Who Should Replace Eric Holder?

As long as that Iranian is an atheist who hates Islam and uses those whips and ropes in BDSM-intensive late-night activities, sure!

Oh, and she has to be a strong, independent womyn. There's no getting around it--our next Attorney General has to be a womyn.

That's really funny...and sad.

Someone who really supported equal rights for Women, would not be promoting Gender Affirmative Action Quotas.

What are you saying--a true supporter of womyn's ryghts would sit back and let manpigs run the wyrld, as they have since the beginning of time? A real fymynyst stays in the kitchen "where she belongs"?

Get real. The ONLY way to secure equal ryghts is to take charge and force our way into the upper echelons of government, business, and society at large. The fact that Wrongpublicans are intensifying their Wyr yn Wymyn, and with it their opposition to equal pay for equal work, serves to underscore the need for a strong, independent womyn as our next AG. Or do you think that a manpig AG could handle this issue fairly and equitably?
Women have equal rights now.
You just want the unfettered ability to file lawsuits at the slightest self imagined offense.
we've never had a female AG before....Right, Rachel?

False. Were you not around for the 1990's? Our second longest-serving Attorney General ever was Janet Reno, under Bill Clinton.
Stepped right into the trap.....What an idiot. Have you no recognition of sarcasm when you.....never mind. You have a room temperature IQ with a high awareness of guilt.
Obviously, no one can really replace Eric Holder--much like President Obama, he's larger than life and cannot simply be replaced--so rather, who do you think should fill Holder's position as Attorney General? Faux News had a surprisingly good breakdown of potential names in the ring:

Five Candidates Who Could Replace AG Eric Holder Two Who Have Said No - Fox Nation

1.) Don Verrilli

Verrilli, who serves as the nation's solicitor general, is a longtime Obama aide thought to be well liked within both the Justice Department and the West Wing.

Verrilli earned his greatest national prominence when he argued on behalf of the Obama administration in the 2012 Supreme Court case challenging the constitutionality of ObamaCare. Although legal experts initially panned his performance, Chief Justice John Roberts joined the court's liberal bloc to uphold the vast majority of the law.

3.) Kamala Harris

California Attorney General Kamala Harris is widely considered as one of the Democratic Party's rising stars, and is expected to eventually seek either the governor's mansion or a U.S. Senate seat. A stint in Washington could help raise her profile for such a campaign, and she has prominent boosters on Capitol Hill — House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) among them.

I was quite happy to see Harris' name in particular on this list, as she sprung to mind immediately as being a great option.

The highest law enforcement position in the land should be filled by one who views enforcing the laws is a service to the people and that job is to be performed without passion or prejudice.
Not some ideologue who has a political ax to grind.

I agree. It's a good thing that the office of Attorney General isn't that position.

Now get back on topic, please.
As long as that Iranian is an atheist who hates Islam and uses those whips and ropes in BDSM-intensive late-night activities, sure!

Oh, and she has to be a strong, independent womyn. There's no getting around it--our next Attorney General has to be a womyn.

That's really funny...and sad.

Someone who really supported equal rights for Women, would not be promoting Gender Affirmative Action Quotas.

What are you saying--a true supporter of womyn's ryghts would sit back and let manpigs run the wyrld, as they have since the beginning of time? A real fymynyst stays in the kitchen "where she belongs"?

Get real. The ONLY way to secure equal ryghts is to take charge and force our way into the upper echelons of government, business, and society at large. The fact that Wrongpublicans are intensifying their Wyr yn Wymyn, and with it their opposition to equal pay for equal work, serves to underscore the need for a strong, independent womyn as our next AG. Or do you think that a manpig AG could handle this issue fairly and equitably?
Women have equal rights now.

No, we don't. Womyn are only paid less than 80% of what manpigs are paid, no exceptions. At all. This is for 100% of all womyn everywhere in the country. All employers do this, no matter where womyn work. How can you possibly call that equality?

You just want the unfettered ability to file lawsuits at the slightest self imagined offense.

Obviously, no one can really replace Eric Holder--much like President Obama, he's larger than life and cannot simply be replaced--so rather, who do you think should fill Holder's position as Attorney General? Faux News had a surprisingly good breakdown of potential names in the ring:

Five Candidates Who Could Replace AG Eric Holder Two Who Have Said No - Fox Nation


Yes, in the interest of multiculturalism and liberalism, I think an Iranian with abundant access to whips, ropes, and crane booms should be our next attorney general. Don't you agree, troll?

As long as that Iranian is an atheist who hates Islam and uses those whips and ropes in BDSM-intensive late-night activities, sure!

Oh, and she has to be a strong, independent womyn. There's no getting around it--our next Attorney General has to be a womyn.
I agree. In the PC world of the Neo-Democratic Party she will be an overweight, Black/Native America, lesbian, in a wheelchair. That way all the victim bases can be touched and Obama would cater to every liberal idiot in the nation. Oh, and she will have to be a racist, Marxist, piece of shit. (like Holder).

While I firmly disagree with your characterization of Eric Holder, I absolutely love the idea of have a multiracial (with no parts white), lysbyyn, alternatively-abled, Fatfrican-American Attorney General.

Before I go to sleep tonight, I will cradle my President Obama figurine in my arms and offer secular wishes of hope and change, pleading with the omniscient intelligence of our Dear Leader to make your dream (and now mine) a reality.
Oh...so you're a self hating liberal white woman who wishes she had no uterus and thinks her lady parts are for the testing of cylindrical items made with synthetic materials.....
Batteries not included.
How bout someone who understands the Constitution and is willing to enforce existing Law?

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Even I couldn't say that with a straight face!

Good one! I laughed out loud. :)

No, we really need a radical lybyryl fymynyst who realizes that sometimes, in order to have the Justice Department live up to its name, some laws (for example, those concerning immigration) need to be allowed to be broken, while others must be very strictly enforced (hate crime, copyright violations, anything declared by executive order, etc.). We need someone who will advocate for womyn, chyldryn, and other minorities--not yet another shill for the white supremacist patriarchy like we saw under Ashcroft.
Obviously, no one can really replace Eric Holder--much like President Obama, he's larger than life and cannot simply be replaced--so rather, who do you think should fill Holder's position as Attorney General? Faux News had a surprisingly good breakdown of potential names in the ring:

Five Candidates Who Could Replace AG Eric Holder Two Who Have Said No - Fox Nation


Yes, in the interest of multiculturalism and liberalism, I think an Iranian with abundant access to whips, ropes, and crane booms should be our next attorney general. Don't you agree, troll?

As long as that Iranian is an atheist who hates Islam and uses those whips and ropes in BDSM-intensive late-night activities, sure!

Oh, and she has to be a strong, independent womyn. There's no getting around it--our next Attorney General has to be a womyn.
I agree. In the PC world of the Neo-Democratic Party she will be an overweight, Black/Native America, lesbian, in a wheelchair. That way all the victim bases can be touched and Obama would cater to every liberal idiot in the nation. Oh, and she will have to be a racist, Marxist, piece of shit. (like Holder).

While I firmly disagree with your characterization of Eric Holder, I absolutely love the idea of have a multiracial (with no parts white), lysbyyn, alternatively-abled, Fatfrican-American Attorney General.

Before I go to sleep tonight, I will cradle my President Obama figurine in my arms and offer secular wishes of hope and change, pleading with the omniscient intelligence of our Dear Leader to make your dream (and now mine) a reality.
Oh...so you're a self hating liberal white woman who wishes she had no uterus and thinks her lady parts are for the testing of cylindrical items made with synthetic materials.....
Batteries not included.

That's a pretty accurate description.

Although you left out the part where my vibrator is plastered with photos of President Obama.
That's a pretty accurate description.

Although you left out the part where my vibrator is plastered with photos of President Obama.
So he's doing to YOU what he's doing to the REST of the Country!

(Hat Tip to Woody Allen)

Giving me waves of pleasure? Helping me recover from tough times I experienced before He was around? Making me extremely happy at the end of the day? Being the greatest thing I can share with the people around me?

I suppose so!
As long as that Iranian is an atheist who hates Islam and uses those whips and ropes in BDSM-intensive late-night activities, sure!

Oh, and she has to be a strong, independent womyn. There's no getting around it--our next Attorney General has to be a womyn.

That's really funny...and sad.

Someone who really supported equal rights for Women, would not be promoting Gender Affirmative Action Quotas.

What are you saying--a true supporter of womyn's ryghts would sit back and let manpigs run the wyrld, as they have since the beginning of time? A real fymynyst stays in the kitchen "where she belongs"?

Get real. The ONLY way to secure equal ryghts is to take charge and force our way into the upper echelons of government, business, and society at large. The fact that Wrongpublicans are intensifying their Wyr yn Wymyn, and with it their opposition to equal pay for equal work, serves to underscore the need for a strong, independent womyn as our next AG. Or do you think that a manpig AG could handle this issue fairly and equitably?
Women have equal rights now.

No, we don't. Womyn are only paid less than 80% of what manpigs are paid, no exceptions. At all. This is for 100% of all womyn everywhere in the country. All employers do this, no matter where womyn work. How can you possibly call that equality?

You just want the unfettered ability to file lawsuits at the slightest self imagined offense.

Bullshit......That salary thing is a myth. Very clever accounting.
Women make up 54% of college undergrads. Women earn more than half of all advanced college degrees.
62% of Associates Degrees
57.4% of bachelor's degrees
62.6% of masters degrees
53.3% of Doctorates..
Fast Facts
These stats you lesbo feminazi lawsuit happy lily ledbetters keep harping on are so inaccurate, they are laughable.
The models for those stats leave out so many important factors that when one comes down to it, are rooted in basic biology and the nurturing instinct role of the female.
Simply put,. while more women than men achieve educationally, they also CHOOSE to delay or even eschew careers during their childbearing years.
Many women enter the workforce, have children, raise them then move into the workforce.
These are CHOICES. Conscious choices.
Don't like it? Hire some scientists that have really weird ideas, Create a race of hermaphroditic people and then you'd have absolute reproductive equality.
That in and of itself would rid us of the fucking headaches you whiny self centered self involved narcissistic feminazis.....
Yes, in the interest of multiculturalism and liberalism, I think an Iranian with abundant access to whips, ropes, and crane booms should be our next attorney general. Don't you agree, troll?

As long as that Iranian is an atheist who hates Islam and uses those whips and ropes in BDSM-intensive late-night activities, sure!

Oh, and she has to be a strong, independent womyn. There's no getting around it--our next Attorney General has to be a womyn.
I agree. In the PC world of the Neo-Democratic Party she will be an overweight, Black/Native America, lesbian, in a wheelchair. That way all the victim bases can be touched and Obama would cater to every liberal idiot in the nation. Oh, and she will have to be a racist, Marxist, piece of shit. (like Holder).

While I firmly disagree with your characterization of Eric Holder, I absolutely love the idea of have a multiracial (with no parts white), lysbyyn, alternatively-abled, Fatfrican-American Attorney General.

Before I go to sleep tonight, I will cradle my President Obama figurine in my arms and offer secular wishes of hope and change, pleading with the omniscient intelligence of our Dear Leader to make your dream (and now mine) a reality.
Oh...so you're a self hating liberal white woman who wishes she had no uterus and thinks her lady parts are for the testing of cylindrical items made with synthetic materials.....
Batteries not included.

That's a pretty accurate description.

Although you left out the part where my vibrator is plastered with photos of President Obama.
Only a person with the lowest of self worth would be proud of the label "self hating"..
The end
Obviously, no one can really replace Eric Holder--much like President Obama, he's larger than life and cannot simply be replaced--so rather, who do you think should fill Holder's position as Attorney General? Faux News had a surprisingly good breakdown of potential names in the ring:

Five Candidates Who Could Replace AG Eric Holder Two Who Have Said No - Fox Nation

1.) Don Verrilli

Verrilli, who serves as the nation's solicitor general, is a longtime Obama aide thought to be well liked within both the Justice Department and the West Wing.

Verrilli earned his greatest national prominence when he argued on behalf of the Obama administration in the 2012 Supreme Court case challenging the constitutionality of ObamaCare. Although legal experts initially panned his performance, Chief Justice John Roberts joined the court's liberal bloc to uphold the vast majority of the law.

3.) Kamala Harris

California Attorney General Kamala Harris is widely considered as one of the Democratic Party's rising stars, and is expected to eventually seek either the governor's mansion or a U.S. Senate seat. A stint in Washington could help raise her profile for such a campaign, and she has prominent boosters on Capitol Hill — House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) among them.

I was quite happy to see Harris' name in particular on this list, as she sprung to mind immediately as being a great option.

A staunch conservative like Louis Farrakhan would fit in perfectly job, don't you think? He is certainly a law and order man.
That's a pretty accurate description.

Although you left out the part where my vibrator is plastered with photos of President Obama.
So he's doing to YOU what he's doing to the REST of the Country!

(Hat Tip to Woody Allen)

Giving me waves of pleasure? Helping me recover from tough times I experienced before He was around? Making me extremely happy at the end of the day? Being the greatest thing I can share with the people around me?

I suppose so!

Jesus, talk about a shill...although he/she is too stupid to be a compensated shill. He/she doesn't have a clue. I'm betting he/she is a male, and you know where he sticks that Obamabrator.
Eric Holder is probably one of the worst AGs we have ever had. He ignored whole bodies of law, because he didn't like them. At the same time he overemphasized other sections of law.

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