Who really lose should the NFL cease to exist, thanks to Trump!!

Black athletes could come up with another way to display their activism, and give up on pissing off half their fan base by disrespecting our country when they kneel during the Anthem.
Related information. The NFL was founded in the 1920s, the first black player was in 1949.

Might want to rethink your idea that the NFL would die without African American players, JS.
OK, you run with an all-white NFL.......:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Black athletes could come up with another way to display their activism, and give up on pissing off half their fan base by disrespecting our country when they kneel during the Anthem.
NFL players kneeling during the national anthem are not disrepecting the country just like Rosa Parks wasn't disrespecting buses by refusing to stand. But you know this......it's easier for you to lie and misrepresent than it is to face that we have a problem with police abuse in this country.
Colin Krapernick must be desperate as hell.

Police responded to Mabel Murful call yesterday and reported seeing Colin stealing her husbands socks and underwear off of her clothes line. She told officers she would not press charges if he returns the socks and underwear
Tigger, only a tiny smidgen of the white population is in an interracial marriage or relationship. Don't let the BET fool you, sugar dumpling.

Colin Krapernick must be desperate as hell.

Police responded to Mabel Murful call yesterday and reported seeing Colin stealing her husbands socks and underwear off of her clothes line. She told officers she would not press charges if he returns the socks and underwear
That's convincing right there.
Related information. The NFL was founded in the 1920s, the first black player was in 1949.

Might want to rethink your idea that the NFL would die without African American players, JS.
OK, you run with an all-white NFL.......:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Meh, I'm just passing on information. I'm a Green Bay fan because my husband's from Wisconsin, that's about the extent of my give a fuck as to what happens to the NFL.

As to the larger political picture, I do not appreciate the disrespect to the country and our military, but people are assholes so what's new? Hell I run into assholes who have no respect for my life every time I drive on the roads... That there are some "victim's" throwing a tantrum really doesn't surprise me at all, most of the men in tights I run into are pussies ~shrug~
Related information. The NFL was founded in the 1920s, the first black player was in 1949.

Might want to rethink your idea that the NFL would die without African American players, JS.
OK, you run with an all-white NFL.......:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Why not? You think blacks are superior to whites or something? I thought you leftist dykes were all about everybody is equal, regardless of race?

What happened?
Colin Krapernick must be desperate as hell.

Police responded to Mabel Murful call yesterday and reported seeing Colin stealing her husbands socks and underwear off of her clothes line. She told officers she would not press charges if he returns the socks and underwear
That's convincing right there.

I know, right?
There are 34 million blacks in this country, give or take a few. Of that 34 million, lets just say for sake of arguing there are 100,000 black professional athletes, in both the NFL and NBA. I'm sure its much less. But that is the total I am alotting for this discussion. So if black men continue to kneel and somehow the league cease, who really suffers in all this?

Black men certainly will lose out conciderably, no other industry in the world alots so much money for so few years of servise, even to the most uneducated alike... than the sports industry. So 100,000 millionaires out of 34 million blacks off the tables....but here's who else loses out, white boys...read on:

1) White owners.....because a all white NFL, ain't gonna cut the bacon and you all know it.
2) The advertising industry, low viewership means low yeilds
3) White companies that merchandise the sports industry, which means workers laid off
4) Concession stand venues and the companies that feed them their products, again, workers laid off
5) And lets not forget the trickle down effects, from ticket vendors, to the companies that print those tickets
6) The feds, all the revenue it recieves in taxes from both owners and players
7) But the most important loss of all.....having angry pathetic white people at home, all housed up for the winter, with nothing to watch on TV.....but past NFL games they DVR'd years ago and white women trying to figure out how to get rich off a ni****, some other way!!

It's called karma, keep disrespecting our troops, you may lose your comfy lifestyle. If they are that ignorant you deserve to be poor.
Kneeling during the anthem disrespects our troops like Rosa Parks disrespected buses.
Miss Park's refused to get out of a bus seat. You should stand at an event during the anthem. Out of respect for the men and women that sacrificed some with their life. So you have the freedoms you enjoy.
Black athletes could come up with another way to display their activism, and give up on pissing off half their fan base by disrespecting our country when they kneel during the Anthem.
NFL players kneeling during the national anthem are not disrepecting the country just like Rosa Parks wasn't disrespecting buses by refusing to stand. But you know this......it's easier for you to lie and misrepresent than it is to face that we have a problem with police abuse in this country.

They know kneeling is a hot button and pisses off half the country, that's why they're doing it in the first place. It's disrespectful, and if they want all of our support, find another way to protest.
Related information. The NFL was founded in the 1920s, the first black player was in 1949.

Might want to rethink your idea that the NFL would die without African American players, JS.
OK, you run with an all-white NFL.......:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Why wouldn't it work?

People go to cheer on the home team. As long as their team wins they
could care less if there were any Jaboni's on it.

The last thing this country needs to survive is blacks.

90% of the paying crowd is white...Do you think they'll attend the

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