Who owns the war now?

IMHO It's still GWB's legacy.

Not when obama signed an agreement to continue it.
Sorry but you fail.

Gotta agree with you here.

Yet, there's been absolutely no move from the right to end it.

Come guys..step up.

Obama was in FAVOR of this war.

Why do you need the right? obama get's everything or almost everything he wants.
The OP can easily be expanded to include Bush's stupidity after the spring of 2003 concerning Afghanistan, yes.

Bush is gone obama has extended the war a war he promised to bring home the troops. liberals are failing.

I agree that Obama is at fault as is Bush. Neo-conservatism is a failed American policy.

This is not Bushes fault. He had nothing to do with obama having that agreement signed.
Bush had everything to do with setting up the neo-conservative craziness in Afghanistan that led to this situation.
'Ownership' is sort of a foolish take on this matter.

But to play the game as asserted, "Ownership" belongs to the creator. And President Bush certainly created both wars...unlawfully of course.

President Bush ordered the illegal invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan (violations of international law).

But for President Bush, there would be no wars in those two countries.
We own it - everyone who fights for it, was hurt by it, pays taxes for it, etc.

I wish we didn't, but we do.

Are you suggesting the often shoved-down-my-throat tactic of "cut & run?"

Remember that? I do - it was all republicans could muster up back in the O/ decade. We were traitors for not supporting the war, remember???

We should never have went in the first place and we should leave now and cut are losses, but we all have ownership here ... including those of us who never wanted war in the first place ~

The attack on 911 was planned and ordered from Afghanistan, and the Taliban enabled Osama bin laden.

Not responding would have been akin to saying "excuse us for having our ships in Pearl Harbor where you planned on dropping bombs" to Japan.
'Ownership' is sort of a foolish take on this matter.

But to play the game as asserted, "Ownership" belongs to the creator. And President Bush certainly created both wars...unlawfully of course.

President Bush ordered the illegal invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan (violations of international law).

But for President Bush, there would be no wars in those two countries.

I suspect an apology to Afghanistan for having built the WTC so high their hijacked airccraft hit them would have made you happy.
The US Congress authorized both of these wars and that makes them perfectly legal.
The attack on 911 was planned and ordered from Afghanistan, and the Taliban enabled Osama bin laden.

Not responding would have been akin to saying "excuse us for having our ships in Pearl Harbor where you planned on dropping bombs" to Japan.

We did respond. Osama bin laden was killed by Navy Seals about 2 years ago.
So why are we still in Afghanistan? Remember, we are supposedly not into nation building!
We owe nothing to the country or people of Afghanistan. Pack up our men, material and money and bring them home.
'Ownership' is sort of a foolish take on this matter.

But to play the game as asserted, "Ownership" belongs to the creator. And President Bush certainly created both wars...unlawfully of course.

President Bush ordered the illegal invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan (violations of international law).

But for President Bush, there would be no wars in those two countries.

So you're a truther? Bush created 911? Anyway bush had nothing to do with obama extending the war.
Example a foreman runs a jobs quits that job and a new foreman takes his place, will/ or should the old foreman be blamed for the changes in the job the new foreman did?
So you're a truther? Bush created 911? Anyway bush had nothing to do with obama extending the war.
Example a foreman runs a jobs quits that job and a new foreman takes his place, will/ or should the old foreman be blamed for the changes in the job the new foreman did?
If the changes were fixing the problems the old foreman caused, then yes.
LOL, the 2 giant war parties of America trying to blame each other as to why 5 years later we are still in Afghanistan.

And to the mindless fucks who claim Obama "inherited" the wars, Obama ran for President, he spent near a billion dollars to become President, he didn't "inherit" chit, he bought it like every politician does. Bush ended Iraq, Obama has failed to end any war, Obama spends 150 billion a year more than Bush did on military....
So you're a truther? Bush created 911? Anyway bush had nothing to do with obama extending the war.
Example a foreman runs a jobs quits that job and a new foreman takes his place, will/ or should the old foreman be blamed for the changes in the job the new foreman did?
If the changes were fixing the problems the old foreman caused, then yes.

Who said there were problems? Since it appears you have never worked on a construction job here's how it's done.
Any new changes will be assessed to the new foreman.
LOL, the 2 giant war parties of America trying to blame each other as to why 5 years later we are still in Afghanistan.

And to the mindless fucks who claim Obama "inherited" the wars, Obama ran for President, he spent near a billion dollars to become President, he didn't "inherit" chit, he bought it like every politician does. Bush ended Iraq, Obama has failed to end any war, Obama spends 150 billion a year more than Bush did on military....
Damn skippy.
The attack on 911 was planned and ordered from Afghanistan, and the Taliban enabled Osama bin laden.

Not responding would have been akin to saying "excuse us for having our ships in Pearl Harbor where you planned on dropping bombs" to Japan.

We did respond. Osama bin laden was killed by Navy Seals about 2 years ago.
So why are we still in Afghanistan? Remember, we are supposedly not into nation building!
We owe nothing to the country or people of Afghanistan. Pack up our men, material and money and bring them home.

Why are we still in Afghanistan? You will have to ask the Commander in Chief, since he alone has the authority to order the troops home.

The Congress could stop funding the war, but even if the Republican House passed a bill to do that, Harry Reid would not allow a vote on it in the Senate, and Obama would veto it if it was voted on and passed.

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