Who owns the war now?

The OP can easily be expanded to include Bush's stupidity after the spring of 2003 concerning Afghanistan, yes.
We own it - everyone who fights for it, was hurt by it, pays taxes for it, etc.

I wish we didn't, but we do.

Are you suggesting the often shoved-down-my-throat tactic of "cut & run?"

Remember that? I do - it was all republicans could muster up back in the O/ decade. We were traitors for not supporting the war, remember???

We should never have went in the first place and we should leave now and cut are losses, but we all have ownership here ... including those of us who never wanted war in the first place ~
A person builds a home but sales it 5 years later who owns the house?

Do you know the difference between buying and inheriting?

Yes, I don't quite understand the logic, but I see a definite trend in blaming Obama for everything that GW did during his presidency. Like the bailouts - Obama's fault for not vetoing it instead of Bush's fault for signing it into law.

An actual feather for Bush for helping to save our economy, instead of the slight to Obama for which it is now attributed.

A small republican sacrifice unto the ultimate goal of smearing Obama.
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What war?

ALL American troops were brought safely home in January, 2009.

Just exactly as promises in soooooo many campaign speeches.

Weren't they?????

Obama promised nothing of the sort in regards to Afghanistan.

In fact, quite the contrary, during the campaign, he called Afghanistan the "War of Necessity" as opposed to Iraq, which was the "War of Choice".

Now, my own opinion is, it was foolish of him to escalate the war in Afghanistan or continue to commit to the Karzai regime after it stole the 2009 election and lost all credibility.

However, winding down operations next year and retaining 8000 support and advisors. Meh, no big deal. We have more troops in Kuwait 20 years after the Gulf War, we have more troops in Korea 60 years after the Korean War.
IMHO It's still GWB's legacy.
I thought Afghan was the war we should have fought not Iraq. Damn you lying Lefty's cant get your story straight.

First you say Bush is a warmonger for starting a war in Iraq when he should be sending troops to Afghan. Even your idiot in chief said so.

Now that Obama has agreed to keep troops in Afghan for years to come and has even put a stop lost into a affect to keep troops in threater longer or to keep them from getting out, its still Bush fault.

You guys get dumber by the min. Can you even tell when your lying or telling the truth yourself any longer?
A person builds a home but sales it 5 years later who owns the house?

Do you know the difference between buying and inheriting?

A person builds a home but sales it 5 years later who owns the house?

Do you know the difference between buying and inheriting?

Yes, I don't quite understand the logic, but I see a definite trend in blaming Obama for everything that GW did during his presidency. Like the bailouts - Obama's fault for not vetoing it instead of Bush's fault for signing it into law.

An actual feather for Bush for helping to save our economy, instead of the slight to Obama for which it is now attributed.

A small republican sacrifice unto the ultimate goal of smearing Obama.

OK here we go two dumb asses when obama agree to extend the length of the war. It became his war he owns its.

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