CDZ Who is the most beautiful First lady ever?

Sorry, if you think Hillary is good-looking, then I don't think you are a very good judge of beauty. :) No offense, of course, but I don't see any beauty in her or in her attitude.

What are you DAFT??? I think Hillary IS good looking? For Christ Sakes I'm NOT good looking any more!

Ohhhh. Lol. I don't think she was very good looking when she was younger either. She was at best average IMO.

Well I wouldn't have kept her as a steady or anything but that isn't the topic is it...

Well, it kind of IS the topic, yes, Hillary was a first lady, and the topic is first ladies. ;)

I never saw a first lady as good looking as my regular stable of girlfriends.
How "Romney-esque".
Are you seriously into bestiality? I mean, really, this buffalo-butt, bonobo-faced be-acth? Well, given your usual posts...not a surprise.

Reported for flaming in the CDZ.
Got a life? Apparently not!
She had a nervous breakdown after her son died. But ended up in a mental hospital after Lincoln died
Jackie had every reason to be hysterical widow. But she, and her children showed quiet dignity

Okay, well imagine losing your son and your husband? That is not an easy thing to deal with. I think that losing your child is the worst thing a person could possibly experience. I also read that she suffered from a mental illness, and that this was long-standing.

Was Mary Todd Lincoln Mentally Ill

A story I remember is that when their son Willie died, Lincoln was unable to properly grieve. Mary was so hysterical that Lincoln had to worry about consoling her rather than dealing with his own grief

Losing a child was common at the time. Almost every family had to deal with the loss of a child

Well, that doesn't make it any less difficult, IMO. It is very difficult thing to overcome and to accept, especially if a person is already suffering from some kind of mental or emotional instability, so I feel nothing but compassion for her. To lose her child and husband was probably just overwhelming for her. Some people are not as strong as others.

Jackie Kennedy also lost a child while she was in the White House.

I've lost a child and the effects are devastating on many levels. You question your whole life, your belief system, you go through guilt, you put up barriers to keep others from getting close for fear of loss. Marriages after the death of a child is likely to end in divorce. The grieving process for each parent differs. Some get past others immerse themselves into other projects and neglect the healing process. On average it is about 12 years for a person to fully grieve the loss of their child. I won't go into mine, however it is not easy and it changes people, some good, others bad.

I don't want to hijack this thread but must say - you have stated this very well.

I also lost a child

The pain never ever goes away.
Okay, well imagine losing your son and your husband? That is not an easy thing to deal with. I think that losing your child is the worst thing a person could possibly experience. I also read that she suffered from a mental illness, and that this was long-standing.

Was Mary Todd Lincoln Mentally Ill

A story I remember is that when their son Willie died, Lincoln was unable to properly grieve. Mary was so hysterical that Lincoln had to worry about consoling her rather than dealing with his own grief

Losing a child was common at the time. Almost every family had to deal with the loss of a child

Well, that doesn't make it any less difficult, IMO. It is very difficult thing to overcome and to accept, especially if a person is already suffering from some kind of mental or emotional instability, so I feel nothing but compassion for her. To lose her child and husband was probably just overwhelming for her. Some people are not as strong as others.

Jackie Kennedy also lost a child while she was in the White House.

I've lost a child and the effects are devastating on many levels. You question your whole life, your belief system, you go through guilt, you put up barriers to keep others from getting close for fear of loss. Marriages after the death of a child is likely to end in divorce. The grieving process for each parent differs. Some get past others immerse themselves into other projects and neglect the healing process. On average it is about 12 years for a person to fully grieve the loss of their child. I won't go into mine, however it is not easy and it changes people, some good, others bad.

I don't want to hijack this thread but must say - you have stated this very well.

I also lost a child

The pain never ever goes away.

I am truly sorry for your loss, I agree the pain will always be.
Again not wanting to go too far astray from the intent of subjugating first ladies as "lookers" or dare I suggest "hotties" ... :lol: I have no problem with Papper's admission. It might be the most important thing he has ever shared and risked with an audience of hidden people with only the CDZ tag to keep responses civil.

Loss comes in MANY varieties. My brother lost his son in a horrible drowning about 40 years ago, when his boy Jared was 4, and as "Pap" suggested..yes he still grieves hopelessly. His loss became our loss as he pushed away from those of us he was close to. His loss became my loss as my good friend and closest sibling drowned himself in guilt and pain. There was just absolutely no reaching him through this. I can't count the times I had to talk him back from ending his life. It has been a horrible and life altering tragedy for all involved.
What are you DAFT??? I think Hillary IS good looking? For Christ Sakes I'm NOT good looking any more!

Ohhhh. Lol. I don't think she was very good looking when she was younger either. She was at best average IMO.

Well I wouldn't have kept her as a steady or anything but that isn't the topic is it...

Well, it kind of IS the topic, yes, Hillary was a first lady, and the topic is first ladies. ;)

I never saw a first lady as good looking as my regular stable of girlfriends.

You keep your girlfriends in a stable? Interesting! :lol:

I kept them in beautiful homes in fabulous locations... dined at the finest restaurants, beautiful jewelry and all the precious powder they could want. I kept them happy and entertained until I couldn't for various reasons.
I don't know who JR is. I was VERY good looking in my 20-40 Year old stage. I was recruited to be a top male model by the owner of Cover Girl in Miami when I was 27. I looked about 21 or 22 at the time. Did TV guide and several other top Florida mags. I was a pilot that flew in and out of S. America with da shyte...da Kinida ... Had home in Seattle, Condos in Florida and Boulder Co..a couple of apts near Rush street in Chicago... I had it going ON!!! Ever done TRIPLETS???!!! I have. Three gals in Chicago that were all models. You folks are stuck in first gear if ya even got yo hot machine running...I've been in 6th gear in the back of several limos.

I don't know hot women? Nigga's pulleezz!! The hot ones wanted to know me !!!

That's for reals you losers.

Go read my book in the books forum. It's all true.

JR is a poster who is always bragging about himself. Lol.

No, I've never "done" any "gals." I am a heterosexual woman. :D And if you are SOOOO good-looking, perhaps you should post a picture and prove it.

I used to post my face from 2005 but lost it in a computer crash. You can go over to my personal section and look at me at 7-8 years in my pictures file. Hollywood agents were all over my mom to get me in the commercials and movies or on the TV when we did a trip to Disneyland and the other fun parks. Go look for yourself and project that face to someone a cross from Donny Osmond to Rob Lowe. At first I didn't really think about. I was a freakin kid in the woods on Orcas Island... but then I moved to Seattle and at 14 after only half a year at 3000 student body Queen Anne HS in Seattle I was voted the cutest guy in the damned school...AND I didn't even know anybody. I wouldn't call myself popular in HS at all. It was just the cute gals kept falling all over themselves to be with me. THEN I moved to Florida and the shit hit the fan...I was at a hot spot disco and took this hot model home to my penthouse on the beach in Ft Lauderdale and she worked for this gal at Cover Girl. After we partied for a couple of days I took her to work in Miami at Cover Girl and I was just goofing and wandered into the head biatches office and laid down on my back on her desk. When she came in at first she was pissed by in a heartbeat she told me to go with this other woman and they took a shitload of pictures. That was how I got started in modeling.

But THIS thread isn't about me is it....

Oh GAWD. Lol. If you had a scanner, you could scan your old pictures and post them. :D

Ya that might be fun but they are all long gone. I have never really liked being photographed. You HAVE to understand that when all this crazy modeling shyte was happening I was trying to get up with the biggies in the world of smuggling. That's WHY I went to Florida in the first place. It was suggested to me in no uncertain terms to abandon the modeling career if I wanted to get very far with big time smugglers.

Well, where are your modeling photos? Were those smuggled too? :D

No... they were and possibly still are the property of Cover Girl Inc in Miami FLA.

She is indeed a beautiful woman but her beauty goes beyond what she looks like.

Very true

Michelle Obama has done the country a great service. She is an approachable First Lady, someone you can go up and give a hug, someone who will play with children not just preach to them

Great role model
Yeah she plays with them alright. Even plays with what they are allowed to eat.

She is indeed a beautiful woman but her beauty goes beyond what she looks like.

Very true

Michelle Obama has done the country a great service. She is an approachable First Lady, someone you can go up and give a hug, someone who will play with children not just preach to them

Great role model
Yeah she plays with them alright. Even plays with what they are allowed to eat.

Yes she does

She would rather our schools give kids an apple and milk instead of a Twinkie and soft drink
I was just trying to give props to all the first ladies.
Enough joking about Michellenstein. A real hot first lady:


...and here is the winner! She is beautiful.
Jackie would be my first pick but shes always reminded me of a stepford wife. I think its the early 60s style that puts me off.
I just decided to give props to all the first ladies.

She is indeed a beautiful woman but her beauty goes beyond what she looks like.

Very true

Michelle Obama has done the country a great service. She is an approachable First Lady, someone you can go up and give a hug, someone who will play with children not just preach to them

Great role model
Yeah she plays with them alright. Even plays with what they are allowed to eat.

Yes she does

She would rather our schools give kids an apple and milk instead of a Twinkie and soft drink

Putting you're nose in other families business is pretty distasteful

She is indeed a beautiful woman but her beauty goes beyond what she looks like.

Very true

Michelle Obama has done the country a great service. She is an approachable First Lady, someone you can go up and give a hug, someone who will play with children not just preach to them

Great role model
Yeah she plays with them alright. Even plays with what they are allowed to eat.

Yes she does

She would rather our schools give kids an apple and milk instead of a Twinkie and soft drink

Putting you're nose in other families business is pretty distasteful


She is indeed a beautiful woman but her beauty goes beyond what she looks like.

Very true

Michelle Obama has done the country a great service. She is an approachable First Lady, someone you can go up and give a hug, someone who will play with children not just preach to them

Great role model
Yeah she plays with them alright. Even plays with what they are allowed to eat.

She is encouraging healthy eating and growing up living a healthy lifestyle. lol this is a good thing.

She is indeed a beautiful woman but her beauty goes beyond what she looks like.

Very true

Michelle Obama has done the country a great service. She is an approachable First Lady, someone you can go up and give a hug, someone who will play with children not just preach to them

Great role model
Yeah she plays with them alright. Even plays with what they are allowed to eat.

Yes she does

She would rather our schools give kids an apple and milk instead of a Twinkie and soft drink

Putting you're nose in other families business is pretty distasteful

You mean like Laura Bush telling kids to read?

Why doesn't she just mind her business?
She is indeed a beautiful woman but her beauty goes beyond what she looks like.

Very true

Michelle Obama has done the country a great service. She is an approachable First Lady, someone you can go up and give a hug, someone who will play with children not just preach to them

Great role model
Yeah she plays with them alright. Even plays with what they are allowed to eat.

Yes she does

She would rather our schools give kids an apple and milk instead of a Twinkie and soft drink

Putting you're nose in other families business is pretty distasteful

You mean like Laura Bush telling kids to read?

Why doesn't she just mind her business?

And I thought an education was a fundamental right?

Is choice of food groups somehow the same?

She is indeed a beautiful woman but her beauty goes beyond what she looks like.

Very true

Michelle Obama has done the country a great service. She is an approachable First Lady, someone you can go up and give a hug, someone who will play with children not just preach to them

Great role model
Yeah she plays with them alright. Even plays with what they are allowed to eat.

Yes she does

She would rather our schools give kids an apple and milk instead of a Twinkie and soft drink
Nonsense. Twinkies and soft drinks were booted way before she got in there. What she did was take good meals and turn them into cardboard. Course her kids get gourmet meals.

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