Who is Rubio...just an observation....


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Interesting take...from a friend....

One cannot contemplate the tragic fall of Marco Rubio from the heights without a real feeling of sadness for what might have been. He was a man of extraordinary gifts who committed two major sins, one forgivable and one unforgivable.

He committed the forgivable sin of bad timing. His defection could not have come at a worse time because it put him not just on the wrong side of the issue of immigration but on the wrong side of the ledger. The party is in the process of purification and it is looking for leaders whom they can trust for the very survival of the movement and of the nation. At a time when the party perceives John Boehner and Mitch McConnell to be selling us out on the issues of Obamacare and immigration, Marco Rubio's betrayal comes at a time when conservatives are marking their paladins to be either with us or with the enemy. Rubio sold out at a time when conservatives are looking to clean house and are in no mood to forgive.

Rubio committed an unforgivable sin far worse than bad timing. Rubio betrayed that he would risk the entire future of conservatism in America in order to advance his career. We conservatives equate the future the conservative movement with the future of the nation. Rubio consciously put the nation at risk for personal gain. The issue of immigration is an existential importance for conservatism and for the Republic. Rubio would cost us our sovereignty, our economic future, and any hope for preserving sanity in the polling booths for at least a generation. By the time America recovers from the immigration flood consciously created by the Democrat party to stack election demographics for generations, there might well be no grand American experiment to salvage. The issue of immigration is just that serious.

Rubio has aligned himself with the elitists and against conservatives. He has done so at the worst time. In doing so he risks everything. We simply can no longer tolerate self dealing politicians who will sell us out. Rubio can never, ever be trusted.

Any rebuttals from supporters?
Rubio is an ignorant, inconsistent, and confused TPM republican in way over his head, even as a member of the Senate.
Immigration is truly sorting out the Rino's from Conservatives. I expect to see as many as eight fall before Iowa.
Perry is out.
Christie is out.
They may not admit it but they are.
Rubio is a lying asswipe. You know he is a liberal because the rep elite lick his illegal loving ass.

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