Who is watching the January 6th hearings?

And no matter how hard you try and misdirect things, they are doing one hell of a good job. When the guilty are guilty as hell it writes itself.
This investigation is very thorough and and methodical getting right to the heart of the matter. They are zero in on the real problem, the root cause, trump.
You can't compare civil disobedience to seditionist insurrection. There's no comparison.
Where do corrupt, fixed, rigged, fraudulent elections fit into your picture, Ace? You know, the crooked elections that even Jimmy Carter admits goes on and has been working to fix for almost 20 years?!

trump's allies in the insurrection attempt are all guilty of seduces conspiracy. trump is the sole leader of the insurrection attempt so he can be charged with sedition itself. He'll get the max of 10 years for sure. If the insurrection attempt had succeeded and then put down. He could have been executed.
Seditious conspiracy, I must proofread.
Where do corrupt, fixed, rigged, fraudulent elections fit into your picture, Ace? You know, the crooked elections that even Jimmy Carter admits goes on and has been working to fix for almost 20 years?!

It's a good thing I'm ignoring all your garbage, not going down your rabbit holes, they leave nowhere, do you believe all those lies.
trump's allies in the insurrection attempt are all guilty of seduces conspiracy. trump is the sole leader of the insurrection attempt so he can be charged with sedition itself. He'll get the max of 10 years for sure. If the insurrection attempt had succeeded and then put down. He could have been executed.

Perhaps you should stop using spell check and learn how to spell on your own.
It's a good thing I'm ignoring all your garbage, not going down your rabbit holes, they leave nowhere, do you believe all those lies.
You're a fucking idiot pussy who wouldn't know a fact from your lies, so it doesn't surprise me you run away pissing yourself like the little chickenshit you really are when confronted with ACTUAL FACTS like the Carter-Baker Commission on Election Fraud that your handlers simply can't deal with.

We know trump is crazy. It looks like toobfreak is too. I wonder if they both watch too much TV and now neither one of them can distinguish fantasy from reality.

If you're any example of what passes for "sanity" in this country now, we are all in deep shit.
We know trump is crazy. It looks like toobfreak is too. I wonder if they both watch too much TV and now neither one of them can distinguish fantasy from reality.
Could be.but it doesn't matter. They are both batshit crazy. Doesn't matter why.
You're a fucking idiot pussy who wouldn't know a fact from your lies, so it doesn't surprise me you run away pissing yourself like the little chickenshit you really are when confronted with ACTUAL FACTS like the Carter-Baker Commission on Election Fraud that your handlers simply can't deal with.

So you're calling this young woman a liar, when trump is an absolute, prolific liar. I have two words for you, Occam's Razor.
You're a fucking idiot pussy who wouldn't know a fact from your lies, so it doesn't surprise me you run away pissing yourself like the little chickenshit you really are when confronted with ACTUAL FACTS like the Carter-Baker Commission on Election Fraud that your handlers simply can't deal with.

If it was even the slightest concern, it would have been dealt with. Obviously it's another overblown molehill, ain't no mountain high enough.
So you're calling this young woman a liar
Don't need to:
  1. The attorney for the WH calls her a LIAR.
  2. The Secret Service agents ACTUALLY THERE THAT DAY (unlike Hutchinson) call her a LIAR.
  3. She has testified four other times and never said a word about Trump fighting with the driver of the Beast at the Ellipse Rally.
  4. BTW Idiot, the Beast wasn't even THERE that day. Her third lie.
  5. People in the government don't themselves actually CALL it "The Beast." Funny she doesn't know that.
  6. NONE of this actually matters or proves anything regarding Trump. In case you don't know, Moron, all those people involved WORK FOR THE US PRESIDENT at his whim. Wanting to be taken to the Capitol that day doesn't prove anything other than he wanted to go to the Capitol! Maybe had Trump been there, no riot ever would have happened.
  7. Everything presented by Hutchinson and the Junior J6 bullshit committee is HEARSAY so, meaningless without cross-examination allowed. Why is there no cross-examination nor defense allowed for these people?
  8. You're still a fucking asshole. Probably a Bot.
Don't need to:
  1. The attorney for the WH calls her a LIAR.
  2. The Secret Service agents ACTUALLY THERE THAT DAY (unlike Hutchinson) call her a LIAR.
  3. She has testified four other times and never said a word about Trump fighting with the driver of the Beast at the Ellipse Rally.
  4. BTW Idiot, the Beast wasn't even THERE that day. Her third lie.
  5. People in the government don't themselves actually CALL it "The Beast." Funny she doesn't know that.
  6. NONE of this actually matters or proves anything regarding Trump. In case you don't know, Moron, all those people involved WORK FOR THE US PRESIDENT at his whim. Wanting to be taken to the Capitol that day doesn't prove anything other than he wanted to go to the Capitol! Maybe had Trump been there, no riot ever would have happened.
  7. Everything presented by Hutchinson and the Junior J6 bullshit committee is HEARSAY so, meaningless without cross-examination allowed. Why is there no cross-examination nor defense allowed for these people?
  8. You're still a fucking asshole. Probably a Bot.
I'm sure trump was totally calm and peaceful that day- not ! I don't even know what a bot is, but you're probably one. You sound just as crazy as trump.

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