Who on Fox News holds the Highest Education?

In addition to graduating from college at 15, Ronan Farrow graduated from Yale Law School and passed the New York Bar.
Chris Hayes graduated from Brown University.
Rachel Maddow got a doctorate in politics from Oxford, where she was a Rhodes Scholar.
Now, about Fox?
In addition to graduating from college at 15, Ronan Farrow graduated from Yale Law School and passed the New York Bar.
Chris Hayes graduated from Brown University.
Rachel Maddow got a doctorate in politics from Oxford, where she was a Rhodes Scholar.
Now, about Fox?

Jesus, don't you EVER read these threads? Dense as a sack of bricks. :cuckoo:
OK...I'll play!! Sounds like fun!!

Tell me who on MSNBC graduated from High School.

My!! isn't this fun?


Rachel Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar with a doctorate in philosophy from Oxford University.

Your turn.

Wow! A philosopher!! She's almost as good as Bill Clinton!!! Oh wait, Clinton never completed Rhodes, he walked away.....

You know, I only have a BA (and that was a waste of time). It's good to see that bull dyke Maddow putting her philosophy degree to good use. Good for her.

Kind of like that chick Megyn Kelly. Juris Doctor, Former Lawyer, Clerked for the Supreme Court and (because of her looks) sits on television each day.

Funny.....I believe that I would take the word of someone like Kelly, Looooonnnggg before I listened to someone who "thinks" all day - but that's me.

Back to you Johnny!
Clinton graduated from Yale.
Unfortunately, this is a hypothetical situation, because I don't think that Alex Trebek or those who run Jeopardy would allow someone as ignorant as Megan Kelly on their show.

However..................in the hypothetical situation of a run off between Kelly and Sharpton?

My money's on Sharpton. He may be a blustering fool, but at least he pays attention to what is going on around him.

Do you say that because you graduated from a better law school than she did?

What's the matter Pee-Wee, feeling smaller than usual today?
Sean Hannity and many of his followers "claim" he was a successful business owner. Not true. He was a not so successfull house remodeler and member of the AFL-CIO as a construction worker. He attempted to go to two colleges..failed.. New York University and Adelphi University(whatever that is) and dropped out of both.

All he can really honestly claim is a high school education.

He got a job as a college radio station manager in California where he gave himself a radio slot but was not a even a student at U C Santa Barbara his self appointed gig lasted 40 hours at the little station before he was fired.

Jerry Falwell gave Hannity a fake diploma from his "Liberty College"

Hannity is a phoney blowhard ..what does that say about those that think he is accomplished at anything ??

Fools ???

Sean Hannity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We Party Patriots » Sean Hannity: Construction Worker, Union Member, Sack of Sh*t.
Rachel Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar with a doctorate in philosophy from Oxford University.

Your turn.

Wow! A philosopher!! She's almost as good as Bill Clinton!!! Oh wait, Clinton never completed Rhodes, he walked away.....

You know, I only have a BA (and that was a waste of time). It's good to see that bull dyke Maddow putting her philosophy degree to good use. Good for her.

Kind of like that chick Megyn Kelly. Juris Doctor, Former Lawyer, Clerked for the Supreme Court and (because of her looks) sits on television each day.

Funny.....I believe that I would take the word of someone like Kelly, Looooonnnggg before I listened to someone who "thinks" all day - but that's me.

Back to you Johnny!
Clinton graduated from Yale.

Jesus tap dancing Christ. Being a Rhodes Scholar has NOTHING to do with his Undergraduate degree.He left Oxford (before graduating) and EVENTUALLY received a JD from Yale.
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A fun thread.

Tell me who on Fox News has the highest level of education.

I don't know who has the highest level of education on FAUX Nooze, but I'm willing to bet that the collective education of those on FAUX Nooze are a lot less than the education of those on MSNBC.

I mean........................Billo the Clown and the Douchy man?

Sorry.................but they have no idea about what is going on, and they don't want to, especially if it goes against their party line with the GOP.

Hasselbach is going to end up feeling the problems as well.

I hope that every body check her husband took as a member of the Seattle Seahawks is visited on her as well.

Love to see her limp in to her job like her husband had to.

Ah, body checking is in hockey...in football (which is what her husband played) they TACKLE!

Obviously YOU aren't the sharpest tool in the shed...
A fun thread.

Tell me who on Fox News has the highest level of education.

Educated and intelligent aren't always the same thing. Are you asking who is more educated or who is actually the smartest? Common sense can't be taught and it is either present or absent.
A fun thread.

Tell me who on Fox News has the highest level of education.

I'm sure Sean Hannity has non accredited online classes under his belt. He really doesn't need educational experience. He is Fox News' puppet. He doesn't express opinions of his own very often.
A fun thread.

Tell me who on Fox News has the highest level of education.

I'm sure Sean Hannity has non accredited online classes under his belt. He really doesn't need educational experience. He is Fox News' puppet. He doesn't express opinions of his own very often.

So, Hannity bugs you as much as that dyke bitch Maddow bugs the rest of the world.....probably why no one watches MSNBC.
A fun thread.

Tell me who on Fox News has the highest level of education.

I'm sure Sean Hannity has non accredited online classes under his belt. He really doesn't need educational experience. He is Fox News' puppet. He doesn't express opinions of his own very often.

So, Hannity bugs you as much as that dyke bitch Maddow bugs the rest of the world.....probably why no one watches MSNBC.

Rachel Maddow is a scholar. The fact that you think her sexuality even matters says a lot about you as a person. It's pathetic really.

Fox News is popular because it appeals to the lowest common denominator. It puts everything in bullshit black and white terms. Regular viewers don't want to hear anything that doesn't confirm their bias. Nuance and critical thinking is something the regular viewers avoid. Fox takes full of advantage of that. It's caveman reasoning actually "*grunt* Obama bad. Republicans good *grunt*"
I'm sure Sean Hannity has non accredited online classes under his belt. He really doesn't need educational experience. He is Fox News' puppet. He doesn't express opinions of his own very often.

So, Hannity bugs you as much as that dyke bitch Maddow bugs the rest of the world.....probably why no one watches MSNBC.

Rachel Maddow is a scholar. The fact that you think her sexuality even matters says a lot about you as a person. It's pathetic really.

Fox News is popular because it appeals to the lowest common denominator. It puts everything in bullshit black and white terms. Regular viewers don't want to hear anything that doesn't confirm their bias. Nuance and critical thinking is something the regular viewers avoid. Fox takes full of advantage of that. It's caveman reasoning actually "*grunt* Obama bad. Republicans good *grunt*"

Rachel Maddow wouldn't have enough sense to pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were printed on the heel.

She's a dyke. Enough said. "Nuance and critical thinking" - give me a break you pseudo-intellectual.
So, Hannity bugs you as much as that dyke bitch Maddow bugs the rest of the world.....probably why no one watches MSNBC.

Rachel Maddow is a scholar. The fact that you think her sexuality even matters says a lot about you as a person. It's pathetic really.

Fox News is popular because it appeals to the lowest common denominator. It puts everything in bullshit black and white terms. Regular viewers don't want to hear anything that doesn't confirm their bias. Nuance and critical thinking is something the regular viewers avoid. Fox takes full of advantage of that. It's caveman reasoning actually "*grunt* Obama bad. Republicans good *grunt*"

Rachel Maddow wouldn't have enough sense to pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were printed on the heel.

She's a dyke. Enough said. "Nuance and critical thinking" - give me a break you pseudo-intellectual.

The fact you think nuance and critical thinking are unimportant simply because I say they are important clearly demonstrates that you don't even know what those concepts even mean.

Maddow is 5x smarter than you are. I guarantee it.
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