Who poses the greatest danger to democracy......Republicans or democrats?

since you didnt know antifa and BLM are political terrorist groups there really isnt much to talk about,,,


I don't seem to recall a BLM or Antifa primary, convention, debates, etc... So I don't see how they are political.

Please provide some proof of your allegation of their being political.

As long as you want to keep digging your own grave, I'll be happy to keep handing you shovels.

I don't seem to recall a BLM or Antifa primary, convention, debates, etc... So I don't see how they are political.

Please provide some proof of your allegation of their being political.

As long as you want to keep digging your own grave, I'll be happy to keep handing you shovels.
when did I say they were a political party??

see thats why you won in your mind,, when in reality the subject flew so far over your head it might as well been a space shuttle,,,
at least I know what a constitutional republic is,,,

as for arguing like a child, thats what youre doing by making it personal,,,

its OK to be wrong,, just dont bite the hand that corrects you,,
For the future,you would be better off ignoring him.go onto a kennedy thread in the conspiracy section sometime,you’ll find he won’t debate facts of overwhelming evidence oswald was innocent and multiple shooters pulled it off,instead of addressing or trying to refute the evidence he just says crap like the Warren commission tells everything you need to know about the assassination,then dismisses evidence you give as being a conspiracy theorist blah blah blah,that’s the mindset of who your dealing with. :cuckoo:
For the future,you would be better off ignoring him.go onto a kennedy thread in the conspiracy section sometime,you’ll find he won’t debate facts of overwhelming evidence oswald was innocent and multiple shooters pulled it off,instead of addressing or trying to refute the evidence he just says crap like the Warren commission tells everything you need to know about the assassination,then dismisses evidence you give as being a conspiracy theorist blah blah blah,that’s the mindset of who your dealing with. :cuckoo:
I knew I fucked up when I responded to him and I wasnt disappointed,,
space shuttle!!!!
they admit they are you stupid fuck
Yet amazingly, unlike the guy who sent the bombs to everyone, unlike the insurrection attempt on 1/6, and unlike the folks who tried to kidnap the governor…they don’t seem very vocal about the politics
I knew I fucked up when I responded to him and I wasnt disappointed,,
Considering the monumental ass kicking Ive delivered to you…that’s an understatement
I say democrats..........how say ye?

Democrats always represent the opposite. Even their name.

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