Who Pays for Tariffs? You do.

Well, mostly you. It depends on price elasticity.

As you can see, prices are rising for goods that have been affected by Trump's higher taxes on trade, and falling for those that have not.


The Daily Shot: The Cost of Inadequate Infrastructure
Who Pays the Trump Tariffs? We Do, These Americans Say
Supply and Demand still triumphs all formulas just have to factor in the new costs. You still can't sell stuff for more than people are willing to pay.
Well, mostly you. It depends on price elasticity.

As you can see, prices are rising for goods that have been affected by Trump's higher taxes on trade, and falling for those that have not.

The Daily Shot: The Cost of Inadequate Infrastructure
Who Pays the Trump Tariffs? We Do, These Americans Say
Supply and Demand still triumphs all formulas just have to factor in the new costs. You still can't sell stuff for more than people are willing to pay.
That's right.

The tariffs are real.


That spike on the right are real additional $BILLIONS flowing into the US treasury that given our stable prices is NOT coming out of the pockets of US customers, rather, as you state, those that export to us are compressing their prices to cover the tariffs in order to maintain market share. For the Chinese that strategy of paying Trump's tariffs is kinda working. They are sending billions to the US Treasury and they have maintained about 88% of their trade deficit.

From Trump's position, he has reaped Billions in tariffs for the US Treasury without it costing Americans in higher prices, he reduced the 1st Quarter trade deficit, increasing first 1st Quarter Real GDP.

Now the next question will be, "What happens now that tariffs have jumped from 10% to 25%? Will the Chinese further compress their margins to try to maintain market share?"

If they do, then the question becomes, just how large IS the Chinese mark up that we have been paying all this time?
Last edited:
Well, mostly you. It depends on price elasticity.

As you can see, prices are rising for goods that have been affected by Trump's higher taxes on trade, and falling for those that have not.


The Daily Shot: The Cost of Inadequate Infrastructure
Who Pays the Trump Tariffs? We Do, These Americans Say
Supply and Demand still triumphs all formulas just have to factor in the new costs. You still can't sell stuff for more than people are willing to pay.

Unless you manufacture gasoline.
Well, mostly you. It depends on price elasticity.

As you can see, prices are rising for goods that have been affected by Trump's higher taxes on trade, and falling for those that have not.


The Daily Shot: The Cost of Inadequate Infrastructure
Who Pays the Trump Tariffs? We Do, These Americans Say
Supply and Demand still triumphs all formulas just have to factor in the new costs. You still can't sell stuff for more than people are willing to pay.

Unless you manufacture gasoline.
nah, the more you charge the more people will figure out how to do without that item or substitute something else for it, or get along with less of it.
Leftists tend to scream the loudest about sweat shop labor. Then when a president takes on China, they cry?
Well, mostly you. It depends on price elasticity.

As you can see, prices are rising for goods that have been affected by Trump's higher taxes on trade, and falling for those that have not.


The Daily Shot: The Cost of Inadequate Infrastructure
Who Pays the Trump Tariffs? We Do, These Americans Say
Supply and Demand still triumphs all formulas just have to factor in the new costs. You still can't sell stuff for more than people are willing to pay.

Depends on how good the shoplifters are at getting that product you sold to a store with a five-finger discount ;)
Well, mostly you. It depends on price elasticity.

As you can see, prices are rising for goods that have been affected by Trump's higher taxes on trade, and falling for those that have not.


The Daily Shot: The Cost of Inadequate Infrastructure
Who Pays the Trump Tariffs? We Do, These Americans Say
Supply and Demand still triumphs all formulas just have to factor in the new costs. You still can't sell stuff for more than people are willing to pay.

Depends on how good the shoplifters are at getting that product you sold to a store with a five-finger discount ;)
If visual entertainment producers were smarter, charged cheaper rates, made it more convenient to view their content, people wouldn't use Torrents.
Well, mostly you. It depends on price elasticity.

As you can see, prices are rising for goods that have been affected by Trump's higher taxes on trade, and falling for those that have not.

The Daily Shot: The Cost of Inadequate Infrastructure
Who Pays the Trump Tariffs? We Do, These Americans Say
Supply and Demand still triumphs all formulas just have to factor in the new costs. You still can't sell stuff for more than people are willing to pay.
Unless you manufacture gasoline.
Not really. Only 8% of the cost of gasoline is made up of the refiners cost. Taxes are over 2.6 times that.


Gas Prices Explained
Well, mostly you. It depends on price elasticity.

As you can see, prices are rising for goods that have been affected by Trump's higher taxes on trade, and falling for those that have not.


The Daily Shot: The Cost of Inadequate Infrastructure
Who Pays the Trump Tariffs? We Do, These Americans Say
Supply and Demand still triumphs all formulas just have to factor in the new costs. You still can't sell stuff for more than people are willing to pay.

Depends on how good the shoplifters are at getting that product you sold to a store with a five-finger discount ;)
If visual entertainment producers were smarter, charged cheaper rates, made it more convenient to view their content, people wouldn't use Torrents.

I really doubt that is true. You can get a plethora of entertainment options for cheap through amazon, netflix, hulu, etc, and people still steal content. I don't use torrents, but I do use some streaming sites that clearly are stealing content. If my cable bill were significantly less, perhaps I would watch more legit, and it isn't that I couldn't afford to pay. I just don't want to go to a theater, and I do not want to spend more on entertainment considering how much I already pay for crap I don't even really ever watch via my comcast service.
Well, mostly you. It depends on price elasticity.

As you can see, prices are rising for goods that have been affected by Trump's higher taxes on trade, and falling for those that have not.


The Daily Shot: The Cost of Inadequate Infrastructure
Who Pays the Trump Tariffs? We Do, These Americans Say
Supply and Demand still triumphs all formulas just have to factor in the new costs. You still can't sell stuff for more than people are willing to pay.

Depends on how good the shoplifters are at getting that product you sold to a store with a five-finger discount ;)
If visual entertainment producers were smarter, charged cheaper rates, made it more convenient to view their content, people wouldn't use Torrents.

I really doubt that is true. You can get a plethora of entertainment options for cheap through amazon, netflix, hulu, etc, and people still steal content. I don't use torrents, but I do use some streaming sites that clearly are stealing content. If my cable bill were significantly less, perhaps I would watch more legit, and it isn't that I couldn't afford to pay. I just don't want to go to a theater, and I do not want to spend more on entertainment considering how much I already pay for crap I don't even really ever watch via my comcast service.
Right now I watch Billions, on Showtime and Game of Thrones which is on HBO. There is no single service that lets me watch both for a single price. I have to pay a showtime subscription and an HBO Subscription to watch both of them, even if I use a service like Amazon or Hulu they charge a premium for it. Cheaper and more convenient to watch them on Torrent.

My sister on the other hand is a entertainment show junkie. She doesn't like watching an episode and waiting a week to watch the next one. She'll watch an entire series in one sitting and watch series from different venues each with their own set of premium fees. Cheaper again to torrent.
Well, mostly you. It depends on price elasticity.

As you can see, prices are rising for goods that have been affected by Trump's higher taxes on trade, and falling for those that have not.


The Daily Shot: The Cost of Inadequate Infrastructure
Who Pays the Trump Tariffs? We Do, These Americans Say

You globalists crack me up. And I've already slapped you a dozen times over this bullshit.

We exported 120 Billion to China last year. We imported 539 Billion from China last year.

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with China

Our GDP is 20 fucking TRILLION!

Now you're screaming the sky is falling over prices going up on beads and trinkets.which amount to less than 5% of GDP.

You may get away with bullshitting the morons around here but the impact on our economy from forcing China in to a fair trade agreement has very little effect on our economy.

Your charts are misleading and you know it. Separating CPI by imports from China doesn't show the absolute dollar amount in relationship with the overall cost of goods consumed in America.

You are a very emotional and a little unstable, Retardo. That probably explains your inability to rationally address topics that contradict your ideological worldview. Living above the cloud line with a dearth of oxygen and staring at mountain goats all day without much human contact must do that to an individual.

This graph demonstrates that the higher taxes on trade are causing the prices on those goods to rise, as any Econ 101 student knows. That's it. I didn't write anything about a recession. However, it does appear that the economy is slowing because of higher trade taxes.

Spending on factories, equipment and other capital goods slowed in the first quarter among a broad cross-section of large, U.S.-listed firms, highlighting investor concerns that a key driver of economic growth is fading. ...

Executives at several companies said lingering trade tensions with China were making them and their customers cautious, raising the prospect that slower business spending could hamper economic growth later in 2019 and in 2020.​

Big Companies Tightened Spending as Trade Fears Intensified

Hmm, higher taxes might cause the economy to slow. Who would have ever thought that?

You and the link is stupid as hell

Well, mostly you. It depends on price elasticity.

As you can see, prices are rising for goods that have been affected by Trump's higher taxes on trade, and falling for those that have not.


The Daily Shot: The Cost of Inadequate Infrastructure
Who Pays the Trump Tariffs? We Do, These Americans Say

You globalists crack me up. And I've already slapped you a dozen times over this bullshit.

We exported 120 Billion to China last year. We imported 539 Billion from China last year.

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with China

Our GDP is 20 fucking TRILLION!

Now you're screaming the sky is falling over prices going up on beads and trinkets.which amount to less than 5% of GDP.

You may get away with bullshitting the morons around here but the impact on our economy from forcing China in to a fair trade agreement has very little effect on our economy.

Your charts are misleading and you know it. Separating CPI by imports from China doesn't show the absolute dollar amount in relationship with the overall cost of goods consumed in America.

You are a very emotional and a little unstable, Retardo. That probably explains your inability to rationally address topics that contradict your ideological worldview. Living above the cloud line with a dearth of oxygen and staring at mountain goats all day without much human contact must do that to an individual.

This graph demonstrates that the higher taxes on trade are causing the prices on those goods to rise, as any Econ 101 student knows. That's it. I didn't write anything about a recession. However, it does appear that the economy is slowing because of higher trade taxes.

Spending on factories, equipment and other capital goods slowed in the first quarter among a broad cross-section of large, U.S.-listed firms, highlighting investor concerns that a key driver of economic growth is fading. ...

Executives at several companies said lingering trade tensions with China were making them and their customers cautious, raising the prospect that slower business spending could hamper economic growth later in 2019 and in 2020.​

Big Companies Tightened Spending as Trade Fears Intensified

Hmm, higher taxes might cause the economy to slow. Who would have ever thought that?

You and the link is stupid as hell

View attachment 262302
Why did you post? Did you just want everyone to know your hurt and unable to articulate a cognitive thought or argument in this discussion? If that was it, it was an effort of futility.
Well, mostly you. It depends on price elasticity.

As you can see, prices are rising for goods that have been affected by Trump's higher taxes on trade, and falling for those that have not.


The Daily Shot: The Cost of Inadequate Infrastructure
Who Pays the Trump Tariffs? We Do, These Americans Say
Supply and Demand still triumphs all formulas just have to factor in the new costs. You still can't sell stuff for more than people are willing to pay.

Depends on how good the shoplifters are at getting that product you sold to a store with a five-finger discount ;)
If visual entertainment producers were smarter, charged cheaper rates, made it more convenient to view their content, people wouldn't use Torrents.

I really doubt that is true. You can get a plethora of entertainment options for cheap through amazon, netflix, hulu, etc, and people still steal content. I don't use torrents, but I do use some streaming sites that clearly are stealing content. If my cable bill were significantly less, perhaps I would watch more legit, and it isn't that I couldn't afford to pay. I just don't want to go to a theater, and I do not want to spend more on entertainment considering how much I already pay for crap I don't even really ever watch via my comcast service.
Right now I watch Billions, on Showtime and Game of Thrones which is on HBO. There is no single service that lets me watch both for a single price. I have to pay a showtime subscription and an HBO Subscription to watch both of them, even if I use a service like Amazon or Hulu they charge a premium for it. Cheaper and more convenient to watch them on Torrent.

My sister on the other hand is a entertainment show junkie. She doesn't like watching an episode and waiting a week to watch the next one. She'll watch an entire series in one sitting and watch series from different venues each with their own set of premium fees. Cheaper again to torrent.

I am like your sister in I like to do a whole season in a few days or a week even on stuff I can DVR already. Sometimes it may be something I came to lately. Sometimes it is because it is something not available to me because of country blocking (I do have an unblocker but it doesn't work for everything). Sometimes it is to see it faster for instance I am watching the final season of PBS's Durrells on a streaming site as it has not aired yet in the US.
Well, mostly you. It depends on price elasticity.

As you can see, prices are rising for goods that have been affected by Trump's higher taxes on trade, and falling for those that have not.


The Daily Shot: The Cost of Inadequate Infrastructure
Who Pays the Trump Tariffs? We Do, These Americans Say

You globalists crack me up. And I've already slapped you a dozen times over this bullshit.

We exported 120 Billion to China last year. We imported 539 Billion from China last year.

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with China

Our GDP is 20 fucking TRILLION!

Now you're screaming the sky is falling over prices going up on beads and trinkets.which amount to less than 5% of GDP.

You may get away with bullshitting the morons around here but the impact on our economy from forcing China in to a fair trade agreement has very little effect on our economy.

Your charts are misleading and you know it. Separating CPI by imports from China doesn't show the absolute dollar amount in relationship with the overall cost of goods consumed in America.

You are a very emotional and a little unstable, Retardo. That probably explains your inability to rationally address topics that contradict your ideological worldview. Living above the cloud line with a dearth of oxygen and staring at mountain goats all day without much human contact must do that to an individual.

This graph demonstrates that the higher taxes on trade are causing the prices on those goods to rise, as any Econ 101 student knows. That's it. I didn't write anything about a recession. However, it does appear that the economy is slowing because of higher trade taxes.

Spending on factories, equipment and other capital goods slowed in the first quarter among a broad cross-section of large, U.S.-listed firms, highlighting investor concerns that a key driver of economic growth is fading. ...

Executives at several companies said lingering trade tensions with China were making them and their customers cautious, raising the prospect that slower business spending could hamper economic growth later in 2019 and in 2020.​

Big Companies Tightened Spending as Trade Fears Intensified

Hmm, higher taxes might cause the economy to slow. Who would have ever thought that?

You and the link is stupid as hell

View attachment 262302
Why did you post? Did you just want everyone to know your hurt and unable to articulate a cognitive thought or argument in this discussion? If that was it, it was an effort of futility.

Why did you post, did you bother to read the fucking link?
Well, mostly you. It depends on price elasticity.

As you can see, prices are rising for goods that have been affected by Trump's higher taxes on trade, and falling for those that have not.


The Daily Shot: The Cost of Inadequate Infrastructure
Who Pays the Trump Tariffs? We Do, These Americans Say

You globalists crack me up. And I've already slapped you a dozen times over this bullshit.

We exported 120 Billion to China last year. We imported 539 Billion from China last year.

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with China

Our GDP is 20 fucking TRILLION!

Now you're screaming the sky is falling over prices going up on beads and trinkets.which amount to less than 5% of GDP.

You may get away with bullshitting the morons around here but the impact on our economy from forcing China in to a fair trade agreement has very little effect on our economy.

Your charts are misleading and you know it. Separating CPI by imports from China doesn't show the absolute dollar amount in relationship with the overall cost of goods consumed in America.

You are a very emotional and a little unstable, Retardo. That probably explains your inability to rationally address topics that contradict your ideological worldview. Living above the cloud line with a dearth of oxygen and staring at mountain goats all day without much human contact must do that to an individual.

This graph demonstrates that the higher taxes on trade are causing the prices on those goods to rise, as any Econ 101 student knows. That's it. I didn't write anything about a recession. However, it does appear that the economy is slowing because of higher trade taxes.

Spending on factories, equipment and other capital goods slowed in the first quarter among a broad cross-section of large, U.S.-listed firms, highlighting investor concerns that a key driver of economic growth is fading. ...

Executives at several companies said lingering trade tensions with China were making them and their customers cautious, raising the prospect that slower business spending could hamper economic growth later in 2019 and in 2020.​

Big Companies Tightened Spending as Trade Fears Intensified

Hmm, higher taxes might cause the economy to slow. Who would have ever thought that?

You and the link is stupid as hell

View attachment 262302
Why did you post? Did you just want everyone to know your hurt and unable to articulate a cognitive thought or argument in this discussion? If that was it, it was an effort of futility.

Why did you post, did you bother to read the fucking link?
Your post was non-descriptive. It would've been helpful had you said why it was stupid as hell and perhaps give some examples and perhaps a link or two of your own.
You globalists crack me up. And I've already slapped you a dozen times over this bullshit.

We exported 120 Billion to China last year. We imported 539 Billion from China last year.

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with China

Our GDP is 20 fucking TRILLION!

Now you're screaming the sky is falling over prices going up on beads and trinkets.which amount to less than 5% of GDP.

You may get away with bullshitting the morons around here but the impact on our economy from forcing China in to a fair trade agreement has very little effect on our economy.

Your charts are misleading and you know it. Separating CPI by imports from China doesn't show the absolute dollar amount in relationship with the overall cost of goods consumed in America.

You are a very emotional and a little unstable, Retardo. That probably explains your inability to rationally address topics that contradict your ideological worldview. Living above the cloud line with a dearth of oxygen and staring at mountain goats all day without much human contact must do that to an individual.

This graph demonstrates that the higher taxes on trade are causing the prices on those goods to rise, as any Econ 101 student knows. That's it. I didn't write anything about a recession. However, it does appear that the economy is slowing because of higher trade taxes.

Spending on factories, equipment and other capital goods slowed in the first quarter among a broad cross-section of large, U.S.-listed firms, highlighting investor concerns that a key driver of economic growth is fading. ...

Executives at several companies said lingering trade tensions with China were making them and their customers cautious, raising the prospect that slower business spending could hamper economic growth later in 2019 and in 2020.​

Big Companies Tightened Spending as Trade Fears Intensified

Hmm, higher taxes might cause the economy to slow. Who would have ever thought that?

You and the link is stupid as hell

View attachment 262302
Why did you post? Did you just want everyone to know your hurt and unable to articulate a cognitive thought or argument in this discussion? If that was it, it was an effort of futility.

Why did you post, did you bother to read the fucking link?
Your post was non-descriptive. It would've been helpful had you said why it was stupid as hell and perhaps give some examples and perhaps a link or two of your own.

It's in the link, manufacturing is not raising prices even though prices on Chinese goods rose artificially.. and that's a good question, solar panels manufacturing in Georgia was pressing for the tariffs because they said China was dumping and they couldn't compete.

You are a very emotional and a little unstable, Retardo. That probably explains your inability to rationally address topics that contradict your ideological worldview. Living above the cloud line with a dearth of oxygen and staring at mountain goats all day without much human contact must do that to an individual.

This graph demonstrates that the higher taxes on trade are causing the prices on those goods to rise, as any Econ 101 student knows. That's it. I didn't write anything about a recession. However, it does appear that the economy is slowing because of higher trade taxes.

Spending on factories, equipment and other capital goods slowed in the first quarter among a broad cross-section of large, U.S.-listed firms, highlighting investor concerns that a key driver of economic growth is fading. ...

Executives at several companies said lingering trade tensions with China were making them and their customers cautious, raising the prospect that slower business spending could hamper economic growth later in 2019 and in 2020.​

Big Companies Tightened Spending as Trade Fears Intensified

Hmm, higher taxes might cause the economy to slow. Who would have ever thought that?

You and the link is stupid as hell

View attachment 262302
Why did you post? Did you just want everyone to know your hurt and unable to articulate a cognitive thought or argument in this discussion? If that was it, it was an effort of futility.

Why did you post, did you bother to read the fucking link?
Your post was non-descriptive. It would've been helpful had you said why it was stupid as hell and perhaps give some examples and perhaps a link or two of your own.

It's in the link, manufacturing is not raising prices even though prices on Chinese goods rose artificially.. and that's a good question, solar manufacturing in Georgia was pressing for the tariffs because they said China was dumping and they couldn't compete.

And why didn't you say that?
Saying something is stupid is not discussion, saying why something is stupid is.

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