Who on Fox News holds the Highest Education?

Hasselbach is going to end up feeling the problems as well.

I hope that every body check her husband took as a member of the Seattle Seahawks is visited on her as well.

Love to see her limp in to her job like her husband had to.

Does that make you feel a little bigger, pee-wee? Fantasizing about women being hurt like that? Is that all you can do to feel better about yourself, you little shit?
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Thanks, SJ.

A graduate of Castro Valley High School[19] in Castro Valley, California, she attended Stanford University. While a freshman, she was outed by the college newspaper when an interview with her was published by the student newspaper before she could tell her parents.[20] Maddow earned a degree in public policy at Stanford in 1994.[21] At graduation she was awarded the John Gardner Fellowship.[22] She was also the recipient of a Rhodes Scholarship and began her postgraduate study in 1995 at Lincoln College, Oxford. This made her the first openly gay or lesbian American to win an international Rhodes Scholarship.[23] In 2001, she earned a Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) in politics at Oxford University.[24] Her thesis is titled HIV/AIDS and Health Care Reform in British and American Prisons and her supervisor was Dr. Lucia Zedner.

Anything for FOX, yet?
The subtitle of her thesis was...can I get aids eating pussy....
Does that make you feel a little bigger, pee-wee? Fantasizing about women being hurt like that? Is that all you can do to feel better about yourself, you little shit?

You've been warned about ad hominem. Might be a good idea to stop. This website isn't a place to vent your repressed anger issues and general misanthropy.
Does that make you feel a little bigger, pee-wee? Fantasizing about women being hurt like that? Is that all you can do to feel better about yourself, you little shit?

This website isn't a place to vent your repressed anger issues and general misanthropy.

I wasn't talking to you, idiot. By the way, how's that evacuation of Tokyo going? :rolleyes:
I'm not going to say. It was two shows back to back. I will just say that if you saw it, there would be zero question in your mind if the host was drunk...the first one for sure. The second one was obviously "tipsy". The first host couldn't even form words with his mouth. He was having trouble actually talking. He was either stoned drunk or having a stroke... I don't want to say because I don't want to ruin careers because of an office party. The witch-hunting needs to stop. People make mistakes. The people if any that should be reprimanded are the producers. You don't let a host that obviously drunk host a show for national airing.
LOL. And I mean that literally! I've never seen a libtard take himself so seriously. Go ahead ruin careers. Slay nations. Make the world feel your iron grip!
My guess on MSNBC would be Rhodes Scholar Rachel Maddow.

So....you think that that the title "Rhodes Scholar" means anything other than that the recipient is a Liberal???

"Bill Bradley, the thinking presidential candidate, scored a 485 verbal on ... effort and went on to an honors degree and a Rhodes scholarship."
Bill Bradley's SAT Scores

Didn't it teach you anything when Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize for fogging a mirror?
Which show were you watching?

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

I'm not going to say. It was two shows back to back. I will just say that if you saw it, there would be zero question in your mind if the host was drunk...the first one for sure. The second one was obviously "tipsy". The first host couldn't even form words with his mouth. He was having trouble actually talking. He was either stoned drunk or having a stroke... I don't want to say because I don't want to ruin careers because of an office party. The witch-hunting needs to stop. People make mistakes. The people if any that should be reprimanded are the producers. You don't let a host that obviously drunk host a show for national airing.

So all we have is your word. The word of a person, who usually never watches FOXNews but just happened to hit on a show where the host is drunk, then you stick with the station (one you rarely watch) and see the next host appeared tipsy. And none of the FOXNews watching left wing media caught this?
Then you don't want to call them out publicly?
I think you are making it up?

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
A fun thread.

Tell me who on Fox News has the highest level of education.

OK...I'll play!! Sounds like fun!!

Tell me who on MSNBC graduated from High School.

My!! isn't this fun?


Rachel Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar with a doctorate in philosophy from Oxford University.

Your turn.

Maddow is a flaming idiot, an imbecilic queer with more arrogance than sense. Wave a degree in front of any liberal and they swoon like a mongoloid bed wetter.
A fun thread.

Tell me who on Fox News has the highest level of education.

OK...I'll play!! Sounds like fun!!

Tell me who on MSNBC graduated from High School.

My!! isn't this fun?


Rachel Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar with a doctorate in philosophy from Oxford University.

Your turn.

Jeanine Pirro - law degree, former judge
Andrew Napolitano - law degree, former judge
Megyn Kelly - law degree
Kimberly Guilfoyle - law degree, former prosecutor
Bill O'Reilly - Masters degree from Harvard
Neil Cavuto - Masters degree
Greta Van Susteren - Law degree
Jamie Colby - Law degree
Dr. Marc Siegel - MD
Dr. David Samadi - MD

The rest have bachelors degrees.
OK...I'll play!! Sounds like fun!!

Tell me who on MSNBC graduated from High School.

My!! isn't this fun?


Rachel Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar with a doctorate in philosophy from Oxford University.

Your turn.

Maddow is a flaming idiot, an imbecilic queer with more arrogance than sense. Wave a degree in front of any liberal and they swoon like a mongoloid bed wetter.

See what you did!!

Now I have to stick up for a Liberal.

Maddow, degree or not, is good at what she does.

She is a good facilitator for (ugh!) Liberalism.

I would love to see a 'crossfire' kind of show with Maddow and Liz Cheney.
Sparks would fly!
I don't know about their "level of education" but they're a lot smarter than anyone at MSNBC or CNN. Otherwise, they wouldn't be number one. Any more stupid questions?

Actually, the idiots at FAUX Nooze are number one because they put on a better show than what CNN or MSNBC does.

However.................CNN tried to follow what FAUX Nooze does and failed.

MSNBC has kept on with reporting the news and has succeeded.

Sorry...............but in a game of "Jeopardy", any news reporter for FAUX would get their asses kicked.

My God in heaven. You are out of your mind. Fewer than a million people per day watch that propaganda network. You might want to learn how to read the daily ratings.

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