who leaked ?

Sessions also told the employees of government agencies to stop leaking and called the issue a matter of national security.

Trump has repeatedly voiced anger over a steady stream of leaks to the media about him and his administration since he took office in January.

Some have been related to probes into Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election; others have concerned infighting in the White House.

“One of the things we are doing is reviewing policies affecting media subpoenas,” Sessions told reporters as he announced administration efforts to battle what he called a “staggering number of leaks undermining the ability of our government to protect this country.”

1000$ to a donut that shit changes and does a 180 ...
It's not exactly a "leak" when copies of the text had been circulating among various committees already. It's kind of strange that democrats are concerned about "leaks" all of a sudden when the Mueller investigation seems to be crumbling and the FISA court is under investigation.
So you Dem's leak like a spaghetti strainer and now you are butthurt that someone in the GOP leaked something on your guys?
It's not exactly a "leak" when copies of the text had been circulating among various committees already. It's kind of strange that democrats are concerned about "leaks" all of a sudden when the Mueller investigation seems to be crumbling and the FISA court is under investigation.

Dem's seem immune to hypocrisy and double standards, like something is haywire in their brains.
mueller investigation is crumbling?


"Team Weak Ass Apology" just came in foaming at the mouth ... RW idgets cant help it.

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So goes that Baboon Brained Siete that forgets the five leaks a day by inside democratic plants since day one leaking sensitive information from the WH straight to the press trying to hurt him, and how fast he forgets Dick Durbin, another Leftie scumbag we can all be proud of, for when he leaked private WH conversation where Trump said something to the effect of certain other countries being a cesspool or some such word and Little Dickie ran right to the Press exclaiming Trump was calling every country a SHITHOLE. Sure takes one to know one!

"sources inside the white house" = someone working in the white house.

"congressional sources" = staffers...

"sources close to the investigation" = usually means Senate/House staffers with access to investigation updates. They only leak with the approval of their boss (FBI and DOJ employees risk losing job, pension, career) CIA leaks when it needs to.

"leakers" can often be people trying to send a message to people on their side, warn them about a problem. Or push an agenda. GOP senators have their staff leak on other GOP senators all the time. Same with Dems. You have to think strategy, positioning, timing.

"whistleblowers" are people reporting a criminal or improper act in their own agency or organization.

Trump leaks on himself all the time, when he needs a distraction.

Leaking insider info that is not classified is not illegal.

We want transparency. We should know everyone they meet with, talk to, take money from every day -- unless the info would compromise some type of investigation or operation.
Lefties would have no standards at all if not for double standards

you bitch when the left leaks and ignore it when the right leaks ... by your own double standard definition you're a Leftie.

be proud
Another thread that went just as expected. The Repubs did something that the zealots on this forum have been whining about for weeks and the only response is "yeah, well you did it to". In other words, now leaks are not a big deal.

This place should be linked by webster dictionary under "hypocrisy"
So goes that Baboon Brained Siete that forgets the five leaks a day by inside democratic plants since day one leaking sensitive information from the WH straight to the press trying to hurt him, and how fast he forgets Dick Durbin, another Leftie scumbag we can all be proud of, for when he leaked private WH conversation where Trump said something to the effect of certain other countries being a cesspool or some such word and Little Dickie ran right to the Press exclaiming Trump was calling every country a SHITHOLE. Sure takes one to know one!

:blahblah: fake news on all counts ^
trump LOVED leaks when it was WIKILEAKS colluding with RUSSIA to undermine the USA but then boo hoo hoo he hated leaks when the FBI and DOJ let the American people know that sessions lied to congress and FLYNN and MANY others LIED to the FBI regarding contacts with russia.
So goes that Baboon Brained Siete that forgets the five leaks a day by inside democratic plants since day one leaking sensitive information from the WH straight to the press trying to hurt him, and how fast he forgets Dick Durbin, another Leftie scumbag we can all be proud of, for when he leaked private WH conversation where Trump said something to the effect of certain other countries being a cesspool or some such word and Little Dickie ran right to the Press exclaiming Trump was calling every country a SHITHOLE. Sure takes one to know one!

:blahblah: fake news on all counts ^

Careful, Honey Snowflake, you are leaking around your adult diapers. Nothing I ever say is fake and I dare you to prove otherwise.

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