Who Shall Question The Questioners?


Sep 23, 2010
repost---Latin: Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Who will guard the guards themselves?



Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

is a Latin phrase from the Roman poet Juvenal,
which literally translates to

'Who will guard the guards themselves?', and is variously translated in colloquial English as

'Who watches the watchmen?',
'Who watches the watchers?',
'Who will guard the guardians?',
'Who shall watch the watchers?',
'Who polices the police?' or other similar translations.
‘Who Shall Question The Questioners?’
Writers on the Loose
Senator Cherokee Warren knows that a president cannot be made to testify before a committee or explain anything:

Warren chides Trump after MOAB strike on ISIS: ‘He’s gotta come in and explain himself’
By Douglas Ernst
Friday, April 14, 2017

Elizabeth Warren chides Trump after MOAB strike on ISIS: ‘He’s gotta come in and explain himself’

The fake Indian gave me an idea.

Members of Congress on a committee who were ever caught lying about anything should not be allowed to question witnesses. It is preposterous to require a witness to answer the questions of a known-liar even if witnesses like Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Susan Rice and Los Lerner are themselves proven-liars.

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