Who Started The Civil War?

Nothing funnier than a YANKEE trying to tell us who the War for Southern Independence started. Hilarious.

Now....how the Civil War began?
a. Major Robert Anderson and 85 men were stranded in Fort Sumter.

b. Surrounding him were hundreds of militiamen and coastal guns.

c. Lincoln refused to give the fort up, but the fort was running out of food: if he sent a supply convoy into Charleston Bay, he would be blamed for starting the war.....but how could he give in, and give up the fort?

d. William Seward tried to undermine Lincoln....telling Lincoln to give up the fort for 'goodwill.'

e. On April 5, Lincoln dispatched a fleet of supply ships with the proviso that was relayed to Jefferson Davis: the vessels would be unarmed, with the only cargo "food for hungry men."

f. Firing on the defenseless ships would have been an act of war by the Confederacy.

g. On Tuesday, April 9, Davis held a cabinet meeting, deciding on war. Three days later, and hours before the ships would arrive....the Southern forces attacked the fort.
"Double Death: The True Story of Pryce Lewis, the Civil War's Most Daring Spy,"by Gavin Mortimer, p.70-71
The First Battle of Fort Sumter opened on April 12, 1861, when Confederate artillery fired on the Union garrisonhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Sumter

Wipe the drool off your chin, and take notes.
AKA The War of Northern Aggression.


Yet I just proved that the South started it.

Try again.

You didn't prove jack shit, except that you are a damn idiot. And the rant about the Democratic party was beyond stupid. But two can play that game. Yep, Lincoln's Republican party is the same as the Republican party of today. The whole slavery issue and the idea that the North supported the freedom of slaves is historical revisionism at it's worse and just as accurate as the claim the Republican party of today is for the working man. Five years after the war, Lysander Spooner, an abolitionist,

All these cries of having ‘abolished slavery,’ of having ‘saved the country,’ of having ‘preserved the Union,’ of establishing a ‘government of consent,’ and of ‘maintaining the national honor’ are all gross, shameless, transparent cheats—so transparent that they ought to deceive no one.”

That was five years after the war and here you are. more than 150 years later attempting to perpetuate the same bullshit. Don't like Spooner, how about Charles Dickens--a strong opponent of slavery.

The Northern onslaught upon slavery is no more than a piece of specious humbug disguised to conceal its desire for economic control of the United States.

It was all about economic control. The North was more than happy to allow slavery as long as the North got the bulk of the value of the slave's production. Just as the Republican party is happy to allow legal abortion as long as the wealthy get to continue to manipulate the tax code. Lincoln was not about the "will of the people". Lincoln was all about the POWER of the federal government. He famously jumped out of a second story window to avoid a quorum call in order to protect railroad subsidies while serving in the Illinois legislature. He suspended Habeas Corpus, locked up dissenting newspaper editors, and even attempted to have a justice of the Supreme Court arrested simply for ruling against him. He was a despot and, more than any other individual, he DESTROYED the nation that the founders established and returned it back to England.

Clean up your language and re-submit this, and I'll rip you to shreds.
Nothing funnier than a YANKEE trying to tell us who the War for Southern Independence started. Hilarious.

Now....how the Civil War began?
a. Major Robert Anderson and 85 men were stranded in Fort Sumter.

b. Surrounding him were hundreds of militiamen and coastal guns.

c. Lincoln refused to give the fort up, but the fort was running out of food: if he sent a supply convoy into Charleston Bay, he would be blamed for starting the war.....but how could he give in, and give up the fort?

d. William Seward tried to undermine Lincoln....telling Lincoln to give up the fort for 'goodwill.'

e. On April 5, Lincoln dispatched a fleet of supply ships with the proviso that was relayed to Jefferson Davis: the vessels would be unarmed, with the only cargo "food for hungry men."

f. Firing on the defenseless ships would have been an act of war by the Confederacy.

g. On Tuesday, April 9, Davis held a cabinet meeting, deciding on war. Three days later, and hours before the ships would arrive....the Southern forces attacked the fort.
"Double Death: The True Story of Pryce Lewis, the Civil War's Most Daring Spy,"by Gavin Mortimer, p.70-71

The First Battle of Fort Sumter opened on April 12, 1861, when Confederate artillery fired on the Union garrisonhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Sumter

Wipe the drool off your chin, and take notes.
The ego on this one is HILARIOUS. She thinks she is gods gift to the world because she can write long posts and put lots of goofy links in them....LOL
Who refused to vacate the premises first? Who invaded whom?

I admire the consistency in your posts: you don’t let a little thing like brain damage stop you.

Why would the feds 'vacate'????

Sooooo......having read your post, and based on the content, I’d suggest you stick to your original hobby, shoplifting.
Nothing funnier than a YANKEE trying to tell us who the War for Southern Independence started. Hilarious.

Now....how the Civil War began?
a. Major Robert Anderson and 85 men were stranded in Fort Sumter.

b. Surrounding him were hundreds of militiamen and coastal guns.

c. Lincoln refused to give the fort up, but the fort was running out of food: if he sent a supply convoy into Charleston Bay, he would be blamed for starting the war.....but how could he give in, and give up the fort?

d. William Seward tried to undermine Lincoln....telling Lincoln to give up the fort for 'goodwill.'

e. On April 5, Lincoln dispatched a fleet of supply ships with the proviso that was relayed to Jefferson Davis: the vessels would be unarmed, with the only cargo "food for hungry men."

f. Firing on the defenseless ships would have been an act of war by the Confederacy.

g. On Tuesday, April 9, Davis held a cabinet meeting, deciding on war. Three days later, and hours before the ships would arrive....the Southern forces attacked the fort.
"Double Death: The True Story of Pryce Lewis, the Civil War's Most Daring Spy,"by Gavin Mortimer, p.70-71

The First Battle of Fort Sumter opened on April 12, 1861, when Confederate artillery fired on the Union garrisonhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Sumter

Wipe the drool off your chin, and take notes.
The ego on this one is HILARIOUS. She thinks she is gods gift to the world because she can write long posts and put lots of goofy links in them....LOL

Capitalize 'God' and you come closer to being accurate than any of your other posts.
I admire the consistency in your posts: you don’t let a little thing like brain damage stop you.....


What you try to hide behind 'name-calling' is more correctly described as correctly identifying dunces like you.

Before you next post, you should consider asking yourself” Do I really want the word ‘moron’ in my obituary?”
The Yankees did with their tariffs. They gonna tax people in country to buy a product that they need.

That's really the main reason.

Pay no attention to the secession documents of most of the Southern states, which specifically stated they were seceding over slavery.

Yes, there was an economic issue, concerning an economy based on slavery. It always comes back to the slavery, no matter how you try to get away from it.
"Number one, Charleston is in SOUTH Carolina, not North. NC hadn't even seceded yet."
Sooo....as a self-proclaimed spokesperson for buffoons everywhere, you're making an argument that firing on a federal facility is peachy keen if you live nearby.

Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnope. I'm pointing out that your "research" is so shoddy you can't even find the right state. Charleston is nowhere near North Carolina. You don't have a clue what you're talking about. Or as the rest of us call it --- "Wednesday".

3. "Number three (a), the KKK (which was founded AFTER, not DURING, the Civil War) was founded by ex-Confederate soldiers with no political connections..."

Now watch me ram this lie back down your throat:

Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425

Once again, as ever before, you edited out part of Foner's text. And the text you edited out was the phrase "in effect". Which means something that has the effect of --- not a direct relationship. And why did you edit that phrase out? Because you're a dishonest lying hack bent on keeping myths on life support.

Now here's the reality --- the Klan was founded on Christmas 1865 by six twentysomething ex-Confederate soldiers, their names being Capt. John B. Kennedy, Capt. John Lester, James Crowe, Richard Reed, Calvin Jones and Frank McCord, in the law office building of Thomas Jones at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee. None of them had any known political affiliations (and Tennessee was at the time disenfranchised anyway). Nor did they found it with a political purpose; in fact they consciously took pains to avoid such connotations.

There it is--- names, dates and places. Go ahead --- just TRY to prove me wrong.

You won't.

4. "Number three (b) Bill Clinton did not "suggest Barack O'bama should be carrying his bags". Prove me wrong,"

Sure....I'll prove you wrong for the fourth time:

"Bill Clinton on Obama: 'A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Carrying Our Bags'"
Bill Clinton on Obama: 'A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Carrying Our Bags'

And once again the Illiterati regurgitate their illiteracy.

What does the conditional modal auxillary "would have" mean? Does it mean something the speaker actually personally prefers? Or is it an observation of how some history WOULD HAVE gone down absent certain conditions?

Are you actually going to sit on the internets and claim to be too stupid to understand the difference between "would" (Clinton's word) and "should" (yours)? Are you that stupid?

Or just that degree of dishonest lying hack?

Perhaps both.
Last edited:
The Yankees did with their tariffs. They gonna tax people in country to buy a product that they need.

That's really the main reason.

Pay no attention to the secession documents of most of the Southern states, which specifically stated they were seceding over slavery.

Yes, there was an economic issue, concerning an economy based on slavery. It always comes back to the slavery, no matter how you try to get away from it.

One shouldn't be ready to believe everything they read....take your posts as an example.

Instead, as I do, and the finest President in the last hundred years said:
"Trust, but verify."

I always do....and that's why I'm never wrong.

You should try to learn from this.
What you try to hide behind 'name-calling' is more correctly described as correctly identifying dunces like you.

Before you next post, you should consider asking yourself” Do I really want the word ‘moron’ in my obituary?”
Take a Midol, dear. You'll feel better. Perhaps then you'll stop making death threats to people who disagree with you.
Nothing funnier than a YANKEE trying to tell us who the War for Southern Independence started. Hilarious.

Now....how the Civil War began?
a. Major Robert Anderson and 85 men were stranded in Fort Sumter.

b. Surrounding him were hundreds of militiamen and coastal guns.

c. Lincoln refused to give the fort up, but the fort was running out of food: if he sent a supply convoy into Charleston Bay, he would be blamed for starting the war.....but how could he give in, and give up the fort?

d. William Seward tried to undermine Lincoln....telling Lincoln to give up the fort for 'goodwill.'

e. On April 5, Lincoln dispatched a fleet of supply ships with the proviso that was relayed to Jefferson Davis: the vessels would be unarmed, with the only cargo "food for hungry men."

f. Firing on the defenseless ships would have been an act of war by the Confederacy.

g. On Tuesday, April 9, Davis held a cabinet meeting, deciding on war. Three days later, and hours before the ships would arrive....the Southern forces attacked the fort.
"Double Death: The True Story of Pryce Lewis, the Civil War's Most Daring Spy,"by Gavin Mortimer, p.70-71

The First Battle of Fort Sumter opened on April 12, 1861, when Confederate artillery fired on the Union garrisonhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Sumter

Wipe the drool off your chin, and take notes.
The ego on this one is HILARIOUS. She thinks she is gods gift to the world because she can write long posts and put lots of goofy links in them....LOL

Capitalize 'God' and you come closer to being accurate than any of your other posts.
no thanks. god doesn't exist so it shall stay like it is. :)
"Number one, Charleston is in SOUTH Carolina, not North. NC hadn't even seceded yet."
Sooo....as a self-proclaimed spokesperson for buffoons everywhere, you're making an argument that firing on a federal facility is peachy keen if you live nearby.

Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnope. I'm pointing out that your "research" is so shoddy you can't even find the right state. Charleston is nowhere near North Carolina. You don't have a clue what you're talking about. Or as the rest of us call it --- "Wednesday".

3. "Number three (a), the KKK (which was founded AFTER, not DURING, the Civil War) was founded by ex-Confederate soldiers with no political connections..."

Now watch me ram this lie back down your throat:

Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425

Once again, as ever before, you edited out part of Foner's text. And the text you edited out was the phrase "in effect". Which means something that has the effect of --- not a direct relationship. And why did you edit that phrase out? Because you're a dishonest lying hack bent on keeping myths on life support.

Now here's the reality --- the Klan was founded on Christmas 1865 by six twentysomething ex-Confederate soldiers, their names being Capt. John B. Kennedy, Capt. John Lester, James Crowe, Richard Reed, Calvin Jones and Frank McCord, in the law office building of Thomas Jones at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee. None of them had any known political affiliations (and Tennessee was at the time disenfranchised anyway). Nor did they found it with a political purpose; in fact they consciously took pains to avoid such connotations.

There it is--- names, dates and places. Go ahead --- just TRY to prove me wrong.

You won't.

4. "Number three (b) Bill Clinton did not "suggest Barack O'bama should be carrying his bags". Prove me wrong,"

Sure....I'll prove you wrong for the fourth time:

"Bill Clinton on Obama: 'A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Carrying Our Bags'"
Bill Clinton on Obama: 'A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Carrying Our Bags'

And once again the Illiterati regurgitate their illiteracy.

What does the conditional modal auxillary "would have" mean? Does it mean something the speaker actually personally prefers? Do you actually not understand the difference between "would" (Clinton's word) and "should" (yours)? Are you that stupid?

Or just that degree of dishonest lying hack?

Perhaps both.

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber

Jefferson Davis....Democrat
KKK....created to serve Democrats
Bill 'the rapist' Clinton....wished for darkies carrying his bags.....but not getting the nomination over his wife, the congenital liar.

Those are the fact....

Oh....one more fact: you're a dunce.
What you try to hide behind 'name-calling' is more correctly described as correctly identifying dunces like you.

Before you next post, you should consider asking yourself” Do I really want the word ‘moron’ in my obituary?”
Take a Midol, dear. You'll feel better. Perhaps then you'll stop making death threats to people who disagree with you.

Shaking in your paper slippers, huh?
The Yankees did with their tariffs. They gonna tax people in country to buy a product that they need.

That's really the main reason.

Pay no attention to the secession documents of most of the Southern states, which specifically stated they were seceding over slavery.

Yes, there was an economic issue, concerning an economy based on slavery. It always comes back to the slavery, no matter how you try to get away from it.

Only in indoctrinated leftist minds.

I've read a book that's 6" thick on The Civil War. I have pictures taken by Matthew Brady.

What do you have? "LeftistTalkingpoints.com"? Bite me.

I may even have some Confederate cash around, somewhere.
Nothing funnier than a YANKEE trying to tell us who the War for Southern Independence started. Hilarious.

Now....how the Civil War began?
a. Major Robert Anderson and 85 men were stranded in Fort Sumter.

b. Surrounding him were hundreds of militiamen and coastal guns.

c. Lincoln refused to give the fort up, but the fort was running out of food: if he sent a supply convoy into Charleston Bay, he would be blamed for starting the war.....but how could he give in, and give up the fort?

d. William Seward tried to undermine Lincoln....telling Lincoln to give up the fort for 'goodwill.'

e. On April 5, Lincoln dispatched a fleet of supply ships with the proviso that was relayed to Jefferson Davis: the vessels would be unarmed, with the only cargo "food for hungry men."

f. Firing on the defenseless ships would have been an act of war by the Confederacy.

g. On Tuesday, April 9, Davis held a cabinet meeting, deciding on war. Three days later, and hours before the ships would arrive....the Southern forces attacked the fort.
"Double Death: The True Story of Pryce Lewis, the Civil War's Most Daring Spy,"by Gavin Mortimer, p.70-71

The First Battle of Fort Sumter opened on April 12, 1861, when Confederate artillery fired on the Union garrisonhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Sumter

Wipe the drool off your chin, and take notes.
The ego on this one is HILARIOUS. She thinks she is gods gift to the world because she can write long posts and put lots of goofy links in them....LOL

Capitalize 'God' and you come closer to being accurate than any of your other posts.
no thanks. god doesn't exist so it shall stay like it is. :)

Well, then....all of your posts are equally inaccurate.

When your IQ reaches 50 you should sell.
Nothing funnier than a YANKEE trying to tell us who the War for Southern Independence started. Hilarious.

Now....how the Civil War began?
a. Major Robert Anderson and 85 men were stranded in Fort Sumter.

b. Surrounding him were hundreds of militiamen and coastal guns.

c. Lincoln refused to give the fort up, but the fort was running out of food: if he sent a supply convoy into Charleston Bay, he would be blamed for starting the war.....but how could he give in, and give up the fort?

d. William Seward tried to undermine Lincoln....telling Lincoln to give up the fort for 'goodwill.'

e. On April 5, Lincoln dispatched a fleet of supply ships with the proviso that was relayed to Jefferson Davis: the vessels would be unarmed, with the only cargo "food for hungry men."

f. Firing on the defenseless ships would have been an act of war by the Confederacy.

g. On Tuesday, April 9, Davis held a cabinet meeting, deciding on war. Three days later, and hours before the ships would arrive....the Southern forces attacked the fort.
"Double Death: The True Story of Pryce Lewis, the Civil War's Most Daring Spy,"by Gavin Mortimer, p.70-71

The First Battle of Fort Sumter opened on April 12, 1861, when Confederate artillery fired on the Union garrisonhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Sumter

Wipe the drool off your chin, and take notes.
The ego on this one is HILARIOUS. She thinks she is gods gift to the world because she can write long posts and put lots of goofy links in them....LOL

Capitalize 'God' and you come closer to being accurate than any of your other posts.
no thanks. god doesn't exist so it shall stay like it is. :)

It's "God" and just about all participants in The Civil War recognized that much. Maybe not Sherman.

What's that movie? "Of Gods and Generals" I hope my memory serves me right.
Who refused to vacate the premises first? Who invaded whom?
Whose premises would those be? You mean the Federal installation build and maintained by Federal funds? I suppose you would be ok with our current Federal government just freely handing over our installations today, eh?

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