Who Should Replace Eric Holder?

Obviously, no one can really replace Eric Holder--much like President Obama, he's larger than life and cannot simply be replaced--so rather, who do you think should fill Holder's position as Attorney General? Faux News had a surprisingly good breakdown of potential names in the ring:

Five Candidates Who Could Replace AG Eric Holder Two Who Have Said No - Fox Nation

1.) Don Verrilli

Verrilli, who serves as the nation's solicitor general, is a longtime Obama aide thought to be well liked within both the Justice Department and the West Wing.

Verrilli earned his greatest national prominence when he argued on behalf of the Obama administration in the 2012 Supreme Court case challenging the constitutionality of ObamaCare. Although legal experts initially panned his performance, Chief Justice John Roberts joined the court's liberal bloc to uphold the vast majority of the law.

3.) Kamala Harris

California Attorney General Kamala Harris is widely considered as one of the Democratic Party's rising stars, and is expected to eventually seek either the governor's mansion or a U.S. Senate seat. A stint in Washington could help raise her profile for such a campaign, and she has prominent boosters on Capitol Hill — House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) among them.

I was quite happy to see Harris' name in particular on this list, as she sprung to mind immediately as being a great option.


My thoughts are...good luck getting ANYONE to take that job for the last two years of Barry's Presidency!

Do you not understand what's going to happen if the GOP takes control of the Senate? Eric Holder obviously does!!! He's getting off this train before it goes off the tracks at Dead Man's Curve!
I understand this "gentleman" is on the short list, and highly admired by the Regime!

My money is on either Spike Lee or Maxine Waters.

Keep up the tradition and all.

Angela Davis
Possibly the prosecutor who tried and failed to send Dinesh D`Souza to prison:

The man who tried to send Dinesh D’Souza to jail for a campaign finance violation is being listed as among the leading candidates to be nominated by President Barack Obama to replace outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder.

Numerous news outlets have named Preet Bharara, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, as a possible replacement for Holder.

Listing Bharara as a top contender to replace Holder, Politico’s Playbook said Friday that the pick ”would be a way for Obama to soothe the restless left” because of “his aggressive Wall Street prosecutions.”

Writing for Bloomberg/BusinessWeek, Dave Weigel ranks Bharara as the most likely candidate to be nominated by Obama to be the next attorney general.

D Souza Prosecutor Floated As Possible Holder Replacement The Daily Caller
My money is on either Spike Lee or Maxine Waters.

Keep up the tradition and all.

Angela Davis
Possibly the prosecutor who tried and failed to send Dinesh D`Souza to prison:

The man who tried to send Dinesh D’Souza to jail for a campaign finance violation is being listed as among the leading candidates to be nominated by President Barack Obama to replace outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder.

Numerous news outlets have named Preet Bharara, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, as a possible replacement for Holder.

Listing Bharara as a top contender to replace Holder, Politico’s Playbook said Friday that the pick ”would be a way for Obama to soothe the restless left” because of “his aggressive Wall Street prosecutions.”

Writing for Bloomberg/BusinessWeek, Dave Weigel ranks Bharara as the most likely candidate to be nominated by Obama to be the next attorney general.

D Souza Prosecutor Floated As Possible Holder Replacement The Daily Caller

Trey Gowdy is my pick!
My money is on either Spike Lee or Maxine Waters.

Keep up the tradition and all.

Angela Davis
Possibly the prosecutor who tried and failed to send Dinesh D`Souza to prison:

The man who tried to send Dinesh D’Souza to jail for a campaign finance violation is being listed as among the leading candidates to be nominated by President Barack Obama to replace outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder.

Numerous news outlets have named Preet Bharara, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, as a possible replacement for Holder.

Listing Bharara as a top contender to replace Holder, Politico’s Playbook said Friday that the pick ”would be a way for Obama to soothe the restless left” because of “his aggressive Wall Street prosecutions.”

Writing for Bloomberg/BusinessWeek, Dave Weigel ranks Bharara as the most likely candidate to be nominated by Obama to be the next attorney general.

D Souza Prosecutor Floated As Possible Holder Replacement The Daily Caller

Trey Gowdy is my pick!

Trey intimidates Obama with his knowledge of the law, so that'll never happen.
Obama should appoint someone who is not a racist, is Constitution supporting, and only leans to the left. That won't happen, or Obama would be in danger of a long prison term.
Obama should appoint someone who is not a racist, is Constitution supporting, and only leans to the left. That won't happen, or Obama would be in danger of a long prison term.

As Obama thinks he can do everyone else's job better than they can, the clearest solution is for him to appointment self.
Apparently, whoever it is, Republicans believe they should have the power to block him/her....

Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY), the No. 4 Senate Republican, on Sunday said that the Senate must wait until the new Congress starts in January to vote on Eric Holder's replacement as attorney general.

"I do oppose any vote on a successor during the lame-duck session. If it happens, it would be the first time since the Civil War that we’ve had a vote on an attorney general in a lame-duck when parties switched," he said on "Fox News Sunday."

Barrasso said that a vote on a new attorney general before January would just be a desperate and partisan move by the Democrats.

"But this shows the desperation and how the Democrats feel threatened that they’re going to lose control of the Senate," he said of the timing of Holder's resignation. "And if this happens, this will be Harry Reid’s final act in a tragic play that has been his legacy."

Top GOPer Senate Must Wait Until New Congress To Replace Holder

Republicans have repeatedly urged Democrats to refrain from pushing through any non-emergency legislation in a lame-duck session, arguing that lawmakers who have lost their seats would have no accountability.

That holds true for selecting Holder’s replacement, said Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), a member of the Judiciary Committee, which will consider the eventual nomination.

“Allowing Democratic senators, many of whom will likely have just been defeated at the polls, to confirm Holder’s successor would be an abuse of power that should not be countenanced,” Cruz said.

GOP to Obama Don t replace Holder in lame-duck Congress TheHill
Apparently, whoever it is, Republicans believe they should have the power to block him/her....

Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY), the No. 4 Senate Republican, on Sunday said that the Senate must wait until the new Congress starts in January to vote on Eric Holder's replacement as attorney general.

"I do oppose any vote on a successor during the lame-duck session. If it happens, it would be the first time since the Civil War that we’ve had a vote on an attorney general in a lame-duck when parties switched," he said on "Fox News Sunday."

Barrasso said that a vote on a new attorney general before January would just be a desperate and partisan move by the Democrats.

"But this shows the desperation and how the Democrats feel threatened that they’re going to lose control of the Senate," he said of the timing of Holder's resignation. "And if this happens, this will be Harry Reid’s final act in a tragic play that has been his legacy."

Top GOPer Senate Must Wait Until New Congress To Replace Holder

Republicans have repeatedly urged Democrats to refrain from pushing through any non-emergency legislation in a lame-duck session, arguing that lawmakers who have lost their seats would have no accountability.

That holds true for selecting Holder’s replacement, said Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), a member of the Judiciary Committee, which will consider the eventual nomination.

“Allowing Democratic senators, many of whom will likely have just been defeated at the polls, to confirm Holder’s successor would be an abuse of power that should not be countenanced,” Cruz said.

GOP to Obama Don t replace Holder in lame-duck Congress TheHill
This from a reliable source:

The attorney general is nominated by the President of the United States and takes office after confirmation by the United States Senate. He or she serves at the pleasure of the president and can be removed by the president at any time; the attorney general is also subject to impeachment by the House of Representatives and trial in the Senate for "treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors."
The AG is a member of the President's cabinet...and can be asked to resign immediately.

Holder is likely resigning rather than face impeachment.
Apparently, whoever it is, Republicans believe they should have the power to block him/her....

Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY), the No. 4 Senate Republican, on Sunday said that the Senate must wait until the new Congress starts in January to vote on Eric Holder's replacement as attorney general.

"I do oppose any vote on a successor during the lame-duck session. If it happens, it would be the first time since the Civil War that we’ve had a vote on an attorney general in a lame-duck when parties switched," he said on "Fox News Sunday."

Barrasso said that a vote on a new attorney general before January would just be a desperate and partisan move by the Democrats.

"But this shows the desperation and how the Democrats feel threatened that they’re going to lose control of the Senate," he said of the timing of Holder's resignation. "And if this happens, this will be Harry Reid’s final act in a tragic play that has been his legacy."

Top GOPer Senate Must Wait Until New Congress To Replace Holder

Republicans have repeatedly urged Democrats to refrain from pushing through any non-emergency legislation in a lame-duck session, arguing that lawmakers who have lost their seats would have no accountability.

That holds true for selecting Holder’s replacement, said Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), a member of the Judiciary Committee, which will consider the eventual nomination.

“Allowing Democratic senators, many of whom will likely have just been defeated at the polls, to confirm Holder’s successor would be an abuse of power that should not be countenanced,” Cruz said.

GOP to Obama Don t replace Holder in lame-duck Congress TheHill
This from a reliable source:

The attorney general is nominated by the President of the United States and takes office after confirmation by the United States Senate. He or she serves at the pleasure of the president and can be removed by the president at any time; the attorney general is also subject to impeachment by the House of Representatives and trial in the Senate for "treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors."
The AG is a member of the President's cabinet...and can be asked to resign immediately.

Holder is likely resigning rather than face impeachment.

I'm sure they would at least make a show out of talking about it, anyway.

Not that that's really the point of the post you responded to, of course.

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