Who is worse cognitively, Fetterman or Biden?

Speaking ability and the ability to get shit done are two different things.

It's funny that Trumptards make fun of other people's speaking ability without any sense of irony whatsoever.

Trump has, what, a 50 word vocabulary? Whenever he ventures outside his severe limitations, he goes off the rails.

He also has the emotional maturity of an 8 year old.
Speaking ability and the ability to get shit done are two different things.

It's funny that Trumptards make fun of other people's speaking ability without any sense of irony whatsoever.

Dude, they're brain damaged... seriously.

You want someone brain damaged leading you?

After his stroke, John Fetterman cannot comprehend verbal communication when in a conversation and requires Q cards to read off of to give an answer.

It's so bad, he often does not read the Q cards either.

Of course, Biden is not much better, whom Fetterman refers to him as "Bidden".

But I got to thinking, Leftists don't value intellectual thought, they only value group think so all that is needed it a group of Leftists around them to tell them what to think or say. Then when others may disagree with them, even good arguments, they demonize and cancel them

So really this changes nothing for democrats. They are as happy with Fetterman as they are Biden.
It's a bit like being the world's tallest midget.
Uncle Fester.
Yet GA failed to come up with a better candidate than that abortion participant Walker?

It's beyond me why anyone would vote for someone with obvious issues like Biden and Fetterman have
If you lived in GA, you would have voted for Greene and Walker, both mental midgets.
Is this ^^^^^ me protecting Biden or Fetterman, NOPE, you will make that leap.
Speaking ability and the ability to get shit done are two different things.

It's funny that Trumptards make fun of other people's speaking ability without any sense of irony whatsoever.

Trump has, what, a 50 word vocabulary? Whenever he ventures outside his severe limitations, he goes off the rails.

He also has the emotional maturity of an 8 year old.


Then stop defending the leftist ones.

You don't think it's noticed? Cripes you people are dumb
I defend the truth and the United States. If you want me to stop defending Democrats, stop telling so many lies about them.

A completely fake homoerotic fantasy was made up about the attack on the Speaker of the House's husband. So where the FUCK do you get off whining about anyone who debunks that manufactured bullshit?

Do you understand what the Senate was intended to be? It's purpose was to be a reasoned counterbalance of statesmen to the rabble rousers of the House.

So when you nominate a literally stupid ex-football player who lies about being an FBI agent and flashes a toy badge during a debate who is a deadbeat dad and pro-abortionist, and also nominate a TV snake oil salesman from out of state, both of whom have ZERO experience in government, you have no room to whine about the other candidates who do have experience.
When a man lies about being an FBI agent and attacks deadbeat dads and turns out to be a prolific deadbeat dad...

When a Congresswoman says a Jewish space laser started the wildfires in California...

When another Congresswoman pretends to be a bible thumper and says she is going to have to look up what "wonton" killing means...

If a US Senate candidate is from out of state and is a pusher of snake oil products and has zero experience in government...

You should be asking yourselves, "Are these really the best people we could find?"

Because it reflects very, very badly on your party and is why you didn't get that big red tsunami you were creaming yourselves over.

But no. You don't do that. Instead, you make fun of someone's brain injury. No wonder you can't see how fucking cruel and stupid you look.

You guys are a real class act.

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