Who Should Replace Eric Holder?

How about Jamie Gorlick (can't get much more corrupt than that).

But if you need it....how about Valerie Jarrett ?
Eric Holder is just a piece of filth and anything could replace him and be a better AG.

The real question isn't who SHOULD replace Holder, the real question is who will give the Democrats the most leverage in the mid-term election with the moderates and independents.
Obviously, no one can really replace Eric Holder--much like President Obama, he's larger than life and cannot simply be replaced--so rather, who do you think should fill Holder's position as Attorney General? Faux News had a surprisingly good breakdown of potential names in the ring:

Five Candidates Who Could Replace AG Eric Holder Two Who Have Said No - Fox Nation


Yes, in the interest of multiculturalism and liberalism, I think an Iranian with abundant access to whips, ropes, and crane booms should be our next attorney general. Don't you agree, troll?

As long as that Iranian is an atheist who hates Islam and uses those whips and ropes in BDSM-intensive late-night activities, sure!

Oh, and she has to be a strong, independent womyn. There's no getting around it--our next Attorney General has to be a womyn.
As long as that Iranian is an atheist who hates Islam and uses those whips and ropes in BDSM-intensive late-night activities, sure!

Oh, and she has to be a strong, independent womyn. There's no getting around it--our next Attorney General has to be a womyn.

That's really funny...and sad.

Someone who really supported equal rights for Women, would not be promoting Gender Affirmative Action Quotas.
Oh, and she has to be a strong, independent womyn. There's no getting around it--our next Attorney General has to be a womyn.

Right, and if she has ambitions of emulating the last female attorney general, she better be a hardcore man-hating dyke whose first pronouncement will be: "I intend putting more white men on death row." Where the fuck does the left find these ogres?
As long as that Iranian is an atheist who hates Islam and uses those whips and ropes in BDSM-intensive late-night activities, sure!

Oh, and she has to be a strong, independent womyn. There's no getting around it--our next Attorney General has to be a womyn.

That's really funny...and sad.

Someone who really supported equal rights for Women, would not be promoting Gender Affirmative Action Quotas.

What are you saying--a true supporter of womyn's ryghts would sit back and let manpigs run the wyrld, as they have since the beginning of time? A real fymynyst stays in the kitchen "where she belongs"?

Get real. The ONLY way to secure equal ryghts is to take charge and force our way into the upper echelons of government, business, and society at large. The fact that Wrongpublicans are intensifying their Wyr yn Wymyn, and with it their opposition to equal pay for equal work, serves to underscore the need for a strong, independent womyn as our next AG. Or do you think that a manpig AG could handle this issue fairly and equitably?

They will have the same political beliefs as these people...but apply them to the law, and Whitey. Same thing Holder did.
As long as that Iranian is an atheist who hates Islam and uses those whips and ropes in BDSM-intensive late-night activities, sure!

Oh, and she has to be a strong, independent womyn. There's no getting around it--our next Attorney General has to be a womyn.

That's really funny...and sad.

Someone who really supported equal rights for Women, would not be promoting Gender Affirmative Action Quotas.

What are you saying--a true supporter of womyn's ryghts would sit back and let manpigs run the wyrld, as they have since the beginning of time? A real fymynyst stays in the kitchen "where she belongs"?

Get real. The ONLY way to secure equal ryghts is to take charge and force our way into the upper echelons of government, business, and society at large. The fact that Wrongpublicans are intensifying their Wyr yn Wymyn, and with it their opposition to equal pay for equal work, serves to underscore the need for a strong, independent womyn as our next AG. Or do you think that a manpig AG could handle this issue fairly and equitably?

It says a lot about you that you refer to half the human race as "manpigs".

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