine in America; The child asked; Why is it cold? The father replied; Because there's no money for coal. "Asked the child; Why no money? The father replied; Because father produced too much coal and could not sell it, the factory closed down at a loss.
All the famines of capitalism have been caused not by natural disasters, but by merchants who, in pursuit of high profits, would rather destroy their products to raise prices than sell them to the poor.

"Classic ballad" my ass. That's communist propaganda. There have been no famines in America, dumbass. You can't produce a single verifable example of anyone dying of starvation who wasn't trapped in some snowbound mountain pass.
You always say; "Despots can only beautify themselves, not see their mistakes, and only political enemies can point them out."
Then the communist propaganda will not be wrong, but it will prove that you are covering up the crimes of the bourgeoisie.
I have no idea what that is supposed to mean.
You always say; "Tyrants can only beautify themselves, they can only cover up their mistakes, only their political enemies can point out their mistakes."
Isn't it true that your capitalism likes to glorify itself? Are you not hiding your mistakes?
Then your glorification of capitalism needs to be debunked by the propaganda of communism
if the poor would stop having kids, there'd BE no poor. Thousands of years and none of them can figure that out.
According to historical records; China's qing emperor qianlong felt population pressure, but he couldn't help it.
He didn't think about banning people from having children.
But at the same time western malthusians thought of ways to reduce the population - war, plague, famine.
The difference in the height of civilization is so striking.
We always say that "power leads to corruption" and always blame "feudal emperor dictatorship and autocracy". Then, after the emperor to overthrow the "richest businessman, politician, strategist and writer of the interests of the solid union" inevitable political culture to the world economy is the most important social resources form the monopoly power.
If they are not responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters that have occurred over the centuries, who else is responsible?

Well here are 200 million deaths attributed to these 13 people.
1. Mao Zedong China Death toll: 45 million to 75 million
2. Joseph Stalin USSR Death toll: 40 million to 62 million
3. Adolf Hitler Germany Death toll: 17 million to 20 million
4. Chiang Kai-Shek China Death toll: 10 million
5. Hirohito Japan Death toll: 6 million
6. Vladimir Lenin USSR Death toll: 4 million
7. Tojo Hideki Japan Death toll: 4 million
8. Yahya Khan Pakistan Death toll: 2 million to 12 million
9. Saddam Hussein Iraq Death toll: 2 million
10. Pol Pot Cambodia Death toll: 1.7 million to 2.4 million
11. Ho Chi Minh North Vietnam Death toll: 1.7 million
12. Kim Il Sung North Korea Death toll: 1.6 million
13. Enver Pasha Turkey Death toll: 1.1 million to 2.5 million
Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, & More: 13 Deadliest Dictators (Photos)
We always say, "history is written by the victors." most of them are dead today. You can put any blame on them.
But how many people died from the SINS of traders such as "sheep eat human flesh", "hired labor", "white contractual slaves" and "indians killed"? Early European industrialization; The contract workers were all children of several years old, and few of them lived beyond the age of 11.
Of the 36, 000 textile workers in silesia, Germany alone, thousands have died of hunger.
The famine of 1842 in Germany left 6,000 people dead in silesia alone.
In the United States of 1896, the three giants were worth $1 trillion today, living like emperors. But 90 percent of americans live on less than a dollar a month. Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries.
These are real history.

Ok, but your numbers are puny compared to those of the murderous dictators listed by Healthmyths. It’s your thread, step up or step out.
If you believe capitalism's unilateral propaganda, I have nothing to say. But you have to know; Stalin defeated the nazis. Otherwise the world would be destroyed by the axis powers.

So you like Stalin, but hate capitalism. You’re pinko commie, why didn’t you just say so?
I'm not a communist. I'm a nationalist.
I support the communist party only out of love for the country, especially the workers and peasants.
You have to define "humanitarian disasters" before you go off on a tirade about who is responsible. You could say the Marshall Plan was a "humanitarian disaster" because it led to what Churchill described as the "Iron Curtain".
Is the fall of politicians a disaster? In the textbooks you read, no sheep can eat people, no child labor, no white American contract slaves, no triangle trade, no genocide.
In addition, several world wars were also related to international big capitalists.
American financiers helped finance the nazis.

NOT one link provided!
When did sheep eat people? Please prove it with an valid non subjective LINK!
Now child labor that is a fact. I mean I can attest to that personally! When I was 7 years old my DAD forced me to work in the 5 different gardens we co-oped with neighbors.
My Dad forced me to shovel snow and forced me to mow 6 lawns in the summer. Oh yea he also forced our family for 20 years and 4 kids to deliver newspapers!
OH it was so terrible. Forced labor so we could eat! So I truly can attest to that... back 65 years ago!
And you should have heard MY DAD tell about HIS having forced child labor when HE was a kid! In fact his Dad forced him to work on a hay bailing machine and quit high school!
YES forced child labor for sure... 100 years ago! So I personally can attest to that "child labor" comment.
NOW I also know there were WHITE SLAVES and BLACK SLAVES long before we had tractors, or computers, or washing machines, or microwaves or you name it.
In fact back in those days the average person worked at least 4 to 8 hours a day JUST to get their next meals! YUP.... farmers working by the way...nearly 40% of the population in
1900 were farmers. YEA took a lot of effort then to feed people.
Now triangle trade comes up with this statement I found and by the way here is the LINK!!!
On the African coast, European traders bought enslaved peoples from travelling African dealers or nearby African chiefs. Families were separated.
NOTE operative word... Nearby CHIEFS!!! The Triangular Trade: The Abolition of Slavery Project

Now for "genocide". Again please advise as to who the genociders were and who were the genocidees?
If you have a link because as you correctly state, in my 60 years of formal and informal learning I've not heard of any American FEDERAL or state authorized planned genocide.
Now my Indian great-great-grandmother might say differently but fortunately she lived to the ripe old age 120 years ago of 60...versus if she were born in 1400s when those
evil despicable white men came and the native American Indian life span was 35!
So show me where there were state sponsored genocide actions on the part of the United States.
Now here is a link I found that says just that... Naming America’s Own Genocide
Now this story tells about genocide and one story about an little Indian girl saw her little sister's heart cut out and she retrieved from bushes where it was thrown.
Reminds me again of a distant relative of mine who along with his Mom and other brother were captured by the Indians in Ohio in the early 1800s and when his Mom was thrown from
the horse breaking her hip those gentle Indians scalped her in front of her son. They took him and he lived as an Indian for 12 years before returning to the evil white men!

YUP evil times 100s of years ago. Just too damn bad we didn't have the internet, cell phones, texting to share all those events...that is if we had the time as my distant relatives
like most people in those times were just too busy trying to get food on the table!
You westerners have too little knowledge of history. This surprised me.
In the early days of industrialization in Europe, the rich took the land of farmers for free to raise sheep.
Farmers who lose their land also have to work hard and earn low wages in the factories run by the rich.
Otherwise they will be executed in a cruel way.
This is where the word "sheep can eat people" comes from.
It's no use talking too much. You'd better learn more about history.
We always say that "power leads to corruption" and always blame "feudal emperor dictatorship and autocracy". Then, after the emperor to overthrow the "richest businessman, politician, strategist and writer of the interests of the solid union" inevitable political culture to the world economy is the most important social resources form the monopoly power.
If they are not responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters that have occurred over the centuries, who else is responsible?

Well here are 200 million deaths attributed to these 13 people.
1. Mao Zedong China Death toll: 45 million to 75 million
2. Joseph Stalin USSR Death toll: 40 million to 62 million
3. Adolf Hitler Germany Death toll: 17 million to 20 million
4. Chiang Kai-Shek China Death toll: 10 million
5. Hirohito Japan Death toll: 6 million
6. Vladimir Lenin USSR Death toll: 4 million
7. Tojo Hideki Japan Death toll: 4 million
8. Yahya Khan Pakistan Death toll: 2 million to 12 million
9. Saddam Hussein Iraq Death toll: 2 million
10. Pol Pot Cambodia Death toll: 1.7 million to 2.4 million
11. Ho Chi Minh North Vietnam Death toll: 1.7 million
12. Kim Il Sung North Korea Death toll: 1.6 million
13. Enver Pasha Turkey Death toll: 1.1 million to 2.5 million
Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, & More: 13 Deadliest Dictators (Photos)
Bullshit! If so many people died in China in the 1950s and 1960s, would one person die in every household? China was still a large population in the late 1970s.

That estimate for Mao's kill total is LOW.
MAO zedong is dead. You can insult him at will.
In addition,
You have to know what China was like before MAO came to power.
The population has not grown for 30 years. Famine breaks out every year.
It's not god doing it,
It was the bourgeoisie who took over the country at that time. They only knew how to accumulate wealth and did not care about infrastructure construction.
Life expectancy was 35(at the time the world was 42).
It was part of the great famine of 1929-1930. Six million people in China have died from the famine. At the time, the story was half a column in the inside of the New York times. ---- -from the long march by harrison Salisbury
In many provinces, taxes are usually 60 years or more in advance, and farmers cannot afford to pay interest on land leases and usury, leaving thousands of acres of land to rot. -- "democracy", published on May 15, 1937
On the ride from luoyang to zhengzhou, "most of the villages were deserted.
Even where there are people,
The only thing bai heard was the cry of the abandoned baby before he died.
All they saw was wild dogs pulling bodies out of the sand and eating them.
~ "news and fantasy - the story of whitehead", Joyce? The hoffman


  • 81d049df-6442-4b3f-bb51-ef138a06e6ce.jpg
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Well here are 200 million deaths attributed to these 13 people.
1. Mao Zedong China Death toll: 45 million to 75 million
2. Joseph Stalin USSR Death toll: 40 million to 62 million
3. Adolf Hitler Germany Death toll: 17 million to 20 million
4. Chiang Kai-Shek China Death toll: 10 million
5. Hirohito Japan Death toll: 6 million
6. Vladimir Lenin USSR Death toll: 4 million
7. Tojo Hideki Japan Death toll: 4 million
8. Yahya Khan Pakistan Death toll: 2 million to 12 million
9. Saddam Hussein Iraq Death toll: 2 million
10. Pol Pot Cambodia Death toll: 1.7 million to 2.4 million
11. Ho Chi Minh North Vietnam Death toll: 1.7 million
12. Kim Il Sung North Korea Death toll: 1.6 million
13. Enver Pasha Turkey Death toll: 1.1 million to 2.5 million
Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, & More: 13 Deadliest Dictators (Photos)
We always say, "history is written by the victors." most of them are dead today. You can put any blame on them.
But how many people died from the SINS of traders such as "sheep eat human flesh", "hired labor", "white contractual slaves" and "indians killed"? Early European industrialization; The contract workers were all children of several years old, and few of them lived beyond the age of 11.
Of the 36, 000 textile workers in silesia, Germany alone, thousands have died of hunger.
The famine of 1842 in Germany left 6,000 people dead in silesia alone.
In the United States of 1896, the three giants were worth $1 trillion today, living like emperors. But 90 percent of americans live on less than a dollar a month. Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries.
These are real history.

Ok, but your numbers are puny compared to those of the murderous dictators listed by Healthmyths. It’s your thread, step up or step out.
If you believe capitalism's unilateral propaganda, I have nothing to say. But you have to know; Stalin defeated the nazis. Otherwise the world would be destroyed by the axis powers.
Stalin would have been wiped out if it wasn't for Lend Lease supplying him with a vast river of weapons and material.
If the us does not sell arms, the us economy will collapse.
Another one of your theories with no visible means of support. We didn't sell arms to the Soviets. We gave arms to the Soviets. Socialism never repays its debts.

Humanity has only itself to blame for the human condition.



That's right. Human disasters are caused by greed. And the bourgeoisie is the product of this greed.


  • 搜狗截图20180517154522.png
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We always say that "power leads to corruption" and always blame "feudal emperor dictatorship and autocracy". Then, after the emperor to overthrow the "richest businessman, politician, strategist and writer of the interests of the solid union" inevitable political culture to the world economy is the most important social resources form the monopoly power.
If they are not responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters that have occurred over the centuries, who else is responsible?

Well here are 200 million deaths attributed to these 13 people.
1. Mao Zedong China Death toll: 45 million to 75 million
2. Joseph Stalin USSR Death toll: 40 million to 62 million
3. Adolf Hitler Germany Death toll: 17 million to 20 million
4. Chiang Kai-Shek China Death toll: 10 million
5. Hirohito Japan Death toll: 6 million
6. Vladimir Lenin USSR Death toll: 4 million
7. Tojo Hideki Japan Death toll: 4 million
8. Yahya Khan Pakistan Death toll: 2 million to 12 million
9. Saddam Hussein Iraq Death toll: 2 million
10. Pol Pot Cambodia Death toll: 1.7 million to 2.4 million
11. Ho Chi Minh North Vietnam Death toll: 1.7 million
12. Kim Il Sung North Korea Death toll: 1.6 million
13. Enver Pasha Turkey Death toll: 1.1 million to 2.5 million
Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, & More: 13 Deadliest Dictators (Photos)
Bullshit! If so many people died in China in the 1950s and 1960s, would one person die in every household? China was still a large population in the late 1970s.

That estimate for Mao's kill total is LOW.
MAO zedong is dead. You can insult him at will.
In addition,
You have to know what China was like before MAO came to power.
The population has not grown for 30 years. Famine breaks out every year.
It's not god doing it,
It was the bourgeoisie who took over the country at that time. They only knew how to accumulate wealth and did not care about infrastructure construction.
Life expectancy was 35(at the time the world was 42).
It was part of the great famine of 1929-1930. Six million people in China have died from the famine. At the time, the story was half a column in the inside of the New York times. ---- -from the long march by harrison Salisbury
In many provinces, taxes are usually 60 years or more in advance, and farmers cannot afford to pay interest on land leases and usury, leaving thousands of acres of land to rot. -- "democracy", published on May 15, 1937
On the ride from luoyang to zhengzhou, "most of the villages were deserted.
Even where there are people,
The only thing bai heard was the cry of the abandoned baby before he died.
All they saw was wild dogs pulling bodies out of the sand and eating them.
~ "news and fantasy - the story of whitehead", Joyce? The hoffman

I hate to break it to you, but there is NO reason to murder tens of millions of people. Anyone who argues in favor of mass murder is simply insane.
We always say that "power leads to corruption" and always blame "feudal emperor dictatorship and autocracy". Then, after the emperor to overthrow the "richest businessman, politician, strategist and writer of the interests of the solid union" inevitable political culture to the world economy is the most important social resources form the monopoly power.
If they are not responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters that have occurred over the centuries, who else is responsible?

Well here are 200 million deaths attributed to these 13 people.
1. Mao Zedong China Death toll: 45 million to 75 million
2. Joseph Stalin USSR Death toll: 40 million to 62 million
3. Adolf Hitler Germany Death toll: 17 million to 20 million
4. Chiang Kai-Shek China Death toll: 10 million
5. Hirohito Japan Death toll: 6 million
6. Vladimir Lenin USSR Death toll: 4 million
7. Tojo Hideki Japan Death toll: 4 million
8. Yahya Khan Pakistan Death toll: 2 million to 12 million
9. Saddam Hussein Iraq Death toll: 2 million
10. Pol Pot Cambodia Death toll: 1.7 million to 2.4 million
11. Ho Chi Minh North Vietnam Death toll: 1.7 million
12. Kim Il Sung North Korea Death toll: 1.6 million
13. Enver Pasha Turkey Death toll: 1.1 million to 2.5 million
Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, & More: 13 Deadliest Dictators (Photos)
We always say, "history is written by the victors." most of them are dead today. You can put any blame on them.
But how many people died from the SINS of traders such as "sheep eat human flesh", "hired labor", "white contractual slaves" and "indians killed"? Early European industrialization; The contract workers were all children of several years old, and few of them lived beyond the age of 11.
Of the 36, 000 textile workers in silesia, Germany alone, thousands have died of hunger.
The famine of 1842 in Germany left 6,000 people dead in silesia alone.
In the United States of 1896, the three giants were worth $1 trillion today, living like emperors. But 90 percent of americans live on less than a dollar a month. Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries.
These are real history.

And guess what you really ignorant person!
RIGHT now you are expressing your inane thoughts using a system that was what developed by the military and totally exploited by Capitalism!
You are doing something those 3 giants couldn't even imagine! You are using the Internet. Texting using a cell phone. And in less than 5 minutes able to feed yourself and live
to 80 years old. In the meantime ...NOW 1 out of 30 people are considered millionaires when 30 years ago it was 1 out of 50,000.

The study by Fidelity Investments found that 86 percent of today's millionaires are self made and did not consider themselves wealthy growing up. Overall, the research revealed current millionaires are, on average, 61 years old with $3.05 million in assets.
How Most Millionaires Got Rich

1980... 4,414 taxpayers reported $1 million in gross income;
2016... 10,800,000... What kind of ratio is that?
Total Population USA in 1980 was 226.5 million. The ratio of millionaires to population: 1 millionaire for every 51,314 Americans
1980 Fast Facts - History - U.S. Census Bureau

Total Population USA in 2016 was 326.9 million. The ratio of millionaires to population 1 Millionaire for every 30 Americans!
U.S. Population (2018) - Worldometers

1 out of 30 in 2016 vs 1 out of 51,314 in 1980....
and you are bitching and moaning????
America is rich because you robbed the world. With military backing and economic rules as the means to rob the world.

Horseshit. How does the USA impose rules on Germany or even Nigeria?

Still, poverty remains a problem in America. The number of americans living below the poverty line rose from 39.8 million in 2008, or 13.2 percent, to 14.3 percent in 2009, according to a census bureau report. One in seven americans is poor.

Poor people in America are better off than the middle class in Europe. That all have cars, flatscreen TVs, cell phones and a majority of them own their own homes.

In a world dominated by capitalism, poverty is the mainstream.

ROFL! Yeah, right, because we all know there were no poor people in the USSR, Communist China, Communist Vietnam, Cuba, North Korea, yada, yada, yada.

According to world development indicators, about 42 percent of the world's population and nearly 2.6 billion people live in poverty.

What the hell is a "world development indicator?" Most of these people live in China and India, two countries that adopted socialism until the last couple of decades.

The world's wealth has increased sevenfold in the past 50 years, but poverty has also worsened worldwide. According to statistics from relevant international organizations, the number of poor people in the world has increased from one billion to 1.3 billion in the last five years.

Utter bullshit.

World poverty is shrinking rapidly, new index reveals

More than 1 billion people lack basic living conditions such as safe drinking water, and 750 million people go hungry every day. Fifteen percent of people in the United States and Western Europe live below the poverty line, with 52 million poor and 3 million homeless in the European Union alone.

Did we really reduce extreme poverty by half in 30 years?

At the dawn of the new millennium, the United Nations set a goal of eradicating poverty by 2030. With 14 years left to go, we’ve already reduced the proportion of destitute people in world by 50 percent, according to U.S. Agency for International Development administrator Gayle Smith.

"I think everyone in the room knows that this is a moment of extraordinary progress. Over the last 30 years, extreme poverty has been cut in half. Boys and girls are enrolling in primary school at nearly equal rates, and there are half as many children out of school today as there were 15 years ago," Smith said in a speech on Capitol Hill.
Today's world economic, political and military rules are set by the United States. Everyone knows this.
In the capitalist era under the kuomintang, workers could marry a girl if they could afford her father a bottle of baijiu.
In the early days of socialism, trade unions could give workers homes and hold weddings.
In the early 1970s, workers sent the girl's home a bicycle sewing machine, a record player, a camera and so on.
In the early 1980s, when workers got married, they had more than a thousand dollars left in their hands and could buy a nice house.
Is India a socialist country? It makes people laugh.
Most of these poor people are in capitalist Africa, South America and the Middle East.
In recent years, the number of poor people in the world is decreasing. This is because of China's outbound investment.
China earns only 5 per cent of its profits from foreign investment compared with the us.
But what we see is that America has messed up many countries. Many formerly rich countries are plagued by high levels of war, poverty and corruption. Libya, for example.
We always say, "history is written by the victors." most of them are dead today. You can put any blame on them.
But how many people died from the SINS of traders such as "sheep eat human flesh", "hired labor", "white contractual slaves" and "indians killed"? Early European industrialization; The contract workers were all children of several years old, and few of them lived beyond the age of 11.
Of the 36, 000 textile workers in silesia, Germany alone, thousands have died of hunger.
The famine of 1842 in Germany left 6,000 people dead in silesia alone.
In the United States of 1896, the three giants were worth $1 trillion today, living like emperors. But 90 percent of americans live on less than a dollar a month. Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries.
These are real history.
That's pure horseshit. How is capitalism responsible for starvation the famine of 1842 in Germany? Capitalism eliminated famines. The only place you find famines since the industrial revolution is in socialist countries. Who are "the three giants?" Your claim that "Every year, one in 11 workers dies from work-related injuries." That means that in 11 years every single worker would be dead. Where did you get this "information," from a comic book?
American television documentaries; The legend of the American tycoon

I have a good idea where he got his history lessons from - all I can say is that they for certain weren't written by winners.
You always say, History is written by the victors. Can you believe your history education?
No, you actually can't believe what they teach you in public schools. It's government propaganda.
This is right. Government propaganda is for the government, so bourgeois investment media, university propaganda should be for the bourgeoisie.
The Chinese say;
Only by listening to the opinions of the parties involved in the dispute can we understand that if we only listen to the opinions of one side, we will be confused. Let's listen to all the publicity.
We always say that "power leads to corruption" and always blame "feudal emperor dictatorship and autocracy". Then, after the emperor to overthrow the "richest businessman, politician, strategist and writer of the interests of the solid union" inevitable political culture to the world economy is the most important social resources form the monopoly power.
If they are not responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters that have occurred over the centuries, who else is responsible?

Well here are 200 million deaths attributed to these 13 people.
1. Mao Zedong China Death toll: 45 million to 75 million
2. Joseph Stalin USSR Death toll: 40 million to 62 million
3. Adolf Hitler Germany Death toll: 17 million to 20 million
4. Chiang Kai-Shek China Death toll: 10 million
5. Hirohito Japan Death toll: 6 million
6. Vladimir Lenin USSR Death toll: 4 million
7. Tojo Hideki Japan Death toll: 4 million
8. Yahya Khan Pakistan Death toll: 2 million to 12 million
9. Saddam Hussein Iraq Death toll: 2 million
10. Pol Pot Cambodia Death toll: 1.7 million to 2.4 million
11. Ho Chi Minh North Vietnam Death toll: 1.7 million
12. Kim Il Sung North Korea Death toll: 1.6 million
13. Enver Pasha Turkey Death toll: 1.1 million to 2.5 million
Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, & More: 13 Deadliest Dictators (Photos)
Bullshit! If so many people died in China in the 1950s and 1960s, would one person die in every household? China was still a large population in the late 1970s.

That estimate for Mao's kill total is LOW.
MAO zedong is dead. You can insult him at will.
In addition,
You have to know what China was like before MAO came to power.
The population has not grown for 30 years. Famine breaks out every year.
It's not god doing it,
It was the bourgeoisie who took over the country at that time. They only knew how to accumulate wealth and did not care about infrastructure construction.
Life expectancy was 35(at the time the world was 42).
It was part of the great famine of 1929-1930. Six million people in China have died from the famine. At the time, the story was half a column in the inside of the New York times. ---- -from the long march by harrison Salisbury
In many provinces, taxes are usually 60 years or more in advance, and farmers cannot afford to pay interest on land leases and usury, leaving thousands of acres of land to rot. -- "democracy", published on May 15, 1937
On the ride from luoyang to zhengzhou, "most of the villages were deserted.
Even where there are people,
The only thing bai heard was the cry of the abandoned baby before he died.
All they saw was wild dogs pulling bodies out of the sand and eating them.
~ "news and fantasy - the story of whitehead", Joyce? The hoffman

I hate to break it to you, but there is NO reason to murder tens of millions of people. Anyone who argues in favor of mass murder is simply insane.
All your data is nonsense.
MAO zedong and Stalin are dead anyway.
"There is no libel against the dead"~《Tragedy on the Nile》.
What greed did Stalin exhibit in his murdering of 60 million people?
How many people were there in the Soviet union? Think about it; Sixty million dead, there's going to be a huge no-man's land. The "far east no man's land" of the Soviet union was gorbachev's masterpiece.
When did capitalism emerge? The German famine of 1842, the American famine of 1938, and then Japan became a "village without girls"... was it not a famine under capitalism?
The famine in the United States, in particular, was a man-made famine after a bountiful harvest in which traders destroyed food to boost profits.
Isn't this about capitalism

The 1842 famine was caused by the potatoe fungus, idiot. It wasn't caused by capitalism. I doubt German could rightfully be called capitalist in 1842, anyway. Capitalism was just getting started in England and America at that time. There also was no famine in 1938 in America. There was a drought in 1933, but not a single person died of starvation.

"Traders" never destroyed food in this country until the FDR regime forced them to.

I have no idea what your "village without girls" remark refers to, so I can't comment.
"Village without girls" is the state of existence of citizens after the Meiji restoration in Japan. At that time, Japan was being beautified by the international community as "an Oriental model under the influence of western civilization".
I think you mean "beatified," which is the process of turning someone into a Saint.
Those people give workers dignity, and people deserve to look up to them, more than you do.
Your god - maker has made stars out of people who have been tainted with the yellow gambling poison.
I have no idea what the hell you're talking about. Who are "these people?"
These are MAO zedong, Stalin, Kim il sung
If they are not responsible for the vast majority of humanitarian disasters that have occurred over the centuries, who else is responsible?
Gawd, Shirley? After all, it is more powerful than Satan, right?

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