WHO 'Syrian refugees may have Polio'

Hope you got your inoculations, and those for your kids, as every dummy in this goddamned should have by now.

And they doubt them because Americans are FUCKING DUMB!
Hope you got your inoculations, and those for your kids, as every dummy in this goddamned should have by now.

And they doubt them because Americans are FUCKING DUMB!

Thanks to the Navy I got updated innoculations against most everything including smallpox.
Hope you got your inoculations, and those for your kids, as every dummy in this goddamned should have by now.

And they doubt them because Americans are FUCKING DUMB!

Thanks to the Navy I got updated innoculations against most everything including smallpox.
Great, so stop wetting your panties. Anyone with a brain has their shots here, and the same for their kids. Darwin awards if they didn't.

Syria's ongoing three-year civil war has displaced 6.5 million Syrians, left hundreds of thousands wounded or killed by violence, and created a vacuum in basic infrastructures that will reverberate throughout the region for years to come. Beyond such devastation, the civil war has introduced epidemics of infections that have spread through vulnerable populations in Syria and neighboring countries. In this article, we discuss the growing epidemics of poliomyelitis, measles, and cutaneous leishmaniasis in Syria and the region to examine the impact of conditions of war on the spread of infectious diseases in a public health emergency of global concern.
War and Infectious Diseases: Challenges of the Syrian Civil War

"The millions of Syrian refugees who are being hosted in Turkey have led to a resurgence in a number of diseases, public health experts have said, with the country witnessing the first serious outbreak of measles for years.

Günay further said that diseases that previously affected only 0.1 percent of people in Turkey can now be seen in upwards of 2 percent of the population. Moreover, the frequency of chickenpox was 0.2 percent but has now increased to 4 percent, according to Günay.

İstanbul Public Health Directorate Secretary-General Dr. Tuna İman also commented on the reemergence of measles, telling Today's Zaman that that children are now vaccinated for measles twice. “Turkey will see the negative effects of an increase in epidemic diseases that are being brought by Syrian refugees who are admitted [to Turkey] without the proper health safety measures taken,” İman said."
Infectious diseases on the rise in Turkey due to Syrian refugees

The unvaccinated, by the numbers - CNN.com

Mom Whose Child Died After Catching Chicken Pox Advocates for Vaccines

Great, Americans are already refusing vaccinations against what Syrian refuges will be bringing. What could possibly go wrong?
Hope you got your inoculations, and those for your kids, as every dummy in this goddamned should have by now.

And they doubt them because Americans are FUCKING DUMB!

Thanks to the Navy I got updated innoculations against most everything including smallpox.
Great, so stop wetting your panties. Anyone with a brain has their shots here, and the same for their kids. Darwin awards if they didn't.
You realize vaccinations are not 100 percent effective, right?

Of course you do. Because if you didn't, you would be a retarded freak, instead of just a freak.
Hope you got your inoculations, and those for your kids, as every dummy in this goddamned should have by now.

And they doubt them because Americans are FUCKING DUMB!

Thanks to the Navy I got updated innoculations against most everything including smallpox.
Great, so stop wetting your panties. Anyone with a brain has their shots here, and the same for their kids. Darwin awards if they didn't.

Ya because only I matter.
Hope you got your inoculations, and those for your kids, as every dummy in this goddamned should have by now.

And they doubt them because Americans are FUCKING DUMB!

Thanks to the Navy I got updated innoculations against most everything including smallpox.
Great, so stop wetting your panties. Anyone with a brain has their shots here, and the same for their kids. Darwin awards if they didn't.

Ya because only I matter.
That seems to be your viewpoint, or did you suddenly discover there are others in the world?
Hope you got your inoculations, and those for your kids, as every dummy in this goddamned should have by now.

And they doubt them because Americans are FUCKING DUMB!

Thanks to the Navy I got updated innoculations against most everything including smallpox.
Great, so stop wetting your panties. Anyone with a brain has their shots here, and the same for their kids. Darwin awards if they didn't.
You realize vaccinations are not 100 percent effective, right?

Of course you do. Because if you didn't, you would be a retarded freak, instead of just a freak.
It's math, dumbass. As with all life you have to play the odds.
Hope you got your inoculations, and those for your kids, as every dummy in this goddamned should have by now.

And they doubt them because Americans are FUCKING DUMB!

Thanks to the Navy I got updated innoculations against most everything including smallpox.
Great, so stop wetting your panties. Anyone with a brain has their shots here, and the same for their kids. Darwin awards if they didn't.
You realize vaccinations are not 100 percent effective, right?

Of course you do. Because if you didn't, you would be a retarded freak, instead of just a freak.
It's math, dumbass. As with all life you have to play the odds.

If you're gambling at a Vegas casino where the odds are already overwhelmingly against you, you don't get drunk to improve your chances.

Syria's ongoing three-year civil war has displaced 6.5 million Syrians, left hundreds of thousands wounded or killed by violence, and created a vacuum in basic infrastructures that will reverberate throughout the region for years to come. Beyond such devastation, the civil war has introduced epidemics of infections that have spread through vulnerable populations in Syria and neighboring countries. In this article, we discuss the growing epidemics of poliomyelitis, measles, and cutaneous leishmaniasis in Syria and the region to examine the impact of conditions of war on the spread of infectious diseases in a public health emergency of global concern.
War and Infectious Diseases: Challenges of the Syrian Civil War

"The millions of Syrian refugees who are being hosted in Turkey have led to a resurgence in a number of diseases, public health experts have said, with the country witnessing the first serious outbreak of measles for years.

Günay further said that diseases that previously affected only 0.1 percent of people in Turkey can now be seen in upwards of 2 percent of the population. Moreover, the frequency of chickenpox was 0.2 percent but has now increased to 4 percent, according to Günay.

İstanbul Public Health Directorate Secretary-General Dr. Tuna İman also commented on the reemergence of measles, telling Today's Zaman that that children are now vaccinated for measles twice. “Turkey will see the negative effects of an increase in epidemic diseases that are being brought by Syrian refugees who are admitted [to Turkey] without the proper health safety measures taken,” İman said."
Infectious diseases on the rise in Turkey due to Syrian refugees

The unvaccinated, by the numbers - CNN.com

Mom Whose Child Died After Catching Chicken Pox Advocates for Vaccines

Great, Americans are already refusing vaccinations against what Syrian refuges will be bringing. What could possibly go wrong?

Natural Selection could miss a few.......
Hope you got your inoculations, and those for your kids, as every dummy in this goddamned should have by now.

And they doubt them because Americans are FUCKING DUMB!

Thanks to the Navy I got updated innoculations against most everything including smallpox.
Great, so stop wetting your panties. Anyone with a brain has their shots here, and the same for their kids. Darwin awards if they didn't.
You realize vaccinations are not 100 percent effective, right?

Of course you do. Because if you didn't, you would be a retarded freak, instead of just a freak.
It's math, dumbass. As with all life you have to play the odds.

If you're gambling at a Vegas casino where the odds are already overwhelmingly against you, you don't get drunk to improve your chances.
When you were born into the life, you were already rolling the dice. Play the odds and hope for the best. Your constant panic helps no one.
Thanks to the Navy I got updated innoculations against most everything including smallpox.
Great, so stop wetting your panties. Anyone with a brain has their shots here, and the same for their kids. Darwin awards if they didn't.
You realize vaccinations are not 100 percent effective, right?

Of course you do. Because if you didn't, you would be a retarded freak, instead of just a freak.
It's math, dumbass. As with all life you have to play the odds.

If you're gambling at a Vegas casino where the odds are already overwhelmingly against you, you don't get drunk to improve your chances.
When you were born into the life, you were already rolling the dice. Play the odds and hope for the best. Your constant panic helps no one.
You're the only one panicking. You're panicked that jihadists might think you aren't supportive of their plans.

Coward. Traitor.
Great, so stop wetting your panties. Anyone with a brain has their shots here, and the same for their kids. Darwin awards if they didn't.
You realize vaccinations are not 100 percent effective, right?

Of course you do. Because if you didn't, you would be a retarded freak, instead of just a freak.
It's math, dumbass. As with all life you have to play the odds.

If you're gambling at a Vegas casino where the odds are already overwhelmingly against you, you don't get drunk to improve your chances.
When you were born into the life, you were already rolling the dice. Play the odds and hope for the best. Your constant panic helps no one.
You're the only one panicking. You're panicked that jihadists might think you aren't supportive of their plans.

Coward. Traitor.

Woulda said: Appeaser. Denier. Futurama Hippy in Lrrr's mouth saying "This isn't happening." and being eaten. :)
Many syrians have or carry diseases that the west has not dealt with in close to a century. Many have also been traveling or been in camps during harsh cold and heat for the better part of a year or more.
Water born parasites and diseases are fairly common in syria and the middle east. As mud as most the west had hope polio was wiped out, it still exists in some pockets and spread in recent years through the syrians since the war.
Yes, several syrians come with a different type of baggage and step need to be taken that they are treated and it does not spread.
Thanks to the Navy I got updated innoculations against most everything including smallpox.
Great, so stop wetting your panties. Anyone with a brain has their shots here, and the same for their kids. Darwin awards if they didn't.
You realize vaccinations are not 100 percent effective, right?

Of course you do. Because if you didn't, you would be a retarded freak, instead of just a freak.
It's math, dumbass. As with all life you have to play the odds.

If you're gambling at a Vegas casino where the odds are already overwhelmingly against you, you don't get drunk to improve your chances.
When you were born into the life, you were already rolling the dice. Play the odds and hope for the best. Your constant panic helps no one.

Improving your odds are a key part of being a successfull gambler.

If I were you, I'd stay out of casinos.
An Apolitical Virus: Strife Fuels Polio's Return to Middle East - SPIEGEL ONLINE

"Polio is making a comeback in a decimated part of Syria, but the delicate politics of the war are making vaccination campaigns difficult. As an epidemic looms over the region, anger over the World Health Organization's inaction is growing."

Just what ya wanna hear when Americans doubt the effectiveness and safety of vaccinations.

Darwinism. Jenny McCarthy is the Antichrist.
Granny says, "Dat's right - dem jihadis is responsible for the spread o' polio...

Polio Immunization Campaign Planned for IS-controlled Area in Syria
June 09, 2017 — The World Health Organization hopes to get a polio immunization campaign under way in the next week or two in the IS-controlled area of Deir Ezzor, Syria, where two new cases of the crippling disease were discovered this week.
The WHO reports two children in Deir Ezzor have been paralyzed by a vaccine-derived polio virus. Unlike the wild polio virus, vaccine-derived polio viruses are very rare; but, they can emerge in populations that have low immunity against the disease.


An Afghan health worker vaccinates a child as part of a campaign to eliminate polio, on the outskirts of Kabul, Afghanistan​

WHO spokesman Oliver Rosenbauer said the polio virus is circulating and must be stopped. He says a mass polio immunization campaign is being planned, targeting some 90,000 children under age 5 in the district of Mayadin in Deir Ezzor. "We have the global supply," Rosenbauer said. "It can be released, but, the big question, as you rightly pointed out — how is it going to be delivered, who is going to deliver it. That is always the challenge."

Security and access to the area are dangerous and difficult because it is controlled by Islamic State militants. In 2013 and 2014, an outbreak of the wild polio virus occurred in this same region. Thirty-six cases were reported at that time.


A child receives a polio vaccination during a house-to-house polio immunization campaign, in Sanaa, Yemen​

Rosenbauer told VOA that security is not the only concern. He said it is possible that children could become infected with polio from the vaccine-derived strain during the immunization campaign. That is why, he said, the vaccine must be used with complete discretion. "Really only use it when the … benefits of it are greater," Rosenbauer said. "What we have is an outbreak. So, we need to consider that and do an outbreak response that outweighs the risk of a possible future outbreak."

Polio Immunization Campaign Planned for IS-controlled Area in Syria
OP's report is suspicious. The Syrian doctor says vaccine is not arriving, while the truth is that the outbreak is coming from from vaccine revertants. Promedmail cannot afford to stretch the truth. According to them, 2 cases of cVDPV2 at Deir-Ez-Zor (Deir al Zhour) which is an epicenter of wild polio virus (WPV1) 5 Mar and6 May, 2017..

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