Who Should NOT Be Allowed to Vote?

Who Should NOT be Allowed to Vote?

  • felons

    Votes: 16 61.5%
  • welfare recipients

    Votes: 14 53.8%
  • anyne on the dole (to include entitlements like social security)

    Votes: 7 26.9%
  • People with IQ's under 80

    Votes: 11 42.3%
  • the clinically insane

    Votes: 20 76.9%
  • non-citizens

    Votes: 23 88.5%
  • those who cannot speak Anglish

    Votes: 12 46.2%
  • those who will not take a loyalty oath to the Republic

    Votes: 9 34.6%
  • those who cannot pay a fee to vote

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • those who do not own property

    Votes: 6 23.1%
  • blacks

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • whites

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • men

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • women

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • no one should be able to vote

    Votes: 1 3.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
welfare recipients
People with IQ's under 80
the clinically insane
those who cannot speak English
those who will not take a loyalty oath to the Republic
Voter qualifications should be left up to the individual states and federal courts should not have appellate jurisdiction.

Personally, I think the country started going down the tubes when the 19th amendment passed.

that's pretty stupid hopefully you were being facetious
The last six years has proven that universal voting rights do not work. Eventually the crooks promise enough to the stupid that the crooks run things and drive a nation into disaster.

We have the right to limit the vote if we so choose to protect our Republic, and we already do. No one as of yet anyway, is demanding that children be allowed to vote, but I would bet some leftwing jack ass is advocating just that sort of thing.

And the Oligarchs use judges to overturn freely approved laws anyway for any hair-brained idea that they have anyway; a vote of one over-riding the votes of millions.

So if we could change the Constitution, who should NOT be allowed to vote?

Anyone who listens to Rush Limbaugh

I thought some PC Nazi bastard like you would eventually speak up.

So listening to Rush Limbaugh means you are not fit to vote?

Spoken like a true Nazi.

Rush Limbaugh listeners are low information voters
Anyone who listens to Rush Limbaugh

I thought some PC Nazi bastard like you would eventually speak up.

So listening to Rush Limbaugh means you are not fit to vote?

Spoken like a true Nazi.

Rush Limbaugh listeners are low information voters

So is he.

Disgusting that anyone even considers taking basic rights away from people just because they're veterans, disabled, legal immigrants ....................

#JimBowie1958 is the Nazi.
Here's my list of who should be barred from voting:.....

Felons: In many areas this is already the case. These individuals have proven they cannot live within the rule of law, so why should they be allowed to have a say in the system.

Welfare Recipients/Anyone on the Dole: These individuals do not put anything into the system. In fact they are takers from the system. We don't allow employees to demans raises at gunpoint, so why would we do effectively the exact same thing by allowing these people to trade their votes for additional funding from Unconstitutional programs that shouldn't have been funding them in the first place?

People with exceptionally low IQ/Clinically Insane: These individuals, often as a result of things beyond their own choice, are not capable of understanding what they are doing, or making informed and educated judgements on the appropriateness of candidates. Our system only works when the Informed and Educated are the foundation of the system. These people do not meet that criteria.

Non-Citizens: The fact that the number on this line is anything less than 100% scares the living hell out of me. Why would we allow individuals who are not citizens to have a voice in our Government?

Individuals who are not competent in English: The very fact that we have a system where ballots can be obtained in any language other than the main language spoken in the country disappoints me greatly. Even if it's not our "Official" language, the main language spoken in this nation over the last two and a half centuries is AMERICAN ENGLISH. If you want to be part of America and be involved in the system, speak English. If not, too bad.

Women: I understand this will not be a popular choice among many people here. Women were never intended to be involved in the Government in any way. How many Founding Mothers signed the Declaration of Independence? How many female names are on the US Constitution? NONE. There's a reason for that.... women are not and never were intended to be involved in Politics.
Voter qualifications should be left up to the individual states and federal courts should not have appellate jurisdiction.

Personally, I think the country started going down the tubes when the 19th amendment passed.

that's pretty stupid hopefully you were being facetious

The only stupidity displayed is in the responses it gives rise to.
Very few don't have to look it up to know what it means.
I thought some PC Nazi bastard like you would eventually speak up.

So listening to Rush Limbaugh means you are not fit to vote?

Spoken like a true Nazi.

Rush Limbaugh listeners are low information voters


The average dittohead can at least discuss the major issues, unlike the average run of the mill libtard.

Dittoheads have proven themselves incapable of rational thought and should be blocked from voting
I agree with all but two.

Here's my list of who should be barred from voting:.....

Welfare Recipients/Anyone on the Dole: These individuals do not put anything into the system. In fact they are takers from the system. We don't allow employees to demans raises at gunpoint, so why would we do effectively the exact same thing by allowing these people to trade their votes for additional funding from Unconstitutional programs that shouldn't have been funding them in the first place?

Would 'on the dole' include people who have retired on their social security? They have paid into the social security system, so why cant they draw on it and vote?

Non-Citizens: The fact that the number on this line is anything less than 100% scares the living hell out of me. Why would we allow individuals who are not citizens to have a voice in our Government?

Agreed, that is one more sign how our culture and sense of self-preservation as a people has been completely destroyed by the Big Lie media.

Women: I understand this will not be a popular choice among many people here. Women were never intended to be involved in the Government in any way. How many Founding Mothers signed the Declaration of Independence? How many female names are on the US Constitution? NONE. There's a reason for that.... women are not and never were intended to be involved in Politics.

Lol, man, did you ever open a can of 'Whoop Ass' on yourself.

I will pray for you that none of the gals in your family get wind of this, lolol.
Would 'on the dole' include people who have retired on their social security? They have paid into the social security system, so why cant they draw on it and vote?

I believe that all SS monies should be returned to those who have paid them over the years and the program completely and totally disbanded. Period. End of story. The program is Illegal and unConstitutional.

Agreed, that is one more sign how our culture and sense of self-preservation as a people has been completely destroyed by the Big Lie media.

Very much so.

Lol, man, did you ever open a can of 'Whoop Ass' on yourself.

I will pray for you that none of the gals in your family get wind of this, lolol.

The women in my family agree, and don't vote. Nor does my fiance, who will become my wife in about eight and a half weeks. As for the can of "whoop ass".... let them bring it on. It's not going to change my mind and it's always cute to see the girls get all mad and pouty.

The average dittohead can at least discuss the major issues, unlike the average run of the mill libtard.

Dittoheads have proven themselves incapable of rational thought and should be blocked from voting

What proof do you have?

Oh wait, you PC Nazis don't need proof. May bad.

Would 'on the dole' include people who have retired on their social security? They have paid into the social security system, so why cant they draw on it and vote?

I believe that all SS monies should be returned to those who have paid them over the years and the program completely and totally disbanded. Period. End of story. The program is Illegal and unConstitutional.

Agreed, that is one more sign how our culture and sense of self-preservation as a people has been completely destroyed by the Big Lie media.

Very much so.

Lol, man, did you ever open a can of 'Whoop Ass' on yourself.

I will pray for you that none of the gals in your family get wind of this, lolol.

The women in my family agree, and don't vote. Nor does my fiance, who will become my wife in about eight and a half weeks. As for the can of "whoop ass".... let them bring it on. It's not going to change my mind and it's always cute to see the girls get all mad and pouty.

But, I'll bet you cash your check every month.

Do you tell 'your' wimmin how to vote?

Funny thing is, you can't go in the booth with them.
Who Should NOT Be Allowed to Vote?
Anyone who is not a citizen. Citizens should be able to demonstrate their right to vote with a birth certificate, and a piece of photo ID in order to match the name with a face.
But, I'll bet you cash your check every month.

Do you tell 'your' wimmin how to vote? Funny thing is, you can't go in the booth with them.

I don't get any money from the Government, so there's no check to cash. Even when I do reach an age to be eligible for Social Security/Medicare I will not take them. Hell, I wouldn't even take the unemployment I was entitled to about 12 years ago.

I don't need to tell anyone how to vote, or question whether they followed the instructions or not because the women in my family simply don't vote. If they don't vote, there's no worry on how they voted.

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