Who should go down for Fast and furious

WHO should go down for selling arms to terrorist for hostages?

Who should go down for outing a CIA agent for poltical purposes?

Someone will pay the price for this mess and it is NOT the big case you claim it is.

How I wish Obama had the guts to prosicute the last admin for thier lawbreaking.
Obama and Holder should both be impeached.
Obama and Holder have American blood on their hands


Border Patrol Agent Brian A. Terry, United States Department of Homeland Security - Customs and Border Protection - Border Patrol, U.S. Government
Should it be Holder or Obama or both:tongue:

We start with the ATF personal that approved the operation and took discriminatory action against the whistle blower. We then move over to the FBI and arrest anyone involved in approving the decision to transfer firearms to known felons. It then moves up to Holder. He is the head of the agency that had to approve the action. Once these clowns are facing real jail time. They will sing like canaries and arresting lawmakers can proceed.
That's RACIST!
Who should go down for Fast and furious?

All involved.

If the president went down it would strain racial tensions that are already close to their limits.

This is'nt a racial issue... its an issue of right and wrong.

Its just going to get swept under the rug eventually.... just wait. There will be something else to distract us from it soon enough.... Like maybe another missing baby, or another Hollywood star showing their butt in a club or something.

You know... business as usual.

Oh yeah, PASS THIS BILL. :doubt:
Who should go down for Fast and furious?

All involved.

If the president went down it would strain racial tensions that are already close to their limits.

This is'nt a racial issue... its an issue of right and wrong.

Its just going to get swept under the rug eventually.... just wait. There will be something else to distract us from it soon enough.... Like maybe another missing baby, or another Hollywood star showing their butt in a club or something.

You know... business as usual.

Oh yeah, PASS THIS BILL. :doubt:

The OCTOBER SURPRISE if you recall will be the release of Obambo the movie and how he got Bin Laden. That should be followed by the new action figure.

Who should go down for Fast and furious?

All involved.

If the president went down it would strain racial tensions that are already close to their limits.

This is'nt a racial issue... its an issue of right and wrong.

Its just going to get swept under the rug eventually.... just wait. There will be something else to distract us from it soon enough.... Like maybe another missing baby, or another Hollywood star showing their butt in a club or something.

You know... business as usual.

Oh yeah, PASS THIS BILL. :doubt:

We can't let this be swept away! Obama may not be impeached, but he has to go down in November. This action we will remember!
If the president went down it would strain racial tensions that are already close to their limits.

This is'nt a racial issue... its an issue of right and wrong.

Its just going to get swept under the rug eventually.... just wait. There will be something else to distract us from it soon enough.... Like maybe another missing baby, or another Hollywood star showing their butt in a club or something.

You know... business as usual.

Oh yeah, PASS THIS BILL. :doubt:

The OCTOBER SURPRISE if you recall will be the release of Obambo the movie and how he got Bin Laden. That should be followed by the new action figure.


There should be a note on that gun..."To Mexico with Love. USA"
Holder is done for.

Obama is now on the record as having no knowledge of the operation.

If that turns out to be a lie, he'll be toast in the general election.
the only way we can hold him responsible is at the ballot box !! but I/m afraid that will be the match that starts a firestorm of rebellion by the left !!! it is going to get ugly !!

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