Who said Goldman Sach's, had nothing to do with soaring food prices


VIP Member
Jan 17, 2010
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wdo6xDyibNI]Occupy Wall Street Declares Goldman Sachs Guilty - YouTube[/ame]

The level of corruption is mind-boggling! I feel so much anger after reading and watching videos of the avarice and the grand scale theft that is taking place that I have to calm myself down or else I'll have one. Chris Hedges is a very intelligent and very conscientious of the level of evil, greed and corruption that permeates society not just here in America, but worldwide. He is a great speaker and I admire his courage. More people need to hear this man speak and they can view some of his speeches on youtube.

I have a good video that just came out yesterday and it's hosted by Bill Moyers. Matt Taibbi and Yves Smith are the guests and they are very intelligent investigate journalists who investigate into the crimes of Wall St. and are critics of a seemingly lackadaisical government.
Something needs to done about these crooks who are passing themselves off as legitimate business people.

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