Who Is The Greater Threat To Our Nation? Dude Who Wants To Be A Girl, Or Ammosexual Posting Top Secret Military Information To His Incel Chat Bros?

You are not providing details. An automatic weapon requires less skill to hit a target than non-automatic weapons.
That is why the most disgusting and stupid among us can do horrific damage with automatic weapons without firearms skills.
Ahhh Elmer--just not true. An automatic weapon requires MORE skill to operate, not less. Spray and pray does not really work..and it is completely possible to empty a clip..and not hit your man-sized target.
You are making a few assumptions here..you have no way of knowing whether or not a mass shooter has no firearms skills. I would put it to you that most nuts game out their crimes long before they commit them..and practice a lot.
I suspect that what you are calling automatic guns are actually semi-automatic anyway. I would also put to you that a methodical shooter can kill many with a deer rifle.

Weapons types are not really germane to the larger issue. Controlling their access by nutters and identifying said nutters is the issue. I totally support the 2nd. I totally don't think it mandated unfettered individual rights to access or ownership. Since you cannot put the toothpaste back into the tube--next best thing is being proactive and ensuring accountability.
ARs aren't automatic weapons, ignoramus.
excuse me. Semi-automatic weapon. You are using every excuse in the book to not rebut my clain semi-automatic weapons allow unskilled weapon users to rain horrific violence on an individual or a group.
Do you have a semi-automatic weapon to make up for your lack of skill.
Ahhh Elmer--just not true. An automatic weapon requires MORE skill to operate, not less. Spray and pray does not really work..and it is completely possible to empty a clip..and not hit your man-sized target.
You are making a few assumptions here..you have no way of knowing whether or not a mass shooter has no firearms skills. I would put it to you that most nuts game out their crimes long before they commit them..and practice a lot.
I suspect that what you are calling automatic guns are actually semi-automatic anyway. I would also put to you that a methodical shooter can kill many with a deer rifle.

Weapons types are not really germane to the larger issue. Controlling their access by nutters and identifying said nutters is the issue. I totally support the 2nd. I totally don't think it mandated unfettered individual rights to access or ownership. Since you cannot put the toothpaste back into the tube--next best thing is being proactive and ensuring accountability.
This firearms expert say the specified semi-automatic weapons are good for beginners.
Sick, unskilled, killer can kill many more in a short amount of time than with a non-automatic weapons.
What can a semi-automatic weapons do that cannot be done with a non-automatic weapon?

excuse me. Semi-automatic weapon. You are using every excuse in the book to not rebut my clain semi-automatic weapons allow unskilled weapon users to rain horrific violence on an individual or a group.
Do you have a semi-automatic weapon to make up for your lack of skill.
I'm making no excuse for anything....You don't know the first fucking thing of what you blabbering about, and should just button you lip now and quit while you're behind.
This firearms expert say the specified semi-automatic weapons are good for beginners.
Sick, unskilled, killer can kill many more in a short amount of time than with a non-automatic weapons.
What can a semi-automatic weapons do that cannot be done with a non-automatic weapon?

I guess we get to basics. A semi-auto weapon is so named because every time you pull the trigger it cycles to a new round and is ready to fire with the next trigger pull.
This is opposed to a bolt-action rifle where you must cycle the round yourself. Lever-action the same principle.

Actually the only thing the Semi has going for it is ease and speed of reloading..and you can fire as fast as you can pull the trigger. Of course, speed is irrelevant if you can't hit your target. On the downside...the semi has a better chance of jamming.
The leaker, described in the Post story as a lonely young man and gun enthusiast, was part of a chatroom of about two dozen people on Discord – a social media platform popular with video gamers – that shared a love of guns and military gear, The Post reported, citing an interview with the leaker’s friend who was also part of the group.


I guess not everyone who favors camo is a patriot.

Tactical X Treason.

Your OP title tells me that you have a preoccupation with sexual identities.
You having a personal problem with that, bro?
(Training).Actually, that's their primary job.

:auiqs.jpg: WRONG!

Do you live in fear that after Putin is toppled, the Kremlin might declassify what they really had on Trump?

Since the entire 'Russian Collusion' scandal and the 'Dosier' was proven to have been mothing more than Hillary's FAILED attempt to take down Trump and win the Presidency I still laugh at you pathetic Liberal CONSPIRACY THEORY / DISINFORMATION PARROTING snowflakes.

Evidence - to include testimony, Biden financial records, and Hunter Biden's own laptop - proves Hunter and the Bidens were far more connected to Russians and Russian money laundering.

:auiqs.jpg: WRONG!

Since the entire 'Russian Collusion' scandal and the 'Dosier' was proven to have been mothing more than Hillary's FAILED attempt to take down Trump and win the Presidency I still laugh at you pathetic Liberal CONSPIRACY THEORY / DISINFORMATION PARROTING snowflakes.

Evidence - to include testimony, Biden financial records, and Hunter Biden's own laptop - proves Hunter and the Bidens were far more connected to Russians and Russian money laundering.

Since the entire 'Russian Collusion' scandal and the 'Dosier' was proven to have been mothing more
You're lying.
Is there a point to the comparison? The trannie threat is about a gigantic corporation that decided it would change the social fabric by promoting a sexual freak as the face of it's beer. People rebelled and the concept is dangerous because it assumes that Americans are sheep that follow trends rather than their own common sense. An added threat is placing trannie potential terrorists in a position of victimhood and justifying mass murder. let's see the manifest.
Is there a point to the comparison? The trannie threat is about a gigantic corporation that decided it would change the social fabric by promoting a sexual freak as the face of it's beer. People rebelled and the concept is dangerous because it assumes that Americans are sheep that follow trends rather than their own common sense. An added threat is placing trannie potential terrorists in a position of victimhood and justifying mass murder. let's see the manifest.
Shows the hysteria of the right over a single can of beer
Shows the hysteria of the right over a single can of beer
It was national news and hypocrite lefties were out in force to ruin an innocent baker because he refused to make a cake for a homosexual couple. Now we get lectured by the sissie left about a trannie on a can of beer? Get lost.
It was national news and hypocrite lefties were out in force to ruin an innocent baker because he refused to make a cake for a homosexual couple. Now we get lectured by the sissie left about a trannie on a can of beer? Get lost.

The Baker broke the law
Dylan hasn’t
The leaker, described in the Post story as a lonely young man and gun enthusiast, was part of a chatroom of about two dozen people on Discord – a social media platform popular with video gamers – that shared a love of guns and military gear, The Post reported, citing an interview with the leaker’s friend who was also part of the group.


I guess not everyone who favors camo is a patriot.

Tactical X Treason.
you sound like youre not capable of thinking about two things at once,,,
In no scenario can Ukraine consider them a winner.

Maybe not. They may very well have to give up some territory.

But I give you the example of Finland in the Winter War of 1940. Yes, the Finns had to give up some territory, but they gave Stalin enough of a bloody nose that Stalin didn't try to turn them into a puppet state and concluded a separate peace with Finland outside the rest of the Axis.

Make this war bloody enough for Russia, they won't try this shit in the future.

Since the entire 'Russian Collusion' scandal and the 'Dosier' was proven to have been mothing more than Hillary's FAILED attempt to take down Trump and win the Presidency I still laugh at you pathetic Liberal CONSPIRACY THEORY / DISINFORMATION PARROTING snowflakes.
Yeah, that's why Manafort and Flynn and the rest all needed pardons, because Trump was so innocent, he didn't have to worry about their memories getting better in prison.

Evidence - to include testimony, Biden financial records, and Hunter Biden's own laptop - proves Hunter and the Bidens were far more connected to Russians and Russian money laundering.
Actually, all your investigations are kind of proving to be a bust.


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