Who really owns Palestine?

Yet it defined the whole of islam and how it views the law according to allah. If they want it they will take and then use force to stop you taking it back.
Islam is not an "it", you racist piece of shit!

Islam is a "race"?

All islam is, is a made up religion from the 7c that uses stolen religious tracts from other religions to give in an identity. It was invented by a mentally deranged camel herder in medina about 623 CE while he was having one of his frontal lobe epilepsy attacks. He already had a knowledge of Judaism and Christianity as they had been part of his life and the area for 500 years or more. Being a murdering caravan robber he decide to invent islam based on one of the lesser gods of the arabs to legitimise his criminal ways. So he elevated allah a minor moon god to a position of head god and had him delivering commands to the arabs. These commands were mainly to do with thieving, murder and rape to attract the maximum numbers of followers to his new religion. On one of his many thieving trips he came across the Jews and demanded they fall down in the sand and worship him and his god, the Jews refused so he ordered his men to systematically murder the men and older women then to rape the children. That set the scene for how islam is today a murdering, thieving, rapacious religion that has no place in a civilised world.
Islam is not an "it", you racist piece of shit!

Islam is a "race"?

All islam is, is a made up religion from the 7c that uses stolen religious tracts from other religions to give in an identity. It was invented by a mentally deranged camel herder in medina about 623 CE while he was having one of his frontal lobe epilepsy attacks. He already had a knowledge of Judaism and Christianity as they had been part of his life and the area for 500 years or more. Being a murdering caravan robber he decide to invent islam based on one of the lesser gods of the arabs to legitimise his criminal ways. So he elevated allah a minor moon god to a position of head god and had him delivering commands to the arabs. These commands were mainly to do with thieving, murder and rape to attract the maximum numbers of followers to his new religion. On one of his many thieving trips he came across the Jews and demanded they fall down in the sand and worship him and his god, the Jews refused so he ordered his men to systematically murder the men and older women then to rape the children. That set the scene for how islam is today a murdering, thieving, rapacious religion that has no place in a civilised world.

Judaism stole religious stories from Sumer, Ugarit and Egypt.
You are completely full of shit!

According to the King Crane Commission report in 1919, jews made up only 10% of the population of Palestine.

Totally irrelevant as it has nothing to do with the owners disposal of the land. The 10% of Jews owned 40% of the land with the muslims owning less than 5%. So why should the muslims get the lions share.

It also concluded a jewish state could not be created in Palestine without a grave trespass on the existing non-Jewish population.

And it also showed that the majority of occupiers of Jerusalem were Jewish, and yet the UN decided to allow the muslims to take control. The Jews allowed the muslims access to shared historic religious sites only to find their sections defiled after muslim incursion. Let the muslims buy the land from its last legal owners, or better put the land up for auction and see who will finish owning the land.

It doesn't matter how many lies you come up with to describe the existing non-Jewish population at that time, nothing changes the fact that they were living there for 2000 years before Zionists showed up and they have rights.

So were is the proof that muslims that never existed before 627 CE had a 2000 year history in Palestine and the Jews who owned the land can not trace their occupation back further. And use the UN charters rule of no land can be gained by war in your answer

Arabs were in Palestine long before Islam.

And there were 10,000 Jews in Damascus by 70 BC.

Yes nomadic arabs like the Bedouin who are the closest you will get to the origin arab's of the area. The mongrels claiming the land were not even muslim when Palestine was first called Palestine and very few of them are even arab.
RoccoR said:
I did not specify a justification. However, every nation has the right to self-defense under Chapter VII, Article 51 of the Charter.

You never posted anything on how the Palestinians became exempt from international law.

You think that the Palestinians have no right to self defense.

You’re perpetually confused, tin-less. Firstly, there are no “Palestinians”. An invented people with an invented identity doesn’t magically confer a status of nationality to squatters.

Secondly, it’s laughable to suggest that continued hostilities on the part of “Palestinian” arab Terrorists can in any wau be defined as self defense.

You spend too much time with your face in Israeli propaganda.

Henceforth, Palestinian nationality was first founded, according to international law, on 6 August 1924. And “treaty nationality in Palestine runs from that date.”139 The Treaty of Lausanne had transformed the de facto status of Palestinian nationality into de jure existence from the angle of international law.140 Meanwhile, the Ottoman Empire ceased to exist.141 Likewise, on 6 August 1924, for the first time ever, international law certified the birth of the ‘Palestinian people’ as distinct from all other peoples.

Genesis of Citizenship in Palestine and Israel
Islam is a "race"?

All islam is, is a made up religion from the 7c that uses stolen religious tracts from other religions to give in an identity. It was invented by a mentally deranged camel herder in medina about 623 CE while he was having one of his frontal lobe epilepsy attacks. He already had a knowledge of Judaism and Christianity as they had been part of his life and the area for 500 years or more. Being a murdering caravan robber he decide to invent islam based on one of the lesser gods of the arabs to legitimise his criminal ways. So he elevated allah a minor moon god to a position of head god and had him delivering commands to the arabs. These commands were mainly to do with thieving, murder and rape to attract the maximum numbers of followers to his new religion. On one of his many thieving trips he came across the Jews and demanded they fall down in the sand and worship him and his god, the Jews refused so he ordered his men to systematically murder the men and older women then to rape the children. That set the scene for how islam is today a murdering, thieving, rapacious religion that has no place in a civilised world.

Judaism stole religious stories from Sumer, Ugarit and Egypt.

Study the fact that Ham, Yafeth and Shem each went their own ways and wrote history from their own point of view?
Henceforth, Palestinian nationality was first founded, according to international law, on 6 August 1924. And “treaty nationality in Palestine runs from that date.”139 The Treaty of Lausanne had transformed the de facto status of Palestinian nationality into de jure existence from the angle of international law.140 Meanwhile, the Ottoman Empire ceased to exist.141 Likewise, on 6 August 1924, for the first time ever, international law certified the birth of the ‘Palestinian people’ as distinct from all other peoples.

Genesis of Citizenship in Palestine and Israel

for the record-----Mr Tinman----cut and pasted a propagandaist article written by
an arabist ------it is a silly bit of sophistry and was written in 2010

I woinder if Mr. Tinman will produce that document which "CERTIFIED
OTHER NATIONS" go for it tinny Somehow arab muslims living in
israel and in gaza and samaria did not know about it until the 1960s ----
Even the British who inherited the "palestine mandate" did not know
about it
You never posted anything on how the Palestinians became exempt from international law.

You think that the Palestinians have no right to self defense.

You’re perpetually confused, tin-less. Firstly, there are no “Palestinians”. An invented people with an invented identity doesn’t magically confer a status of nationality to squatters.

Secondly, it’s laughable to suggest that continued hostilities on the part of “Palestinian” arab Terrorists can in any wau be defined as self defense.

You spend too much time with your face in Israeli propaganda.

Henceforth, Palestinian nationality was first founded, according to international law, on 6 August 1924. And “treaty nationality in Palestine runs from that date.”139 The Treaty of Lausanne had transformed the de facto status of Palestinian nationality into de jure existence from the angle of international law.140 Meanwhile, the Ottoman Empire ceased to exist.141 Likewise, on 6 August 1924, for the first time ever, international law certified the birth of the ‘Palestinian people’ as distinct from all other peoples.

Genesis of Citizenship in Palestine and Israel

Not at all tinn’less. Unlike you, I’m able to make distinctions between a virulently hateful politico-religious ideology such as Islamism vs. democratic ideals and principles as practiced by Israel.

Israel's government has agreed in principle to the creation of a sovereign “Palestinian” state, but with the proviso that any such state must 1) recognize Israel and concede its right to exist; and 2) maintain control over its people sufficient to prevent further violence against Israelis and their lands. Anyone with three functioning brain cells (you’re excused), can see that the Hamas controlled terrorist enclave of “Palestinian” arabs has no intention of fulfilling that obligation. Not only are rockets still flying out of the “Palestinian” arab terrorist zones, we still have the Hamas Charter which exists in practice and in spirit being implemented. Hamas spokes-terrorists have repeated their refusal to recognize Israel, now or ever. So a “Palestinian” state accorded full sovereignty would automatically be at war with Israel from the moment of establishment.

You Islamic terrorist supporters / enablers are a loathsome bunch.
So were is the proof that muslims that never existed before 627 CE had a 2000 year history in Palestine and the Jews who owned the land can not trace their occupation back further. And use the UN charters rule of no land can be gained by war in your answer

Arabs were in Palestine long before Islam.

And there were 10,000 Jews in Damascus by 70 BC.

Yes nomadic arabs like the Bedouin who are the closest you will get to the origin arab's of the area. The mongrels claiming the land were not even muslim when Palestine was first called Palestine and very few of them are even arab.

Sharoona----everyone is everyone------the entire human species is ONE SINGLE
SPECIES -----that there were a few nomads that originated in arabia --and ended
up in the negev ------is pretty much meaningless--------a few of just about every nation
ended up-----all over the world ---even thousands of years ago.

now we got bugs in my town ------that came recently from JAPAN-----ITS
THE CIRCLE OF LIFE ------HOWEVER ---humans were actually better at
spreading themselves all over the glove than are individual species of bugs

LONG before 2000 years ago JEWS lived in dozens of different countries.
You are making a case for a JEWISH IRAN, a JEWISH AFGHANISTAN and
VERY DEFINITELY a JEWISH IRAQ---------thanks..........
You’re perpetually confused, tin-less. Firstly, there are no “Palestinians”. An invented people with an invented identity doesn’t magically confer a status of nationality to squatters.

Secondly, it’s laughable to suggest that continued hostilities on the part of “Palestinian” arab Terrorists can in any wau be defined as self defense.

You spend too much time with your face in Israeli propaganda.

Henceforth, Palestinian nationality was first founded, according to international law, on 6 August 1924. And “treaty nationality in Palestine runs from that date.”139 The Treaty of Lausanne had transformed the de facto status of Palestinian nationality into de jure existence from the angle of international law.140 Meanwhile, the Ottoman Empire ceased to exist.141 Likewise, on 6 August 1924, for the first time ever, international law certified the birth of the ‘Palestinian people’ as distinct from all other peoples.

Genesis of Citizenship in Palestine and Israel

Not at all tinn’less. Unlike you, I’m able to make distinctions between a virulently hateful politico-religious ideology such as Islamism vs. democratic ideals and principles as practiced by Israel.

Israel's government has agreed in principle to the creation of a sovereign “Palestinian” state, but with the proviso that any such state must 1) recognize Israel and concede its right to exist; and 2) maintain control over its people sufficient to prevent further violence against Israelis and their lands. Anyone with three functioning brain cells (you’re excused), can see that the Hamas controlled terrorist enclave of “Palestinian” arabs has no intention of fulfilling that obligation. Not only are rockets still flying out of the “Palestinian” arab terrorist zones, we still have the Hamas Charter which exists in practice and in spirit being implemented. Hamas spokes-terrorists have repeated their refusal to recognize Israel, now or ever. So a “Palestinian” state accorded full sovereignty would automatically be at war with Israel from the moment of establishment.

You Islamic terrorist supporters / enablers are a loathsome bunch.

“Palestinian” arabs has no intention of fulfilling that obligation.

Who says those are obligations? They are not legal requirements.
Islam is a "race"?

All islam is, is a made up religion from the 7c that uses stolen religious tracts from other religions to give in an identity. It was invented by a mentally deranged camel herder in medina about 623 CE while he was having one of his frontal lobe epilepsy attacks. He already had a knowledge of Judaism and Christianity as they had been part of his life and the area for 500 years or more. Being a murdering caravan robber he decide to invent islam based on one of the lesser gods of the arabs to legitimise his criminal ways. So he elevated allah a minor moon god to a position of head god and had him delivering commands to the arabs. These commands were mainly to do with thieving, murder and rape to attract the maximum numbers of followers to his new religion. On one of his many thieving trips he came across the Jews and demanded they fall down in the sand and worship him and his god, the Jews refused so he ordered his men to systematically murder the men and older women then to rape the children. That set the scene for how islam is today a murdering, thieving, rapacious religion that has no place in a civilised world.

Judaism stole religious stories from Sumer, Ugarit and Egypt.

wrong again -----jews originated in Sumer and wrote their own
tracts There are no sumer or egyptian or ugarit tracts incorporated
in the jewish scriptural writings-----all you have is superficial similarities
in legends myths and historical accounts ------Islam lifts stuff whole----
and incorporates it------a bit messed up info what they claim is their own
Islam is not an "it", you racist piece of shit!

You really need to learn about religion as islam is an it. It is a religion and nothing more, a vile evil bloodthirsty religion that see violence as the answer to everthing but still just a religion

You cant be racist towards a religion that has all races as members so your screech of fury at being shown you support and defend the most vile, evil, violent and bloodthirsty religion ever invented.

Christianity and Judaism also have violent ... bloodthirsty periods.

yes----the exception to the rule-----in the past 500 years the major genocidal
ideologies have been communism, nazism and islam -----in the past 50
years ISLAM WINS THE PRIZE. and counting.
You spend too much time with your face in Israeli propaganda.

Not at all tinn’less. Unlike you, I’m able to make distinctions between a virulently hateful politico-religious ideology such as Islamism vs. democratic ideals and principles as practiced by Israel.

Israel's government has agreed in principle to the creation of a sovereign “Palestinian” state, but with the proviso that any such state must 1) recognize Israel and concede its right to exist; and 2) maintain control over its people sufficient to prevent further violence against Israelis and their lands. Anyone with three functioning brain cells (you’re excused), can see that the Hamas controlled terrorist enclave of “Palestinian” arabs has no intention of fulfilling that obligation. Not only are rockets still flying out of the “Palestinian” arab terrorist zones, we still have the Hamas Charter which exists in practice and in spirit being implemented. Hamas spokes-terrorists have repeated their refusal to recognize Israel, now or ever. So a “Palestinian” state accorded full sovereignty would automatically be at war with Israel from the moment of establishment.

You Islamic terrorist supporters / enablers are a loathsome bunch.

“Palestinian” arabs has no intention of fulfilling that obligation.

Who says those are obligations? They are not legal requirements.

Who says "Palestinian" arab terrorists are capable of meeting legal requirements?
I, and my 14 million brothers and sisters are caretakers of it. But we don't own it...

"You can tell your children of the day everyone looked up...And realized we're only tenants of this world. We have been given a new lease, and a warning,
from the Landlord."
- "2010:The Odyssey Continues"
I, and my 14 million brothers and sisters are caretakers of it. But we don't own it...

"You can tell your children of the day everyone looked up...And realized we're only tenants of this world. We have been given a new lease, and a warning,
from the Landlord."
- "2010:The Odyssey Continues"

Except that God reiterates that the Land is an Inheritance.
So yes, the Children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob INDEED own the Land.
You spend too much time with your face in Israeli propaganda.

Not at all tinn’less. Unlike you, I’m able to make distinctions between a virulently hateful politico-religious ideology such as Islamism vs. democratic ideals and principles as practiced by Israel.

Israel's government has agreed in principle to the creation of a sovereign “Palestinian” state, but with the proviso that any such state must 1) recognize Israel and concede its right to exist; and 2) maintain control over its people sufficient to prevent further violence against Israelis and their lands. Anyone with three functioning brain cells (you’re excused), can see that the Hamas controlled terrorist enclave of “Palestinian” arabs has no intention of fulfilling that obligation. Not only are rockets still flying out of the “Palestinian” arab terrorist zones, we still have the Hamas Charter which exists in practice and in spirit being implemented. Hamas spokes-terrorists have repeated their refusal to recognize Israel, now or ever. So a “Palestinian” state accorded full sovereignty would automatically be at war with Israel from the moment of establishment.

You Islamic terrorist supporters / enablers are a loathsome bunch.

“Palestinian” arabs has no intention of fulfilling that obligation.

Who says those are obligations? They are not legal requirements.

Read 242 and see were they are in there, as well as every other UN resolution dealing with Israel and the muslims. What is not there is any mention of Palestine.
You never posted anything on how the Palestinians became exempt from international law.

You think that the Palestinians have no right to self defense.

You’re perpetually confused, tin-less. Firstly, there are no “Palestinians”. An invented people with an invented identity doesn’t magically confer a status of nationality to squatters.

Secondly, it’s laughable to suggest that continued hostilities on the part of “Palestinian” arab Terrorists can in any wau be defined as self defense.

You spend too much time with your face in Israeli propaganda.

Henceforth, Palestinian nationality was first founded, according to international law, on 6 August 1924. And “treaty nationality in Palestine runs from that date.”139 The Treaty of Lausanne had transformed the de facto status of Palestinian nationality into de jure existence from the angle of international law.140 Meanwhile, the Ottoman Empire ceased to exist.141 Likewise, on 6 August 1924, for the first time ever, international law certified the birth of the ‘Palestinian people’ as distinct from all other peoples.

Genesis of Citizenship in Palestine and Israel

From your link we see this which destroys your argument once and for all

Under the Turkish rule, according to the Ottoman Nationality Law of 19 January 1869,2 Palestine’s inhabitants were Ottoman citizens. At that time, legally speaking, there was nothing called Palestine, Palestinian nationality, or Palestinians,
So were is the proof that muslims that never existed before 627 CE had a 2000 year history in Palestine and the Jews who owned the land can not trace their occupation back further.
First off, you cannot "own" the land, if you are not actually "in" the land. And that was the reality for Zionists migrating into the area, who had no genealogical connection to the Israelites.

When and How Was the Jewish People Invented?

...many of today’s Israelis who emigrated from Europe after World War II have little or no genealogical connection to the land. According to...historical analysis, they are descendents of European converts, principally from the Kingdom of the Khazars in eastern Russia, who embraced Judaism in the Eighth Century, A.D.
Woogie boogie, mother-fucker. Woogie boogie.
And use the UN charters rule of no land can be gained by war in your answer
I already did in my post above regarding the King Crane Commission report. You didn't read it? Listen fuckface, I'm not going to hold your hand and tell you a bedtime story. You either get your shit together, or get the fuck out of a conversation you obviously don't have the chops to discuss.
Islam is a "race"?
I will answer that question, Hollie the Hate Whore...

...muslims are a race of people.

Definition of race
group of sentient beings, particularly people, distinguished by common heritage or characteristics
Now go back under your rock.

A cop out answer by a RABID RACIST NAZI JEWHATING ANTI SEMITIC muslims are not a race they followers of the most vile, evil bloodthirsty psychopathic religion ever to be invented. They are even worse than the excess of the Marxist when they starved 10 million Ukrainian peasants to death.

The killing machine that is islam has murdered hundreds of billions of innocents since its invention in 623CE. And the killing still goes on today.

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