Who Is The Greater Threat To Our Nation? Dude Who Wants To Be A Girl, Or Ammosexual Posting Top Secret Military Information To His Incel Chat Bros?

So a racist gun nut was the leaked

Sounds like have the MAGArats on this site
Maybe not. They may very well have to give up some territory.

But I give you the example of Finland in the Winter War of 1940. Yes, the Finns had to give up some territory, but they gave Stalin enough of a bloody nose that Stalin didn't try to turn them into a puppet state and concluded a separate peace with Finland outside the rest of the Axis.

Ukraine is totally destroyed. Thousands and thousands of Ukranians are dead and no coming back. No matter what, Ukraine lost.
Make this war bloody enough for Russia, they won't try this shit in the future.

Noted, you are not the one fighting it so screw off with your "bloody" comment. When you are willing to put your blood on the line...............................
I guess we get to basics. A semi-auto weapon is so named because every time you pull the trigger it cycles to a new round and is ready to fire with the next trigger pull.
This is opposed to a bolt-action rifle where you must cycle the round yourself. Lever-action the same principle.

Actually the only thing the Semi has going for it is ease and speed of reloading..and you can fire as fast as you can pull the trigger. Of course, speed is irrelevant if you can't hit your target. On the downside...the semi has a better chance of jamming.
The treason is the act of sending US troops and weapons to Ukraine.

The outing of the treason is an act of patriotism to America, something you have NONE...

How is sending troops and weapons to the Ukraine "treason"?
You are not providing details. An automatic weapon requires less skill to hit a target than non-automatic weapons.
That is why the most disgusting and stupid among us can do horrific damage with automatic weapons without firearms skills.

I've only had a very few occasions, fairly early in my life, to fire a fully-automatic weapon. An M-16 on a few occasions, and on one occasion, even an M-60. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to control a fully-automatic weapon, if you don't know what you're doing? It wants to jump around, all over the place. If you aim it well, then your first round might hit the target, maybe the second and third will come close, but unless you're skilled at it, pretty much all the other rounds will wind up being way off. It's why later versions of the M-16 replaced the fully-automatic mode with a three-shot burst mode. Most likely, beyond the first round, and almost certainly past the third, you're just wasting ammunition.

But following the quote chain back, I see we're not even talking about an automatic weapon. We're talking about the AR-15, which is only semi-automatic. I bet you don't even know what the difference is between an automatic firearm and a semi-automatic firearm, do you?
And this, folks, is what happens when you put the shiny side inward.

Do you live in fear that after Putin is toppled, the Kremlin might declassify what they really had on Trump?

Ahhh Elmer--just not true. An automatic weapon requires MORE skill to operate, not less. Spray and pray does not really work..and it is completely possible to empty a clip..and not hit your man-sized target.
You are making a few assumptions here..you have no way of knowing whether or not a mass shooter has no firearms skills. I would put it to you that most nuts game out their crimes long before they commit them..and practice a lot.
I suspect that what you are calling automatic guns are actually semi-automatic anyway. I would also put to you that a methodical shooter can kill many with a deer rifle.

I'm thinking, now, of that asshole who did that big shooting in Las Vegas some time back. Holed himself up in a hotel room, barricaded himself in, and cut loose with a bump stock. Fired more than a thousand rounds, and only killed sixty people.

If he had taken the time to aim each shot, he could have killed a lot more people, and fired fewer shots to do it.

In a very rather way, this might be a very good argument against bans or restrictions on bump stocks or even fully-auto weapons. Let some dumbass waste his ammunition, as the Las Vegas asshole did, instead of using it more effectively.
Your OP title tells me that you have a preoccupation with sexual identities.
You having a personal problem with that, bro?

Freud did not really say or write the quote that is often attributed to him, about a fear of weapons being a sign of retarded sexual development, and I don't think it is reliably known who first did.

But there are certainly enough examples, such as The5thHorseman, to show us that whoever did first say it was exactly right.
The leaker, described in the Post story as a lonely young man and gun enthusiast, was part of a chatroom of about two dozen people on Discord – a social media platform popular with video gamers – that shared a love of guns and military gear, The Post reported, citing an interview with the leaker’s friend who was also part of the group.


I guess not everyone who favors camo is a patriot.

Tactical X Treason.
Ukraine is totally destroyed. Thousands and thousands of Ukranians are dead and no coming back. No matter what, Ukraine lost.
And what was their alternative? Let the Russians Take Kyiv and install a puppet government?
Sometimes the best choice is the least bad choice.

The ironic thing is that this SHOULD have been negotiated. A fair settlement would have been allowing Russia to Annex Crimea and the Donbass, pay an indemnity to the Ukraine, and the Ukraine is allowed to join NATO and the EU.

Putin didn't go for that. Putin thought he could topple the government and install his own. He failed and failed miserably. Now he's dragging out the war to save face, and there's no way Zelensky could agree to anything that doesn't involve a return to the 2014 borders.

Noted, you are not the one fighting it so screw off with your "bloody" comment. When you are willing to put your blood on the line.

11 years in the Army. My willingness to put my blood on the line was never in question.

The Ukrainians chose to fight an invasion of their country. All we are doing is helping, and uphold the principle of international sovereignty.
And what was their alternative?

Live up to our earlier agreements that NATO would not progress eastward towards the Russian border. We have discussed this many times.

Let the Russians Take Kyiv and install a puppet government?
Sometimes the best choice is the least bad choice.

The ironic thing is that this SHOULD have been negotiated. A fair settlement would have been allowing Russia to Annex Crimea and the Donbass, pay an indemnity to the Ukraine, and the Ukraine is allowed to join NATO and the EU.

Putin didn't go for that. Putin thought he could topple the government and install his own. He failed and failed miserably. Now he's dragging out the war to save face, and there's no way Zelensky could agree to anything that doesn't involve a return to the 2014 borders.

11 years in the Army. My willingness to put my blood on the line was never in question.

The Ukrainians chose to fight an invasion of their country. All we are doing is helping, and uphold the principle of international sovereignty.

War mongers.
Live up to our earlier agreements that NATO would not progress eastward towards the Russian border. We have discussed this many times.

Why should we do that? If a country wants to join NATO because it feels genuinely threatened by Russia, they should be allowed to.

It wasn't just about Ukraine joining the NATO, Russia was more upset they wanted to join the EU.

And that they were imposing taxes on Natural Gas flowing through Ukraine pipelines.
Yup, it's only a matter of time before the Hippies start whining about "arms dealers".

Bottom line, Russia started this, not Ukraine. Not NATO. Not Biden and not arms manufacturers.

Now, you are late for your shift at the Rape Crisis Center telling those women they shouldn't have dressed like sluts.

Maybe we can invade another country to set up our arms transfers.
Wow, you are babbling now.

Again, I am wondering what you would have done to deter Putin without violence?

I told you what I would have done. "We will be abiding by our earlier positions".

Also, maybe you should read, "World History up to 1939" to see that appeasement really doesn't work.

Living up to your agreements is simply that.
Wow, you are babbling now.

Again, I am wondering what you would have done to deter Putin without violence?

Also, maybe you should read, "World History up to 1939" to see that appeasement really doesn't work.

War requires Congressional approval. Sending US troops to Ukraine is war.

Putin is not Hitler. Putin has very legit reasons to invade Ukraine. Russians live in Crimea, which is a disputed territory. This is of no US national interest.

And the side that is fascist is not Putin, it is Zionist Fascism in Ukraine (and the White House)


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