Who makes up the 20 million "uninsured" now on Obamacare? MEDICAID eligibles Before ACA!

The stupidity is displayed by the OP.

20 million now have health insurance that did not before.

Ryan and the GOP are now forced to provide a government program ensuring, through market and public co-operation and mandate, for the American people.

We are not going back to the bad old days of pre-ACA.

What exactly were the "bad old days" ? When your employer provided insurance at a very low monthly premium? When deductibles were in the hundreds rather than the thousands? When you could buy a private policy for around $100/month? When you could buy a policy that covered your needs and not everyone else's? When no one was denied medical care whether you were insured or not? When Medicaid and medicare covered the indigent and old? When prescriptions cost less than $20 instead of 400?

As to your claim of 20 million now insured that were not previously, 99% of those are "insured" by Medicaid, not commercial insurance.

When will you libs ever stop lying about this massive failure? I guess never, since it was obozo's only "accomplishment".

Tell us about the bad old days, jakey boy.

Yea Pharma Costs... You support the guys blocking a reduction...

Sanders: GOP blocked 'Trump proposal' to lower drug prices

But it makes sense, they at the trough...
Drug companies are pouring money into GOP coffers

price controls are not the answer. competition is the answer. shorten the length of drug patents, get generics on the market sooner. Allow Canadian drugs to be sold in the USA. Big pharma is raping the medical system. Why is congress letting this happen? campaign donations---------------------duh.
You need to THINK!

A nation's good health is a national security issue.

You are part of the "stupid" group who thinks the numbers are phony.


I've proven the fallacy of the "46 million uninsured" with links.
Where in the hell is YOUR proof I'm part of the 'stupid" group since I didn't call you stupid... but Gruber did for your believing Obama's statement!

Remember MIT professor Jonathan Gruber said:
This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes.
If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies. Okay, so it’s written to do that.
In terms of risk rated subsidies, if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in –
you made explicit healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed…
Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage.
And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical for the thing to pass…
Look, I wish Mark was right that we could make it all transparent, but I’d rather have this law than not.”

VIDEO: "Stupid voters" would have killed Obamacare

Starkey... FACTS are black and white. Gruber called people like you "stupid"... I didn't.
FACTS there never were 46 million uninsured Americans that were Americans, that were told they could have Medicaid and wanted health insurance!
Never as my continued LINKS show .... Show me your LINKS!!!
Number of Uninsured in U.S. Dropped Below 10% for First Time in 2015

Over 16 to 9.1 as of last March and going down...

Population of US 318.9
9.1% of that is 29 million...

Again March Figures not todays figures... to go back to 2009 would put 22 million with no insurance...

This is all very transparent you just have to look for it...

So bad insurance is OK if more people are getting it free? Higher premiums and higher deductibles are not good for average americans. In many cases a family has $10,000 out of pocket before "insurance" pays anything. That's not insurance, that's robbery.
None of which that 20mm who did not have it before have it now.

No one can ever get around that figure.

Why do you think the GOP is going to have a government program to replace it.

We are not going back to the bad old days.
That figure is wrong.

Per the Obama administration. Under 13.8 as 0f 12/21/2016

But it's good to see the DNC keeps you up to snuff on your talking points scripts.
The stupidity is displayed by the OP.

20 million now have health insurance that did not before.

Ryan and the GOP are now forced to provide a government program ensuring, through market and public co-operation and mandate, for the American people.

We are not going back to the bad old days of pre-ACA.
Nope still wrong
You need to THINK!You are part of the "stupid" group who thinks the numbers are phony. THINK!
And you thought it REALLY would pay for itself, would not cost a dime, and could keep your plan if you liked your plan.... :lmao:
easyflake, you have trouble understanding your own thinking while misunderstanding smarter peoples' thinking.

No one thought it would "pay for itself." That's fake news.
easyflake, you have trouble understanding your own thinking while misunderstanding smarter peoples' thinking.

No one thought it would "pay for itself." That's fake news.
From Obama's LIPS
" I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States.
If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too."
Cut the cost of a typical family's health insurance premium by up to $2,500 a year

The average increase of 25 percent in benchmark premiums on the federal exchange compares with increases of 2 percent in 2015 and 7 percent this year. Major insurers have pulled out of the public marketplace in many states, citing multimillion-dollar losses, and state officials have approved rate increases of 25 to 50 percent or more for some insurers that remain.

One in five consumers on the federal health insurance website HealthCare.gov will find only one insurer with offerings next year, the administration said.

GEEZ why do you think these insurance companies have dropped out of Obamacare???
A) You can't cover everyone i.e. "pre-existing conditions" and make a profit. Aetna,etc. have looked at their experiences and said...wait we can't go
on if we don't make a profit!
B) Why is a profit necessary you idiots ask? BECAUSE PROFITS CREATE RESERVES FOR FUTURE CLAIMS! DUMMIES!
If you don't have the reserves then for FUTURE claims... guess what you dummies!!!
The states won't approve you to sell insurance in their state!

Aetna said earlier this month that it was halting its exchange expansion plans for 2017 and reviewing its participation in President Obama's signature health reform program. The company noted Monday that it has lost $430 million in its individual policies unit since the exchanges opened in January 2014.

Like Aetna, a growing number of insurers on the Obamacare exchanges are voicing concerns about the viability of the program as they run up big losses. Many say that their premiums were too low and didn't cover the cost of care because their consumers are far sicker than anticipated.
Aetna to pull out of most Obamacare exchanges

Again for those of you that are in that group Gruber called "the stupidity of American voter"...

A) If you don't make a profit, you can't create reserves for future claims!
B) If you don't have reserves that meet states' insurance reserve requirements now I'm going to shout!!!

Folks it is as simple as that!
How many times must it be repeated.
If an insurance company doesn't make a profit it can't create reserves and reserves are for future claims and if you don't have reserves the
states you want to sell insurance in won't allow you to sell!
None of which that 20mm who did not have it before have it now.

No one can ever get around that figure.

Why do you think the GOP is going to have a government program to replace it.

We are not going back to the bad old days.
what bad old days is that?
Many people don't know the Affordable Care Act is Obamacare. Many people don't know that emergency rooms aren't national health care. Many people don't know health insurance companies are just in it for the money. Many people don't know what a screwed up system health care was before Obamacare. Many people with preexisting conditions have no idea that they're benefiting from Obamacare. THINK!
You need to THINK!

A nation's good health is a national security issue.

You are part of the "stupid" group who thinks the numbers are phony.


I've proven the fallacy of the "46 million uninsured" with links.
Where in the hell is YOUR proof I'm part of the 'stupid" group since I didn't call you stupid... but Gruber did for your believing Obama's statement!

Remember MIT professor Jonathan Gruber said:
This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes.
If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies. Okay, so it’s written to do that.
In terms of risk rated subsidies, if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in –
you made explicit healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed…
Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage.
And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical for the thing to pass…
Look, I wish Mark was right that we could make it all transparent, but I’d rather have this law than not.”

VIDEO: "Stupid voters" would have killed Obamacare

Starkey... FACTS are black and white. Gruber called people like you "stupid"... I didn't.
FACTS there never were 46 million uninsured Americans that were Americans, that were told they could have Medicaid and wanted health insurance!
Never as my continued LINKS show .... Show me your LINKS!!!
Number of Uninsured in U.S. Dropped Below 10% for First Time in 2015

Over 16 to 9.1 as of last March and going down...

Population of US 318.9
9.1% of that is 29 million...

Again March Figures not todays figures... to go back to 2009 would put 22 million with no insurance...

This is all very transparent you just have to look for it...

So bad insurance is OK if more people are getting it free? Higher premiums and higher deductibles are not good for average americans. In many cases a family has $10,000 out of pocket before "insurance" pays anything. That's not insurance, that's robbery.
No, that's not robbery - it's one important way that insurance companies keep cost of insurance lower.

We do the same thing with other insurance. We have significant deductibles on house insurance, car insurance, etc.

I for one am not interested in paying for insurance that pays for everything that ever happens. I want more than total disaster coverage, but I don't want to pay my insurance company to cover every little thing that happens.
You need to THINK!

A nation's good health is a national security issue.

You are part of the "stupid" group who thinks the numbers are phony.


I've proven the fallacy of the "46 million uninsured" with links.
Where in the hell is YOUR proof I'm part of the 'stupid" group since I didn't call you stupid... but Gruber did for your believing Obama's statement!

Remember MIT professor Jonathan Gruber said:
This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes.
If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies. Okay, so it’s written to do that.
In terms of risk rated subsidies, if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in –
you made explicit healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed…
Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage.
And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical for the thing to pass…
Look, I wish Mark was right that we could make it all transparent, but I’d rather have this law than not.”

VIDEO: "Stupid voters" would have killed Obamacare

Starkey... FACTS are black and white. Gruber called people like you "stupid"... I didn't.
FACTS there never were 46 million uninsured Americans that were Americans, that were told they could have Medicaid and wanted health insurance!
Never as my continued LINKS show .... Show me your LINKS!!!
Number of Uninsured in U.S. Dropped Below 10% for First Time in 2015

Over 16 to 9.1 as of last March and going down...

Population of US 318.9
9.1% of that is 29 million...

Again March Figures not todays figures... to go back to 2009 would put 22 million with no insurance...

This is all very transparent you just have to look for it...

So bad insurance is OK if more people are getting it free? Higher premiums and higher deductibles are not good for average americans. In many cases a family has $10,000 out of pocket before "insurance" pays anything. That's not insurance, that's robbery.
No, that's not robbery - it's one important way that insurance companies keep cost of insurance lower.

We do the same thing with other insurance. We have significant deductibles on house insurance, car insurance, etc.

I for one am not interested in paying for insurance that pays for everything that ever happens. I want more than total disaster coverage, but I don't want to pay my insurance company to cover every little thing that happens.

You should be able to buy a plan that does just that. Obamacare made those plans illegal.
easyflake, you have trouble understanding your own thinking while misunderstanding smarter peoples' thinking.

No one thought it would "pay for itself." That's fake news.
From Obama's LIPS
" I pledge we’ll lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year….. We’ll do it by the end of my first term as President of the United States.
If you like your health care plan, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too."
Cut the cost of a typical family's health insurance premium by up to $2,500 a year

The average increase of 25 percent in benchmark premiums on the federal exchange compares with increases of 2 percent in 2015 and 7 percent this year. Major insurers have pulled out of the public marketplace in many states, citing multimillion-dollar losses, and state officials have approved rate increases of 25 to 50 percent or more for some insurers that remain.

One in five consumers on the federal health insurance website HealthCare.gov will find only one insurer with offerings next year, the administration said.

GEEZ why do you think these insurance companies have dropped out of Obamacare???
A) You can't cover everyone i.e. "pre-existing conditions" and make a profit. Aetna,etc. have looked at their experiences and said...wait we can't go
on if we don't make a profit!
B) Why is a profit necessary you idiots ask? BECAUSE PROFITS CREATE RESERVES FOR FUTURE CLAIMS! DUMMIES!
If you don't have the reserves then for FUTURE claims... guess what you dummies!!!
The states won't approve you to sell insurance in their state!

Aetna said earlier this month that it was halting its exchange expansion plans for 2017 and reviewing its participation in President Obama's signature health reform program. The company noted Monday that it has lost $430 million in its individual policies unit since the exchanges opened in January 2014.

Like Aetna, a growing number of insurers on the Obamacare exchanges are voicing concerns about the viability of the program as they run up big losses. Many say that their premiums were too low and didn't cover the cost of care because their consumers are far sicker than anticipated.
Aetna to pull out of most Obamacare exchanges

Again for those of you that are in that group Gruber called "the stupidity of American voter"...

A) If you don't make a profit, you can't create reserves for future claims!
B) If you don't have reserves that meet states' insurance reserve requirements now I'm going to shout!!!

Folks it is as simple as that!
How many times must it be repeated.
If an insurance company doesn't make a profit it can't create reserves and reserves are for future claims and if you don't have reserves the
states you want to sell insurance in won't allow you to sell!
This is just you picking and choosing from history to back a partisan agenda.

Republicans decided to make the ACA a demonstration of still having power - after the election that was so devastating.

When zero Republicans would vote for the very bill that they had been part of creating, it became necessary to cut back the ACA to ensure that every bat-shit lefty Dem would still vote for it.

What that meant was removing the central price control system that had been designed - that of having a government exchange option as part of the ACA.

Even so, the amount the US pays in health care has risen more slowly. And, we're slowly moving away from paying on a per-procedure basis to paying for outcomes - which is significant in terms of cost reduction.
You need to THINK!

A nation's good health is a national security issue.

You are part of the "stupid" group who thinks the numbers are phony.


I've proven the fallacy of the "46 million uninsured" with links.
Where in the hell is YOUR proof I'm part of the 'stupid" group since I didn't call you stupid... but Gruber did for your believing Obama's statement!

Remember MIT professor Jonathan Gruber said:
This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes.
If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies. Okay, so it’s written to do that.
In terms of risk rated subsidies, if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in –
you made explicit healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed…
Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage.
And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical for the thing to pass…
Look, I wish Mark was right that we could make it all transparent, but I’d rather have this law than not.”

VIDEO: "Stupid voters" would have killed Obamacare

Starkey... FACTS are black and white. Gruber called people like you "stupid"... I didn't.
FACTS there never were 46 million uninsured Americans that were Americans, that were told they could have Medicaid and wanted health insurance!
Never as my continued LINKS show .... Show me your LINKS!!!
Number of Uninsured in U.S. Dropped Below 10% for First Time in 2015

Over 16 to 9.1 as of last March and going down...

Population of US 318.9
9.1% of that is 29 million...

Again March Figures not todays figures... to go back to 2009 would put 22 million with no insurance...

This is all very transparent you just have to look for it...

So bad insurance is OK if more people are getting it free? Higher premiums and higher deductibles are not good for average americans. In many cases a family has $10,000 out of pocket before "insurance" pays anything. That's not insurance, that's robbery.
No, that's not robbery - it's one important way that insurance companies keep cost of insurance lower.

We do the same thing with other insurance. We have significant deductibles on house insurance, car insurance, etc.

I for one am not interested in paying for insurance that pays for everything that ever happens. I want more than total disaster coverage, but I don't want to pay my insurance company to cover every little thing that happens.

You should be able to buy a plan that does just that. Obamacare made those plans illegal.
You want the catastrophic insurance that privatizes your profit and socializes the risk. No.
You need to THINK!

A nation's good health is a national security issue.

You are part of the "stupid" group who thinks the numbers are phony.


I've proven the fallacy of the "46 million uninsured" with links.
Where in the hell is YOUR proof I'm part of the 'stupid" group since I didn't call you stupid... but Gruber did for your believing Obama's statement!

Remember MIT professor Jonathan Gruber said:
This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes.
If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies. Okay, so it’s written to do that.
In terms of risk rated subsidies, if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in –
you made explicit healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed…
Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage.
And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical for the thing to pass…
Look, I wish Mark was right that we could make it all transparent, but I’d rather have this law than not.”

VIDEO: "Stupid voters" would have killed Obamacare

Starkey... FACTS are black and white. Gruber called people like you "stupid"... I didn't.
FACTS there never were 46 million uninsured Americans that were Americans, that were told they could have Medicaid and wanted health insurance!
Never as my continued LINKS show .... Show me your LINKS!!!
Number of Uninsured in U.S. Dropped Below 10% for First Time in 2015

Over 16 to 9.1 as of last March and going down...

Population of US 318.9
9.1% of that is 29 million...

Again March Figures not todays figures... to go back to 2009 would put 22 million with no insurance...

This is all very transparent you just have to look for it...

So bad insurance is OK if more people are getting it free? Higher premiums and higher deductibles are not good for average americans. In many cases a family has $10,000 out of pocket before "insurance" pays anything. That's not insurance, that's robbery.
No, that's not robbery - it's one important way that insurance companies keep cost of insurance lower.

We do the same thing with other insurance. We have significant deductibles on house insurance, car insurance, etc.

I for one am not interested in paying for insurance that pays for everything that ever happens. I want more than total disaster coverage, but I don't want to pay my insurance company to cover every little thing that happens.

You should be able to buy a plan that does just that. Obamacare made those plans illegal.
I don't know what you mean by "does just that".

But, yes, the ACA requires that everyone gets to buy insurance (unlike before), that insurance companies can't monitor your health care payments and decide to drop you (unlike before), etc.

I'd point out that polls show America is wildly in favor of these features.
I've proven the fallacy of the "46 million uninsured" with links.
Where in the hell is YOUR proof I'm part of the 'stupid" group since I didn't call you stupid... but Gruber did for your believing Obama's statement!

Remember MIT professor Jonathan Gruber said:
This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes.
If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies. Okay, so it’s written to do that.
In terms of risk rated subsidies, if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in –
you made explicit healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed…
Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage.
And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical for the thing to pass…
Look, I wish Mark was right that we could make it all transparent, but I’d rather have this law than not.”

VIDEO: "Stupid voters" would have killed Obamacare

Starkey... FACTS are black and white. Gruber called people like you "stupid"... I didn't.
FACTS there never were 46 million uninsured Americans that were Americans, that were told they could have Medicaid and wanted health insurance!
Never as my continued LINKS show .... Show me your LINKS!!!
Number of Uninsured in U.S. Dropped Below 10% for First Time in 2015

Over 16 to 9.1 as of last March and going down...

Population of US 318.9
9.1% of that is 29 million...

Again March Figures not todays figures... to go back to 2009 would put 22 million with no insurance...

This is all very transparent you just have to look for it...

So bad insurance is OK if more people are getting it free? Higher premiums and higher deductibles are not good for average americans. In many cases a family has $10,000 out of pocket before "insurance" pays anything. That's not insurance, that's robbery.
No, that's not robbery - it's one important way that insurance companies keep cost of insurance lower.

We do the same thing with other insurance. We have significant deductibles on house insurance, car insurance, etc.

I for one am not interested in paying for insurance that pays for everything that ever happens. I want more than total disaster coverage, but I don't want to pay my insurance company to cover every little thing that happens.

You should be able to buy a plan that does just that. Obamacare made those plans illegal.
I don't know what you mean by "does just that".

But, yes, the ACA requires that everyone gets to buy insurance (unlike before), that insurance companies can't monitor your health care payments and decide to drop you (unlike before), etc.

I'd point out that polls show America is wildly in favor of these features.

You said:
"I want more than total disaster coverage, but I don't want to pay my insurance company to cover every little thing that happens."

I said:
"You should be able to buy a plan that does just that. Obamacare made those plans illegal."

I do not understand your confusion.
Number of Uninsured in U.S. Dropped Below 10% for First Time in 2015

Over 16 to 9.1 as of last March and going down...

Population of US 318.9
9.1% of that is 29 million...

Again March Figures not todays figures... to go back to 2009 would put 22 million with no insurance...

This is all very transparent you just have to look for it...

So bad insurance is OK if more people are getting it free? Higher premiums and higher deductibles are not good for average americans. In many cases a family has $10,000 out of pocket before "insurance" pays anything. That's not insurance, that's robbery.
No, that's not robbery - it's one important way that insurance companies keep cost of insurance lower.

We do the same thing with other insurance. We have significant deductibles on house insurance, car insurance, etc.

I for one am not interested in paying for insurance that pays for everything that ever happens. I want more than total disaster coverage, but I don't want to pay my insurance company to cover every little thing that happens.

You should be able to buy a plan that does just that. Obamacare made those plans illegal.
I don't know what you mean by "does just that".

But, yes, the ACA requires that everyone gets to buy insurance (unlike before), that insurance companies can't monitor your health care payments and decide to drop you (unlike before), etc.

I'd point out that polls show America is wildly in favor of these features.

You said:
"I want more than total disaster coverage, but I don't want to pay my insurance company to cover every little thing that happens."

I said:
"You should be able to buy a plan that does just that. Obamacare made those plans illegal."

I do not understand your confusion.
Thanks for the clarification.

I had the option of plans from several different providers, with each offering several different plan options.

Those options were differentiated on how much the deductibles and co-pays were, offering a range from covering nearly everything to plans that had significant deductibles and co-pays that would leave me paying a significant part of the costs of care before insurance kicked in.

So, my experience doesn't leave me inclined to see your point, though I do believe there are limits on how radically a policy may be limited to catastrophic events.
Obamacare is a welfare program not a health INS program
You need to THINK!

A nation's good health is a national security issue.

You are part of the "stupid" group who thinks the numbers are phony.


I've proven the fallacy of the "46 million uninsured" with links.
Where in the hell is YOUR proof I'm part of the 'stupid" group since I didn't call you stupid... but Gruber did for your believing Obama's statement!

Remember MIT professor Jonathan Gruber said:
This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes.
If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies. Okay, so it’s written to do that.
In terms of risk rated subsidies, if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in –
you made explicit healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed…
Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage.
And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical for the thing to pass…
Look, I wish Mark was right that we could make it all transparent, but I’d rather have this law than not.”

VIDEO: "Stupid voters" would have killed Obamacare

Starkey... FACTS are black and white. Gruber called people like you "stupid"... I didn't.
FACTS there never were 46 million uninsured Americans that were Americans, that were told they could have Medicaid and wanted health insurance!
Never as my continued LINKS show .... Show me your LINKS!!!
Number of Uninsured in U.S. Dropped Below 10% for First Time in 2015

Over 16 to 9.1 as of last March and going down...

Population of US 318.9
9.1% of that is 29 million...

Again March Figures not todays figures... to go back to 2009 would put 22 million with no insurance...

This is all very transparent you just have to look for it...

So bad insurance is OK if more people are getting it free? Higher premiums and higher deductibles are not good for average americans. In many cases a family has $10,000 out of pocket before "insurance" pays anything. That's not insurance, that's robbery.
No, that's not robbery - it's one important way that insurance companies keep cost of insurance lower.

We do the same thing with other insurance. We have significant deductibles on house insurance, car insurance, etc.

I for one am not interested in paying for insurance that pays for everything that ever happens. I want more than total disaster coverage, but I don't want to pay my insurance company to cover every little thing that happens.

You should be able to buy a plan that does just that. Obamacare made those plans illegal.

Right! So now under Obamacare idiots like this can do dumb stunts like these because oh my Obamacare will pay for it!!!

Screen Shot 2017-01-05 at 4.13.18 PM.png

Screen Shot 2017-01-05 at 4.16.39 PM.png

Screen Shot 2017-01-05 at 4.18.53 PM.png

And these people want health insurance to pay for their stupidity!!! Why should I??

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